
NARUTO : I am not a mob Character

What will you do if you found out that the whole world you are living in is a storyline written by someone else? . As our main character, Ryuma found out about this he was confused about what should he do. He found out that he was inside Naruto verse as a half Uchiha ready to be annihilated in a year. What precautions should he take and how would he be able to survive in a world where strength matters without any golden finger? . -------------------------- Author this side, It's a Naruto fan fiction so it's all thanks to Kishimoto sensei that I can write this piece of work. The story will get off track but not in the og Naruto you can accept it in Shippuden. but many small changes will happen due to the presence of our main character. Each chapter gonna be around 2000 words or longer so sit back tightly and enjoy the chapters. I will upload it regularly and it's gonna be 1/2 chapters per week. Importantly Cover is not mine so if you're the owner and have a problem with that please contact me. Lastly, any ideas and criticisms will be accepted happily. So I hope you will point out my mistake in each chapter and told me about them so that this piece of work will improve alongside me. Enjoy the read and comment with your opinions..... you can also support me here and I hope you will. this will surely cost you much less than your girlfriend's expenses (^^) ---> patreon.com/Xine4fanfic.... (remove ....)

xine_reader · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Graduation day

(A day earlier in the academy meeting hall)

Hiruzen was sitting on the seat in the middle while other teachers were sitting around him. Hiruzen looked at the files that the principal provided him for this year's graduation class. Inside the file, there were teams formed for their after-graduation exams. If they were talented enough to be taught by their jounin teacher then they formed the '3 man jounin team' but if not then they were sent to Genin Corp where they usually learn things themselves.

Hiruzen knew this system was harsh after all clan children or children of influential people usually easily got a 3 man jounin team but on the other hand, only those with bright talents or immensely hard workers were able to make it from the side of civilians or low ninja families.

But even after knowing this, he can't do anything. After all, the village cannot waste their precious sources on those that are not beneficial for them. 

Hiruzen looked at the teams that got sorted out by the instructors who taught those children regularly alongside their class teacher. Looking at the report cards of the children, Hiruzen knew it was not good enough. After all the class was mostly imbalanced or should he say they lack talents. That's why he decided to form a team of the top 3 students so that at least one team should pass the exam taken by Jounin and he also doesn't want to waste a highly potential person from his clan. 

After sorting the other teams to have a good chance of more teams passing, Hiruzen and others finally completed their task. Hiruzen looked at the teacher of team 1 and a smile leaked from the sides of his mouth.


Ryuma was waiting as the class teacher of their class Rei was taking the name of the jounin team in decreasing order. The number started with 23 but many numbers were missing in between the counting telling that a team with those numbers exists with the only exception of team 7 which was rarely given or given to the most prodigal children team. After a short while Rei announced his team number.

" Sarutobi Hana, Kajitora Yuno, and Hibana Ryuma. Team 1 with jounin leader Gekko Hayate".

As the name was called Ryuma saw Yuno with that creepy smile that he used to show when he became very happy. On the other hand, many other boys from the class who had an interest in Hana were mourning. Ryuma hit a light slap on Yuno's head and spoke

"Put away that smile of yours, it's creepy."


"Hey, Ryu you bastard now you don't even want me to laugh? Are you one of my love rivals?" Yuno spoke in an agitated tone.


" Nah, how many times do I have to say I HAVE NO INTEREST IN HANA. 

I think the love sickness that you got is making you dumb day by day"

Ryuma replied.

As Ryuma and Yuno were talking with each other, Hayate said, "You three meet me on top of Hokage mountain in 10 minutes. The one who doesn't reach in 10 minutes will get a punishment".

Just after telling the instructions Hayate vanished with the famous body flicker. Ryuma and Yuno looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions when Hana jumped after Hayate from the window near him.

"Run bastard!!" Yuno spoke.

Coming into the senses by Yuno's shouting, Ryuma instantly ran towards the window and the moment he put his foot on the window he formed a Hand sign of confrontation to collect chakra in his legs and used body flicker. In a split second Ryuma vanished after Yuno and a sigh escaped from their class teacher's mouth because of the ruckus they caused.

As Ryuma reached the hokage mountain he found himself the dead last among the three. He sat down on the ground and caught his breath just like the other two who reached a few seconds earlier than him. 


Hayate looked at his 3 new students panting on the ground. He was happy because he saw potential in 3 genin in front. The fact that all three of them made it here in under 7 minutes suggests that all of them used the body flicker technique continuously. After all, only jounin-level ninjas with high enough mastery of the body flicker technique were able to use it to travel more than 100 meters.

He gave a little smile and said, " My name is Gekko Hayate. I will become your jounin teacher if you all three pass a little test tomorrow but I will give you details about that at last so first you all tell me about yourself".

As Hayate completed his sentence the boy with black hair and black hair who reached last spoke,

 " My name is Hibana Ryuma. My hobbies are writing, cooking, and sleeping. I have a keen interest in swordplay and wish to learn it in the future. I am good at ninjutsu but my taijutsu is still a little weak in comparison. I have basic knowledge of both Fuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu. On the other hand, I do not know genjutsu and have no sensory abilities.

 I will be in your care after I pass tomorrow's exam whose details you will give at last".

Hearing the introduction a smirk formed on Hayate's face and he spoke, "Next"

"My name is Sarutobi Hana. My hobbies are painting and learning about new jutsus. I am well-versed in ninjutsu, shurikenjutsu, and in the use of kunai. My taijutsu is mediocre and I too don't have any sensory abilities. I also have a good knowledge of genjutsu. 

I will be in your care after I pass tomorrow's exam".




"My name is Kajitora Yuno. My hobbies are reading books, playing go games, and practicing taijutsu. My strength lies in taijutsu, trap settings and dismissal, and shurikenjutsu. I also have sensory abilities but don't have any interest in genjutsu and other stuff. 

I will be in your care after I pass tomorrow's exam".

After hearing the introduction of all three of his students Hayate spoke, "Seeing that you all are sure that you will pass tomorrow's exam so I will introduce myself after you all pass tomorrow. 

As for the location of the exam, it will happen in training ground 13 and reach there before 9 am. Right now it's 4 pm and you have 17 hrs to prepare".

At the end of the sentence Hayate Body flickered himself away.


Seeing Hayate going Ryuma finally remembered him. From the time he saw him, he had a feeling that he saw him in the story somewhere but he didn't remember it clearly. But now that he looked at him he didn't have that coughing between the middle sentence thing that he had when he showed in the storyline nor did he have dark circles which leave Ryuma questions but there was no way to get any replies.


Putting this matter behind he focused on what was important right now as he was about to speak something Yuno spoke first.

" Hey everyone, let's go somewhere to eat and during that, we can even discuss what tomorrow's exam can be " Yuno spoke with a big smile on his face.

"Hmmm okay let's go. But what should we eat ?" Hana replied to Yuno.

Seeing both of them trying to figure out where we should eat, Ryuma decided to intervene. 

" Let's hit the BBQ. We can even book a table for ourselves there but before that let's each go and get something. 

I want to get something from home and Hana I want you to get a bingo book from your house. Let's meet at 6 in front of BBQ and Yuno, can you please go there and book a room right now."

Two of them agreed instantly on Ryuma's suggestion and they all took their leave.


In the BBQ place, Ryuma sat facing Hana and Yuno who for some reason were sitting together. Ryuma put a pencil and paper in front of everyone and spoke,

"Hana, did you check the report given in the bingo book about Hayate sensei ?"


"Yeah, I checked the information on him. But why did you ask for the bingo book, Ryuma?" Hana responded.


"He probably guessed that the exam is going to be something where we have to fight sensei. That's why he told you that Hana. By collecting data on sensei we can get a rough idea of his jutsu and power. Also, I too think Ryuma's guess could be right because if not then why would sensei call us to the training ground?" Yuno replied and cleared Hana's data alongside giving his own opinion.

Ryuma always thought of Yuno as a good partner because of his smartness even though he wasn't on the level of Shikamaru from the Nara clan but he surpassed average people miles.

"Yup, you guessed it right Yuno that's the thing I was thinking. And these papers are for you all to write about the jutsu you are most likely to use in fights and what we should be aware of so that we won't get backlash." Ryuma said.

After the three of them exchange their jutsu information and look at the information of their sensei from the bingo book they all decided to meet at 7 am early in the morning so that they can set traps. After doing all the serious conversation they did some small talk and talked about themselves and their views on different things while eating.


It was already 9 at night when he reached home. He took his jacket that he wears and hung it on the hanger. Putting his shoes in his place and taking the papers he collected on the study table he moved to his bathroom to take a shower.

As he came out of the shower he changed his clothes to night shorts. Because he usually sleeps with nothing on top he didn't wear today too. Before moving to his bed he picks a kunai from his ninja pouch.

In his previous life, he used to think about how ninjas never run out of their supplies when they only had a small pouch to carry but now that he looked at his pouch he knew the answer, 'space-increasing seals'.

Ryuma, before going to bed, looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had short to mid-length hair. His skin was pure white and it was more white than any girl in his class. Not even Hana came close to this. His height grew in the last 2 years now his current height was already 5 foot 7 inches which was a good sign for a 12-year-old boy. But the problem was that Yuno bastard was already 5 foot 8 inches. 


Putting the useless things aside, Ryuma lay on his bed facing the ceiling. Watching the ceiling before going to sleep he awakened his mangekyou sharingan.

'now it's finally back'

Ryuma found out that the cooldown on his left eye was finally over. He was delighted with this fact and he already knew where he should use this power a second time. Ryuma used his mangekyou sharingan on himself as he fell asleep.

Looking at the infinite white room after 2 years Ryuma was happy because all the changes he did prior didn't reset when the ability was on cool down. After all, he stored a Hashirama cell arm here which was not at all easy to find. This thing was even though hard to handle but a great power boost to anyone who implant them.


Ryuma moved towards the corner which he made during previous research. He didn't want to spend the whole seven days here this time because of his major exam tomorrow. After all, until he uses this ability to manipulate something he can come here regularly once a day.

The major reason for him coming here today was two. One is him trying to check in just to which extent he can create things here and secondly he wanted to check what changes exactly his cells go through and does he have any chance of getting any kekkei genkai. After making 10 shadow clones of himself which were not his limit but he found the chakra distributed among them the right amount to use in any situation, he started doing both things simultaneously.

After a whole 3 days in the dream dimension, Ryuma finally concluded both of his research. Looking at the results he found was not particularly surprising or things made him happy but he had to take it as it is.


Author this side!!!

I came here to only give you some information about the future of this story so that in general you will not get lost on some topic.

first of all, I will nerf the body flicker technique a little which according to me was a little overpowered from an E-rank jutsu and similar thing to the body replacement technique (the wood log one which Kakashi spams in og Naruto).

secondly, I will change the Hayate character a little as we all know we were shown that Hayate get an illness or something but because we all also knew that he was a master in Kenjutsu I kind of felt it was a wasted potential. so yeah I gonna change that character a little.

thirdly, many of you would surely get confused about the skill originated by MC himself after all I didn't kind did an information dump. well, I kinda did but not at a huge level. so I will reveal things little by little Which was very good for me too after all I got bored when I wrote an information-dumping scene. yeah, so you will get all the information little by little according to what the story needs you to know.

if I would have to inform you about other things I will leave a msg like this so better read this till the end.

Also, give me your suggestions on who I should consider a good contender for future FMC after all I was thinking of introducing here earlier. give your opinions in the comments section and those fools who skip this part would never know.....

peace (@_@).