
Naruto: Kushina uzumaki journy in the omniverse

Biton58 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


In a building in New York you can see a girl at the age of 16 cursing her Boyfriend, you may ask why she is cursing him... well that because he just stub her in the leg and started luaghing and you want to know why he did it well that because he become board of her and wanted to get rid of her, the 16 year old girl who trusted her Boyfriend her name was Alice an otaku yes you heard it right an otaku but anlike normal otaku she focused most of her time on her favorite anime Naruto, alice while bleding to death was thinking only one thing

Alice ' Dammit i am gonna die and i couldent even start to watch Boruto I know only that Kurama die and naruto and sasuke got nerfd dammit I WISH I COULD BE REBORN IN NARUTO WITH A WISH'

??? " Very well my child you will be brouth to my domain to make that wish and chose who you will be reborn as"

Alice 'Who was that am I halucinating well i most likely am after all i lost so much blood i am gonna die for sure'


Alice has die due to blood lost.

In the void you could see a white orb looking around at the nothingness around her and she had only one thought

Alice 'Were the fuck am I didnt i just die ... am i in the void could i have not halucinat that voice'

Alice " Hello anyone her??" alice ask while looking around while sudenly their was a light that apper in front ofher

??? " Yes my child i am here" ??? spoke to the bloob in front of him wich was Alice soul

Alice " Am i gonna reincarnate in an anime world?? am i gonna get wishes??" Alice ask the light in front of her

??? "Yes my child i am gonna reincarnate you as a charecter of your choosing with a single wish with almost no limit"

Alice " Realy thank you so much then i wish to be reincarnate in the naruto world as mmmmm.... can i choose a charecter that die but make me take control of their body just heal the body immediately after?" Alice ask the light in front of toally forgeting to ask his name

??? "yes my child you can" the light answer the soul

Alice " Great thank you then i want to become kushina uzumaki the second she die pls give me all her memories and experience without changing my personalty, and my wish is mm....

haaa i know give me a systen with a status, inventory, shop with anything in the omniverse, fuse and upgrade, summon, and omniversal travel and make sure to give me infinite sp(System Point)" Alive say to light in front of her not sure if her wish is accepteble or not

??? "I will grant you what you wish my child get ready to reincarnate in the naruto world as kushina uzumaki with your wish" the light answer making Alice realy happy becouse now she could be with naruto as his mother and take care of him and help him grow

Alice " Thank you very much sir ... what was your nsme again??" Alice ask the light now remembering she never ask his name

??? " hahahaha my name is #### but you can call me ROB" ROB answer Alice

Alice "Thank you ROB for this opportunity"

ROB " Your welcome my child hop you go" and just like that ROB sent Alice to the naruto world happily knowing he just fuck up the naruto world Becouse Alice or now Kushina was a totall pervert who will make him laught his ass off whatching her fuck naruto and sasuke at the same time while also kissing sakura becouse why not