
Naruto: Mixed Heritage

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fair in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. The MC's power would be gained via hard work and training over years (sorry if you want an overpowered MC from the get-go) 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. A lot of original arcs. 3. The plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter Chapter Updates will be From Monday-Friday at Webnovel's Daily Refresh. However if we meet our weekly Powerstones goal I will upload extra chapter during the weekend.

Sidecharacter1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Action Plan

"So which one would it be?"

Daichi asked.

"Ren Uchiha"

Renjiro said without hesitation. Renjiro had already thought of this and would have done so even without Daichi's proposal.

This was mainly because of all the things the Uchiha clan could provide the current him Renjiro knew that their backing was the most important factor. It would provide a blanket against someone who Renjiro thought was a menace to Society. The person in question was Shimura Danzo.

The Uchiha clan could be a bulwark for Renjiro as his greed for power did not overpower his hate for the Uchiha. He did after all try to assassinate two sitting hokages just to become the hokage.

This was his hot take.

It could also buy him time to accumulate his strength to levels where Danzo would be no problem. A different name would also signify a fresh start for Renjiro.

"Good Choice" Daichi quickly agreed.

This was the expected outcome as Renjiro would be using the clan resources from now on. Moreso, he had accomplished what he intended to do. He wanted to ensure all sharingans were still within the clan.

"I ask someone to help Miwa-chan help you settle in, once again welcome to the clan. I expect great things from you."


Renjiro inwardly scoffed as he knew Daichi was not sincere at all.

To his surprise, the helper they got was none other than a young Fugaku who seemed to be in his late teens. Clearly, Daichi was grooming him to take over as the clan head.

After a few final arrangements, Renjiro Uchiha was provided with accommodation where he would live alone. This was a total surprise to Renjiro as he assumed that he would stay with Miwa since they related. This wasn't feasible due to the nature of her work, as an Anbu, which made her rarely in the village.

His living quarters consisted of a traditional, one-room apartment on the upper floors of one of the well-maintained Uchiha clan buildings. The space was compact but comfortable, furnished with the essentials. The walls were constructed of sturdy wood, polished to a warm, inviting sheen. The wooden floorboards were smooth and meticulously maintained, adding to the overall sense of tidiness.

A simple, low table sat in the centre of the room, flanked by a pair of cushions for seating. Shoji screens, delicately decorated with Uchiha clan Kanji symbols, separated his sleeping area from the rest of the room. A sliding door led to a small, open balcony that offered a view of the Uchiha clan's training grounds and the distant rooftops of the Hidden Leaf Village.

The sleeping area featured a futon and a low, elegant wooden cabinet with sliding doors. The cabinet provided storage space for clothing and personal belongings. A small alcove was dedicated to a family shrine, adorned with incense burners and a framed photograph of Renjiro's parents.

The compact kitchen area included a stove, a washbasin, and a low counter with a few basic utensils and cookware. A sliding screen could be pulled to separate the kitchen from the main living space.

Although the accommodations were simple, they bore the hallmarks of the Uchiha clan's disciplined lifestyle and attention to detail. 

From his chats with Miwa, as she escorted him to his new residence, he learnt that he was born immediately after the second shinobi war. The Hokage rock he saw simply cemented this.

'Well, that's good. At least I have a decade or two to become strong and survive Itachi and Obito's Slaughterfest.'

He hoped to be stronger to, at the very least, alter the timeline events to a more favourable future. But he also had to be realistic as Itachi and Obito killed older, skilled Jounins.

'First things first, I need to make a plan of action before I join the academy,'

He had around a year before he could get enrolled to the academy.

He wanted to catch up to his peers as the original Renjiro's chakra was only unlocked and he had not undergone any sort of training.

'I should probably focus on training my body and chakra. I should also try to train my Sharingan to at least the second or third tomoe.'

Renjiro had already thought of Fuinjutsu but he decided to put that on hold until he was in the academy. He had figured out that since he got the Sharingan from his maternal side, he would at least get something from his paternal side. This was confirmed when he saw that his endurance and chakra were his highest stats.

'There is no need having large chakra reserves and not be in full control of them. Once I get a solid foundation of those two, I can focus on the Sharingan and maybe start on my ninjutsu training.'

'I also need to visit the clan's library, and also the village's, and see if there is some useful technique for me. I also need to get a taijutsu technique.'

'Too many things to do, too little time' 

Renjiro sighed as he retired to his bed for the night. He knew he had a long day ahead of him the following day.


In the Hokage's office, a room adorned with shelves of scrolls, ceremonial weapons, and the Hokage's iconic hat, Hiruzen Sarutobi sat behind his imposing wooden desk. 

The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of lantern light casting long shadows across the aged Hokage's face. The Third Hokage, a middle-aged man with a deeply lined visage, bore the weight of his responsibilities with a mix of wisdom and determination.

It had been a long and tiring day, plagued by concerns over Iwagakure's activities in Kusagakure, the village hidden in the grass. The village's actions had given him many sleepless nights, and he knew that the task of maintaining peace and balance in and out of Konoha was a relentless one.

In this moment of solitude, a masked Anbu Shinobi materialized out of the shadows. The mask concealed the Anbu's identity, leaving only their calculating eyes visible. With a precise and silent grace, the Anbu handed Hiruzen Sarutobi a sealed scroll.

Hiruzen's fingers, calloused from years of leadership and jutsu, delicately unfurled the scroll, revealing its contents. As his eyes scanned the written words, a hint of recognition and perhaps a touch of amusement crossed his face. 

He muttered under his breath, "So Daichi decided to integrate him into the clan."


The moon hung low in the pre-dawn sky, casting a silvery glow across the Uchiha clan's training grounds. Renjiro Uchiha, driven by an unwavering determination, rose from his futon with a quiet resolve. His mind was filled with purpose as he prepared for the day ahead.

He already had decided on a workout plan. He would be doing a hundred pushups, pullups and squats. He would also run laps around his yard. He did not have any way of measuring the distance but by his approximation, one lap around his yard was around a hundred meters so a hundred of such laps would result in ten kilometres (6.21 miles).

Renjiro knew that starting this from the get-go was a tall order. He opted to start with a fraction of the numbers and then gradually increase the reps and sets.

He began his morning routine with a set of short, deliberate stretches, each movement designed to awaken his muscles and prepare his body for the workout that lay ahead. His arms extended towards the heavens, and his back arched gracefully as he embraced the morning's cool embrace. The whispers of the wind seemed to acknowledge his commitment.

Renjiro's breath, visible in the chill of the early hour, was measured and controlled. With his body primed and his spirit ignited, Renjiro moved to the open yard outside his residence. The grass was cool and dewy beneath his feet, providing a natural cushion for his training.

He started with a series of dynamic warm-up exercises, including jumping jacks and high knees, each movement executed with precision and purpose. As he transitioned to running, his pace was determined and unwavering. His feet propelled him forward with every step, leaving subtle imprints in the grass as a testament to his diligence.

Renjiro's heart raced, matching the rhythm of his footfalls as he circled the yard. The darkness seemed to blur around him, and he embraced the solitude of the early morning.

His breaths became measured, his body adapting to the exertion, and his mind focused on his goal.

Amidst his workout, an all too familiar blue screen appeared in his line of sight

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