
Naruto: Maelstrom

This is an AU starring Uzumaki Naruto as a Jedi Padawan. It starts around the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace and will continue from there.

Thayerblue1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Barriss's Test

Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Star Wars


This installment takes place around Season 1, Episode 8 of the Clone Wars. And no worries; Jar Jar Abrams (I mean Binks) isn't making an appearance. Here is Chapter 9. Enjoy!

{ } Signifies an alien language

Last time:

Year 22 BBY

Jedi Grand Temple, Medical Center

Naruto arrived on Coruscant early the next day. Seeing the blonde's rather mangled condition; the Jedi healers immediately dragged the blonde kicking and screaming to the last place in the Jedi Temple he wanted to be; the Medical Ward. Naruto hated it there and had a record of breaking out that was second to none. The chief Jedi Doctor had him stripped to his underwear and locked down as a result. In addition two Jedi Guardians were outside his room to make sure he didn't escape. Despite Naruto's attempts to convince the healers he was fine; the blonde was stuck there for the duration.

That was when Grandmaster Yoda came in and nearly slipped a disc laughing at Naruto's expense. "Hohohoho! Caught you at last they did! Made my day you have! Hohohoho!" Things went predictably downhill for the blonde from there…

…After getting his laughter under control, Yoda was admiring the ghostfire crystal. "Perfect and untainted it is. A rare and precious gift indeed. Treasure it well." Over the next couple of hours; the diminutive Master was listening to Naruto's report and asked questions where appropriate. Finally; Yoda pronounced his judgment. "Uncorrupted; your spirit is. Trained you well; she did …if a little roughly."

Naruto relaxed a little. "I am glad Master. I was concerned about my bloodline."

Yoda nodded and said, "Our origins matter not; what we make of ourselves does. Strong in the Force; your family is."

Chapter 9

Year 22 BBY

Core Worlds, Corusca Sector, Planet Coruscant, Jedi Grand Temple, Naruto Uzumaki's Quarters

Jedi Knight Naruto Uzumaki was in his quarters and was talking to his Padawan Barriss Offee via holographic projection. The blonde looked like he was nursing a bad headache. "I just got out of the medical ward Barriss. I realize that you would rather be attached to Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet but trust me you will be all right with General Skywalker."

Barriss looked less than thrilled. "With all due respect Master, General Skywalker played cat and mouse with General Grievous for days over a single astromech droid! I am growing used to your unconventional tactics but General Skywalker is-"

The blonde cringed. "General Skywalker is just unconventional in a different way from me my Padawan. He gambles but doesn't bother to stack the deck like I do."

Offee's eyes got large. "That's exactly it Master! He takes huge risks with his fleet but doesn't have a dirty; underhanded backup plan like you always do!"

"Please tell me you aren't on the Bridge of the Implacable." said Naruto fearing the worst.

"Actually I am." replied Bariss clueless. "Why do you ask?"

"Is Commander Checker there?" asked the Jedi.

Checker appeared on the screen and said, "This is the dirty, underhanded Commander Checker Sir!"

"Oh, boy…I'm never going to hear the end of this…" thought Naruto aloud. 'Why me?!'

After calming his Padawan down and reassuring her that the Implacable would be safe with General Skywalker in command (or so he hoped), Naruto got ready to meditate and calm his mind. That when he heard a knock on his door. "Please enter." said the blonde Jedi Knight.

A Rodian Padawan was there and bowed. "You have a visitor from outside the Temple Master Uzumaki."

Naruto raised a confused eyebrow and he turned around. It was none other than Senator Padmé Amidala. She smiled and said, "Hello Naruto; it's been some time."

The blonde thanked the Padawan for bringing the Senator and invited Padmé inside. "I wasn't expecting a guest or I would have had tea or something prepared. It is good to see you though. What brings you to the Jedi Temple?"

The whiskered Jedi sat down on a meditation cushion and she sat opposite of him. "It's good to see you too Naruto. I really didn't expect your quarters to be so austere." She looked concerned at him. "I heard you were injured."

He grinned. "I'm fine. The healers were holding me against my will. It was awful I tell you!"

Padmé laughed at his antics and said, "I heard it was a lot worse than that. I'm glad you're okay." She took his hand and said; "Master Yoda told me you faced off with Count Dooku… alone. I was really worried."

Naruto felt butterflies in his stomach but replied, "Count Dooku threw his hip out and had to hobble away in retreat. I won the day by default."

She shook her head and smiled warmly at him. "You don't have to hide it from me if you are hurt Naruto."

Naruto felt his defenses melting at her warmth and said. "It was rough but I really did make him retreat. I wasn't supposed to take him on alone…"

The brunette saw pain in his eyes and kissed his cheek. "I'm just glad you're okay."

They looked into each other's eyes for a few moments and then looked away blushing slightly at the same time. "Ummm…" he said at a loss.

She blinked and said; "Ummm… yes, I wanted to talk to you about an ambush I fell into."

His blue eyes flashed back into focus. "What kind of an ambush Padmé? Spare me no details."

She was a bit surprised at his forcefulness but then smiled softly knowing Naruto cared. Padmé asked, "You heard about the Malevolence going down didn't you?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes, I was on Planet Ambria at the time."

"I ended up on board the Malevolence as an almost hostage." explained the brunette. "Obi-Wan and Anakin had to pull me out of there."

"An almost hostage?" asked Naruto. "How does that work?"

"My ship was captured but I was loose on board the Malevolence." she explained. Then she went on to describe the insanity known as her rescue. Naruto sweat dropped as he listened. "…Anyway, I shouldn't have been there in the first place. If the Chancellor's intelligence hadn't dropped me right in Grievous' lap; the whole mess wouldn't have happened."

The Jedi nodded. "…So basically the coordinates and timing landed your yacht directly in front of the Malevolence which conveniently had a tractor beam ready and waiting to pick you up." Naruto's eyes were closed in deep thought and he said; "In essence, you want to figure out how Count Dooku manipulated Supreme Chancellor Palpatine into dropping you into Grievous' lap by setting up a false meeting with the Banking Clan."

"Yes." replied Padmé. "It's so twisted and illogical that I knew the only person to solve this riddle was you Naruto."

"I don't know if I should be honored or insulted." said the blonde dismayed.

She grinned. "Come on Naruto; put that devious little mind of yours to work and tell me how you would pull that off if you were Count Dooku."

Naruto drummed his fingers for a moment and said; "The pieces would already have to be set in place for you to have the correct coordinates for the Malevolence."

"What do you mean Naruto?" asked Padmé.

"What I mean is whoever sent you out from Naboo must have known exactly where the battleship was at the exact right time." explained the blonde. "Grievous was in trouble. Dooku was on Ambria with me and you were on Naboo. By the time the information got relayed to you to make preparations to go to the fake meeting with the Banking Clan had to have already been in place. Unless the Supreme Chancellor set you up-"

"Don't even joke about such a thing!" said Padmé.

"I'm theorizing." stated Naruto. Seeing her frown he thought with a mental giggle, 'She's hot when she's angry.' "Anyway; my point is that the correct coordinates had to be given to you by the Chancellor at the last possible second. Were there any last second course corrections sent to you while you were already in hyperspace?"

The Senator answered; "Yes; about ten minutes before we came out of hyperspace the Supreme Chancellor's Emissary Janus Greejatus*① sent me a course correction so I could rendezvous with the Banking Clan. He is very close to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine."

"Is that normal?" asked Naruto with a cocked eyebrow.

The brunette replied, "I wouldn't call it normal but it's not unheard of ether."

"Do you know anything about this Emissary Padmé?" asked the whiskered Jedi Knight.

Senator Amidala thought a moment and said, "Janus Greejatus is a former Senator from the Chommell Sector who I succeeded. He was drummed out of office for being a human supremacist. He hates non-humans for some reason."

"Sounds like a real piece of work." said the blonde as he brought up a holographic image of a very pale, gaunt looking man in his late fifties. "He looks like a charmer too. I'll bet the ladies are crazy about him." Hearing Padmé snicker; Naruto asked, "Would Greejatus benefit politically if you were removed from office?"

"I don't know if he would personally benefit but his party in the Chommell Sector might have something to gain politically." said Padmé. "That being said he and I aren't friends at all. Our policies have always been diametrically opposed."

Naruto gave a fanged smile and said, "It seems we have an Emissary to talk to then…"

Galactic Senate Building, Office of the Supreme Chancellor

Darth Sidious sensed something was off today. He had foreseen a wrench being thrown in the works but he had no idea what. The Sith Lord was in his office dealing with the bureaucrats as usual when he was informed that Senator Padmé Amidala was there to see him along with a Jedi Knight…

'Grand…' thought the Supreme Chancellor. 'What does that spitfire want from me now?' Putting on his best Fatherly attitude; Sheev said to his aide, "Please show Senator Amidala in."

Padmé and Naruto came in and bowed. She said, "Greetings Chancellor Palpatine. I'm glad to see you in good health. I'm sorry to interrupt your busy day."

Sheev smiled warmly and said, "And I am glad to see you My Lady. I assure you it is never a problem to see you. How are you doing? With that disastrous matter on the Malevolence I can only imagine you feeling unsettled. Master Jedi I- Gracious, is that you Naruto Uzumaki? After all these years to see you grown! I was under the impression you left the Jedi Order all those years ago."

Naruto gave an amiable smile and said; "It has been a long time Chancellor. I'm surprised you remember me."

"How could I forget such a talented young man?" replied Sheev with a smile. "I'd love to catch up with you about what happened to you since that day but suffice it to say I'm glad to see you well and back in the Jedi Order." 'And you've grown even more powerful than I imagined defeating Lord Tyranus the way you did… Why are you such a ghost to me?'

The blonde stated; "I can only imagine how busy you must be Chancellor. The Senator is concerned; I'm merely here as her escort." Naruto scanned around the room and saw Janus Greejatus among others there.

"Of course!" said Sheev. "Tell me how I can help you today My Lady."

"Actually it is about my little mishap on the Malevolence." she replied.

Palpatine looked wrought with guilt. "I can't tell you how sorry I am about that Senator Amidala. I have an intelligence team investigating the whole disaster to find out what went wrong."

"Actually I believe that the situation was none of your doing Chancellor." said Padmé kindly. "I received a course correction from someone else that dropped me in front General Grievous. That person is who I would like to talk to."

The master manipulator asked innocently, "Who might that be My Lady?"

"You Emissary Janus Greejatus sent me the coordinates in question." explained Senator Amidala. "I'd like to see where he got those specific coordinates from."

Sheev looked astounded and turned to Greejatus. He asked, "Janus we've known each other for decades. Can you explain this to the Senator? Where did you get those coordinates?"

Greejatus' eyes widened and he panicked. Palpatine was planning to take him into safe custody but the Emissary saw Naruto's eyes blazing blue with chakra and pulled a blaster pistol. Aiming at Padmé; Greejatus opened fire.

The blonde held up his hand and deflected the blaster bolts before they got near the Senator and used the Force to pull the blaster out of Greejatus' hand. "You're a Dark Side Acolyte!" growled Naruto.

The Emissary lunged at Palpatine and activated a red light saber. The blonde intercepted him with a brutal Teras Kasi throat jab that sent Greejatus crashing back towards the Chancellor's desk where he cracked his head and sent his active light saber into the air.

Darth Sidious realized Janus Greejatus was now a lost cause and used the Force to delicately move the Emissary's flying light saber. It flew a bit higher and sliced into a massive chandelier above him. Naruto missed it as half the chandelier went towards Palpatine and the other half fell upon Greejatus and crushed him to death. The half falling towards the 'terrified' Palpatine was caught by Naruto using the Force. The blonde set the demolished chandelier down telekinetically away from the Chancellor and everyone else.

Palpatine's aides and Padmé rushed over to him to make sure the hyperventilating Chancellor was all right. Naruto looked at Janus Greejatus and sensed he was dead. The weight of the chandelier would have killed the man alone but the crystals hanging from it impaled the Emissary like a hundred spears. Naruto sighed. "Damn it…"

"You saved my life Naruto." said the Supreme Chancellor after he calmed down. "You don't know how thankful I am! My …My life flashed before my eyes. I'm just so shocked that Janus was an enemy all this time!"

The blonde was frowning. "I'm glad you're unharmed Chancellor but I hoped to take him alive. All I planned to do was ask him a few questions."

Palpatine said, "Perhaps it was just fate Naruto. His actions were an admission of guilt." 'Greejatus, you damn fool. If you had stayed calm instead of panicking I wouldn't have had to eliminate you. Oh well, he's an acceptable loss. But Naruto... he's become a deadly warrior without even drawing his light saber.' "I'm just glad everyone else is unharmed…"

Galactic Senate Building, Dining Commons

Padmé and Naruto were having dinner together. The Jedi was poking at his food. The Senator asked; "Is your food no good Naruto? You haven't eaten much."

The blonde said quietly, "I needed Greejatus alive. He was just one head on the hydra. The body still lives. I've got a feeling I've missed something very important."

"Emissary Greejatus was an ear for Count Dooku in Chancellor Palpatine's cabal." said Padmé. "You should accept rooting him out as a victory." She smiled. "I can't believe you pulled all that off without a light saber though. I was really impressed."

Naruto cocked his head to one side. "That's because I didn't have time to. Master Swan taught me a lot about barehanded fighting. I owe her a lot."

"How are you doing with your own apprentice Naruto?" asked the brunette.

The Jedi grinned. "Barriss Offee is really trying hard but she tends to be inflexible and sees thinks in black and white instead of the myriad of grays that make up our Galaxy. It's proving to be a difficult task instructing her. She's very earnest about her views."

"So she's an idealist?" asked Padmé. "How does she view you then?"

Naruto leaned back and interlaced his fingers behind his head. "She sees me as a paragon of virtue of course."

The Senator from Naboo tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably. "Pffft! She probably sees you as the antithesis of virtue! Hahaha!"

"She refers to my tactics as dirty and underhanded." said the blonde proudly. "It all depends upon your point of view I suppose."

The young couple enjoyed their evening together and Naruto returned to the Jedi Grand Temple that evening…

Jedi Grand Temple, High Council Chambers

The Jedi High Council was having a meeting regarding the death of Janus Greejatus and the fact he hadn't been detected before. "Again; young Uzumaki sees things we did not." said Yoda. "First Geonosis and now Janus Greejatus. A puzzle it is, no?"

"The fact he is descended of a Sith Lord could be why." said Master Saesee Tiin*⑥. "It's also unsettling how he can cloak himself in the Force like some kind of wraith."

Yoda sighed. "Descended of Darth Revan*⑦; Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan*⑧ was. A shining light in the Force; she was. Unfounded; your suspicions about Naruto Uzumaki's origins are."

Master Windu nodded and said; "I agree with Master Yoda on this matter. I've known Naruto since he was a youngling and he's always shined brightly. Putting that aside; we were unable to see a Dark Acolyte on the Supreme Chancellor's Staff. This is serious. Are we so blinded by the Dark Side? We need to unravel this mystery and quickly."

Several of the Masters weighed in on the matter and Master Shaak Ti asked, "Has it not always been the way of the Sith to hide themselves? We know that Count Dooku answers to the name of Darth Tyranus and claims to have a Sith Master named Sidious. Dooku is the obvious enemy but finding Darth Sidious should be our ultimate goal. The Sith Lord Darth Maul was more than likely apprenticed to Sidious as well. Even if we destroy Count Dooku his Master could groom another apprentice."

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi replied, "Finding this Darth Sidious needs to be our primary concern but unfortunately we also have a war to fight."

"I believe if we capture Count Dooku his Master will be revealed." said Master Adi Gallia.*⑨ "Of course; that is far easier said than done."

"Then focus our efforts on Dooku; we will…" said Yoda grimly.

Galactic Senate Building, Supreme Chancellor's Quarters

Darth Sidious was largely an uncaring man but the loss of Greejatus had him furious. Janus had been one of Palpatine's secret advisors for decades. For obvious reasons the Emissary had been useful to the Sith Lord but more to the point; Sidious had invested a great deal of time and effort in grooming Greejatus to work for him in the shadows. Now the fool was dead and the Jedi were poking around to make sure the Supreme Chancellor was safe. Sheev Palpatine would have to back off his Dark Side Force activities and let the blundering Jedi delude themselves into thinking that the Republic was free of any evil influence.

…And once again Sidious found himself at the short end of the stick where young Naruto Uzumaki was concerned. First Geonosis; then Ambria and now in his own office! The Sith Lord had foreseen that Uzumaki could become a tremendous asset in the future and ordered for him to be turned to the Dark Side with Sith runes. When the ritual failed; Naruto was apparently Force blind and that should have been the end of it. Now the boy could cloak himself in the Force and apparently could detect others with the same ability. Sidious had been extremely subtle with the Force moving Greejatus' light saber but the Sith Lord didn't delude himself into thinking Naruto missed it.

The fact was Uzumaki checked over everything with a fine toothed comb and found no evidence but Palpatine could see the boy realized something was off. The gears in the blonde's head had been spinning at light speed. Sheev figured if young Naruto had been a little older and more experienced it could have been checkmate then and there.

'Perhaps I can pit Skywalker against Uzumaki.' thought Palpatine. 'I know the two get along well so driving a wedge between them might not be easy. There is also the question of who would win should they turn on one another. I'll have to give this some thought…'

Mid Rim, Bothan Sector, Planet Bothawui*② Orbit, Galactic Republic Ship Implacable

The Implacable was alone in Bothan Space on station under the leadership of Jedi Commander Barriss Offee while Jedi General Anakin Skywalker in his command ship the Resolute hunted for General Grievous. Barriss was on the bridge of the Implacable when they received a distress signal from the nearby Planet Kothlis*③ in the same sector. "This is Jedi Commander Offee; go ahead Kothlis station." said Barriss.

A clone trooper answered her in the holographic display. "We have detected a lone Confederate Cruiser in Kothlis Space. It is closing on the planet and is not of a configuration we recognize. It could be another secret weapon. It is firing from us in orbit! We will-"

"The transmission cut out at the source Commander Offee." said a technician.

Captain Franz ordered "Transmit our situation to the Fleet and await further orders."

Commander Checker said; "If we await further orders that whole Kothlis Colony could be reduced to ash by the time we get there. What are your orders Jedi Commander Offee?"

Barriss felt overwhelmed but took a calming breath. "Prepare to jump into Planet Kothlis orbit; there is no time to lose. The people of Kothlis need our protection. If the enemy proves to be too much for us to deal with we will jump back out."

"A recon in force then?" asked Captain Franz. Barriss nodded. "I can get behind that."

"As can I." agreed Commander Checker.

The Jedi Padawan ordered, "Let's go then…"

Confederate Ship Nocturne*④

The Neimoidian Captain Cappa Vooro*⑤ of the Confederate ship Nocturne was waiting for escort ships to arrive from Bothawui to arrive not realizing they'd already been destroyed under General Grievous Command. Captain Vooro had been waiting for days at the edge of the Kothlis System when the listening station from the Planet Kothlis detected the Nocturne and started transmitting distress signals to the Republic. He'd ordered the Nocturne's massive Ion Cannon to knock out the listening post on the surface but he didn't have the firepower to destroy it. The last thing he wanted to see was a Republic Ship jump into the system…That was when the Implacable arrived.

"It's an Acclamator Class sir!" exclaimed his command droid. "Should we attack them?"

"We don't stand a chance in close combat without an escort fleet." said Cappa. "Is the Ion Cannon ready?"

"It's at eighty percent sir!" replied the droid.

Captain Vooro said, "Bring the bow around to face them and fire when ready. Don't miss this time gunner."

"Roger, roger." replied the gunner droid. "Ion Cannon at one hundred percent!"

"Fire!" commanded Captain Vooro.

The Ion Cannon's circular beam was much smaller than that of the Malevolence but was still effective. It hit the Implacable dead on and it disabled the Republic ship.

"What do we do now Captain?" asked the Command droid. "The Republic ship is shut down."

Cappa Vooro's gut reaction was to retreat but that would look really bad on his record. "Close the range and open fire! We're going to destroy them!"

"Roger, roger." replied the command droid. "This just might take some time."

Galactic Republic Ship Implacable

"We're dead in the water!" declared Captain Franz. "That ship is armed with a smaller version of the Ion Cannon the Malevolence carried! Prepare to abandon ship. We are defenseless!"

"Belay that order!" said Bariss. "They aren't firing at us. Do they not have any other weapons?"

Captain Franz looked through a set of macro binoculars. "They seem to have a few broadside turrets but not many. They are firing but at this range the damage is negligible."

"They are closing the range where all their turrets can be brought to bear." said a lookout. "They are going to pummel us at short range."

Commander Checker said, "I'm afraid we're going to have a long, slow death at this rate Commander Offee. What are your orders?"

Barriss' mind was whirling. 'Stack the deck! Think outside the box! What would Master Naruto do? Cheat!' She looked at the ships remaining systems online. That's when a very underhanded thought came to mind. She turned to Captain Franz and asked, "The emergency mooring cables are fired and retracted by explosives in case we lose power are they not?"

Franz answered, "Yes; but what difference will that make when there is nothing to dock with?"

She pointed at the enemy ship approaching. "We're going to dock with that by ship by force! Commander Checker; get every last man on this ship ready for boarding party combat! We are going to take that Confederate ship right out from under their noses!"

Checker smiled under his helmet. "I've never heard of stealing an enemy ship before. Pass the word men! Everybody get in boarding party combat mode! We're going to rob the Clankers!"

A roar of approval rang throughout the crippled Implacable and for the first time Barriss Offee truly felt like a leader…

The Implacable was taking a beating but there were so few guns on the enemy cruiser that the Republic ship was still structurally intact. Jedi Commander Offee said, "They are close enough! Fire all mooring cables on the starboard side!" Twenty huge cables with harpoon like ends and nearly one hundred smaller ones punched into the side of the Confederate ship.

Captain Franz reported, "The connections are solid!"

"Reel us in!" roared Barriss. There was an enormous CLANG as the two ship's hulls collided and the Implacable shook like an earthquake. "Boarders away!" said Offee.

"Hull cutters ready?" asked Commander Checker. "Let's go!"

Confederate Ship Nocturne

Captain Vooro was dumbfounded. "What is the Republic ship doing?!" he yelled.

The Command droid replied, "We have multiple hull breaches! The Republic ship has docked with us and they are boarding our ship!"

The Neimoidian screeched; "Shake them off!"

"We have nearly a thousand boarders already." said the Command droid. "Prepare all units for hand to hand combat!"

"Does not compute. This wasn't supposed to happen." said another droid.

Multiple screens showing a flood of 325th Legion clone troopers were lighting up on the bridge of the Nocturne and Cappa Vooro panicked. "Get me to my personal ship! I'm getting out of here!"

"It's at the other end of the ship." replied the droid Commander.

"Then escort me down there!" commanded the Captain.

"Roger, roger. Open the blast doors." said the droid.

"WHAT? Wait a minute!" yelled Captain Vooro.

The blast doors opened and Jedi Barriss Offee was standing there with more clones than the Neimoidian could count. "Surrender!" she ordered. "This ship is ours!"

Captain Vooro sad; "I give up! I give up! Don't kill me!"

Barriss still had her light saber trained on the Neimoidian and said, "Order all of the droids to shut down. I'm not taking any chances."

Thanks to Jedi Commander Barriss Offee, the 325th had another victory…

Mid Rim, Bothan Sector, Planet Kothlis Orbit, Galactic Republic Ship Resolute

Jedi General Anakin Skywalker arrived aboard the Resolute with his fleet only to find the Implacable and the Nocturne docked together in the most bizarre way possible. Ahsoka, Commander Rex and Anakin were all a bit dumbfounded as Bariss Offee gave her report.

"…And finally I'd like to request repair vessels to separate the two vessels once the wounded are taken care of." said Barriss. "The Implacable is going to need some tender loving care I'm afraid."

Anakin thought to himself, 'I guess Naruto is finally rubbing off on her…heaven help us all…'


*①: Janus Greejatus: Janus Greejatus is a Human male Dark Side Adept and an Emissary for Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. From an early age, while growing up on his home world of Chommell Minor, Greejatus bore unbridled hatred toward non-Humans, since they had damaged his family's finances severely in years prior.

*②: Planet Bothawui: Bothawui was an asteroid field ringed gas giant located in the Bothan Sector of the galaxy's Mid Rim. Bothawui is considered to be strategically important during the Clone Wars.

*③: Planet Kothlis: Kothlis was a Bothan colony world located in the Kothlis system of the Bothan sector in the Mid Rim. It was the fourth of seven planets in the star system, and was orbited by three small moons and an asteroid field.

*④: Nocturne: This is a Star Destroyer sized vessel designed to be a cheaper alternative to the massive Malevolence type. It has a single Ion Gun to disable targets and would rely on other vessels in its fleet to actually destroy them.

*⑤: Cappa Vooro: He is a Neimoidian OC Captain from a very wealthy and influential family.

*⑥: Saesee Tiin: Saesee Tiin, a Force-sensitive Iktotchi male from the moon Iktotch, is a Jedi Master who serves on the Jedi High Council.

*⑦: Darth Revan: Darth Revan was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. See Wookieepedia.

*⑧: Satele Shan: Satele Shan was a Force-sensitive Human female who served as the Jedi Order's Grand Master during the Cold War and the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. See Wookieepedia.

*⑨: Adi Gallia: Adi Gallia, a Force-sensitive Tholothian female, is a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council. See Wookieepedia for her background.

This chapter was fun to write. I hope everyone enjoyed the Naruto/Padmé moments. I always wanted to have boarding party combat between capital ships in Star Wars so I gave it a whirl this chapter. Next chapter will probably be around the time of the Ryloth Campaign but I'm not one hundred percent sure yet. See you next time. Blue out. 12/30/23