
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 51

Again - City of Rome - Wallenstein House.

In watching the labor of the human Wallenstein , you could see the most important and powerful exponents of the biblical faction with the devil Lucifer, being the first to receive the human who comes to the world or rather " the supposed salvation of this and humanity ."


The human grunted as she sighed heavily from the contractions that hit her hard, as the coming of her daughter was approaching, and the woman grabbed the sheets of her bed tightly.

God looked helplessly at his children and at the human being whom he blessed to bring to the world the salvation of humanity that he intended to train hidden from the gaze of his children until he was able to confront them for the good of humanity. She would be the pillar of the humans so they would fight but Now...

God felt something coming, something strangely familiar.


The beautiful blonde in the bed screamed with pain and force, while she inhaled and exhaled agitatedly before clenching her teeth again and exerting force again, turning slightly red.

Lucifer, who watches everything in the front row, couldn't help but comment.

Lucifer: this is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in my life and I have seen many things... - the devil murmured, watching as something came out from that part.


Lucifer: come on human, you see!... - The devil encourages her looking at the disturbing scene.


Lucifer surrounded his hands with a purple energy and began to help the human with that Thing/baby. At least she doesn't shed blood, surely because of the Light that surrounds her or this would be more... strange, if that is the exact word, this It is interesting and strange at the same time to see, a sight that internally shakes a little the morbidity of the progenitor of the Demons.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow at what he sees, while crossing his arms under his breasts.

Immutable Michael looked at the Scene next to Samael.

"This one...



Naruto smiled slightly as he heard the sound of the little human being born.

Naruto:bu... - he didn't finish what he was going to say when the sphere of Light he was holding shot out of his hand and an Intense Light surrounded it before a luminous Hand came out of the Light and grabbed Naruto's arm, Mistake.


Whatever formed and grabbed Naruto shot out taking the wall behind him leaving a gigantic gap where a wall should be since it could be seen outside.

Everything happened in a millisecond and Naruto could no longer be seen standing in the room either.

Samael: What?... - he asked when he reacted, having missed what happened, he only felt a slight jolt of wind.


The baby's cries began to be heard loudly in the room.

Lucifer stood up carrying the beautiful, crying baby in his arms as he created a small white toga for her with his Magic so that she would not remain naked, all for Naruto's favor.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow curious to know what happened. She felt the shock but literally saw nothing, since her attention was on this offspring that would have great potential from what she noticed.

Gabriel: it bothered... - the beautiful Angel murmured, denying, her father just couldn't accept that they are now the law of the world, this belongs to them and specifically to her dear older brother, her father's time was and was The moment of time of Them but he just didn't understand it and he refuses like... like those dirty humans.


Gabriel turned to see the Exhausted human who extends her hands in the direction of Lucifer or specifically the human baby who cries in the arms of She is, A non-sinner.

Gabriel: give it to her... make her keep silent or I will do it for her... - He ordered Lucifer to obey the order by approaching the human and handing her the crying girl, while Gabriel did not give it any importance, although the baby wasn't a sinner, that didn't mean she should like me.

Lucifer looked at the human whose name they still don't know, He received the baby in his arms with a big happy and loving smile that didn't faze the devil at all, he only raised an eyebrow when he saw how the human slowly healed from his pale and somewhat emaciated state.

Lucifer quickly diverted his attention in the direction of the gap where a wall should be and shows them Outside or should, since Michael is standing in that Place looking Outside while turning his Back to them, Now he does not deny that this Michael literally looks like a Terrifying beast different from the previous Effeminate, this one did impose a presence that Lucifer is sure would make his fellow Maous run if they were still alive.

"Now, now... Mommy is here...

Con Naruto .

This appeared a few meters from a whitish figure that was beginning to take on a humanoid shape, while rising from the destroyed ground, being that they were on some ruins of what seemed to be some Houses before, it was surely an Attack of the Angels that destroyed part of This Place, they are a little far from the Place where they were before.

Naruto calmly looked at his father's form.

Naruto: you just don't understand, Hey, father... you are no longer The Strongest and I decide, but You Try to Oppose... - he declared calmly in the direction of the translucent Figure that continued to take its shape.

"To think that it would be you, My son, who made me Use this letter... it was not my time to Appear, nor to Use this resource... I was saving it for Something More Important... It was not yet The Time for my coming.. .

God declared, returning to his Original humanoid form, implying that he had not lost it, nor had he died as everyone believed in the Great War, but rather that he had hidden it for some reason and had decided to disappear but now it is back.

Naruto: Wow... I raise an eyebrow... just as I remember it but... The Light Now Inclines More Towards Me... - he said calmly without any fear or excitement at seeing his father physically as he was in Him. past, he just doesn't care.

God denied, any other child of his would be happy to have him back with Them but it seems that Naruto is not like Them.

God: Naruto my son... It's not too late, stop this... What you're doing is not right, you're destroying the world for...

Naruto: a better one... - He interrupted without much interest in listening to him.

Naruto: a better one in my way as I wish, humans will be purified, so many centuries of sins will simply not be forgiven, nor past... I will remind them of their Place and function... The world is not theirs... it is mine. .. - He said calmly to his father when his toga disappeared in Light, revealing an Armor, one that God had never seen his son use or show before.

God: you are no better than Lucifer who tried to compare himself to me and...

Naruto: I am, I am a father,... I interrupt him ...I don't try to compare myself with anyone, not even with you, why would I do it?..., Now I am the strong one, I make decisions that simple, we had talked about it Not before... remember, I follow orders because you are the strong one...- He said calmly, starting to walk in the direction of his father.

God opened his eyes looking at Naruto with some surprise, looking now into his eyes he noticed that something is missing, he doesn't feel anything Bad coming from Naruto to say that he fell into the Darkness, or anything like that... but looking his eyes and his responses, it is more than obvious that his son has some kind of problem in him, how did he not see it before, but what is it that he is missing? Is it what pushes him to act like this?

Naruto broke his neck a little when he disappeared followed by God.


A titanic expansive sling resounded around the world as if it were a great Explosion when powerful gusts of wind rose before the Clash of Naruto's fist with God's.

Elohim quickly became serious when he was the one who stepped back.

Naruto looked emotionlessly at his father's seriousness, before they both disappeared again.


Multiple explosions continued to resonate after the first slingshot that resonated around the world as if it were a powerful lightning bolt resounding, something that caught the attention of the humans below who saw two flashes of light collide in the gray sky.

Elohim dodged Naruto's fist that passed by his face, grazing him for his seriousness, He is not yet complete, not even close to the level of his former self, Naruto is also right, The Light for some strange reason leans more on his side than his. as its creator.

When Elohim dodged Naruto's fist he sent his own back hoping to connect with Naruto's face who raised his hand holding his father's fist which resonated from the force behind it but still did not move Naruto who tightened his grip and smiled .

Naruto: you look weak... - he declared when he landed a devastating kick on his father's chest that receded into the sky itself, creating small currents from which smoke rose until it stopped several meters away from Naruto.

God stood up straight again, sad to fight against his firstborn of all his children... but... he has to do it or He will destroy all life by killing thousands of thousands of Innocent humans even with his vision that he has, They do not They have no guilt and His Angels are not the ones to Judge, He left them to guide.

God: " It seems that I really won't be able to beat you, if I don't try, Naruto ... I comment, looking at Naruto, who looks at him calmly, without any hint of doubt or sign that he was going back to dialogue ..., you push me to use what I don't want and with you ...

Naruto: you talk a lot... - He gave his opinion calmly from his place, crossing his arms.

God: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT !... - He bellowed something that didn't faze Naruto but made Elohim grit his teeth a little before calming down and began to let his powers return to Him, he didn't really want it, he didn't. .. it was not the right moment for his appearance but... The exchange of just those few blows with Naruto told him everything he needed to know, Naruto is born in the fight for Instinct, an Enemy of which you do not know what to expect from Him and you cannot read his Fighting form, nor his forms, since he will always change them and this The Light in Himself is not very strong like Naruto's, which makes him resort to his Saved power and his body that He gave it to Someone to keep it for an Extreme Case but Now...

Naruto noticing his father's change opened his hands and stretched them out to his sides as he began to let his power flow.


A gigantic and Imposing pressure began to be felt to the surprise and seriousness of Elohim, it was the first time that his son showed some kind of power coming from Him, he had never done it before, not even against Shiva.

All sentient beings in the Supernatural World or in relation to it began to move their heads as if trying to get rid of a migraine when all their senses began to be Overwhelmed by a gigantic Unreal presence that continued to increase.

The Light began to surround Naruto while lightning began to fall behind him, in an impressive spectacle that even surprised Elohim because of what he saw, he never expected it.


Elohim noticed how several tears appeared in the sky, the dimension, they are affecting it.

God proceeded to release his power with the same brutality as Naruto's that begins to Affect the World.

Elohim did not delay in charging against his son, since if He and Naruto continued to release more of their power, they could irreversibly devastate the entire dimension and that is not something he wants, nor is he looking for, although he was surprised to see the level Naruto is at. .. Almost, almost scared him a little, a son of his approaching him.

Naruto intercepted his father at a higher speed, creating a Spear of Light which was surrounded by a golden Energy with which he tried to connect against his father's side, only for Elohim to leave his range and create two Spears of Light in each one of his hands and began to exchange attacks at high speeds keeping up, being that for a second Elohim looked sad and serious in the clash of spears, while Naruto looked unperturbed, neither happy, sad or excited, just fighting, with an Enemy with his Immutable Apathetic gaze.


Gusts of wind began to form tornadoes throughout the City of Rome and its surroundings, which Elohim noticed and moved his Hand, getting rid of them before they became more dangerous for humans. Below, but his Action gave Naruto the Opportunity Attack, and he did not waste it and rising a little higher, he landed a powerful kick on his father's neck, sending him against the ground before launching his Spear of Light in his direction.


The Spear of Light in the middle of reaching Elohim that was heading towards the ground exploded when it collided with the Spear of Light that Elohim sent, generating a powerful explosion that made Naruto smile, since he understood and saw it.

Naruto created 7 Spears of Light that surrounded him before they shot in different directions but they all exploded as soon as they left when they were intercepted by other spears of light.


A powerful scream was heard when Elohim suddenly appeared grabbing Naruto by the neck while dragging him through the air, missing the Attack that was forming in his Abdomen courtesy of Naruto.


A gigantic Explosion resonated in The Sky while power of the purest and Intense saturated all of The Sky.

Naruto emerged from the smoke screen created by the Explosion, creating a Sphere of concentrated power in his hand that he sent against the City Below and smiled, Waiting.

Elohim came out of Between the screen of smoke Intercepting The Attack that was beginning to detonate only to feel a presence behind Him and looking out of the corner of his eye he saw a pair of intensely deep golden eyes that swallowed him for a second in the Darkness and when he blinked out of it He saw the City below, half of it beginning to disappear along with Miles.


God denied sadly and felt Naruto again in the nearby cities and for the first time in his life since He created the world and no one had ever pushed him to this before, he displayed a pair of gigantic white wings that illuminated the entire sky and The gray clouds that surrounded him simply disappeared through The Intense Blue Sky, along with the sun that shines Illuminating all life again different from the gray Sky that only further destroyed the Hopes of humans.

God took off at a simply sonic speed being that in One millisecond He appeared next to Naruto in a small sonic slingshot holding the Power Sphere of Light that was going to the City below, highly populated by humans.

Naruto: wow... - he commented without turning to look at his father's side, he just looks at the humans below who run when things simply turn out wrong for him, even when the fault is his for his extensive list of sins committed, they are all guilty

God: " You are... my biggest disappointment Naruto, if I had known what kind of Threat you would become ... - he said leaving the other words in the air while he undid Naruto's highly condensed sphere of power that he had stopped.

God denied the concentrated power he felt in said sphere, Naruto, his son planned to erase the entire Continent, not just the City below.

Naruto raised an eyebrow in curiosity at her words but he was not fazed for any reason. His father's time had already passed for him to even speak.

Naruto: such a level, if you had gone against Lucifer like this before, you would have erased her as well as her Faction... it's interesting to know that I can make you move in reality and go in truth... - He commented calmly when Heaven suddenly He returned to the gray clouds of Before and a somewhat pale golden aura surrounded Naruto.

Elohim looked askance at his son in silence.

Naruto: but... I told you... This World belongs to me and your time has already passed, Accept it ... - he declared as his voice became increasingly deeper and Imposing both knowing About Some few Supernatural beings that are Approaching in his direction and a few others who look from the distance.

Naruto also noticed the Magic Circles in the Distance but did not give it any importance when he separated his arms again and stretched out his hands since now something was different this time.


Elohim looked with great seriousness as since the beginning of his Existence, Naruto spread his Wings for the first time.

A gigantic pressure continued as The Sky Lights Up but Elohim contemplated with surprise how that pair of Wings resembled his... there was no doubt Now, Naruto is his most similar and similar.

" Contempla a Dios ".

Naruto declared with his deep and dominant voice when screams began to be heard in some parts around the world and Elohim turned to look at Naruto completely seriously, he knows what he is doing... he is burning the eyes of those who look in his direction. or Heaven in Specific and there are many.

Naruto looked with his Apathetic golden eyes into his father's luminous eyes.


A large dimensional tear appeared behind Naruto but that did not faze him nor did those that began to appear around him due to the pressure generated by the release of Naruto's powers that collided with those of Elohim and created a small pressure of intense winds.

Far from there .

Looking at everything from the top of a Colosseum you can see a Certain Mother of the Shinto Faction having a small smile on her beautiful face.

Izanami: and I was the one they feared ... - the Goddess murmured looking at the biblical monsters.

"Don't worry, My grandchildren and my children were Equal, weak fearing the strong."

Izanami listened and saw a green-haired girl out of the corner of her eye who winked in her direction, she hadn't noticed her.

"Soy Gea".

The beautiful green-haired girl introduced herself with her deep and powerful voice.

" Izanami ".

The black-haired woman also introduced herself and they both looked at the biblical ones again in a comfortable silence, they both felt it, They are both strong, they have nothing to fight for so they just looked at these Gods... true Gods.

Asgard - Odin's Palace .

Watching from his throne room are Odin and the Other Gods of Asgard witnessing such an event through a magic circle, without being able to believe what they see... Angels... it is Angels who are releasing that insane power... simply Never before had Asgard felt such power, not even in Odin Himself... He does not compare to those Titanic presences.

Thor looked at his father with surprise who does not see him returned, but rather The Magic Circle that shows those monsters...

Thor[ That's what father was talking about... The Sky Faction... are truly...

Odin, saw him... both father and son... his power can be felt throughout Asgard... The true parents of the World, was always the Angel Faction... The biblical reason why before I accept more or less their Alliance in the beginning, Although they showed themselves to be weak but Now...

Underworld - Demon Council .

Looking at what is happening in the human world, there are also the different leaders of their demonic Houses along with the Maous, except for Serafall who is not there and they cannot believe what they see... that Angel, Naruto... It's... God , his power and divine Essence, Although they cannot see his face and all they see is Light... It is the work of the Angels for sure.

Ajuka clenched his fists as he trembles imperceptibly... This... is simply Impossible... The Angels could not be that powerful... his level and what he is feeling has never been felt in anyone before and it does not stop overwhelming his sense which makes him stop his level of perception so that it does not hurt him... but what he felt was The true definitive power, Unattainable... power Above everyone but with no one below Him... they cannot do nothing against That.

Fallbium was Another who realized that fact with great Apprehension... The Angels simply left them behind... They are the true Biblical Faction.

Sirzechs is not disappointed even when he trembles slightly, He is going to take revenge on those Angels but he wondered what is happening, all they see is Light Now and two white figures but not true Appearances.

Sirzechs[ This does nothing... The Angels will pay ]... - The demon thought.

And so around the Supernatural World several Factions see with their own magical circles what happens in the human world in the City of Rome that Involves the most talked about and powerful Faction... The Faction of the Angels, being that although many do not They accept it is the pure truth that Others see... The Angels are taking over The World.

Unknown place .

In the Infinite Darkness an Imposing voice sounded.

"Hahahaha, Your son made you take your Last Resort old man... I think it's time for me to Move Anyway...












Well everything will be explained in case you have doubts and did not understand the Chapter.

If you wonder if Naruto acts in his own way, but does not analyze the level of his Actions, he does not understand them, nor do they understand them even with his knowledge.