
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Hunting on Ryloth

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


Well, this came out unexpectedly fast. Things are sailing along smoothly though. Here is Chapter 14. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 22 BBY

Outer Rim Territoris, Gaulus Sector, Planet Ryloth Orbit, Republic Starship Intrepid

The Intrepid jumped into the Ryloth System and settled into orbit around planet Ryloth proper. There were several Acclamator-class vessels and one other Venerator-class there, the brand-new Reprisal which replaced the destroyed Liberty as Jedi General Aayla Secura's ship and the home of the 327th Star Corps.

General Secura was happy to have Naruto and the 325th Legion there but she sensed the blonde Jedi wasn't there just to lend a hand and contacted him on a private channel in their respective quarters.

Aayla said, "You seem quite conflicted Naruto. Is there any way I can help?"

"I'm afraid that I'm hunting for a Rutian Twi'lek spy that works for the Confederacy." said Naruto with a frown. "I need him alive."

She looked at the holographic data and picture as she read, "…Colonel Monz Phylo…Republic Planning Committee. Green skin, very average looking. Stationed here on assignment to rebuild the sensor systems…What makes him a spy?"

Naruto grimaced. "The Ryloth System and others only had short range sensor rigs due to Monz Phylo's specific orders. They were sitting ducks for the Separatists to invade because they never saw the enemy coming until it was too late."

Her hazel eyes widened. "Then he is responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of Twi'leks! Let me help you Naruto. We'll hunt this scum down and-"

"I need him alive." repeated the blonde, "Do you think you can control yourself? You could be a great help because this is your home world, but I can't have you killing him. I need to find out who is pulling the strings behind him."

"I've brushed with the Dark Side before." said Aayla. "You don't have to worry."

Naruto sighed. "I didn't know…and I didn't mean to imply that you lacked self-control."

Aayla shook her head. "It's all right Naruto. I was really angry for a moment there. I'm okay now. I'd like to help you apprehend this creep if I can."

"All right, I'll come over to the Reprisal in a shuttle and pick you up." said Naruto. "From there we need to head to the Kala'uun Spaceport if I'm not mistaken."

She smiled. "Come over when you are ready. I'll get my stuff together."

Chapter 14

Year 22 BBY

Outer Rim Territories, Gaulus Sector, Planet Ryloth Orbit, Republic Starship Intrepid

Naruto was in the shuttle bay of the Intrepid talking with his padawan, Barriss Offee. "Barriss, I know you'd like to go but if Monz Phylo manages to get off planet I want you up here to intercept him and keep him from leaving the system. I'm taking a shuttle over to the Reprisal so Master Secura and I can head down to the surface and search for this scumbag."

"I understand Master." said Barriss. "If he gets off planet then we'll be sure to stop him."

The blonde smiled and said, "You are becoming a splendid Jedi my apprentice. I am proud of you." He turned to Commander Checker and Captain Franz. "I'll try to stay in touch but if there is a call From the Republic I trust you will do your best."

Rom Franz nodded. "Understood sir."

"We've got it covered General." replied Checker. "We'll keep an eye on outgoing space traffic for that traitor regardless."

"That's all I can ask." said Naruto. "May the Force be with you."

After picking up Jedi Master Secura on the Reprisal, the two Jedi went down to the home world of the Twi'lek people, Ryloth…

Planet Ryloth, Kala'uun Spaceport

Naruto looked around the massive underground spaceport and said, "It seems that the Confederacy of Independent Systems let the spaceport facilities intact at least. Of course, they had use for them."

The people of Ryloth seemed to be in good spirits despite their recent hardships. Naruto and Aayla took a lift up to Kala'uun City to begin their investigation. "…So the whole city is subterranean and built within and below a mountain." said Naruto. "The galaxy is truly filled with wonders…"

"You are starting to sound like Master Yoda." said Aayla with a chuckle.

The blonde grinned. "I'm not sure if I should feel complimented or affronted."

"Take it how you like." replied the Twi'lek female with a smile. "The main sensor set up is in the upper levels of Kala'uun from what I understand. The secondary sensor is in the city of Lessu."

"Lessu and Kala'uun are both Capitals of Ryloth, right?" asked Naruto.

"That's correct. The Twi'lek Clan Council is actually seated in Lessu." said the blue skinned Twi'lek. "To be honest though, I'm not an expert on Ryloth. I was born here but was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when I was very young."

Going to the upper levels was simple enough given the pair of Jedi were both ranked as Republic Generals. They were soon speaking to the local commander, a Twi'lek named Viro'on. He was tall and dominating with yellow pigmented skin. He spoke his native language of Ryl almost exclusively and addressed Aayla as Aaylas'ecura*① which was her birthname in Ryl.

The yellow Twi'lek said, {"I bid you greetings General Aaylas'ecura. I'm General Viro'on. I don't know what you're doing with that male human when you could have any male Twi'lek you wanted with your beauty. Such lovely lekku* you have."}

Ignoring Viro'on's obvious interest in her, Aalya said, {"I'm here looking for Colonel Monz'phylo. My ship the Reprisal is acting as the sensor platform for Ryloth at this point and I want to see how far along the new sensor set up is. Time is of the essence you see."}

General Viro'on looked over his data tablet and said, {"The Colonel is currently in Lessu on leave…He only got here a week ago so he has yet to assume his duties. The one in charge of rebuilding the sensor rigs now is Lieutenant Colonel Zalt'eron. He is the one you need to talk to. Why not send your human errand boy up to see Zalt'eron and have some dinner with me General Aaylas'ecura?"}

Aalya smiled and said {"Let me speak with General Narutou'zumaki for a moment."} She stepped out of General Viro'on's office with Naruto and said, "The General says Monz'phylo hasn't assumed his duties yet and that he's currently in Lessu on leave...He also wants you to go away and for me to have dinner with him."

Naruto sweat dropped. "You think you can get more information out of this guy if you go to dinner with him? I sense he's being evasive."

She shrugged and said, "Oh, he's hiding something. I just don't know what. He seems more interested in me than actually helping us at all."

While Naruto and Aayla were talking, General Viro'on was on his communicator. He was talking with Monz'phylo. {"Is there any reason two Jedi knights would be interested in you cousin? They say they are looking into the sensors you are setting up but I don't buy it."}

{"Stall them!"} said Monz'phylo. {"I left Coruscant to get away from the Jedi. I'll head down to the old underground enclave in the Nightlands*③ we found years ago and simply vanish for a while. It isn't far from Lessu where we grew up."}

Viro'on knew there was much more to it but the enclave his cousin was talking about was the best place he could think of to hide without leaving the planet. On the other hand, the ancient enclave they found as kids wasn't very safe and the thought of Monz'phylo going down there alone filled Viro'on with anxiety.

It was then that Aayla came back in and said, {"You look pale General Viro'on. Is something wrong?"} She leaned in so her hazel eyes were locked with his brown ones. The Twi'lek Jedi gently waved her hand and said, {"You'll feel better if you tell me what's wrong."}

{"I'll feel better if I tell you what's wrong."} droned Viro'on with a hazy look in his eyes.

Aayla focused a little more. {"You want to tell me; you feel so guilty about it."}

{"I want to tell you; I feel so guilty about it."} he said. She nodded and he continued. {"Monz'phylo is going to the old enclave below ground in the Nightlands near Lessu. He's my cousin. I'm worried for his safety."}

Naruto saw Aayla come out of General Viro'on's office about ten minutes later looking steamed. She turned to Naruto and said, "He already contacted Monz'phylo and the spy is hiding in an enclave near Lessu in the Nightlands. We have to move fast before Monz'phylo escapes us there."

"Do you know where the enclave place is?" asked Naruto.

She nodded. "It's an underground cave complex about halfway between Lessu and the Nightlands Podracing Track. I have a general idea of where to look. General Viro'on hasn't been out there in nearly twenty years so he didn't remember its exact location."

The blonde asked, "What's his connection with Monz Phylo?"

"They are first cousins" answered the Twi'lek Jedi. "I muddled his mind a bit after that. The General was pretty weak minded."

"I guess we're headed back to the docking port then?" questioned Naruto.

She nodded in the affirmative. "Lessu is on the other side of the planet."

When they arrived back at the spaceport Aayla asked a question that she'd been meaning to ask. "Naruto, why is there the name Midnight Sinner painted on the side of this shuttle? And what's with the nude human female artwork?"

Naruto giggled perversely. "Ummm… I encourage my crew to be very creative. Almost every starfighter or shuttle is adorned in some way. One squadron of Y-Wings sports shark mouths for instance. It promotes esprit de corps." Then he sweat dropped, 'Thank the heavens I didn't bring the shuttle Tattooed Dancer with the Twi'lek girly nose art.'

"Hmmm…" said Aayla thoughtfully. "I'm going to have to come over to the Intrepid and see some of these adornments."

Now Naruto was giggling nervously…

Republic Starship Intrepid

Commander Bly of the 327th Star Corps had come over from the Reprisal to take a routine tour of the Intrepid with Commander Checker. It was common for Clone Commanders to inspect each other's divisions and implement ideas they learned in the process.

The first thing he saw in the hanger was a squadron of brand-new Z-95 Headhunters of Black Squadron all garishly decorated with black squadron stripes, white skulls and names like Death from Above, Ghost Rider, Grim Reaper and his (secret) favorite, The Panty Bandit. The associated artwork almost made his eyes pop out from under his helmet.

"Welcome aboard the Intrepid Commander Bly." said Commander Checker with a salute. "I hope your tour of the ship will be an interesting one."

Bly soon found out there were twice as many ARC (Advanced Recon Commando) Troopers and twice as many Medics aboard the Intrepid as any ship he'd ever seen. He said, "You have a…unique crew composition here Commander Checker."

Checker simply replied, "The 325th Legion also has the lowest percentage of losses of men of any combat legion in the entire Republic Fleet. Our motto is Think Outside the Box."

"What does General Uzumaki think of that motto?" asked Bly dreading the answer.

Checker laughed. "General Uzumaki came up with it."

Then Bly saw the shuttle Tattooed Dancer and his jaw nearly hit the floor.

Checker looked over his shoulder at the appropriately decorated shuttle and said "Ah, that's a favorite of mine too."

Planet Ryloth, Lessu outskirts

Jedi Masters Aayla Secura and Naruto Uzumaki landed in an area that was fairly empty about 20 kilometers between the City of Lessu and the Nightlands Podracing Track. The light was low but the luminescent crystalline forests in the area kept it from getting too dim.

Naruto was scanning about with a pair of macro binoculars and couldn't see much until he switched over to infrared. "I believe we've found him Aayla. There is a landspeeder just to the north of here under a camouflage net. Its engines are still warm."

Taking the macro binoculars in hand, the female Twi'lek scanned about a kilometer due north where the blonde pointed. About fifty meters from the camouflaged landspeeder was the entrance to the cave she recognized from General Viro'on's memories of the place. Feeling a mental chill looking at the enclave; Aayla nodded and said, "This is the place. Let's go."

The pair of Jedi examined the landspeeder and found that it was devoid of any belongings that would have identified it as Monz'phylo's but it did have a registration plate showing it was owned by a rental company. "Looks like our little lost boy is nearby." she said pointing towards the cave.

Naruto looked over at the cave and sensed cold and death emanating from the place. "The Dark Side is strong here." said the blonde. "Let's be careful."

As they entered the cave; they descended nearly a kilometer with Naruto shining a light around. Finally, they saw inscriptions in the wall that Aayla couldn't make out. "This isn't written in any form of Ryl I've ever seen." she said.

Naruto hissed out a few harsh words and said, "That's because it's ur-Kittāt, the Old Tongue of the Sith. It's a runic language that few know or understand. It's really badly worn but I see the word lrluuk clearly which means Fate here." he pointed to another part and said, "It also says Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut that translates into Reanimated Dead. This says Githany… Hmmm…"

"What does that last word mean?" asked Aayla. 'I'm not sure I want to know on second thought.'

Naruto shined his light over the eroded wall and read over what little could be seen again. "Githany is a woman's name. If she's the Githany I think then she was a human Jedi turned Sith Lord that died on Planet Ruusan around a thousand years ago."

The Rutian Twi'lek questioned, "Then what is this place?"

The blonde pondered his history for a moment and said, "I believe this is the Sith Academy of Ryloth that trained Sith Assassins. Unbelievable! We need to be careful. There's no telling what's in here. It's so smothered in darkness that it reminds me of Korriban."

That's when they heard a scream that nearly deafened them both. Monz'phylo came running out like demons from hell itself were after him. Something roared at them in the darkness and red eyes appeared. Both Jedi knights ignited their light sabers as a fearsome set of teeth came into view. Naruto lashed out using the Kyuubi form and beheaded the monster silencing it forever as its massive body hit the floor of the cave.

"What is this thing?" muttered Naruto as he shined the light on the head of the beast.

"It's a doashim*④." explained Aayla. "I've read about them but I never thought I'd see one up close." They heard more roaring further down in the cave and the blue skinned Jedi added, "This may be a nest of them. Let's get out of here and catch Monz'phylo."

"I'm pretty sure our spy isn't going anywhere." said Naruto. Seeing her puzzled look; the blonde pointed over to the green Twi'lek who was crumpled up on the ground nearby. "Looks like he ran straight into the cavern wall when he came racing out of there."

"Ouch." she said. Checking over the unconscious Monz'phylo; Master Secura said, "He's out cold. Give me the light and I'll lead the way out. You carry him."

Naruto sweat dropped and said, "Sure thing boss."

She laughed and said, "Boss… I like the sound of that."

Republic Starship Intrepid

Colonel Monz'phylo woke up several hours later nursing a terrible headache in a place he didn't recognize; the sickbay of the Republic ship Intrepid. He saw a beautiful blue skinned Twi'lek female looking over him who said. In basic, "You hit your head pretty hard there Colonel, you are lucky that you were found."

'Thank the stars I'm safe.' thought the spy.

She smiled at him and asked, "Why don't you tell me why you ordered the star systems in the Gaulus Sector to have only short-range sensors?"

'Or maybe I'm not so safe…' he thought, "Ehheheheh…No speaka de basic?"

{"How about Ryl then jackass?"} Aayla questioned angrily…

Naruto was soon listening to Aayla Secura rage as she ranted about their captive. "Monz'phylo is a traitor of the highest order! He did it for an obscene amount of money for some Ishi Tib*⑤ politician from Planet Tibrin years ago. The slime devil even said he was innocent of wrongdoing because he had no idea it was for an invasion!"

The blonde Jedi Master asked, "Did he give us any names?"

"Gume Saam was the name of the Ishi Tib." said Aayla.

Naruto's blue eyes narrowed. "Republic Senator Gume Saam of Tibrin?"

She said, "Get me a hologram and I'll ask Monz'phylo."

It only took a few minutes to get confirmation that it was indeed the Republic Senator Gume Saam and the numbers of the bank accounts…

Planet Coruscant, Galactic Senate Building, Senator Padmė Amidala's Quarters

Senator Amidala was pleasantly surprised by an incoming transmission from Jedi Master Naruto Uzumaki. However, it was on a coded line so she took the call in private.

Padmė smiled at Naruto as the whisker faced blonde appeared before her in a hologram, "Well hello Naruto, it's been some time since we've seen each other."

Naruto nodded, "It has been Padmė. I wish this transmission was under better circumstances though. I'd rather be making a social call than Jedi business."

"What's going on?" asked the Senator. "How can I help?"

The Master Jedi asked, "Can you tell me anything about Senator Gume Saam of Tibrin?"

Padmė raised an eyebrow before bringing up her data on the Ishi Tib. "I don't know him personally, but I know of him." she said. "What is it you had in mind?"

Naruto said, "I know this is odd but I want to know where he stands politically."

She smirked. "That is odd. Senator Gume Saam is in a block that seems to want to limit Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's power... He's also pushing for a bill that would deregulate the banks to open new lines of credit without the approval of the Galactic Senate."

"What would be the point in that?" asked the blonde.

"Senator Saam claims that we can use those funds to increase our arsenal for the war against the Separatists." she replied. "I'm pushing for a peace initiative instead."

Naruto pondered for a moment and said, "Would that bill theoretically allow the banks to open lines of credit to the Confederacy behind the Senate's back?"

Padmė looked uneasy and said, "Yes, theoretically. Why would you think of such a thing though? All that would do is cause the war to escalate."

"Because I have good evidence that Senator Saam is a traitor to the Republic and particularly the people of Ryloth." replied the Jedi Master.

Her eyes widened. "What kind of evidence?"

The blonde Renatasian answered, "I plan on coming to Coruscant shortly to tell you in person Padmė. In the meantime, keep an eye on him and watch your back."

Republic Starship Intrepid

Naruto immediately called the High Jedi Council after speaking with Padmė and related his findings to Master Mace Windu and Grandmaster Yoda. "…And that is what I've discovered so far Masters." spoke the blonde.

Mace Windu said, "Senator Gume Saam? He's no fan of the Jedi. We've been aware of him working for the Techno Union for years but this is high treason we are talking about."

"That's why I want to strike now Masters." said Naruto emphatically. "We can't give him time the throw a political smokescreen up and escape our grasp."

Master Yoda said, "Serious business this is going after a Senator. The bank accounts, you have the proof?"

Naruto nodded. "Twenty-five million credits were signed over to Monz'phylo directly from Senator Gume Saam and a further twenty-five million were sent from the Techno Union who coincidentally were the major benefactors from the Invasion of the Ryloth System."

Mace Windu nodded. "That evidence seems concrete to me. Bring Monz'phylo with you to Coruscant."

"I understand Masters." said the whiskered blonde. "I will be there with the prisoner in a few hours."

It wasn't long before Naruto Uzumaki, Barriss Offee and the shackled Monz'phylo were aboard the T-6 Shuttle Night Mission. The whiskered blonde used that particular T-6 for diplomatic purposes because it lacked the nose art that the other shuttles had. After making sure their guest was comfortably fettered in a restraining cage; the Jedi Master and padawan took off for the Grand Jedi Temple…

Naruto let Barriss handle the flying as he sat beside her in the cockpit. The young Mirialan Jedi looked over at Naruto and said, "Master, is greed that powerful? Our prisoner betrayed his home world for money. Thousands and thousands died so he could live comfortably. I know you taught me to gamble as a tool but I can't imagine someone equating lives to material things…"

The blonde turned to his padawan and said, "Barriss, we of the Jedi Order are raised without material things but most people aren't. You are correct that I taught you to gamble as a tool for your skillset. However, there are people out there that gamble away fortunes, freedom and lives to sate their lust for material things."

"Remember how I got the Intrepid?" asked Naruto. "Admiral Terrel had a reputation as a high stakes gambler. I used his excessive greed against him. The High Jedi Council was less than thrilled that I swindled a Fleet Flagship but the truth was no one was harmed."

"The Hutts entire culture is based on materialism." continued the Jedi Master. "If they were to look at our prisoner most of them probably say the only thing he is guilty of is getting caught… I guess they equate lives to material things every day. Greed is powerful Barriss. It can also be a powerful ally. Just remember to never fall under its spell."

Barriss smiled. "Gee, you really sounded wise Master Naruto." Seeing his exaggerated look of shock, she laughed. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." That's when the shuttle's navigation computer beeped. "Hmmm… We'll be dropping out of hyperspace soon. Thank you for helping me clear my mind on the subject Master. I really do appreciate it."

The whiskered blonde smiled. "Anytime, my apprentice."


*①: Twi'lek naming conventions combine given names (Aayla) with clan names (Secura) into one name (Aaylaas'ecura) to show unity with their people. To separate one's name is to stand apart from one's people. In Aayla's case it was to show she is a Jedi first rather than a Twi'lek. In some cases; it is considered a great dishonor like a criminal. See the Wookieepedia entry for Twi'leks.

*②: Lekku- (singular lek) also known as tchun-tchin or (by other species) brain-tails or head-tails are the tentacles hanging from the heads of all Twi'leks and Togruta.

*③: Nightlands- Due to Ryloth's unusual rotation, the planet had two regions, one half of the planet was in constant daylight (the Bright Lands) and the other in permanent night, known as the Nightlands.

*④: Doashim are fierce and aggressive creatures found in the dark ridges of the subterranean areas of Ryloth. Many humans from across the galaxy think they are reminiscent of demons from their own culture of origin. They slightly resemble the theropod dinosaur known as Carnotaurus. See Wookieepedia for a picture.

*⑤: Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid amphibians from the planet Tibrin. They have green skin, large eyes that extend from angular stalks on either side of their skull, and a beak-like mouth.

So, Naruto and company have caught a traitor that has led them to another. Now the question is, will Senator Gume Saam lead them to others or prove to be a dead end? See you next time. Blue out 2/3/24