
Naruto : Lost

my p@treon : https://www.p@treon.com/sybife ___________________ The Story : Betrayed by the people around him in way not even he thought was possible, Naruto leave. After realizing he is being chased Naruto tries to escape using a Jutsu only for a single wrong hand seal to send both him and those chasing him to another dimension __________________________________________ so I'm going to stop writing naruto fanfic for a while don't worry I'll be just taking some rest that's why I decide to work on this one because there isn't a lot of work to be made I hope you enjoy the story _________________________________________ I don't own anything of this fanfic except some character that I've made . ________________________________________

sybife · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

Chapter 24 : Chances(1)

"What the hell was all that?"

Naruto sighed; he was doing that a lot lately, as he looked at the angry face of his girlfriend. After the 'incident' outside ended and the police had taking the three unconscious teens Naruto had lead Raven, Starfire and Terra into the back of his store where he had his fake home set up, Gaara right behind them. He was now sat on the couch in his living room, Gaara next to him, as Raven stared down at him from her standing position in front of them.

He should have known better, losing his temper in front of so many people, reporters with fucking cameras none the less, his head was killing him and he felt like someone had taken a hammer and bashed it into his temple.

The moment they arrived in the room Naruto new it was going to be a long day, the look on Raven's face practically screamed for answers. She even had Terra and Starfire stand next to the door to prevent them from escaping, not that they could stop them if they wanted to.

Leaning back into the couch Naruto let a small amused smile cross his lips, which just seemed to infuriate Raven even more, and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what you mean Raven-chan."

Narrowing her eyes at her blonde boyfriend, the grey skinned teen put her hands on her hips and leaned forward so she was staring directly down at him.

"I'm talking about the fact you move so fast you were invisible to the naked eye, I'm talking about the fact you kicked Mammoth over thirty feet away and through a wall, I'm talking about the fact you just took out a team of villains that takes all the Titans to beat like they were children! I'm talking about the fact you never told me you had powers..."

At the end of her rant Raven's voice had become little more then a whisper, her eyes not even looking at him anymore. The smile left his face instantly when he saw the hurt in her eyes and without even think Naruto stood up and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest as he gently stroked her back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Raven-chan, but it's not something I like to talk about, I still don't. But when I'm ready you'll be the first one I come to, ok."

The only response he got was her nodding her head against his shoulder and they stayed like that for several minutes, the other in the room averting their eyes to give the two some kind privacy. When Raven had calmed down Naruto led her to the couch and sat her between himself and Gaara, who had been watching the exchange with his usual stoic expression, and when they were comfortable Naruto put his arm around her shoulder.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Naruto let out another sigh as he mentally prepared himself for what was coming before he nodded to his red headed friend. Without a word Gaara stood up and walked out of the room, the three girls watching him go with confused expressions on their faces before turning back to the whiskered teen sat next to Raven.

Seeing their looks Naruto gave them a small smile before chuckling.

"I just, as you put it Raven-chan, 'took out a team of villains that takes all the Titans to beat like that they were children', in front of a group of reporters. By now it will be all over Jump city, which means a certain traffic light will be bursting through that door any minute now, so Gaara's going to show them through before they do any more damage to my shop."

Not a minute later Naruto's words were proven correct when Robin came into the room, Cyborg, Beastboy and Gaara right behind him, a large frown on his face when he saw Naruto. Walking straight up to the blonde and standing in front of him in the exact same way Raven had been not ten minutes ago, his arms crossed over his chest and eyes looking straight into Naruto's.

"...why didn't you tell us?"

Taking his arm from around Raven's shoulders and, leaning forward so his chin resting on his hands as he tried to ignore the pounding in his head, Naruto raised an eyebrow at Robin.

"I don't like your tone, Traffic light-san."

Practically growling at the blonde, Robin's frown only increased at his words as his face turned red.

"Why didn't you tell us you had powers!"

Even with the brightly dressed teen shouting in his face Naruto still didn't lose his calm, though he did frown a little as the noise aggravated his headache even more, and just stared into his eyes behind the mask with a blank expression.

"Because I didn't see it as being important, just because I have powers it doesn't change anything."

"Doesn't change anything!"

Taking a moment to calm himself down Robin started taking deep breaths as he turned away from the whiskered teen before moving to lean against the wall across from where he was sat. When he turned back there was a thoughtful look on his face that Naruto didn't like.

"What can you do other then having super strength and...Whatever it was you did to move so fast?"

Leaning back in his seat, Naruto raised an eyebrow at the brightly dressed hero, shaking his head slightly.

"Again, I don't see why it's important for you to know."

Frown returning, though not to the same degree it had been before, Robin sighed as he rubbed a hand over his face.

"If we're going to be working together we need to know what you can do."

The way he said this made it sound like the most obvious answer in the world, as if there was no doubt in his mind that he would join them, and again Naruto didn't like where this was going.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Waving a hand dismissively in the air, Robin continued talking to himself as if he hadn't said anything.

"It will take a few days for you to move into Titan Tower, and of course Gaara to, we'll have to train you up a bit but that should only take a few weeks, a month at the most. Then when you're settled in we'll bring you on patrols with us."

Around the room the other Titans stared to get excited looks on their faces at the thought of their new friends joining the team, even Raven couldn't hide the small smile that came to her lips. None of them noticed the frown that crossed the blondes face and the way his hands had curled into fists at his side and started shaking, no one except Gaara, who was slowly edging away form the blonde in slight fear when he saw the look in his friend's eyes. As for Naruto, it was taking all of his self control to stop himself from jumping up and punching Robin in the face, his head still pounding as he listened to the teen talk.

"I'm not joining the Titans"

Everything went completely silent at his words, the six Titans looking at him with mixtures of shock and confusion on their faces as his words seemed to sink in.

"Dude what are you talking about, of course you're joining."

Turning his head so he was looking at the Beastboy directly, Naruto let a bit of steel enter his voice to help get his point across.

"No I'm not, If Gaara wants to he can, but I not. I just want to live a normal life."

Frowning Robin move so he was once again standing in front of the blond teen.

"If you have the power to do so you have a responsibility to the world to help people, you can't be selfish and just sit on the sidelines because you can't be bothered to-!"

The brightly dressed teen was stopped in the middle of his lecture by the sound of Gaara hitting himself in the head with his hand as he continued to back away, slowly making his way to the door and doing his best not to look directly at Naruto while still keeping the whiskered teen in his line of sight.

Before anyone could ask what was wrong the air in the room started to get thicker, slowly making it harder and harder to breath as it felt like a huge weight was being dropped on all their shoulders. All those that had been standing when this started, including Gaara, fell to their knees with wide eyes, not understanding what was happening. Then Naruto stood up, seemingly unaffected by whatever it was that was forcing them all to their knees, his hat shadowing his eyes as he looked down at Robin and at that moment the boy wonder knew, without a doubt, that the blonde teen stood in front of him could kill him without even trying.


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there will be 10 chapters ahead of the public release

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