
Naruto: Founding Hogwarts in the Ninja World

[Naruto Fan-Fic] [Light System] [Kingdom-Building] [Small Harem] [Harry Potter Power System] Noctus Gaunt transmigrated to the world of Naruto on the eve of the Second Ninja World War. He was originally an earthling before he was isekai'd to the HP world, but before he could graduate from Hogwarts, he traveled again. He discovered that his magic powers were strengthened to use the Natural Energy of the Ninja World and with the help of an unreliable system, he will recreate the glory of wizardkind in this world. Decades later when the Otsutsuki clan came to invade and wanted to plant a tree, legions of wizards and witches rose their wands against the invading Momoshiki, and Noctus, with a smile on his face, simply uttered: "Avada Kedavra!" ______________ Note: This is strictly a Naruto fanfiction. There is a light system but it only serves to introduce the magic powers of the HP universe into the Naruto world. There is a small harem (5 planned) but the MC is not harem-seeking. This is written on a whim and I will try my best to finish it, please don't mention my other fics. If you have any ideas or spells you want to see appear in the Naruto world, leave them in the comments. I am using the timeline created by Seelentau but the timeline of Naruto is messy so I can only do my best to stick to canon lore. Please enjoy and have fun.

xancia · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 8 - My name is Tom Riddle

Early in the morning.

Land of Fire, Maritime City Fireport.

Noctus leisurely walked through the bustling morning market with the Uzumaki family. Noctus drew not a few glances from the civilians due to his attire and temperament.

Seeing the prosperity of the city, Noctus pondered whether or not to establish his first base here, but soon he shook his head.

"What's wrong, Gaunt-sama?" Noticing Noctus' frown, Hachi asked.

"This city is very prosperous, I was thinking it would be a good spot for establishing our first base, considering that the maritime access would allow us to trade with the Land of Thunder and the Land of Water as well but…it's too close to the ruined Land of Whirlpools." Noctus sighed.

Hachi wondered what Noctus meant by that and questioned.

"Is that a problem, Gaunt-sama?"

Noctus nodded and then waved the family to follow him.

"Let's walk and talk."

"Where are we headed Gaunt-sama?"

"The biggest manor in this city." Noctus pointed at a distant building. 

"The city lord's mansion? I thought we were going to keep a low profile, Gaunt-sama?"

"We will, but in order for our plans to start, we first need a suitable identity…and a charitable donation." Noctus chuckled.

The family of three looked at each other in confusion upon hearing this but decided to trust in Noctus' plan.

"What did you mean before, Gaunt-sama, that this place was too close to the Land of Whirlpools?" Hachi asked.

Noctus twirled his wand and whispered.


A transparent viel wrapped Noctus and his gang, isolating the sound from inside and out.

"From Kaguya Arimoto's memory, I found some disturbing news. The Kirigakure ninjas' goal this time was not only to obtain the Uzumaki sealing techniques and clansmen, but their priority was to prepare the island for a military base."

Upon hearing this, Uzumaki Hachi and Haru were shocked and angry.

"You mean…they destroyed us just because we were in the way between them and the Land of Fire?" Hachi gnashed his teeth.

"Not just that, but because the location is key," Noctus analyzed.

"The island of the Land of Whirlpools is only a day's sail from this prosperous Maritime city. However, between the Land of Whirlpools and Kirigakure, spans a vast ocean. It would take days for them to sail. If the Mist Ninjas want to have any hope of attacking the Land of Fire, they must occupy the Land of Whirlpools and establish a supply base."

With Noctus' analysis, Uzumaki Hachi and Haru understood, but they couldn't help but feel angry that their land was destroyed because of the conflicts between the two nations. Even more so the reason for the attack was that Kirigakure wanted to attack the Land of Fire and Konoha. 

"If that's the case, then why didn't Konoha help us? Surely they must be able to see the intent behind Kirigakure's attack as well?" Hachi said through gritted teeth.

To this, Noctus did not know how to answer.

"It would do us well not to ponder on the thoughts of men in power. What's happened has happened, and knowing more will not change the outcome. What we need to do now is look to the future. Think of your family." Noctus patted Hachi on the shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Hachi calmed down and gave a wry smile.

"Yes, you're right, Gaunt-sama. Sorry, it's just…it's all still so fresh. What's happened."

"Hmhm, you needn't apologize. A warm meal ought to set you right. After we obtain a charitable donation from the city lord, how about a feast?"

"That sounds great, Gaunt-sama," Hachi said shyly.

The Uzumaki family of three left in a hurry yesterday and did not bring any money with them. If not for the few biscuits Noctus had in his magician's bag, they would be starving by now.

Soon, Noctus and his group saw the gate of the city lord's mansion. Before reaching their destination, Noctus raised his hand and wiped it on his face, after doing so, what appeared was a completely different person.

"Gaunt-sama?" Hachi asked in surprise as Haru and Hana looked on curiously.

"Simple Metamorphmagus magic, as I'm not naturally talented in this area it can only last for a short time, but it should suffice for our meeting. Here, masks for you guys." Noctus said, handing the three Uzumaki family members each a simple face mask.

The Uzumaki family nodded, not any more surprised by what Noctus could do. Taking the masks, they fashioned them on their faces and continued on their trek.

Soon the party reached the gate of the mansion.

Examining the exquisite design and large courtyard through the gates, it was clear that the city lord benefited much from the city's prosperity. 

"Stop! What business do you have here?" A guard asked.

"Apologies for the unannounced visit. My name is Tom Riddle, and we are merchants from the Land of Hotsprings here to do business in Fireport. We figured since it was our first time in town, we would pay our respects to the local lord with a small gift. Won't you help us with a meeting, Kind sir?"

Noctus eloquently explained his intentions and reached into his trench coat pocket to pull out a stack of Ryo, handing it to the guards. 

The guards' eyes lit up upon seeing this, and hurriedly took their share of the money and stuffed it into their pockets.

"Of course, Riddle-sama. Please, come with us."

As they followed, Hachi came next to Noctus and signaled curiously with his eyes where the money came from. To this, Noctus simply put a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. 

Hachi nodded and retreated behind in step, acting as a bodyguard.

Not long after arriving at the mansion, Noctus and his group were asked to wait at the door, and not a few moments later, they were then invited inside.

"The Lord will meet you ahead in that room over there, Riddle-sama. However, your bodyguards will have to stay outside, I hope you don't mind." The guard explained.

"Of course, it's no problem at all. You guys wait for me here. I'll be back shortly." Noctus replied and then gestured to the Uzumaki family.

Hachi and Haru nodded in agreeance, not speaking for fear of leaking their voice. Hana stood by quietly, understanding her parent's intentions.

After entering the meeting room, Noctus saw the man sitting at a desk waiting for him with an impatient look on his face. Behind him were two guards. He was dressed extravagantly and adorned with various pieces of jewelry. Noctus could tell the kind of person he was at a glance and felt much better about his plan.

"Greetings, City Lord. My name is Tom Riddle, a humble merchant from the Land of Hotsprings. I have admired your wise rule since I set foot upon your great city, and came bearing gifts."