
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

The Battle of Lekua V

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


The Clone Wars have begun! This chapter pretty much runs concurrently with the first episode of The Clone Wars Series Season 1. The Clone Wars Movie with Jabba the Hutt has already occurred. Here is Chapter 7. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 22 BBY

Core Worlds, Corusca Sector, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple

Mace Windu said, "You have been assigned to be a Jedi General Naruto Uzumaki. You will be in command of the 325th Legion of Clone Troopers with Clone Commander CC-9076 "Checker" acting as your second in command.

CC-9076 saluted Naruto and said, "I'm pleased to be under your Command General Uzumaki. The men are eager and ready to serve. We are assigned the assault ship Implacable with Captain Rom Franz. Would you like to inspect the troops sir?"

Naruto sweat dropped and looked at Mace Windu who raised an eyebrow. 'This is the absolute last thing I want to do. Kill me now.' thought Naruto. He looked at the Implacable as the troopers of the 325th -his- Legion marched aboard in perfect formation. The blonde turned to Checker and asked, "Is my personal fighter and R4 unit aboard the Implacable?"

"Yes sir!" answered Checker enthusiastically. "The men and I admire your sense of aesthetics sir!"

'They do?' Naruto thought in wonder. Then the blonde Jedi envisioned Senator Padmé Amidala knocking down his entire Legion like dominos as they all admired his fighter's nose art. Letting out a perverted giggle; Naruto said, "I think we're going to get along nicely Commander Checker. Let's go and inspect the men."

Hours later the Implacable was on its way to Kamino to pick up extra clone combat medics and extra equipment a Legion normally didn't have at its disposal such as advanced training gear. Checker was talking to the officers in the 325th Legion about it all. General Uzumaki had left the oddest impression on his troops. He treated them all as people instead of clones. Checker said, "He mentioned extra training in covert ops and guerilla warfare for each and every one of us to minimize our casualties and maximize damage inflicted to the enemy."

"I thought all of us clone troopers were considered expendable." said a Clone Captain. "I mean, we're clones."

"It's all very strange." agreed Checker. "I get the impression our General doesn't think so."

Chapter 7

Year 22 BBY

Core Worlds, Corellian Sector, Planet Corellia Orbit

The Implacable had spent weeks in backwater worlds of the Galactic Republic 'Showing the Flag' to various populations to make them feel safe and stir up patriotism and local support for the war. In other words the 325th was travelling around for propaganda purposes in safe areas. They were currently resupplying at Corellia. Jedi General Naruto Uzumaki and his Legion thought this was a total waste of time and resources so Naruto (being Naruto) devised a plan to use this occasion as an extended training period. As they had plenty of opportunities Naruto drilled his men into the ground on the subjects of differential combat and had all of their fighter pilots cross trained for pinpoint air to ground support as well as space superiority combat. He also had each trooper trained with jetpacks for aerial drop landings.

But the Clone Troopers weren't training alone. Naruto was studying furiously over every Trade Federation incursion in the Galaxy over the past two decades and the ancient Sith Wars. The blonde was busily engaging each and every officer in war simulations to help not only himself but the clones to learn and grow as individuals. Checker was his advisor and the 325th's Motto soon became, 'Think outside of the box.'

Checker had some time to himself and was talking to his officers about their crazy training regimen. One of the Lieutenants complained; "If the training doesn't kill us; the clankers*② surely will."

Another replied, "It isn't like General Uzumaki has been slacking off. At first he was losing in the simulated battles but now he changes tactics and strategies on the fly so fast that no one stands a chance. What drugs have you been feeding the General's brain Commander Checker?"

The Clone Commander laughed. "General Uzumaki believes that the Jedi aren't properly trained to lead entire armies so he is working around the clock to train us and himself into a well oiled fighting machine."

"Well I have to admit no one else in the Galaxy employs their V-19 Torrent Starfighters*② the way our General does." said another Lieutenant. "He's one hell of a pilot too."

Commander Checker nodded. "He was an ace fighter pilot in the Renatasia skirmish a few years ago. General Uzumaki said there were so many clankers in the sky that you couldn't keep track of them all. That's why we all need to have our heads on swivels when flying. I don't know about you boys but I can't wait to put all this training to work. We're going to be bloody brilliant."

Two days later the Implacable got its first real call to duty by the Jedi Council. Both Naruto and Checker were on the bridge as well as Captain Franz. The holographic communicator had both Mace Windu and Grandmaster Yoda in it. Master Windu explained, "If the Confederacy of Independent Systems captures the Lekua System*③ they will be able to use it as a springboard to the nearly a dozen different systems in the Centrality Sector. The Implacable and her escort group are to go to the Lekua System and prevent that from happening. General Uzumaki; your group is all we can spare for now so deploy your forces with care."

Yoda added; "Backup we will send when we can; but hurry you must. May the Force be with you…"

Within minute the staff of the 325th was being briefed on the Planet Lekua V*④ which would be their baptism of fire. "The Lekua System is along the Cadma Conduit Trade Route in the Centrality Sector. Aside of it being an important trading port; the planet Lekua V is known for its many universities. I know a bit about it because I'm also from the Centrality Sector." said Naruto. "The main spaceport is part of the capitol Hiria City. The land is very flat but heavily forested. I want two scouts to check the Confederacy's deployment before we jump into the system. Knowledge is power."

Two V-19s with hyperdrive units jumped out minutes later and returned within the hour after carefully mapping planet Lekua V…

Outer Rim Territories, Centrality Sector, Planet Lekua V

The Confederacy of Independent System's Lekua invasion Operation was Commanded by General Sev'rance Tann*⑤; a brilliant Chiss*⑥ female who was also a dark acolyte serving Darth Tyranus as one of his most trusted underlings. She had some notoriety and was known to have slain the human Jedi Padawan Stam Reath*⑦ in a light saber duel during the Battle of Geonosis.

Hiria City was circular in layout and surrounded be forests on the west side and the spaceport was situated on the east side of the city by the ocean. General Tann had captured the city by landing transports in the forests and marching her Battle Droids into the city proper. Hiria City wasn't particularly well defended and the city fell quickly to her 20,000 troops. After that she deployed her forces to the west side of the city because any counterattack by the remaining Lekua Defense Forces would have to come from the landward side as they didn't have any means to attack by sea…

Galactic Republic Ship Implacable, Bridge

"So we land about a fourth of our forces via our transports in the forest to the west and when the Confederates come rolling out there we simply retrograde and leave a wall of mines and traps behind us with our extra demolitions and engineering teams. I will lead this contingent personally." said Naruto looking rather pleased with himself. "There are some truly massive beasts in the forest so we'll need to be careful. Worry not though; I didn't train you guys to wrestle barehanded with Wookiees on Kashyyyk for nothing."

His troops collectively sweat dropped and Commander Checker asked, "What about the rest of us sir?! Are we going to be up in orbit in the Implacable while you conduct a huge strategic retreat?!"

Naruto grinned. "After waiting thirty minutes for the clankers to move out; the Implacable will dock conventionally at the spaceport and the remaining tree fourths of our troops will roll out with the heavy artillery a decimate every battle droid in our path. The Separatists don't have a blockade in orbit to stop us so there is no reason we can't." The blonde Jedi General brought up a projection of General Sev'rance Tann and said, "This is our opponent. Hopefully we can capture her alive. She's awfully sexy." He let out a perverted giggle and added, "She's extremely dangerous though so use caution. As my first Master Jiraiya used to say, "You can't spell psychotic without the word HOT in it."

The 325th Legion's perverted giggling filled the Implacable and somewhere a certain Senator from Naboo had the sudden urge to strangle a certain Jedi Knight…

Planet Lekua V, the Capitol Hiria City

General Sev'rance Tann was showering and suddenly got a chill down her spine. Her red eyes narrowed. 'Why do I get the feeling I'm being watched…?' That's when the proximity alert went off. She threw on a robe and activated her holographic communicator to the Command Center. An image of a battle droid came up. "Report Commander!" she ordered.

"Yes General!" replied the droid with a salute. "A Republic Assault Ship just jumped into orbit and is unloading troops via transports. They are landing in the Western Forest just as you predicted."

She smiled wickedly and said, "Send out an appropriate welcome Commander. I want those vermin exterminated."

"Roger, roger." said the Droid Commander. "Those Republic Scum won't know what hit them!"

Deactivating the communicator; the Chiss General went to dry off and get dressed. A proper general should always be in a fresh uniform when crushing the enemy after all…

Western Forest

Nearly 10,000 B-1 series battle droids were marching out into the forest in perfect rank and file as they walked forward into landmines pit traps. Then they hit ion bombs, a flash flood, a stampede of huge bear like beasts and finally the 325th Legion Clone Troopers lying silently in ambush.

"It looks like all is quiet Commander." said a droid.

The Command droid replied, "I agree Lieutenant. Have we spotted the enemy yet?"

"Negative. Their Transports are withdrawing though." answered the Lieutenant. "Do you think they retreated?"

"Roger, roger. We drove them off." said the Command Droid.

The Droid's communicator went off. He saluted. "Yes General?"

Sev'rance's face appeared in the hologram. "Give me an update Commander. They Republic cruiser appears to be changing positions. What's the body count?"

"Roger, roger." replied the Droid Commander. "General; the enemy has made a full retreat. Their transports are returning to the ship and it appears to be moving out towards the ocean to make a jump out."

The Chiss General narrowed her eyes. "That seemed awfully simple. How many are dead?"

"We lost 3.234 out of 9,898 Ma'am." said the Commander.

Tann face palmed. "I meant the enemy body count. How many of the Republic troops have you calculated are dead?!"

The droid Commander said, "Ooooooh! Three, Ma'am."

She raised an eyebrow. "Three? Three what? Three hundred; three thousand?"

"Ummmm…does not compute." replied the droid. "Three bodies General. They appear to have been trampled to death in the stampede of animals that took out our left flank."

Sev'rance's red eyes widened to the sized of dinner plates as her jaw hit the floor. "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING OUT THERE COMMANDER?!"

"Ummmm…taking a walk through the forest…?" answered the Command Droid.

Naruto was listening to the Droid Commander and General Tann talking. She sounded like she was going to have an aneurysm. The blonde turned to his communicator's hologram showing Captain Franz and Commander Checker and said, "You may begin your landing Commander Checker. May the Force be with you…"

Hiria City, General Tann's Command Center


"Ummmm…taking a walk through the forest…?" answered the Command Droid over the hologram.

"General?" asked one of her officer droids.

"WHAT?!" she screeched.

The droid saluted. "The Republic ship is docking at the spaceport without clearance from our air traffic controllers. What should we do?"

She wanted to rip her hair out. "Attack the cruiser! Have all your droids attack the cruiser!"

"Roger, roger." said the officer.

"Roger, roger." replied the Command Droid in the Western Forest as he signed off.

"Wait a minute!" she replied desperately…

Western Forest

Naruto's men were foaming at the mouth to open fire but something told him to wait. That's when the silent forest echoed with the Command Droid's orders. "About Face! Our new target is the Republic Cruiser. March double time!"

Naruto gave a truly nasty fanged smile as the droid army showed him their backs. Then he said over his comm. link. "Fire at will."

Then a wall of blaster bolt fire from the 325th rushed forward like a tsunami and crushed the droids like rolling thunder…

It took the shattered Droid Army on the Western Forest side of the battle twenty crucial minutes regroup enough to mount a defense. By that time it was really too late to do anything but make a tactical retreat. Naruto was in the vanguard of his forces using wind jutsus like wind slash and great breakthrough to demolish masses of droids. The blonde kept his men behind him so he could bulldoze the enemy with risking their lives. It was then that General Sev'rance Tann arrived on a speeder bike and launched herself at Naruto like a Sith possessed.

She ignited her yellow*⑨ light saber and hissed angrily, "You…It was you behind this disaster! I'm going to destroy you Jedi!"

Naruto's eyes lit up blue with chakra as he ignited his orange light saber. "This one is mine men. Continue to scrap the droids…"

Seeing the field clearing rapidly; the Chiss woman said; "You're either overconfident or stupid to not have your men stay behind to save you Jedi Knight."

"And you are even more sexy when you are angry than I imagined." replied Naruto with a perverse giggle. "Let's go. The loser has to pay for dinner."

"You're dead meat!" she roared.

Naruto went into his Kyuubi stance and Sev'rance unleashed a lethal bolt of Force lightning which he deflected with his light saber. She frowned. The Force was telling her to retreat.

Then the blonde attacked with a brutal combo of teras kasi and the Kyuubi style that was simply too much for her defenses to handle. She rolled back a split second before he could behead her and then the Chiss tried to foot sweep him. He did a handless cartwheel over her and landed behind the blue skinned woman. She tried to block but Naruto used a wind style: gale palm that sent her flying end over end before she skidded to a halt beside her speeder bike. Realizing she was outmatched in a duel; Sev'rance jumped on her speeder and withdrew.

Naruto was left standing there and deactivated his saber. "What of tough woman. That Force lightning stung…"

Hiria City, Spaceport

Checker and his men were mowing down every droid in sight and the confused droids were still trying to arrest him for illegally parking a cruiser there. It wasn't until the AT-TE's*⑧ came walking out that the droids realized this was not a mere parking violation. The V-19 Torrents were zooming around up above the Implacable in a huge dogfight with the Vulture fighters and the Implacable herself was firing her lasers at any targets of opportunity that came into range. "It looks like we caught the clankers with their pants down!" cheered a Lieutenant.

Checker found himself caught up in the wave of enthusiasm but said, "Advance with caution men! We are street fighting so fight from hard cover."

Having trapped what few CIS Armored Assault Tanks*⑩ there were between the buildings; Checker and his men were able to pick them off piecemeal while focusing their larger attacks against the droid infantry. Checker also kept his troops advancing carefully and keeping their casualties to a minimum as Naruto had instructed. Five hours later the last of the Battle Droid Army was nothing but smoldering scrap and the Lekua System was free of CIS control for the time being. The total wounded or dead for the 325th was only 3% which was astounding for their first campaign.

Sev'rance was utterly humiliated. She'd been outfoxed tactically and then had to run away from a light saber duel. As she had never been defeated before; the bitter wine was hard to swallow. It would only be a matter of time before she was captured so General Tann got in her personal ship and left the idiotic droids to their fate. She jumped out of the system and into hyperspace mere minutes later cursing the whole way…

Republic reinforcements in the form of a task group of three Acclamators, a Venator*⑪and their escorts arrived two days later loaded for bear. Master Luminara Unduli*⑫ arrived with the 41st Elite Corps and her Padawan Barriss Offee*⑬. The two arrived when Naruto himself was lighting a pyre for those who died as the Clone Troopers 325th looked on solemnly.

Master Unduli was surprised to say the least that someone would build a pyre for clones that died in battle. It wasn't that she didn't approve but most people didn't give clones a second thought. She also sensed something stirring in her Padawan Barriss; admiration.

Padawan Barriss Offee was far more of a scholar than a fighter. That wasn't to say she wasn't a skilled warrior but the Padawan was becoming disillusioned with the war. So many of her friends had died at Geonosis and no one seemed to care about the ideals of the Jedi Order or the darkness that pervaded the Galactic Republic these days… She asked her Master, "Who is this Jedi General who holds the lives of his men so dear that he's lit a memorial for them?"

Luminara Unduli saw a light in her Padawan's eyes that she hadn't seen since Barriss was very young and very innocent. "That's General Naruto Uzumaki who we came to reinforce. He is very bright in the Force. Would you like to meet him?"

Barriss looked at Naruto with admiration. 'This is how all Jedi Knights should be. He seems to hold all life precious.' Offee turned to Luminara and replied, "I would like to meet Master Uzumaki."

Master Unduli and her Padawan went over to Naruto after the short ceremony was over and the Clone Troopers boarding the Implacable. Luminara walked over to the blonde and said, "Jedi Knight Naruto Uzumaki; you were Master Bultar Swan's apprentice; correct?"

The blonde nodded and replied; "Bultar Swan is a great Master. I'm honored to have been her Padawan. I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage Master."

The Mirialan Jedi smiled and said, "I'm Jedi Master Luinara Unduli and this is my Padawan Barriss Offee. We are pleased to meet you."

Naruto bowed and said, "Likewise. What can I do for you Master Unduli?"

"I saw you light a pyre for the dead; that's quite noble of you to do." answered Luminara. "Most Commanders wouldn't bother."

The blonde frowned and stated, "We Jedi Knights are responsible for every life of every man we lead. The least we can do is honor their sacrifices. Wouldn't you agree?"

Barriss nodded emphatically. "I completely agree Master Uzumaki! We Jedi must uphold the teachings of the Jedi Order even during wartime."

Luminara had a gleam in her eye. "It seems that you feel quite strongly about the subject. That's very admirable General Uzumaki."

Commander Checker marched up and saluted. "We're ready to take off for a full resupply and to pick up replacement troops and equipment… Oh, and your fighter is a total write off. CT-9801 totally demolished her on landing."

"Oh no! My beautiful fighter…Oh the humanity!" sobbed Naruto with anime tears. 'My beautiful artwork!' "I guess as long as CT-9801 is all right I'll manage."

Luminara and Barriss glanced at each other in puzzlement.

"He's fine General Uzumaki." said Checker. "I took the liberty of ordering you a brand new Delta-7B as a replacement sir."

Naruto nodded. "I understand Commander. Inform Captain Franz that we'll be leaving port momentarily. I need to check in with High Command before we take off." He turned to Luminara and said. "It was nice meeting you both. I need to get moving I'm afraid."

Jedi Master Unduli asked, "What would you think about taking Barriss under your wing for a little while Naruto? I assure you she is most reliable and capable. I believe she could learn a lot under your tutelage."

Barriss look surprised but it was Naruto that was really shocked. "Say what?" he asked. "I've never taught before. I can barely keep myself out of trouble."

Luminara laughed melodically. "Then it will give you both a chance to learn and grow." She turned to Barriss and said with a smile. "Try to keep your temporary Master out of trouble and learn from him. I think you both need to branch out a bit. Is that alright?"

The Padawan said, "I think I would like to learn from Master Uzumaki. His approach seems a little different." Offee turned to Naruto and said, "Master Uzumaki; I am at your service."

Naruto gulped and thought, 'Oh. My. Gawd. I'm actually going to have to act… responsible!' "Ummm… I'll be happy to teach you what little I know."

"Excellent!" exclaimed Master Unduli. "Barriss, I leave you in Master Uzumaki's capable hands. Until we meet again; may the Force be with you…"

Galactic Republic Ship Implacable

Padawan Barriss Offee found herself surrounded by very spirited Clone Troopers with artwork everywhere. Each fighter, transport and vehicle seemed to have a name and artwork. Some were aggressive, some were comical and some were a bit raunchy for her tastes. "Ummm… Master Uzumaki; why is everything on this ship decorated?"

The blonde gave a vulpine smile. "Just call me Naruto. The artwork promotes individual expression and helps morale in my humble opinion. Some of the men have a real flair for artwork and are in high demand. Train hard, work hard and play hard. Most importantly, think outside the box and be innovative. Talk to the men. You will learn as much from them as they will you Jedi Commander Offee. I hate war but we are stuck in one. The quicker we get it over with, the sooner we Jedi can go back to being the peace keepers we were meant to be."

Offee looked a bit amazed and Naruto asked her; "So what do you like to do?"

"Well; I like reading and studying ancient Jedi texts." said Barriss. "It's not much help during a war though…"

The blonde smiled, "Nonsense. I'm learning a lot about strategies and tactics from the Old Jedi/Sith Wars. A lot of knowledge was lost in those times that are just waiting to be rediscovered. I think once this war is over I'd like to do a little archaeology. Maybe then I could discover a way to prevent another war from breaking out instead of fighting in one. Keep reading. You never know what you'll discover."

She smiled. "You sure are different Master Naruto."

The general replied, "I try to be. It takes a lot of different people to make up a galaxy…"


*①: Clankers: Refers to any droids in the Droid Army but in this case refers to the B1 Battle Droids. B1-series battle droids, standard battle droids, clankers, or tinnies are the most widely used battle droids manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata and Baktoid Armor Workshop. Even though they are widely produced and deployed, the B1 battle droid is flimsily designed and easy to destroy and is only truly successful in large numbers.

*②: V-19 Torrent Starfighters: The V-19 Torrent starfighter, also known as the V-19 Torrent Interceptor, is a model of starfighter manufactured by Slayn & Korpil. They are used by the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars.

*③: Lekua System: The Lekua system is a star system located in the Centrality, a sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It contains the planet Lekua V. See Wookieepedia for a map.

*④: Lekua V: Lekua V, also known simply as Lekua, is a planet located in the Centrality, a sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It has several universities. All the locations on the planet in this story were created by your author.

*⑤: Sev'rance Tann: Sev'rance Tann is a Chiss female who left Chiss Space to become a Dark Acolyte and general as Supreme Commander in the Confederacy military during the Clone Wars. See Wookieepedia.

*⑥: Chiss: The Chiss are a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions, best known to most Humans as the people to which Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged.

*⑦: Stam Reath: Stam Reath was a Human male Padawan serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in the decade prior to the Clone Wars.

*⑧: AT-TE: The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE), nicknamed "six legs" by the Separatist Droid Army, is a multipurpose military ground walker and tank used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. It boasts six legs, six laser cannon turrets along the body and a heavy projectile mass-driver cannon on top.

*⑨: Yellow: Yes, she had a yellow light saber rather than a red one. It was never mentioned why exactly.

*⑩: Armored Assault Tanks: The Armored Assault Tank Mk I, otherwise known as the AAT-1, manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop, is the Confederacy of Independent Systems' primary infantry vehicle used during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic.

*⑪: Venator Class: The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Venator-class Destroyer or Republic attack cruiser, is one of the capital ships used extensively by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. It is designed and constructed by Kuat Drive Yards and Allanteen Six shipyards.

*⑫: Luminara Unduli: Luminara Unduli is a Force-sensitive Mirialan female Jedi Master. She commands the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic. See Wookieepedia for her full history.

*⑬: Barriss Offee: Barriss Offee is a female Mirialan Jedi Knight. She carries a blue lightsaber and trained as a Padawan under Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. Offee participated in the First Battle of Geonosis that began the Clone Wars. See Wookieepedia.

Battle Droids can be obnoxious but they also can be comedic. The next chapter will be linked with the Malevolence Arc of the Clone Wars Series in some way. See you next time. Blue out. 12/16/23