
Naruto: I am Naruto!

This is my first fanfic guys so don't hate, just let me cook, and if I overcooked then tell me. Help me get this fic to number 1

thedarknessinside · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

My Dream is to be Hokage!

I open my eyes and with a smile i get up, it has been 2 days since I learned ninjutsu, and in this 2 days I have only been training physically, it caused me to be stronger.

I call up my status page.


Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Age: 5

Ch: 70x chunin

CC: 55%

Strength: low genin

Speed: low genin

Durability: low genin.


The strength of my chakra increased and it's amount also increased, chakra can be increased by training and mental and physical energy, u got stronger mentally and physically causing my chakra to increase and become stronger.

" Well it's ninja school time!" I said excitedly as I got out of bed, most kids don't know me, and they are just following what there parents tell them, but I still don't mind giving them a nice right hook.

I showered and I ate instant noodles, I dressed up and I walked outside, it was 7:50 in the morning and I had 10 minutes to get to class, people still give me side eyes.

I reached school with 5 minutes left and I entered the line, the teacher at the front began to call out names and what class they are in.

I waited as the line got shorter and in a few minutes it was my name that was called out.

"Naruto Uzumaki, ninja Class!" The teacher shouted and he looked at me, his face showed disdain as he told me my class, I looked at him and wagged my finger daring him to do anything, all though my chakra is probably weaker then him as his a churning.

I have 70 times as much, and he probably does not have jutsus as good as me.

The teacher looked at me and reached behind him, but halfway he stopped as he came back to his senses, he gave me a scowl as he continued calling out the kids names.

Seeing this i walked away a bit dissapointed as he did not attack me, I would have had a reason to beat his ass right there.

I walked away towards my class and I entered, the class was half filled indicating that it was not yet time for class, i walked to the empty sit, it was next to a window and I sat down.

I could see people already looking at me, but I did not care, i saw some people like Hinata and shikamaru, but I did not go up to talk to them.

And why would I, there parents probably told them to talk and play with me because they want me to be on their side or use me.

I waited and the classroom slowly filled up, nobody wanted to seat next to until uchiha sasuke sat down next to me, then sakura sat down next to Sasuke drooling all over the place as she looked at him.

A few seconds later the teacher came into the classroom, it was Iruka, he had a serious face and when he looked at me I could feel malice, but he hid it well.

He walked upto the board and wrote his name. He then turned towards the class and introduced himself.

"Hello everybody, I will be your teacher for the remainder of your stay at the ninja school so let's get along, my name is Umino Iruka, now one by one come up and introduce your self" Iruka introduced himself with a smile.

Slowly people started going up to the front of the classroom and introduced themselves.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and my dream is to be as strong as my oni-San!" He said with an excited smile on his face, seeing this I smiled.

Slowly people finished introducing themselves, and it was my turn for last, probably on purpose by iruka.

I walked up to the front of the class and I could sense malice directed at me, a perk of being the jinchuriki of the 9 tails.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and my dream is to become the strongest Hokage ever" I said in a calm voice as I grinned at everyone.

"Huh?, become hokage, a lover like you" 

" in your dream you fox"


Voices said out loud and my grin dropped, I became serious and I rolled my sleeves up, it is true that I cannot fight yet, but I am much stronger then any one here except iruka.

"If you can only laugh at my dream, then let's take this outside you hunch of nobody cannon folders!" I said as a vain popped out on my forehead, I was never this angry before, I hate kids.

The kids seeing me serious started laughing and they looked at Iruka for permission, he nodded and the kids that laughed walk up to the front.

A kid ran towards me and before he can react a small wind pushed his ankles causing him to fall face first onto the floor.


A loud sound was heard and then crying as the child started crying, blood flowed out of his probably broken nose but I could care less.

"Anybody else want to try, I haven't even tried yet!" I said with a grin as I looked at the kids waiting in a line to fight me, they stepped back in fear as they moved back to their seats.

" hmp!, learn your places, fools" I said with a smirk as I moved and sat down on my seat next to the window.

Sasuke looked at me with a frown, and he looked at me, I was confused but then I remembered how arrogant Sasuke is.

" What?, want a beating as well?" I asked him provocatively as I grinned in his face, he looked away with a hmph!.

I looked at him in confusion, but the lesson started so I could care less, the lessons began and it was boring.

At the end of the school day I walked towards the training ground 7 and started training my body and chakra control

While training, I heard a sound akin to shouting, I looked around and the hair on my body stood up as I saw a man with a bowl cut hair and thick eyebrows running at me, he was on his hands running, let that sink in.

I moved out of his way and I waited for him to walk away, but instead he stopped.

"It's a wonderful day to be training, don't you think youngling?" Might guy asked me as he gave me a big smile, I could swear I saw his teeth shine.

"Uhhh?, who are you" I asked him even those I know who he is.

" I am the blue beast of Konoha!, and the greatest taijutsu user!" He said as his eyes and teeth shined, he spun around and gave me a thumbs up.

"Greates taijutsu user?, then can you teach me how to fight" I said with hope in my voice, I really want to learn how to fight from guy.

He stood there thinking for a seconds before he walked towards me and took my arm in his hand, he examined my body and looked at me in shock by the end.

" your body is very strong, I can teach you!" He said with a smile while sweat slid down his face, he was probably shocked at how strong I was for my age.

"Yeah!" I shouted as I put my hands into the air, I looked at huy gratefully and then I walked towards him.

"So where do we start?" I asked Guy curiously as I looked at him.

"Well I would normally tell you to train your body, but that is not required for you, so we will go straight to learning the katas of my fighting style, the strong fist style" guy said with a proud voice.

I nodded and he began showing me his katas, due to my skill I was able to remember them and in the spot I re did them.

Guy watched me in shock as I repeated every kata and it was better then the last, a few minutes later a skill appeared in my head.

[Strong fist lv 5: deals 5% more damage when fighting bare handed ]

I looked at the skill and nodded, it was not a bad skill.

" so how was it?" I asked guy genuinely curious and I only saw a shocked look on his face.

" uhh, good good, but to become better, you need to spar with someone everyday!" Guy came back to his senses and told me, I nodded.

" can I spar with you everyday, I don't really have friends, everybody usually avoid me" I said not for pity, but the truth, guy looked at me with a serious face and nodded.

Like that I gained a sparring partner that I can fight everyday, except when his on missions.

" Well let's start!" I said as I moved back from him, I got into a stance of Strong fist, but it still looked a little rough.

Guy stood opposite me and he waited for me to start.


I activated my running skill and at elite genin Speed I ran at guy, guy was a little caught of guard by my speed but he managed to react.


A small wind stirred around my leg, I jumped up and I did a spinning kick towards his shoulder blade.

Guy quickly dodged and my kick hit the air causing a small shockwave to be made.

I jumped towards him and I threw a punch towards his temple, he pushed my punch away with a palm push, I kicked towards his liver but he blocked with his elbow.

I squated down and I tried a leg sweep, he jumped over it and I pushed myself off the ground with my hands, my leg went towards his stomach but again I was met with his hard knee.


A loud sound was heard as the bottom of my feet impacted against guy knee, guy was pushed into the air for 5 meters before he stopped.

He fell from the air towards me and I waited for the right moment, I jumped and I did a dynamic entry, my kick collided with his kick and a small shockwave was released.

The fight continued, but don't think it was close, every attack of mine was perfectly blocked while I could only eat the attacks of guy with my body.

This went on for a few minutes, and guy noticed how I got better, my strong fist continued leveling up in the fight and I became better, nothing much though.

"OK, stop here!" Guy said with a grin, he was shocked inside at how talented I was, but also how strong I was, my speed also surprised him.

" we will continued once every week fighting here, and I will measure your growth" Might guy said and I nodded, by that time I will probably become better then him in strong fist.

I bid goodbye to might guy and I walked home, it was 9 in the morning and I have been training like a dog my body.


W fighting scene?

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