
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

The Outlander Club

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


This installment lays down the groundwork for the original Battlelords Arc which I hope will only be a couple of chapters long. Here is Chapter 11. Enjoy!

-Additional note:

The Nocturne is a highly modified Providence Class ship with a more circular cross section from head on. It is currently in a research facility in the Kuat System being studied to possibly duplicate its Ion Cannon. Whether or not more are built would depend on the CIS program for capital shipbuilding. The fact there was not many of the Providence Class indicates an enormous cost and limited shipyard facilities that could actually build a ship that massive.

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 22 BBY

Core Worlds, Corusca Sector, Planet Coruscant, Jedi Grand Temple, Jedi High Council Chambers

A week later; Jedi Knight Naruto Uzumaki was kneeling before the Jedi High Council. Grandmaster Yoda said, "Confer upon you the title of Jedi Master; this Council does. Done well you have; Master Uzumaki."

Naruto rose and said, "Thank you Masters; I will continue to do my best for the Jedi Order. Though you not doubt sensed it; I have a Sith artifact I would like to present to the Jedi Archives with your approval. He held the saber staff out and said. "I present you with Bane's Heart which was used by Darth Zannah in antiquity to slay Darth Bane himself."

Mace Windu's eyes widened slightly. "How did you come across this artifact?"

The blonde smiled. "General Grievous dropped it and it rolled straight to me. I have no idea how he came across it himself. The Force moves in strange ways, no?"

"Is it genuine?" asked Plo Koon. "Is that the Bane's Heart?"

"Having met Darth Zannah I can say without a doubt this is the genuine article Master Plo." said Naruto. "It bears all her marks. I'm sure the scholars will debate the matter endlessly but I know it belonged to her long ago. She told me this about it should I ever come across it. Zannah said:

"The unique construction of the Bane's Heart light saber makes a subtle yet critical difference from other light sabers in the way it is wielded. The half-standard blade length results in reduced reach and leverage but grants a considerable increase in quickness and dexterity, a balance well-suited to the defensive nature of Soresu. The defensive salute consists of the light saber extended with the blades held horizontal to the ground. The weapon requires precise wrist control and a light, but nonetheless firm, grasp to use the twirling maneuver that constitutes a wall of near-impenetrable defense. The hypnotic patterns woven by the ignited light saber serve to unsettle unsuspecting opponents who became increasingly frustrated as their attacks are repeatedly parried—instead of blocked—with minimal effort. When the enemy finally falters, Bane's Heart allows its wielder to retaliate with lethal speed, although the specialized length of the blades usually requires close-quarter engagement to dispatch foes."

"A brilliant treatise for Soresu." said Mace Windu. "Can you teach this knowledge to others?"

Naruto nodded, "My Padawan Barriss Offee is already a superb Soresu combatant. I want to impart these lessons to her to make her even more capable so she can protect both herself and others with the new saber staff she is building."

"A praiseworthy goal." said Grandmaster Yoda. "Young Offee's future was clouded before; now in the light it is."

Then Yoda chuckled. "Now young Uzumaki; explain to the Council you will about the brand new ship Intrepid and how it came under your stewardship…"

Naruto took a page out of Barriss' book and face planted then and there…

Chapter 11

Year 22 BBY

Core Worlds, Corusca Sector, Planet Coruscant, Jedi High Temple

Jedi Master Naruto Uzumaki was supervising his Padawan Barriss Offee as she practiced with her new short bladed saber staff. Its twin green blades flashed in a disk of green light that mesmerized those watching. The blonde had been imparting lessons that he had absorbed from Jiraiya when he learned Form III himself as well as what Zannah explained to him. Naruto could use the light saber style in an odd way but was certainly no expert at it like Barriss' old Master; Luminara Unduli. As Luminara was out on a mission; the blonde enlisted the aid of Jedi Master and High Council Member Depa Billaba*① to help with Barriss with her Soresu.

Naruto was meditating and sensing the ebb and flow as Barriss and Master Billaba practiced together. He was listening carefully to Depa as she taught and wondered why she didn't have an apprentice of her own. 'She is obviously smart and capable…and an excellent instructor. I feel her talents are being wasted without a proper Padawan. Barriss is just flourishing under her guidance.' As he watched the two women work he noted Master Aayla Secura walk in along with Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He stood and bowed to them. "Greetings Masters."

Obi-Wan smiled and said, "There is no need to bow Naruto. You are a Master yourself now. Congratulations by the way; I haven't seen you since you set Grievous afire."

Aayla chuckled. "That really made the news you know. Most Jedi Knights aren't known for igniting their opponents. How did you do that anyway?"

"Ancient Renatasian magic." chimed in Barriss helpfully as she and Depa Billaba came over.

Master Billaba was in a serene mood and said, "Your student is very gifted Master Uzumaki. I have to say that this new style of Soresu is truly fascinating. Her way of thinking is quite unique. You must be proud."

Naruto gave a big grin and said, "I am proud. Master Luminara taught Barriss to be a wonderful person and an excellent Jedi. The truth is; my apprentice was assigned to teach me to behave…kind of like a security anklet. Unfortunately it's just resulted in me dragging poor Barriss into all kinds of trouble."

Aayla asked humorously, "Is that why you've been spending time with Master Mace Windu? To learn to behave?"

Naruto shook his head seriously and replied, "No, I am teaching Master Windu the fine art of sabacc gambling in exchange for instructing me in the skill of Battle Meditation*②. I've always had a knack for it but have never had time to train in it properly."

Everyone's jaws hit the floor at the concept of the Master Mace Windu gambling except Barriss who was covering her amusement with a cough…

Planet Coruscant, Uscru Entertainment District, Outlander Club*③

Naruto took Aayla Secura and Obi-Wan Kenobi to the Outlander Gambling Club. Obi-Wan had been there once before*④ but Aayla hadn't. The blonde smiled, put his Jedi hood up and said, "This place is owned by the Baath Brothers that claim to be dangerous. They are pussycats in reality but do have connections to the Hutts if you ever need them. I come here to gamble but there are as many vices as there are worlds of the galaxy around here. The club takes its gamblers so seriously that they provide sleeping compartments for those whose games last some time. The compartments also allow gamblers to enjoy the various (ahem) temporary companions who can be found in the club, if that's your thing."

Obi-Wan cringed a tiny bit and wondered where Naruto learned all this stuff. "How did you become so informed Naruto?"

"My late Master Jiraiya." answered the Renatasian in a wistful tone.

Aayla asked, "What about them?" motioning towards two Republic Security Force Officers near the door.

The blonde smirked and said, "They aren't Security, they are con artists that shake people down for money. Just act like you own the place and people will leave you alone."

As they went through the crowd; Naruto pointed out several interesting people there but eventually led the other two Jedi over to the high stakes sabacc tables. Two guards in expensive suits came over and said in Huttese, {"This table is full sir."}

Naruto handed each of them a roll of Republic credits and said, {"Then make room at the table for my two guests and I."}

Both guards bowed. {"Of course sir. We will clear some room for you."}

Naruto motioned towards a heavy set man who was raking in a sabacc pot and said quietly, "That's Hat Lo, a thug with cash who likens himself to a Crime Lord. I think I'll take his money this fine evening."

Aayla raised an eyebrow but Obi-Wan looked more amused than anything else…

Four hours later…

…Obi-wan Kenobi was sweating up a storm and Aayla Secura's hazel eyes were wide as saucers. Naruto had been mentally explaining to them exactly how the game would go as he won some, lost some and gradually eliminated players with less money by actually winning, sleight of hand or bluff. Finally it came down to Naruto and Hat Lo. Naruto said smoothly, "I'm all in."

Hat Lo was gritting his teeth with white knuckles. "I'm all in too!" squeaked the chubby thug as he sweated off a liter or two of perspiration.

"You don't have enough money Mister Lo." said the dealer.

"I'll even bet my new speeder then!" squealed Hat Lo.

Seeing Naruto nod; the dealer said. "Mister Uzumaki accepts the bet to match the balance."

Naruto gave a fanged smile and commented, "Win or lose, the pleasure is to play." His eyes lit up with chakra. "Show me your hand." said Naruto in a voice that chilled the crook to the bone.

Hat Lo lad down his cards which totaled up at +21 and several people cheered in victory or howled in disgust. The people were betting on Naruto or Hat now so they vested interest in seeing who won. Hat looked triumphant and said "Beat that!"

Naruto laid his cards down that totaled at -7 and spun his last card nervously. He said, "It's your last chance to walk away Lo. I'll let you keep the speeder if you drop out."

Lots of money quickly exchanged hands and Obi-wan heard several people mentioning The Evil One (-15) as the only card that Naruto could actually win with. Aalya and Obi-Wan heard Naruto giggling mentally as people freaked out. 'Naruto is having way too much fun.' thought Aayla.

"You're bluffing!" said Hat angrily.

Naruto's eyes sparked mercilessly as he laid down The Evil One for a -22 which beat a +21. "…And you are walking home. Looks like I own everything but your soul Hat Lo..."

Soon the three Jedi were cruising back to the Grand Temple in a new luxury speeder. "Did you know that sabacc cards were once used for telling fortunes and were associated with sorcery?" asked Naruto with a laugh.

Aayla said; "Considering you were talking about taking a man's soul while your eyes were alight it's little wonder."

"All in good fun my dear." quipped Naruto. "Theatrics can tip the balance a little further."

Obi-wan sweat dropped. "…So you practice battle meditation when you gamble."

"Precisely." said Naruto. "It's the best way I've learned to practice without being in actual combat. That being said I'm sharpening my skills under Master Windu and Master Yoda. They are brilliant at it. I have much to learn."

'Thank the heavens Anakin and Ahsoka weren't here.' thought Kenobi ruefully as he imagined Ahsoka with a death stick in her mouth dealing cards between smoke rings.

Master Secura laughed. "You'll have to teach me how to gamble Naruto."

The blonde replied, "I'd be delighted! My Padawan Barriss needs a partner anyway…"

Planet Coruscant, Senate District, Jedi High Temple

The next morning, Naruto Uzumaki and Barriss Offee were summoned to the Jedi Temple Archives by Jedi Master Jocasta Nu*⑤, the Chief Librarian. As Barriss spent a great deal of time in the Temple Library she was hoping for new knowledge to learn but Naruto was more concerned something had been stolen or worse …It was worse.

Master Nu was straight to the point. "Master Uzumaki; I understand you rediscovered the Planet Ambria and found the Tomb of Darth Zannah herself. Why did you not report this to me directly? I swear; you are as irresponsible as your late Master Jiraiya was."

Naruto glared balefully and said, "Master Nu; I would appreciate it if you don't sully Master Jiraiya's good name. He gave his life to safe mine however unworthy I may be."

Barriss wasn't sure what to say. 'I've never seen Master Naruto so incensed. He is truly angry.'

It seemed Jocasta realized she'd accidentally struck a nerve. She said, "I apolo-"

"Save your insincere apologies for those that want to hear them Master Nu." growled Naruto. "Tell me what it is you want from me."

Offee gasped at the disrespect but Master Nu seemed to take it in stride. "I would like your report on Ambria for the Archives. It could be extremely valuable for future archeological expeditions."

Naruto frowned and said; "You shall have a copy within the hour. Barriss; I sense you would like to stay here for awhile. I will meet you in three hours in the sparring room. Do not dawdle."

"Yes Master." said Barriss worriedly. "I'll see you in a few hours." Naruto stormed out and his Padawan turned to the Librarian apologetically. "I'm so sorry Master Nu. Master Naruto is usually so laid back."

Jacosta smiled and said, "There is no need to apologize child. I wronged him long ago and made a rift between us that is entirely my fault. Believe it or not; Naruto Uzumaki has an incredible talent for archeology and a thirst for knowledge. He would have been a scholar if things hadn't turned so bad between us."

Seeing the shocked look on Barriss' face; Master Nu chuckled. "Come and I'll tell you about it." Seeing the Padawan following her; Jocasta said, "When your Master was a young Padawan I found him reading material that seemed far beyond his age level. It was a treatise on the old Jedi Code before the modern belief system. I enquired what he was reading just to sate my curiosity and young Naruto gave me a very eloquent and well thought out description of the Jedi System from the old days and how he had concluded that modern Jedi were suffering from isolationism and our monastic lifestyle. He'd studied that Jedi who had fallen to the Dark Side believed they would not have if they had a family support system instead of dealing with the darkness alone."

The Padawan knew that Naruto had unusual views on relationships and asked, "How old was Master Uzumaki at the time?"

Jocasta said reminiscing, "Naruto was only seven years old at the time and a prodigy. He was very serious and bookish. After that we discussed a wide variety of topics but he was always thinking of ways to tweak and improve the Jedi Order by studying the past. It came to the attention of Grandmaster Yoda who recommended he work in the Archives which thrilled young Uzumaki as you can probably imagine. After that he worked diligently to become a scholar… Then a holocron he'd been researching went missing and he was suspected of taking it. I chastised him severely. As it turned out he didn't do it but he was banished from the Archives until the holocron was recovered. The holocron in question was recovered six months later on the black market. The one responsible for the theft was exposed but Naruto's reputation had been ruined as well as his love of scholarly subjects."

"So what happened?" asked Barriss. "It seems like such a waste."

"I tried to make amends but the damage was too great and he chose the way of the warrior." explained Master Nu. "Naruto once told me he wanted to follow my example but after that he followed Mace Windu's path. Then those terrible things happened to him and Jiraiya and he left the order for a time… I regard the whole situation as a personal failure." She sighed. "When he returned to the order I tried to encourage him to return to his scholarly pursuits but he told me I was a hypocrite and to never trouble him again. Since then he has avoided me like a plague…"

Temple Training Room

Three hours later; Naruto Uzumaki was sparring with Mace Windu when his Padawan Barriss Offee arrived in the training room. She was overwhelmed at their prowess. Both men were sweating profusely as they dueled with total determination etched in their eyes. Mace Windu seemed to have a wall of purple flame in front of him and Naruto looked like a blur of afterimages the likes of which Barriss had never seen. Many others were watching as the two sparred with awe in their eyes. She saw Depa Billaba there along with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Aayla Secura. The two duelist suddenly stopped and Mace said, "You've gotten stronger Naruto; much stronger. Well done."

Naruto bowed and said, "Thank you Master Windu. I appreciate you taking the time to spar with me."

Master Windu nodded and replied; "Anytime Naruto. I enjoy sparring with you. You present a unique challenge." After that Mace departed.

The blonde was wet with sweat and spoke to Master Depa Billaba. "Your former Master is something else."

She smiled. "That he is. It seems that your apprentice has arrived."

Barriss came over and said; "I've never seen you fight with such ferocity before Master. Are you alright?"

Naruto said tiredly, "I just needed to blow off some steam. I believe I've worn myself out in the process…"

"He nearly wore us out just watching." said Obi-Wan.

The blonde chuckled. "Today you will continue training in Soresu Barriss. Master Billaba has graciously agreed to help again so let's get started."

Jedi Temple Library

The next day Naruto was summoned to the Jedi Library once again with his Padawan Barriss in tow. This time however it was by Grandmaster Yoda. The blonde was less than thrilled but went regardless. He figured Master Nu had brought up his rudeness to the Jedi Council and was going to get a dressing down but it turned out to be something quite different…

Yoda was waiting for them and said, "Required; your expertise is Naruto. Found, Darth Rivan's*⑥ journals were."

Naruto's blue eyes widened. "Rivan's Journals?! Where were they found?"

Jocasta Nu said, "They were found exactly where you deducted as a child; at the Almas Sith Fortress*⑦."

"Who is Darth Rivan?" asked Barriss. "I've heard of Revan but not Rivan."

"Rivan was a Sith Lord who created the Sith Battlelords.*⑧ It's a long and convoluted story. He was as much a researcher and an alchemist as anything." replied the blonde.

"Can you translate it Master Uzumaki?" asked Master Nu.

"Why not have a droid do it?" asked Naruto. "It would be faster."

"You know as well as I do that droids can miss important historical references and syntax cues that sentient beings won't." replied Jocasta.

Yoda said to the blonde; "Foresaw the rise of a Sith Battlelord years ago; you did. Prevent it we must."

Barriss looked amazed. "You can read ancient Sith Master?!"

The young Jedi Master nodded. "From about 1000 years ago; yes. Languages change with time."

Yoda's ears perked upwards as Naruto picked up a pair of scanning glasses and focused them to bring out the maximum detail. He whispered a quote from the journal in ancient Sith before translating it aloud:

"Darkness is a friend, an ally. Darkness allows us to understand others, to see what they value when they believe no one else is looking. It allows us to be honest with ourselves, to express those values that we would disavow in the light. The light blinds us. It is only in the dark that we see clearly, and there is a great dark hidden among these worlds."

Naruto's Padawan got a worried look on her face as Naruto scanned over things occasionally hissing something in the ancient Sith tongue. She felt disturbed as the blonde continued:

"My purpose for constructing this fortress lays in the creation of Sith Battlelords. My vision for this elite new corps lays in the very nature of the dark side itself; specifically, in its inherent discord. Whenever many Dark Siders gather in one location, sooner or later some of them will die or turn on one another. Enlightened inter-cooperation is not held to be a virtue by Dark Siders. Eliminating insubordination amongst the Sith ranks is my mission. The creation of the Battlelord will serve to Force bond a commander to his troops. If a soldier attempts to harm his/her commander; the intended wound will instead be inflicted upon the soldier."

Naruto scanned through the pages for nearly an hour and said, "This journal is fragmented and incomplete. It doesn't have any references on how Sith Battlelords were created. It only has his reasoning to create them and later references that he was successful in perfecting the technique. The book Speculations on Tactics of the Sith*⑨ would tell us as much as anything."

"Mmmm. Remember this book I do." said Yoda. "Read it long ago."

Master Josasta asked, "Do you remember any details Master Uzumaki?"

The blonde sat back and said, "Hmmm… If memory serves; it was claimed that individuals chosen to become Sith Battlelords would undergo a series of complex rituals that bonded them to their troops via the Force. The rituals took place at sites strong in the Dark Side of the Force like a Sith Temple and according to most reports would take place within an altar room inside. The rituals drew upon the Dark Side and used Sith magic; inflicting pain upon the prospective Battlelord and bringing the being to the verge of death. Some did not survive the ceremony. Some people claimed that aspiring Battlelords were drained of all their blood, although the publication also noted that there was no exact consensus on how individuals were brought to a near-death condition."

"That's horrible." said Barriss in a shocked tone.

"Full of horror, the Dark Side is young Offee." replied the diminutive Grandmaster. "Proceed Master Naruto."

Gathering his thoughts; the young Jedi Master continued. "Following performance of the rituals; some form of interaction between the unconscious leader and their followers was required to complete the leader's transformation into a Sith Battlelord. Followers normally paraded past the lifeless body of their leader for about an hour; walking through the leader's blood. The leader's condition had to then stabilize without an application of the Force or medical intervention and if the leader survived; the being was returned to full health. With the process complete; a Force bond was forged between the subordinates and their leader which signified the leader's successful transformation into a Sith Battlelord."

Barriss looked a bit ill and asked, "Whatever happened to these Battlelords?"

Naruto looked troubled. "They fell out of favor with the Sith for one reason or other. Various explanations were given but there was never a single answer everyone agreed on. Eventually the knowledge to create Battlelords was lost and forgotten. The Sith Rule of Two made Battlelords obsolete anyway. Whether that would stop someone from creating new ones is an entirely different matter. Clearly they've been digging around the Sith Fortress on Almas. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the knowledge to create Battlelords is hidden away there."

"Then to Planet Almas*⑩ you must go." said Yoda. "Information, the Almas Academy*⑪ will have."

Naruto nodded grimly. "I understand Master. I'll get going."

Yoda added; "Alone; you will not go." Naruto was going to protest but the Grandmaster held up his hand. "Take your Padawan and two others with you. Friends you will need for this mission. Put the Battlelords to rest forever; you will…"


*①: Depa Billaba: Depa Billaba, a Force-sensitive human female native of the planet Chalacta, is a Jedi Master who serves on the Jedi High Council. She was born on Chalacta and became a member of the Jedi Order at a young age, where she was trained by Jedi Master Mace Windu.

*②: Battle Meditation: Battle Meditation is a Force ability that considerably boosts the morale, stamina, and overall battle prowess of an individual's allies while simultaneously reducing the opposition's combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight.

*③: Outlander Club: The Outlander Club is a gambling establishment and nightclub situated in the lower levels of the planet Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District. It is a popular and busy location for both the higher echelons of Coruscant society and those engaged in more sinister activities.

*④: It's the bar Obi-wan and Anakin pursued the Bounty Hunter Zam Wesell into. See Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

*⑤: Jocasta Nu is a female Human who served as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives who tends to show overconfidence in the completeness of her Archives. Her patterned robes bear the symbols of the Ansata, representing her devotion to knowledge and learning.

*⑥: Darth Riven: Darth Rivan was a Zelosian male who was a Sith Lord during the time of the New Sith Wars. He took his Sith name from a corrupted Sith manuscript which identified Darth Revan. See Wookieepedia.

*⑦: Almas Sith Fortress: The Almas Sith fortress is located on the planet Almas in the Cularin system. It was built by the Sith Lord Darth Rivan. The 30-meter-tall fortress is completely black, has no visible entrances or windows and sensors are not able to probe it. See Wookieepedia.

*⑧: Sith Battlelords: The Sith Battlelords, also known as Battlelords, were a class of warrior who served the Sith Lord Darth Rivan during the New Sith Wars. Sith Battlelords were leaders within Rivan's armies.

*⑨: Speculations on Tactics of the Sith was a book that was written by Jedi Master Kei Loo Bross during the time of the Galactic Republic.

*⑩: Almas is a terraformed planet in the Cularin system. Its moon, Dorumaa, is a captured satellite, which underwent its own terraforming.

*⑪: The Almas Academy on Almas is an unorthodox Jedi training facility founded in 177 BBY. It is headed by the Almas Council. See Wookieepedia.

This chapter ran a bit shorter than expected because it was a good stopping point as we kick of the next arc. I have yet to decide who will be joining Naruto and Barriss on their journey to Almas but I was thinking about Anakin and Ahsoka. See you next time. Blue out. 1/12/24