
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Bultar Swan

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


This time Naruto gets a new Master. Here is Chapter 2. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language


This is a list of several characters that were prominent during the Clone wars. Obviously I couldn't include them all and several had to be omitted because I couldn't find ages listed.

Ages of Characters: Year Born BBY/Age at 26 BBY

Dooku, Born: 102 BBY/76 Years old

Ki-Adi-Mundi, Born: 92 BBY/66 Years old

Sheev Palpatine, Born: 84 BBY/58 Years old

Mace Windu, Born: 72 BBY/46 Years old

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Born: 57 BBY/31 Years old

Bultar Swan: Born 55 BBY/29 Years old (Estimated)

Shaak TI, Born: 48 BBY/22 Years old

Padme Amidala, Born: 46 BBY/20 Years old

Naruto Uzumaki, Born: 44 BBY/18 Years old

Anakin Skywalker, Born: 41 BBY/15 Years old

Barriss Offee, Born: 40 BBY/14 Years old

Ahsoka Tano, Born: 36 BBY/10 Years old

Last time:

Core Worlds Space

The trip from Renatasia to Coruscant was a quiet one and Naruto divided most of his time between meditating and talking with Master Windu about his thoughts and visions of the future. Unlike Anakin Skywalker; the title of Chosen One had never been spoken to Naruto and outside the Jedi High Council no one knew. Grandmaster Yoda had warned against training Skywalker and as the boy grew more and more powerful; the less Master Windu trusted the boy. Naruto on the other hand he trusted implicitly. There was a gut feeling that Mace had telling him they needed the whiskered blonde back in the fold.

"Found Naruto Uzumaki; you have?" asked Yoda over the holographic display.

Mace Windu nodded. "I believe it was the Force at work. This is no mere coincidence that I crossed paths with him again."

Yoda nodded. "See; I do. Much training he will need."

"Perhaps not." replied the dark skinned Master. "He has been training himself obviously. Naruto shines like a beacon in the Force."

The diminutive Master's ears perked up. "Interesting this is. The council; I will advise. May the Force be with you."

"And you Master Yoda." replied Mace…

Core Worlds, Corusca Sector, Planet Coruscant, Galactic Senate Building

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was sitting in his quarters when he suddenly felt a presence that was most unwelcome in his grand plan for the Galaxy… "Naruto Uzumaki… You escaped my web but were cut off from the Force as a result. Now you are back blazing like a star in the light side." He grimaced in anger. "It's such a shame I'll have to snuff you out."

Darth Sidious had been carefully grooming Anakin Skywalker for many years now; gently stroking the boy's ego and arrogance as a trusted friend… But Anakin was only fifteen now. It would take a few more years for him to grow into his power. Naruto though –he was beyond the reach of the Sith Lord now. 'Perhaps I could stir a little jealousy in young Anakin and have him destroy Naruto for me. It will take a few years but I believe it can be done. The future will follow my plan. Still, the Force is clouded around Uzumaki. I'll have to manipulate things to keep him in check.'

There was still a mystery afoot to the Sith Lord though. 'I have to wonder about the Sith Runes I had carved into Naruto's very flesh so long ago. I had foreseen him becoming the next Exar Kun. He should have been drawn into the Dark Side by those Runes alone. What went wrong? I will have to look into this personally. Perhaps with time and some careful planning I can turn him using those Runes. Yes…yes. Uzumaki will join me or he will die!'

Chapter 2

Year 26 BBY

Core Worlds, Corusca Sector, Planet Coruscant, Grand Jedi Temple

Naruto returned to the Grand Jedi Temple for the first time in what seemed like an eon to him. He was following Mace Windu through the Room of A Thousand Fountains where he'd learned to clear his mind and meditate with Jiraiya. They also passed through the Jedi Temple Arboretum which housed trees, flowers and ferns from a thousand different worlds. It was refreshing for the blonde to feel the Living Force at work there. Naruto was admiring the local fauna (read: lovely females) when Mace said, "You seem distracted Naruto."

The blonde smiled. "It has been a long time since I've been able to admire the beauty of nature on this scale."

Windu rolled his eyes and replied; "I believe that was your late Master Jiraiya's euphemism."

Naruto's blue eyes twinkled mischievously and he simply nodded.

Jiraiya had always been a maverick and was very open minded about certain things… like enjoying the company of beautiful females. He felt that the Jedi could benefit and be better people by forming emotional attachments and often got in hot water for it with the Grand Jedi Council as a result. Master Windu got a ghost of a smile remembering the white haired Jedi Master's antics… Antics he seemed to have passed down to young Uzumaki. "Be mindful of your thoughts Naruto."

Naruto looked away from the shapely young woman he was admiring and said, "Yes Master..."

Jedi Council Chambers

When Mace Windu and the blonde stepped off of the elevator and entered the circular room; Naruto felt as if his life had come full circle as well. He saw Master Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Master Yoda among several others he wasn't familiar with. Master Windu took his seat and turned to Naruto with a nod. The blonde returned the gesture before bowing and said; "Masters of the Council. I am honored that you are willing to see me once again."

Yoda smiled and said, "A pleasure to see the light has returned your young eyes Uzumaki. Much you have grown."

Plo Koon nodded in agreement. "The Council has reviewed your request to rejoin the Jedi order as a Padawan learner. You will need to be tested before we can make a final decision."

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi added, "The testing may seem severe but we must be thorough. Do you understand?"

Naruto replied; "I understand Masters; I am ready."

"Good." said Yoda. "Before we begin; how feel you?"

The whiskered blonde answered, "I feel like I've finally come home." His eyes crackled with chakra and he added. "I will give my all to pass the Council's testing."

"Interesting…" said Ki-Adi-Mundi. "With the Council's consent we shall begin…"

Jedi Temple Base Floor

Naruto soon found himself led to a chamber he did not recognize deep within the Temple. He sat in the middle of the chamber in the low light and heard a booming voice echoing above him. "The High Council has determined that you are to undergo a Trial of Skill." said the voice. "There are three parts. They are physical, mental and combat challenges." A huge forest obstacle course with traps appeared before the blonde. It had flags placed all over it that Naruto had to collect. "Complete the obstacle course as quickly as you can." commanded the voice. "The test begins NOW!"

The whiskered blonde spent the next hour moving flat out running, climbing, leaping, crossing heights, swimming and pushing his endurance to the maximum. On top of that he was escaping devilish traps and dodging remotes with laser bolts the whole way. Naruto had his light saber but stuck strictly to using his body and the Force alone to complete the obstacle course. The physical challenges were exhausting but Naruto's brutal training under Kurama carried him through. He completed the test in sixty four minutes. Panting and sweating heavily, the blonde grabbed the last flag marker on the obstacle course. He immediately sat in the meditative position to regain his strength and said, "Done."

If there was any sign that Naruto passed or failed; the young Renatasian could not detect it. After meditating in silence for ten minutes; he heard the voice say, "The mental challenges are next."

…A male Zabrak Jedi Master he did not recognize appeared and said; "I will be administering this test. You will follow my instructions to the letter. Let us begin Naruto Uzumaki."

The blonde was soon undergoing an excruciatingly long three hour test of endurance involving levitation while orbiting rocks around him. The test came to a crescendo when one of the trees nearby fell over upon him causing Naruto to lose his concentration and to hold the massive tree up using the Force alone. Finally; the whiskered blonde was able to hurl the tree away from him with an enormous telekinetic shove.

The Zabrak said; "You have thirty minutes to reflect upon your triumphs and failures in this test so far." Then he walked back into the darkness.

Naruto relaxed his body once again to regain strength and reflected on the tests. 'I believe I passed the obstacle course. I really couldn't go any faster without injuring myself. The levitation nearly killed me though. When the tree came down I dropped all the rocks and fell to the ground. At least I was able to throw the tree off before it crushed me.' The blonde was running on mental fumes at this point.

Faster than Naruto could believe it; the commanding voice returned. "The combat challenge begins NOW!"

A huge Jedi Temple Guardian came out of nowhere and roared, "Defend yourself!" as he activated his yellow light saber and hit Naruto with a Force push that sent the blonde tumbling into the trees. The Guardian chased Naruto into the brush only to get knocked back writhing in pain by a Teras Kasi*① punch to the groin. The man made a sound that only a fellow male could comprehend. Naruto finished the oversized guardian with a scissor kick to the face that not only knocked the man's helmet off; it rendered him unconscious.

Four more Guardians appeared and one of them said, "Atul is down. That jerk hit him in the nuts! GET HIM!"

Naruto activated his orange light saber and ran down into the obstacle course forcing the four Temple Guardians to angrily give chase. 'Finally! I'm in my own element.' thought the blond as he engaged the first Guardian. His eyes glowed blue with power as he took a light saber form that Mace Windu knew well: Juyo*②. "Let's get wild!" said the smiling blonde.

The High Jedi Council was observing and they were more than a bit shocked at the Juyo form. Naruto's heart was soaring with light rather than darkness. Truthfully the blonde was enjoying himself immensely as he dismantled the Temple Guardians' defenses and knocked them into the various traps on the obstacles course using the Force. One he beat unconscious by using a vicious combo of taijutsu punches and kicks. Then he was able to fight the remainder of them one on one as they escaped the traps.

"Naruto is making a masterful display of using the terrain around him." said Master Plo Koon.

"I agree." said Master Mundi. "Instead of facing all his foes at once; he is forcing them to face him on his own terms. Still; the use of Juyo is worrisome. Master Windu…?"

Mace Windu said; "It is a form of Juyo but not like Vaapad. It seems to incorporate the Teras Kasi martial art as well as others. I don't sense the Dark Side but rather a strict determination and the thrill of combat. I must test him myself."

Yoda looked on keeping his own council while the remaining Jedi Masters commented on Naruto's unorthodox and sometimes chaotic tactics. After the whiskered blonde finished knocking out the last Temple Guardian; Master Windu walked out of the darkness and said, "That saber form is based in Juyo. What do you call it?"

Naruto's eyes widened at the Master's presence. 'Things just got serious.' thought the blonde. "It is called the Kyuubi or nine tails form. I learned it training by myself."

Mace Windu activated his purple light saber and motioned for the five beat up Temple Guardians to withdraw. He said; "Those five were Padawans dressed as Temple Guardians. You'll find my test a bit more severe."

The blond gulped and raised his orange light saber into the offensive stance. "I am ready Master."

Mace Windu nodded and exploded into action. His blade moved so fast that Naruto thought it looked like a sphere of purple flame. The blonde was completely on the defensive the entire time but was clever and cunning enough to use the surrounding trees, rocks and anything else to stave off Master Windu for a short while before he was utterly defeated. Naruto was kneeling and in a blade lock when he said, "I yield Master. I am too exhausted to continue."

Windu smiled as they both deactivated their light sabers and said, "You show wisdom knowing when it is time to quit Naruto. Nicely done." Offering a hand to help the worn out blonde up; Mace said. "I look forward to discussing the Kyuubi style with you in detail. It is most interesting. In the meantime; shower off and rest. You will be summoned by the Council in the morning."

Naruto nodded tiredly and replied, "Yes Master; thank you…"

Jedi Council Chambers

The debate had broken out among the Masters as to how exactly Naruto should be placed. "He is skilled enough to become a Jedi Knight from what we've seen." said one Master. "He should be given the full Knight Trials*②."

"Young Uzumaki exceeded the requirements but the full Knight Trials?" asked Ki-Adi-Mundi. The Cerean Jedi Master shook his head. "Even if he were to pass the Knight Trials he is not qualified to be a Jedi Knight yet. It would be a mistake to push him too far too fast. Besides; there is the matter of the Juyo he knows. Clearly he has had another Master."

Yoda smiled and stated; "A mystery afoot there is; but I sense no darkness in Uzumaki. An experienced Jedi Master he requires to gently unlock his secrets."

Plo Koon agreed. "He displayed great potential in the Trial of Skill but even when he was reflecting, Naruto believed he could do better. This display proves to me he has a good mindset to continue learning as a Padawan."

"Perhaps we should ask Uzumaki himself what he thinks." replied another. "He may wish to face the other trials."

"To give a potential Jedi Knight a choice in their own placement would give them the idea that they are far more important than they are." said another Master. "It would breed arrogance."

Yoda nodded; "Agreed, we are. Talk to Master Windu; he should." Yoda turned to Mace and said, "Great admiration and respect he has for you Master Windu."

Mace Windu nodded and said, "With the agreement of the Council I will talk to him in the morning then..."

Naruto's Quarters

The whisker marked blonde was meditating in a set of guest quarters the next morning when Mace Windu knocked on his door. "Please enter." said Naruto from the cushion he was on.

"Good morning to you Naruto." said Mace. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel thoroughly humbled when it comes to dueling Master Windu." said the blonde with a twinkle in his eye. "The Vaapad Form is not to be trifled with."

Windu nodded. "Your Kyuubi Form has great potential though. How did you come up with it?"

Naruto sighed and heard Kurama say, 'You'd better come clean if you want to earn his trust Naruto.'

The blonde nodded to his furry partner mentally and said, "Master Windu; if you have time then I will explain a little Renatasian history to you so you will understand the Kyuubi Form's origins." Seeing Windu nod and sit down; Naruto began. "Nearly four thousand years ago the Renatasian Expedition from Grizmallt landed on Renatasia and found that there were nine spirit beasts that maintained balance and harmony on that world. They came to worship them eventually and the nine were called the Old Gods…"

…Naruto explained for a couple of hours and answered Mace Windu's many questions. The veteran Master rubbed his chin ad said, "So your Master in the ways of the Force is Kurama who has also taught you about an inner Force called Chakra… This is fascinating. Having your friend Kurama sealed within you is almost like having a living holocron within, isn't it?"

The whiskered blonde grinned and replied, "I guess you could look at it that way but Kurama is a great friend and mentor as well. We discuss all kinds of topics; not just the Force and Chakra."

Master Windu said; "I believe this should be discussed with Master Yoda and the Jedi Council before we proceed Naruto. I personally consider you having Master Kurama sealed within you could be a huge advantage..."

Jedi Council Chambers

Soon Master Mace Windu was discussing Naruto's unique situation with the High Jedi Council. "…So Young Uzumaki and Master Kurama see themselves as a symbiosis; two halves of a greater whole rather than having a true Master and apprentice relationship. It is truly amazing as sensing one is sensing the other." He explained. "I see no reason this would be a problem if we reinstate Naruto as a Padawan."

"Many wonders the Galaxy has." Yoda said sagely. "A surprise this is but not an unwelcome one."

Jedi Master Plo Koon said; "I'd recommend Jedi Knight Bultar Swan*③ to be his Master. It is past time she took and apprentice. She is from Kuat and was a Padawan of the late Jedi Master Micah Giiett. Swan excels at the martial arts and she learned a strong light saber defense under my tutelage. She has never killed an opponent and routinely goes on peace missions. Bultar is graceful, skilled and acrobatic and I believe would complement young Uzumaki's skill set perfectly."

Mace Windu wanted to face palm. 'She's also a young and very attractive human female and that's the last thing Naruto needs! This is all your fault Jiraiya...' he thought.

Not knowing that Windu had a minor objection; the rest of the council looked at two other options but all soon agreed that Bultar Swan could teach Naruto to be a superb Jedi Knight…

Naruto was sitting and waiting his turn to go into the Council chamber when he saw a tall, lithe female walk by with straight black hair in a bob haircut. He smiled as he admired her shapely body but she didn't appear to notice him. This was Bultar Swan.

The young woman entered the round Council chambers and bowed. "I bid you greeting Masters; how may I be of service?"

Yoda stood up and said, "Thank you for coming. Bultar Swan; confer upon you the title of Jedi Master; the Council does."

Swan's brown eyes bulged. "Um; what?!" was her well thought out reply.

Master Plo chuckled, "Grandmaster Yoda and the Jedi Council have made the decision to promote you to the rank of Master Jedi. Well done!"

Suddenly feeling self conscious; Swan said, "I don't believe I'm ready to become a Master Jedi yet."

"You are." said Yoda full of confidence. "An apprentice; we have chosen for you."

Naruto was motioned in from out in the corridor and bowed before the Council. He was about to greet the Masters properly but Yoda spoke before he could. "Naruto Uzumaki; reinstated as a Padawan you are. A new Master we have chosen for you."

Naruto was hoping that Master Windu would be his new mentor but Yoda motioned over to the pretty woman standing beside him. "Master Bultar Swan this is. Your new Jedi Master; she shall be."

'He's too old! /She's too young!' thought the pair.

The diminutive Grandmaster had the tiniest look of mischief in his eye. "Get to know each other; you should."

Faster than you could say Objection overruled; the new Master and Padawan were swept out of the Council chambers riding the elevator down to the base floor where they could talk…

'What just happened?' they thought in tandem.

Swan started the conversation and said, "Did you lose your previous Master; Uzumaki?"

"I lost my Master Jiraiya Gama six years ago and had to leave the Order to recover from the wounds I received then." said Naruto. "I just returned to the Jedi."

"I lost my Master Micah Giiet around the same time." replied Swan in sympathy. "It's hard isn't it?"

The blonde nodded. "It took a few years but Master Jiraiya would want me to look forward instead of back."

"It took me a long time to make peace with it as well." she said. "Perhaps that's why Master Yoda put us together."

"I hope we get along well Master Swan." said Naruto

She smiled and said; "As do I my apprentice…"

Sparring Room

Over the next few days, the Master and Padawan got to know each other in baby steps. Swan had him at the Jedi Library a lot to review the precepts of the Jedi Order and other Academic matters. Likewise; she was studying up on how a Master Jedi was to handle a Padawan learner in the old texts as she had never taught before. Naruto was getting bored and said; "My joints are getting stiff. I need to move around."

Bultar was a little restless herself and said; "Let's go to the sparring room and see what you can do Naruto."

As they came out to the mats; Swan expected the blonde to draw his light saber but instead he went into an advanced Teras Kasi counter stance. She raised an eyebrow and asked; "You know Teras Kasi?" At Naruto's nod she said; "Excellent; so do I. Show me what you can do and don't hold back…"

That was a mistake…

-WHAM Bash CRUNCH SMACK "Yeowch!" THUD BANG Clang "Owww!" CRACK-

Before long the whole sparring hall had stopped doing what they were supposed to be doing and were observing the most brutal Teras Kasi beat down ever seen inside the halls of the Grand Jedi Temple…

-"Oh; it's on now you brat!" SLAP Bam Crumple SLAM Bonk whap "Oof!" BOOM "Ouch; my hand!"-

Naruto was lying in the floor flat on his face and rasped out huffing and puffing; "Okay…I concede. You…win…Master." 'This woman is dangerous…'

Master Swan was holding her throbbing right hand were she'd landed a six hit combo to Naruto's head and was sitting on her rear. 'What is his head made of, armor plate?' "You…did…well." she panted out tiredly.

"Hohohoho! Bonding already I see." said Master Yoda as he appeared from nowhere. "Your prowess; most impressive. Hohohoho!"

The healers weren't nearly as amused as Master Yoda…


"…And furthermore, the sparring room is for SPARRING, not death matches!" screeched an angry Jedi Doctor before she stormed away.

Naruto was bruised all over but healing rapidly. "It seems you have the edge in speed, agility and skill Master Swan."

Swan had her hand wrapped and a bandage around her head. She replied, "You hit harder, are stronger and have more durability Naruto. Perhaps we should both hold back a bit from now on."

"I totally agree." said Naruto. "We should avoid beating each other senseless."

Master Plo Koon came in and said, "I watched the holographic display of your Teras Kasi duel. My respect for the martial art has risen a great deal. I trust you two are getting along?" he asked.

"Ah, we get along well." replied Naruto. "We were sparring ad went a little overboard."

"There are no problems." Swan added. "We both have much to learn Master Plo."

Plo nodded. "That is good to hear. I was afraid a rift had developed between you but obviously that's not the case."

Seeing several wide eyed children looking in from the hallway; Bultar asked, "What's with all of the younglings?"

Master Plo Koon cocked his head and said; "They all have become enamored with Teras Kasi of course."

Bultar Swan sweat dropped. "But of course…"

Grand Jedi Temple; Hanger level

Two months later; Naruto was quietly working on the T-6 Shuttle*④ which he and Master Swan were to use for their ambassadorial duties. Their first mission together was coming up and the blonde Padawan wanted to make sure nothing was amiss. He was on top of the wing tinkering with the port ion engine when he saw a bearded Jedi Master and his Padawan come trotting up. Naruto heard the Master say, "Bultar Swan! It's been some time since we crossed paths."

Swan replied, "Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is good to see you are doing well."

Naruto was only half listening as he heard them exchange introductions with Kenobi's Padawan; Anakin Skywalker. The blonde was too engrossed in his engine work to give it much thought.

Bultar called, "Naruto; I'm catching up with a friend of mine. His Padawan is going to help you with that engine. His name is Anakin."

"That's fine." called Naruto. "Come on up if you want Anakin."

"Hello." said Anakin from over Naruto's shoulder. "I'm Anakin Skywalker."

Naruto glanced back and saw a tall, lanky fifteen year old with dusty blonde hair. Naruto was covered in soot and said, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki; pleased to meet you…You know ion engines?"

Anakin nodded and Naruto said, "Come on over then. Maybe you can see why this thing is having so much trouble starting up."

The fifteen year old was soon covered in soot as well by the time they found a faulty relay panel. Naruto cheered. "Finally! Let's fire this beast up and see how she runs."

It wasn't long before the two were closing up the engine panels having completed a successful repair job. Naruto thanked Anakin and said; "You really know your way around a ship; I bet you like to pilot too."

Anakin looked surprised. "How did you know?"

"Your eyes." replied the whiskered blonde. "They are sharp, keen and predatory. Ever flown a fighter?"

"I flew a Naboo fighter against the Trade Federation." replied Anakin proudly. "It was a real battle."

Naruto nodded. "The Trade Federation are a bunch of slime devils. I had to fight them for weeks over Renatasia. I thought the onslaught would never end."

"So you were a fighter pilot?" asked Skywalker.

"Yeah. I was a flight leader in a squadron of Delta-7 interceptors. They are very lightly armed but fast and maneuverable as hell." said the older Padawan. "You can really burn the sky in them. You'd like them Anakin. There is nothing like pushing the envelope as far as it will go."

Anakin's eyes widened as they talked about space combat. In spite of his victory at Naboo; he realized Naruto was a veteran by comparison.

When Obi-Wan and Bultar came back they found the two Padawans chattering away about fighters and pod racing as they ran the final system checks on the T-6 shuttle. Obi-wan smiled and said; "It sounds like they are having a lively conversation. It's rare for Anakin to make friends with other Padawans."

"Why is that?" asked Bultar.

"Anakin is very advanced for his age." explained Kenobi. "He tends to come off a bit arrogant sometimes."

Swan shrugged. "I doubt it bothers Naruto in the slightest. I believe he could befriend just about anyone…"

Jedi Council Chambers

Jedi Master Bultar Swan and her Padawan Naruto Uzumaki were standing before the Jedi Council to receive their first mission together.

"Governor Wilhuff Tarkin*⑤ of Planet Eriadu has requested an investigation of pirates interfering with lommite ore*⑥ shipments from the Outer Rim to the Core Worlds of the Republic." explained Master Mace Windu. "Chancellor Palpatine has personally requested that the Jedi investigate these incidents because of the impact it's having on the transparisteel industry. It's a complicated situation that needs to be unraveled quickly."

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi added; "The Force is very clouded on this issue so be on your guard… May the Force be with you…"

The whiskered blonde was frowning as they left the Council Chambers. "What is bothering you Naruto?" asked Bultar. "You seem tense."

"I don't like this at all Master." replied Naruto. "Something dark is waiting for us on Eriadu. I can feel it."

She grinned; "Are you sure it's not just nerves? This is our first mission together you know."

Naruto smiled back grimly. "I guess we're about to find out aren't we…?"


*①: Teras Kasi: Also known as Steel Hand in Galactic Basic; is an unarmed combat discipline. It was created sometime prior to 3678 BBY on the planet Bunduki by the Followers of Palawa; refugees of the planet Palawa; which was devastated earlier in a war somehow involving the Jedi Council. The Followers of Palawa created Teras Kasi solely to fight against Jedi to ensure that another world would never be destroyed by the actions of the Jedi Council.

*②: Juyo: This is a light saber form known as the Way of the Vornskr or the Ferocity Form or simply Form VII to the Jedi Order. Form Vii is described as the most vicious form of light saber combat and involves significant internal focus on the part of the user. Knowledge of Form VII is restricted among the Jedi Order because they worry its precepts will lead its practitioners to the Dark Side. Mace Windu described his variant, the Vaapad style; as a state of mind rather than a fighting style. It allowed the wielder to channel his own inner darkness into a duel and accept the fury of an opponent. See Wookieepedia for an in depth description.

*②: The Jedi Knight Trials Consist of the Trial of Skill, Trial of Courage, Trial of the Flesh, Trial of the Spirit and the Trial of Insight. Naruto has (theoretically) passed the Trial of Skill, though not perfectly.

*③: Bultar Swan is in the same generation of Jedi as Obi-Wan Kenobi and I'm putting her at being born around 55 BBY which would make her 29 at this point in the story. I chose her to be Naruto's Master because she excels is skilled in the martial arts and is a peace lover more than most Jedi. See Wookieepedia for her appearance and full background.

*④: The T-6 shuttle, also known as the Jedi Ambassador Shuttle, was a semicircular shuttle manufactured by Slayn & Korpil and in use by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order from 32 BBY forward. They featured rotating cockpits and engine blocks and were hyperdrive-equipped. Several craft of this model were utilized by Jedi on a variety of missions. See Wookieepedia.

*⑤: Later to become the Imperial Grand Moff Tarkin of the Death Star.

*⑥: Lommite was a type of ore used in the making of transparisteel. Lommite ore was often shipped from Eriadu to the Core Worlds and was the primary export of that world.

I've had several requests for Naruto characters to be added such as Hinata, Ino, and Sakura, etc. I've also been asked if this is a single pairing or a harem. I'm undecided at this point. Next chapter is the mission to Eriadu. See you next time. Blue out. 10/21/23