
Chapter 34

Naruto put Haku down after stopping the bleeding. Kushina had made her way over to him with a bound up Zabuza to help him. The stab through Haku's gut would've been fatal should she had not received immediate help like she was now. His medical ninjutsu had improved by leaps and bounds after studying with Sakura for an entire year, but it was found lacking near his mother's experienced expertise.

Haku was healed up in no time, leaving only a small scar on her abdomen and back.

"Ho, I should've known that Zabuza would fail…" A voice said in the distance.

Naruto glazed as what appeared from the fog seemed to be Gato's entire gang, and in the forefront of it all was none other than Gato himself…



When Naruto's clone popped, Tazuna went back inside his home and locked the doors.

Inari and Tsunami were inside, already overhearing the conversation between him and the clone.

"We have to stay inside," Tazuna said. "We should be safe–"

He was interrupted as something hard impacted against the door.

Tazuna watched in horror as with each bang, the door rattled and eventually an axehead showed through.

It was Gato's goons.

Tazuna wished that Naruto's clone had popped just a bit later as he heard the sneers and hollering of Gato's men.

Then Tsunami started to walk towards them.

"Tsunami!" Tazuna said, "What are you doing!?"

"This is what I've trained for, dad," Tsunami said, "I got this."

As the axe broke the door open one final time, the first of the goods laughed. "We got 'em–"

He ate a punch in the face that broke his jaw and bounced his head to the doorway.

"What?!" Another one said, "It's Tazuna's daughter. She's one of our targets! Get her!"

Tsunami, even though she was outnumbered, even though they had weapons, found them just so…slow?

Why were they so slow?

She dodged each of their swings and struck back as she did in her sparring session with Naruto. She was surprised that unlike Naruto, everytime her fist came into contact with the goon's bodies, the body gave under her strength.

There were a dozen men in total and now half of them laid groaning or unconscious on the ground.

Tsunami never felt so…powerful…so…in control of her life and her safety.

"She's just a fucking girl!" One goon said. "Get her!"

They all rushed her at the same time yet Naruto told her exactly what to do in these situations…and she found that his clones were much more coordinated. She rushed one of them, the weakest looking one with skinny arms and a small hatchet in his hand. She kicked him in the chest and he was sent flying.

The other five tried to surround her but she kept breaking through their cornering nets by attacking and running, bringing down one after another.

Before long, her heel met the last goon's jaw, and he dropped like a pile of potatoes.

Now it was just her and a bunch of downed gangsters. She panted, in surprise at what she'd done.

"That was awesome!" Inari said from inside the house and Tazuna looked at her with glasses nearly hanging off his nose, shocked as he was.

Tsunami gave a laugh, almost choking in disbelief.

A clap was heard from the roof and everyone froze, only to be relieved at the sight of Naruto, or his clone rather.

"See, Tsunami-chan, you've improved by leaps and bounds," He said cheerfully, "You were never in any real danger. I just wanted to show you what you could do."

Tsunami almost sobbed. She did actually, as Inari bolted into her arms and hugged her, as well as her father, enveloping both of them in his arms.

"It's–It's all thanks to you," Tsunami said, blushing. "How are things at the bridge?"

"It's going alright…my clones are actually rallying the villagers right now, calling for them to fight for their homeland. I will give them my ninshu chakra to empower them," Naruto said.

"What for?" Tsunami asked. "Could you just deal with Gato yourself? You're most definitely strong enough from what I know."

Naruto gave her a smirk that made her heart skip a beat. "Why Tsunami-chan. I'm liberating Wave, just as you said, right? This way, Wave will be free of Gato and have its spirit back. I'm looking forward to when we succeed."

He eyed her in a way that made her know just what he meant by that.

She shuddered and gulped.

"Are you cold, mom?" Inari asked her.

"N–no, son," Tsunami responded. "Just happy is all."

Naruto's clone cleaned up all the downed bandits by tying them up to tree trunks.

The family made their way back home, and Tsunami had to go visit Kaiza's altar one last time…


Gato smirked as his men started to approach the Konoha shinobi. No matter how strong they were, they were still outnumbered a hundred to one.

Then a war cry was heard in the distance and his hair stood on end. He turned his gaze to where it came from and to his surprise, there were masses of villagers holding pitchforks and machetes.

Gato thought they were all stupid, starved as they were and going up against his men equipped with farm tools…

…only that they didn't look starving? And what was that blue glow outlining each of them?

Gato 's thoughts were disrupted as the charging villagers clashed against the line of his forces and he expected them to drop like flies…only they didn't. For some reason every strike his men made to them slipped off of them like their bodies were covered with indestructible soap. The villager's attacks on the other hand…they were decimating them.

No…no this can't be…this can't.

He could only watch as five minutes passed by and only half of his men remained while the rest were fleeing.

He needed to run–he needed to–

A chain wrapped around his leg, holding him in place. He couldn't move, he couldn't even speak. What was happening to him?

"It's called a paralysis seal," the redheaded konoha kunoichi said.

Before Gato could even scream or shout in anger for these fools to take what was rightfully his, he found himself surrounded by the villagers.

By angry, chakra-powered villagers.

When the first fist landed on his gut, he couldn't do anything but spit out a wad of phlegm. Then the paralysis seal was gone and he felt everything happen to him for the next five minutes.

His death was slow and it fueled the righteous judgement of the village.

Wave had its people back once more.


Tsunami watched as for the first time in a long, long time, everyone was out of their homes, celebrating the feast hosted by her blond haired mentor. Naruto had brought in an unimaginable load of crabs and fish, all caught with nets and fishing rods by his clones.

Everyone had smiles and elation on their faces. They were all in the town square, crowded by organised in a long back and forth winding line for their bowls of food, as prepared by a dozen chefs Naruto had befriended over the past weeks.

Where was her elusive mentor? Her bright, sunny haired hero who she was going to–

She blushed.

Then a loud clap was heard and everyone in the square drew their attention to their saviour. Despite having fought for their country and playing a role in its independence, they knew that it wouldn't have been at all possible without the very person who was standing on the roof of a building. So everyone immediately grew quiet to hear what he had to say.

"Greetings, everyone, sorry to interrupt your meal," Naruto said, "I'd first like to thank our wonderful chefs from Ms. Eina standing from that end, to Mr. Yasaka over there, for cooking all of this for us in such short notice."

He gestured from one end of the food serving line to the other.

Everyone clapped for a few minutes before Naruto nodded and held his hand up to quiet them. Once the clapping died down he continued.

"I won't hold you guys on for too long, but I'd just like to announce that I am planning to open up a church of Ninshu here soon, which is what I have told you all about already."

The villagers nodded to each other, having felt the miraculous effects of the Ninshu way of chakra dispersion. Naruto had told them of its origins already but they were elated that he was going to build a church here, dedicated to teaching its message further.

"If anyone has any suggestions in that regard, feel free to come over and speak to one of my clones. Or just speak to them about anything at all really. I'd love to listen to your thoughts and concerns. That's all from me! I hope you guys have a wonderful evening."

Everyone cheered and clapped as Naruto blushed and waved awkwardly at them.

Then a drizzle of rain fell upon his nose and he sneezed much to the villagers amusement. Naruto looked at the cloudy sky, blanketing the light of the soon to be setting sun. He then raised his arm up and everybody quieted once more to see what he was doing.

The sudden intake of astonished breath from everyone could be heard as they stared at what was happening before them. Like someone had poked a hole through a cloth and pried it apart from the point outwards, the cloudy dark sky yielded to Naruto's will.

The villagers had always thought that Naruto was a strong ninja, a shinobi who had values and kindness unlike any other.

They just didn't know how strong he was.

So when they saw him rip apart the sky with a gesture to disperse the clouds and reveal the clear blue sky above it on a whim… they couldn't process what just happened.

Naruto had just disappeared from the scene like he hadn't done anything.

But to the villagers eyes, he was no longer just a righteous shinobi, nor a leader, no. To them, he was beginning to become a living myth, a legend…

…a god.


Tsunami had been pent up the entire way home, and to the shower, and to her bed…in the anticipation that Naruto was going to claim his prize at any moment.

Only he didn't come.

She sighed into her pillow as she waited for sleep to claim her. Instead of feeling relieved…why did she feel so disappointed?

She'd gone to Kaiza's altar this afternoon to express her condolences and apologise that she would have to lay with another man just this once for saving the village. Yet…she felt upset. Not in the fact that she was giving away herself like a whore for this country but…from the fact that she…she…didn't mind it. She…wanted it.

The door creaked open and a chill ran down her spine.

It was none other than her blindfolded sensei.

She gulped as she readied herself to be jumped at any moment but instead, he walked gently over to the side of her futon.

"Tsunami-chan?" Naruto asked quietly, his voice almost losing itself to the wind. "Are you asleep?"

Tsunami shook her head. "Hi…I'm not."

She turned to face him and found him even more mesmerising and handsome than yesterday, as she'd felt then as well, and the day before that…and the day before that too…

"Are you here to…" Tsunami didn't finish her sentence, already indicating what she meant.

Naruto's feral grin made her heart flutter…but his reply was completely the opposite to what she'd expected.

"I'll only do it when you're ready, Tsunami-chan," Naruto said. Then he kissed her with a passion and care that made her whimper in need.

He separated from her to kiss the side of her lip, then her cheek then the spot she loved where the end of her jaw met her neck.

He whispered into her ears words that made her shiver.

"But I will get that prize before I leave Tsunami-chan. So prepare yourself. You're too good to pass on without."

With that and a swirl of leaves, he was gone.

…and he left her wet and confused.


Haku woke up with a gasp. She didn't know where she was and what she'd been doing before this very moment.

Then the memories all came rushing back to her a second later. She put her hand on her abdomen, expecting a gushing wound that should have killed her.

Only to find nothing but clean bandages.

Her breath was choppy as she sighed. She found that she was on a comfortable bed, in new clothing as befitting of a civilian. It was clean and smelled of daisies.

Had Naruto put her here?

She looked around the small room that encased only for her eyes to land on something in particular.

…Zabuza was tied to a chair on the corner, looking like a wheel of yarn with how many layers were around him. His feet were also tied together and Haku had no doubt that this place was currently guarded by Naruto's clones. Escape was slim…

…she didn't even consider it…not after what he did.

She had always considered herself Zabuza's tool. She wanted to be useful to him after he took her in and taught her how to kill. Yet…she didn't expect to be so completely disregarded just to get a shot into Naruto, especially when she'd just come over and acted as a meat shield for him.

It…It hurt her. The man who was like a father to her. The man whose affections she'd chased for so long just…stabbed her like she was nothing but what he said she was after all…

A tool. A disposable tool.

"Don't look all sulky like that," Zabuza said. "I thought you died to the rasengan so I might as well have gotten him back for killing you."

"Don't lie to me," Haku spat, "You knew that he wouldn't have the heart to harm me. It was why you sent me to that clearing every evening. To gain his trust and make it harder for him."

Zabuza rolled his eyes. "Yes, and instead you went ahead and fell for him."

"I didn't–" Haku tried to retort but was interrupted.

"You're nineteen, Haku, and you've never had the opportunity nor time to spend with a boy," Zabuza said, "I should have known that a tool would rust and degrade without monitoring."

"That's all I am to you, aren't I?!" Haku snapped. "A fucking tool!"

"Have I ever suggested anything different," Zabuza said, "you knew the contact from the start. Don't pretend to go all vindictive now."

Haku got off the bed, walked over to Zabuza and slapped him as hard as she could. She was crying, she realised. "You're a–You're a monster. Of all the horrid things I've done for you over the years. Things that I had to endure in sleepless nights. And you just threw me away!"

"How tragic," Zabuza chuckled unimpressed, "I've told you from the beginning that I am not capable of love, not in the way that you need. Not after what they've done to me. I am not your father. He's dead. Because of you."

His words cut into Haku's soul like steel ribbons. "I should have known better than to hope that you could change."

Haku went back to the bed and cried, trying to keep her sobs as quiet as she could.

"I see that I was too soft on you," Zabuza muttered and Haku wanted so badly to strangle him. "I would have never questioned the decision of my superiors. I should have been harder, trained you better…I don't know why I didn't."

"Because you didn't want her to become another you," a voice said, making them both jump.

It was none other than Naruto.

"Have you come to kill me? Execute me?" Zabuza said, "Get it over with then."

Haku gulped. While she hated Zabuza for what he did, he was still…the only one she had. "Please don't"

Naruto smiled at her. "Even after that, you still love him, huh?"

Haku looked away from those blindfolded eyes.

Naruto took a seat in one of the chairs, turned to Zabuza and with a single twitch of his finger, cut up all the ropes that bound him with wind manipulation. Haku's hairs stood on end. She knew that Naruto was strong, far and above her, but he could have killed them with a twitch of his finger. That was a terrifying amount of power.

"You're letting us go?" Zabuza said and as he stood, Haku was mortified to see that Zabusa's left arm was now just a stump. He rubbed it like a wounded dog.

"No," Naruto said, and he pointed his finger downwards. Immediately, Haku and Zabuza felt fifty times heavier, like their bones were made of lead. Zabusa kneeled and Haku was pressed onto the bed. It wasn't them, it was everything, Haku realised. Everything was heavier. It was like the gravity around them was turned up.

Then it was all gone and Haku and Zabuza had never seen someone so terrifying of a man as the one before them…and they thought the entire time that Kushina Uzumaki was the stronger of the two.

Just who was this chuunin, really?

"I have a deal to make," Naruto said, "I know from your work with Gato that you take contracts seriously, so I will make you a new one."

He made a gesture and what looked like a seal on his wrist glowed. Then Zabuza's sword was laying on the floor, appearing out of nowhere. There hadn't even been any smoke.

"In exchange for your life and one of your two weapons," Naurot said, "You will go and assist a person by the name of Mei Termumi in setting up a coup in Kirigakure."

Zabuza's eyes widened. "What?"

"You heard me. It seems from your history that your goals are similar so I doubt you would find it too hard of a job. Then, you will serve her as a Kiri shinobi once more," Naruto continued nonchalantly.

"And should I tell her you sent me?" Zabuza said, seeing a way out of this. "I won't be much help with one hand."

"You'll do just fine," Naruto responded, "and no you don't need to tell her, I'll be in Kiri myself when the time comes."

Zabuza had nothing to say to that. "And you said something about me leaving with one of my two weapons. What do you mean?"

Naruto stared at him, though hidden beneath the blindfold, Zabuzu knew the weight of this boy's eyes on his soul. "Yes. I will let you have one of two. Either your sword."

He gestured to Kubikiribōchō.

"Or Haku," Naruto finished.

Haku tensed up at this, not believing what she'd heard. Surely Zabuza would not just leave her to die, right? Surely–

Zabuza walked to the sword, hoisted onto his back holster and left.

Haku began to shake and tears fell from her eyes. For her life to end like this. Thrown out by the one she gave everything to. She–She–

"Hey," Naruto said comfortingly. He placed a steady hand on her own shaking ones that were clutched onto the bed sheet, "You're going to be okay. I promise."

Haku looked at him. "You're not…going to kill me?"

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed, "No! Didn't you feel my intentions through ninshu?"

Haku looked down. "I did. You are kind…but I am still an enemy."

"No you're not," Naruto responded to her surprise, "you're my friend."

Just like that, Haku, who felt so lost and betrayed by the only one she held dear…found some new…someone to reach for her hand as she was drowning and lifted up to the surface, allowing her to see the world for the first time.
