
Naruto : I am back in tme

Battlegod · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

haku and zabuza now in leaf

next match was between haku and tsurugi ninja from konoha. haku then easily beats him using his kekkai genkai. after winning he reveals him self and zabuza and says I want to be part of konoha,We will follow all rules but we will leave outside Village if it's extreme and direct order from hokage we will do the mission otherwise not and you will not put any security on us after half year.

Hokage: why would I belive in your words.

Naruto: they were working under the multi millionaire Underground gang lord Mato and he have taken Zabuza sister as hostage. I helped him rescue her and he decided to pay debt with any thing. so I said just do good work and come with me to village.

Haku:thinking(when did that ever happen). Yes, sir that's why we were doing his dirty work. and everybody deserves a second chances.

Sakura: Naruto you said you helped him from bandit and when did all that happen you were with us all time.

Naruto: well I send my clone with you while I was tracing them. when zabuza was injured Mato attacked them. me and haku defeated them and freed her sister.

Hokage:Ok I will accept your offer but you have to do at least 3 B rank mission per person whose wage will be not given to you.and at least 5 A rank mission every two year whose money we will give. haku you will be chunin and your teammates will be genin. zabuza as Jonin you will live in outskirt and protect gate. and you are free to go every where but any crime you do will be punishable by law you will be punished and taken to court as other villager.

Naruto was very happy to hear this hugs haku by jumping on him and says welcome to village you are now family.

Third match was announced which was kankuro and soun ninja. Kankuro was defeated. next match was ino and sakura both knocked out each other and was out of exam.and next match was tekari and tenten in which temari in which temari wins one sided.


KIN was one of orichimaru's spies. he was very proficient in needle and genjutsu using bells. he throw needle around laying trap of strings around Shikamaru and Shikamaru dodges while using his shadow clutch technique to paralyze the opponent. but gets trapped by the string instead. kin then releases bell needle and attacks him Shikamaru dodges that. she uses genjutsu to paralyze his mind for some time and Shikamaru kneels down with pain in his head. when he sees Kin again there are lots of Kin there. he uses shadow possesion jutsu throusgh the shadow of string cause genjutsu will not form shadow. he then throws shuriken at her and she also throws shiruken at Shikamaru under the possession of shadow possessions jutsu and when both duck she hits her head on wall and faints letting Shikamaru wins. asuma is shocked to see such inteligens in his student.


THE fight between gara and lee starts. lee barrages punches and kicks but is blocked by Gara ultimate sand defence. lee then charges with leaf hurricane but it is also blocked. guy sensei then yells lee take off you weights. lee says you said to wear it until there is extreme situation. guy says it's one of those. lee takes off weight and hi speed increases five folds and lee starts to land punch on Garaa. Gara's defence starts to shatter. Gara gets knocked on ground by Lee leaf drop. gara then gets uncontrolled and use sand wave to knock Lee down. lee then uses eight hidden gate to 5th stage. Sakura asks what is green chakra around him ?. Guy explain eight iiner gate is eight points on body,which controls body 1st inner gate control musscle controlled by mind by opening it you can use your muscle to Max output. 2nd gate gate of healing: it dosent let person exhausted and son to gate of death. Kakashi says gate of death can give one power more greater than hokage but after that he dies. cause body is unable to bear the burden by the eighth gate. Kakashi asks at which gate Lee is Guy answer's Lee is at 5th gate. Kakashi shocked to hear at age of 13 sone one is able to open 5th gate. Kakashi then shocks even more when he is not able to feel presence of Naruto as he is dead and asks where is Naruto in very shocked state. Sakura says he is sitting right here he said do not disturb him until he says or moves. Kakashi sees Naruto meditating but can't feel any chakra inside him. than uses his sharingan to see chakra inside Naruto and there is none inside. Kakshi says there is no chakra inside him right know what is he doing. Guy is also very shocked hearing that. Kakashi ask when he started meditataing sakura says when Lee's match started then. Kakashi says let's wait until Lee match is over. after opening 5th gate Lee starts to beat Gara and Lee uses leaf hurricane and after hitting Gara he passed out. Gara ultimate defence saves Gara from falling and he uses sand coffin but Guy stops him and forfeits but lee wakes and take fighting position but Guy hugs lee and he passes out again. Guy lays down Lee gently. and medical ninja comes and cheks and says I don't think we can save him from this condition we need medical nin expert like slug princess suddenly Naruto presence came back to Kakashi and he see Naruto is overflowing with chakra. Naruto then goes to Lee and lay hand on his chest and starts to put chakra in his body which can be very dangerous in this situation and Guy was about to attacked him Naruto blocked guy kick and Kakashi stops guy and says Naruto is converting his chakra in Lee presonal chakra. after some time Naruto snaps and says he only needs rest. when other medical nin jutsu checked it he said yes he only needs rest know. Kakashi asks how did he know medical Jitsu. Naruto says he suddenly finds him self in jail like place and there this big fox who says if you put out all your chakra from my body after sometimes new chakra gets inside my body and then If I use little bit my life force something attached to it I can heal him and he was sure after seeing Gara that Lee will be in that state. if I don't do something he will never be ninja again.. Guy hugs him while crying and says thank you Naruto says he is my friend it's nothing. Kakashi says don't listen to that fox and never use that again it can kill you,Naruto asks why Kakashi says a man loses his all chakra when he is dead. you had the same state when you were meditating. Naruto laughs and says that means I beat deathh hahahahaha. guy wishpers is he really this dumb. Kakashi says this means our team is balanced. he said to others don't let the word leak from here about anything only hokage will know extra ok. everybody nodes and takes strecher of Lee to medical room. every one is shocked what happen what was that. Naruto then says I am going back to my room and runs from there.after reaching room he suddenly faints for an hour. After. That Kurama asks what was that Jutsu. Naruto says what are you talking about. Kurama then explains what happened and then a voice is heard "Don't fear it's me old Naruto I stored my consciousness and chakra in him at time of merging it can be used two times, one is used I have only one left and the thing I used is not a jutsu, it's a State which I created and mastered when I was in dimension pocket. This is a state which I called nothing state, this is inspired from sage Jutsu and medical nin Jutsu, as I was training for sage Jutsu to make my self so still like I am dead and mix with nature one time when I was exhausted the Nature chakra filled my chakra reserve in very quick speed and healed my fatigue but I was about to turn into toad statue but the geazer stopped me. But when I thought about that moment in dimension pocket I created this state when I am completely merged with nature and I don't have my chakra in me. It's like opening all the caps in your body for nature. As you know when our chakra is depleted, it gets recovered because our body processes the nature chakra into our own as we breathe. So if you stop the process of changing chakra nature and letting it fill your body you can master this. The snoring sound comes as kid Naruto was sleeping. Naruto says to Kurama the kid Naruto remember nothing state so teach it to him and don't let him use it recklessly and tell him to teach it to jiraya Sensei and tsunade ba chan and no one else and tell him this after he finds tsunade don't tell him all the thing happening in future which can make things very complex as the future is changing nothing will remain same as it was in my past, this means this life will be very different and same from mine and at same time and dissolve in air. Kurama sighs and says they both are so annoying and sleeps with smile in his face