
Naruto-Legendary Harem of The Hidden Leaf

Senju Midora, is a powerful Jonin that descends from a member of the Senju Clan, the First, Second, and Fifth Hokage's famous Clan. He possesses the incredibly rare Wood Style Kekkei Genkai, which explains his strong morning "Wood". He starts a Harem in Konoha that begins with his fellow Senju, Tsunade. Considering that they're in the same clan but not directly related, it's okay. [A/N: This is a Smut, written for fun, do not take every single detail seriously. Short chapters and slow updates]

Yuri_Lover23 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Samui and Midora (Part 3)

(Third Person POV)

Midora looked around and noticed that there were around 7 newcomers to the fight. This time, he had a feeling that they were not only targeting himself, but the Cloud Ninja. Although, that was a bit obvious considering Samui was wrapped in their chains at the moment. 

"What the hell is going on...." he muttered to himself as he readied his flaming sword

"I can only assume these men are the ones responsible for the assassination attempts...." He thought to himself, "But Why? I need to know why?....I have to report this to Lord Third...." 

The two men who had Samui wrapped in chains pulled her towards them and one of them caught her. 

Samui struggled to free herself but the man who looked like Midora punched her multiple times in the stomach and the face to get her to stop. 

"Don't struggle." He said, "We'll keep this one as ransom for the Raikage. As for the other one, we'll have an Akatsuki member come and pick him up. In the meantime, soften him up the only way you can." 

The other man looked at him, "What of the guy whose appearance you copied?" He asked

"Kill him." The Copy Man said, "Well, you and I will leave. The others, you guys kill him." 

They then jumped away, carrying Samui in their arms. 

"Samui-san, yo!" Bee exclaimed

Midora narrowed his eyes, "Shit...." He said, "Those two are the ones who attempted the assassinations, huh?" 

One of the other cloaked men attacked Midora, kicking at him but Midora jumped out of the way. 

"Yea, so what?" the cloaked man said

"Hm...." Midora said as he deflected shuriken that were thrown at him, "There's no other way....." 

The other cloaked men lunged at Killer Bee as they clashed with swords and kunai. Killer Bee was sending them flying away but they were resilient enough to come back at him relentlessly. 

Midora was being pressured by the single one that was attacking him, dodging his shuriken and kunai as he was deciding whether or not do what he was thinking. 

"I'm gonna catch a lot of flak for this...." He muttered to himself, "I could use my wood style but I need a perfect opening to get the hell out of here....." 

He ducked a punch from his opponent and immediately countered with a side-kick, sending him flying. 

He then dispersed the flames on his sword, sheathing the blade on his back and immediately began to sign some hand seals. 

He then slammed his hands on the ground as it began to shake and glow brightly. 

"Lava Style: Raging Inferno!!!" 

The entire ground began to shift into a magma-covered hell-scape, lava bursting from the ground and scorching the wooden roots and vines summoned from his Wood Style Kekkei Genkai. 

Killer Bee was hit by a magma pillar, scorching his arm, "What the hell, yo!" He exclaimed, "Another Kekkei Genkai?! That's crazy, fool ya fool!!!" 

The cloaked men were also caught in the attack, their cloaks catching fire. Midora was in the middle of the massive area covered in lava, looking up at them, seemingly unfazed by the heat. 

He then straightened up and clapped his hands in the Snake seal. 

"Wood Clone Jutsu" 

They all watched as two wooden clones emerged from his back, landing on the ground as their color adjusted, matching his. 

The clones then signed some seals, their mouths bulging up. 

"Water Style: Quick Torrent Shot" 

They shot quick but potent water shots from their mouths straight into the ground, causing a massive explosion of steam due to the intense lava heat. The steam cloud covered a massive area in which some of the cloaked shinobi were caught up in; they were trying to find platforms to avoid the lava. 

Suddenly, a figure shot straight out of the steam, going straight for the two men that took Samui. 

Killer Bee narrowed his eyes, "Yo, is it a clone or the real one, yo?" He said as one of the other Midoras lunged right at him, "We'll find out, fool ya fool!" 

The Midora drew his katana and swung it right at him. Killer Bee immediately countered with his own swords, overpowering the Midora with his sword skill, cutting him up immediately. 

"A clone, huh?" He said, "Quite weak, fool!" 

The wood clone looked at him, "Is it?" He asked

The clone immediately shot wooden vines straight at Killer Bee from the spots where he was cut up, wrapping tightly on the Jinchuriki. 

"Yo, fool!" Killer Bee said, "This was your plan, shit! Don't make me go full Biju Mode, fool ya fool! I'll squash you like a bug underneath my feet, yo!" 

The other Midora was lunging at the cloaked ninja, cutting them down with his Katana one by one as some of them tried to resist. He was using the burning Wood Style jutsu to his advantage, moving the vines and roots to hit them, causing them to be burned. 

This Midora landed on a root and signed some seals, rearing his head back. 

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!!" 

He shot a massive fireball at the enemy ninja, engulfing them in intense flames. 

"Aghghh!!!" the ninja cried out in pain

The Midora wiped his mouth, 

"Fucking assholes..." 


"Yo..." The Midora copy said, "You heard that? An explosion?" 

The other man, who was now holding Samui, shook his head, "No." He said, "Wonder what you mea-" 

He was hit by a kunai on his thigh, causing him to fall and hit a tree branch they were jumping on. Samui also fell, hitting a couple of branches on the way, breaking her fall. 

"Fuck!" The copy said, "You alright?" 

He jumped down to see if he was alright. 

"Shiiit!!!" the other assassin said, "My leg!!" 

The copy turned around to see Midora lunging at him, "What the..." He said

As Midora reached him, he flung a smoke-bomb down at the ground, engulfing themselves in smoke. 

"What!" the copy said as he covered his face

Midora appeared behind him and kicked him in the back, drawing his sword as he jumped to follow up the attack. 

The Copy turned around and drew his tanto, clashing with Midora. 

"You son of a bitch!!" He growled

Midora took a step back, hitting him with a kick to the stomach, "Shut up." He said, "I'm taking you to the Village. You'll break to the interrogation." 

"Oh you think so?!" the copy said as he signed some seals

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" 

He slammed his hands on the ground, causing a massive mud wall to appear in front of him. 

Midora jumped over the wall and shot massive wooden vines from his arm at the Copy, wrapping him completely as he landed on the ground. 

"Got ya." Midora said

"Shit." The copy said

Midora then detatched the vines as he jumped away, avoiding several kunai with bomb tags, causing an explosion. 

The other man was on top of a tree, clenching his teeth in pain. 

"You think a simple Kunai is gonna put me down?" He growled

Midora immediately lunged at him, kicking him on the face and pulling his arm towards him, as he drove his katana through the chest. 

"I don't need you." He said, "You don't seem like the mastermind." 

The man coughed up blood, "Fuck..." He said as Midora pulled the blade out, "Fuck....you.... "

The man fell down to the ground, bleeding out. 

"Noo!!" the copy said as he tried to pry himself out

The bomb tags managed to weaken the wooden vines and the copy was able to free himself. 

Samui, who was unwrapping the chains off of her, was able to see as Midora lunged at the man and swung his blade down at his arm, cutting it clean off. 

"AGGHHHH!!!!" The copy shouted in pain, "Fuuuuuckkkk!!!!" 

Midora then punched him in the face, driving him to the ground. 

"Tch." He said, 



[End of Flashback/Present Day]

(Midora's POV)

"Every time I see you..." I said as I put my hands on Samui's chin, "I am reminded of the first time we met..." 

I had her leaning against the wall as she blushed slightly, giving me a serious look. 

"Is that so?" She said, "That incident was the catalyst for Konoha and Kumo's better relationship." 

I nodded, "Yea..." I said, "Although, it was the start of ours...." 

I then ran my hand down her neck and towards her cleavage, opening it a bit more with my fingers. The sight of her beautiful pale cleavage reminded me of Tsunade, but Samui was a bit younger and her breasts were more youthful. Not to disrespect my sexy Tsunade-chan, but there was something about Samui that was alluring to me. 

Samui grabbed my wrist gently, "What do you think you're doing?" She asked

I leaned closer to her, "Of all the women I've laid...." I whispered to her, "I like you the most..." 

"Is that so?" She replied, "Even if you've fucked your Hokage and her assistant?" 

I chuckled, "Don't get jealous, Samui..." I gently groped her breast, "You're just different. I think you're the one....." 

"Don't be ridiculous..." She said softly, "We're from rival villages." 

"So were my parents...." I said, 

"How do you think I got my Kekkei Genkai?"