
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs

Chapter 7: Chakra

1 Week later

After my birthday, we continued the training, to my deception, we didn't start with Kenjutsu immediately, but he said that 4 more months of Taijutsu, we will start the training of Kenjutsu.

And for some reason, i see my father grim every night he come back at night, inwardly, i remembered the night where he said that i needed to be ready, but for what? war? we have in our blood 2 of the more powerful clan in the shinobi world, and Uzumaki's as allies.

Or we got discovered? a possibility i guess, but how? i thought that all the spy's returned home safely? anything that it have something to do with my harsh training must be of great importance to "prepare" myself.

So with that thought, i pushed my limits, everyday my arms and legs aches, my waist screaming to stop throwing shurikens, even if i get it right and having bull's-eyes in every target, without getting injured, i get some serious pain in my waists.

Thought, my body improved greatly, my speed as well, even my brother said that my speed at his age is greater than his, and it is of Genin level as well as my strength and my Taijutsu.

Happy with that thought, i pushed even harder to get my level at least high genin, but honestly it was a hell of training, 500 laps in the garden the morning with 10 kg each legs, doing kata's and sparing as well as pakour all day with 5 kg each arms, and finally meditation.

Meditation it was more of an brain exhaustion than an relaxation, but after unlocking my chakra core, and feel this kind of sensation, it became easily my favorite part of the day.

Thought, today's start my chakra control exercises, my usual 8AM 'til 8PM drill, became easily 5AM 'til 8PM.

I can't get over the nostalgia of getting up in dawn and starting my usual training with the squad, thought after finishing the stage in the spetsnaz... i forgot everything after that, the war, the deployment, i only remember some details and it's purpose for example my understanding of the Japanese because of the invasion.

Anyway, i got up like usual, my body pleading me to get back sleeping, but decided against it.

Showering, brushing my teeth, and changing from the kimono to my usual training cloth (Boruto outfit)... i got in the kitchen to prepare the meal for the day to come.

Finishing my meal, i was surprised to see my brother waiting before me, but instead of questioning him, i waved at him "Moring"

He looked up at me, he stood and grinned, "Moring, got good sleep lil' princess?"

I looked at him with indifference in my eyes, and sat.

He sighed "Joking, just don't ruin the day because of that, anyway, now start your real chakra control, for first," he closed his eyes, then opened it, the onyx eyes replaced by a wildly spinning 3 tomoe Sharingan, looking at his eyes enchanted, but snapped out of it when he continued speaking after a while, and then it turned back to normal, he said "Your chakra is slightly bigger than how i was, but not too much, thanks to the drill i made you, and your yin part being incredibly high, you have will have harder time to control it, first thing first, what will we do?"

I gazed at him for a while, and said "Aren't you the one to actually teach me about it? not the opposite?"

"Come on now, i just wanted to make you participate in class y'know? anyway, am waitin'"

I thought for a moment, looking at the ground, then i looked up at him again "Well we start with the leaf exercise a guess?"

"Hmm, right, but with this king of high chakra reserve, there will be only a small result, but i have a solution, you will start with the tree climbing!" He announced excitedly.

Meanwhile me, i deadpanned him, an awkward silence followed, for about a minute, and said "aren't tree climbing exercise the intermediary exercise after the leaf training?"

He chuckled a bit and said "Well i see you have already eaten the book mom gave you huh? but at your question, yes, but with your kind of chakra reserve like i said, it will stain your growth in chakra control, so~ we will start with the tree climbing! prepare your head because it will be painful." the last sentence was said with an wicked grin.

I groaned and wanted to protest, but decided against it, and stood up, i sighed and said "Whatever happen, happens right?"

For some reason, i seen him softening his smile and said "right..." right after that, he cheered a bit, and continued "Now let's go, i can't help but be exited to see your smart ass getting clapped by a tree!" he said with a god damn shit eating grin.

So the day passed, the chakra control thing with the tree was a pain in the ass, seriously, without the medic-nin that i started to call Tenshi-chan, 'yes angel, because with all honesty, she was sweet like an angel, tender, and kind' i would have had half of my brain melted by the intense Taijutsu kick by my brother, and the intensity of how many time i got it in my head in the fall.

And the rest of the day passed like usual, then 1week, 2 week, until a month passed.

And that hazardous day, where i perfected the tree climbing technique, i punched for the first time my brother in his ribs, how you ask? well...

3rd person

The scene changed to 2 figures, one high in the tree, the other facing another tree at the right of the one the other was standing.

The figure in the branch looked at the other, and said "You are already good at it, why you keep stubbornly continuing this exercises? i mean we could go to the water one... why do you want to perfect it? eh Izaku?" this was Izuku.

Izaku paid no attention to his brother, and walked at the center of the tree, and said "I am ready." he said with determination.

Izuku sighed, and got up the tree where his brother was, and started to walk up the same direction of his brother gaze, he turned, and lunched a barrage of wooden shuriken and kunai's enhanced with a bit of chakra.

Izaku, focused, he started dodging with side-steppes and tilting head left and right, it continued like that for 2 min, all 30 shuriken and 10 kunai missed it's target, he got back in the ground, collapsing.

Even if it drained him, it was satisfactory, he perfected it, he dodged everything.

Grinning like a madman, he laughed and said "Finally! i got it out of my ass! damn i am exhausted." the last part was murmured.

While his brother on the other hand, smiled softly and he chuckled a bit as well, and got beside of his brother standing, he said "Not wanting to crush your hopes but... it was all mid-genin speed throwing, so~ what will we do?" he scratched a bit his back-head.

Izaku shrugged and said "Well it's improvement, it's good nonetheless, now i am sure the water exercises can be done easily, let's get going?"

He sighed and said "don't you want a bit of rest? after all... you used a big chunk of your chakra for that no?"

"Hmm, yeah, well there is 40 minutes before the sacred 500 laps run, a real pain in the ass."

Izuku chuckled a bit and sat beside him, looking at the battled trees around them, he said "you really need to take care of that mouth of yours huh, it will be a problem in the future, especially if you have kids y'know?"

Izaku looked up at him, with one of his eyebrow raised he said "Who said i will be married in the first place?" 'well even if i fuck some girl, and get my chastity our of my brain, i don't think i will have the patience and the love to marry someone, maybe adoption? i don't know'

Meanwhile Izuku looked back at izaku, for a moment, and laughed, the moment the laugh died down he said "Oh don't worry brat, one day, you will loose your shit at someone you least expected that you loved, i was like you as well you know?"

"Oh? you have a girlfriend?"

His smile softened, 'oh god, please not a sob story.' "Well, i had one... i guess? i don't know... our relationship was... well awkward, her looking up at me, liking me, and me... not knowing what to do, and decided that i will maintain it as just a friendship with her, but now that i think about it, i regret because the moment i left the village, i realized that it was more than friendship... so yeah, you can feel love dude, just wait for it."

He looked up at him, hands behind his head, with wide eyes, he said "I didn't though you were an emotional one y'know?"

He suckled a bit , looking at the sky, Izuku said "Well... yeah i am one, after all we are senju, and uchiha's, the two of them feel great emotions, one love and the other hate," 'well the two feel's love, but the uchiha is the one feeling love the most, i guess really no one really knew...' (Izaku) "So with this in mind, you need to know that love will be more unexpected and come at you unprepared, so yeah, good luck containing it," the last part was said with an hollow laugh "Like you said, whatever happen, happens, right?"


The rest of the day passed like normally, it was a Monday, the supposed day of luck of Izaku.

Arrived the moment of the spar, they got in position, facing each other, one looking at the torso of the other... they disappeared.

Well in the eyes of normal civilian, it will be like they disappeared in thin air, in mid-genin eyes, it will be like seeing blur, but in Chunin and low-Chunin perspective, you will see that the small one has a slight disadvantage with speed, meanwhile the taller one is containing himself in low-Chunin speed.

Izaku was punching and kicking with all his might, and speed that rivaled certain Chunin, but never overpowered his brother.

The fight continued, punches were exchanger.

Izaku tried to jab his brother's jaw with his left hand, but got deviated by his brother left hand, counterattacking with a kick in his lower-tight, izaku seeing the kick, upped his leg and block it.

Seeing himself getting overpowered, he fled away from the reach zone of his brother, getting back in his Taijutsu position, he waited, deciding to get it at the defensive.

"You will accomplish nothing if you keep runing, y'know?" Izuku eyed his brother, in his normal taijutsu position, and smirked "Well... if you don't want to come at me, i will come at you," he bend down and said before blurring "here i come."

Izaku blocked the first blow that destined to come at his face, he backed a bit, and tried a kick at his gut, but got grabbed instead, trying to jump and kick his brother left face, but got blocked as well, then he found himself flying at the near tree.

He groaned, gritting his teeth, and got up, eying his brother warily, he waited, waited for the moment his brother to commit an error.

His brother Izuku sighed, and sped at his little brother again, this time izaku matched his brother, blocking his kicks, and punches, as well as trying to retaliate.

After 12 Second of constant punches and kicks, with a few confirmed hits from his brother Izuku, he saw the thing he waited the most, an opening, not wasting anytime, he saw the right punch coming at him in his right, then bent back a bit for it to pass, and grabbed his waist, his brother seeing him grab his right hand at the moment, tried to kick his little brother left ribs, but izaku was prepared and lifted his right leg to intercept it, then lowered his brother hands to see the place where he want to jab, he draw his brother grabbed hand to make him bend forward, passed his brother right hand to his left hand, he elbowed his brother's right ribs with all his might.

Izuku then backed back, getting off his brother hands, he touched his right rib with wide eyes, then looked back at the panting izaku who his right leg who took the left kick of his brother, weak, and only his left leg supporting his body, he grinned, then clapped.

"Good! good! good! Improvement! you finally made it Izaku! you only needed to get it done!" he chuckled while approaching his little brother, who in his counter part, was confused.

Then, the unexpected happen, he smiled widely, bending forward to collapse, he got supported by his brother, looking up, grinning, he saw his big brother froze.

For a moment of starting conquest, he said "Damn bro, the monday is really your lucky day huh?" he then grinned widely, then found my self in the near small lake, then said "look at you eyes."

Not understanding what he said, complied, then Izaku as well found himself with wide eyes.

Looking back at his brother, he said "Do i really have the Sharingan right now?"

Izuku then laughed for a moment, and patted my head, "Man, you finally made an face of a child, getting constant adult vibe from you was a bit suffocating, but this, is a masterpiece y'know."

Izaku face deconstructed, showing a disgusted face, he said "You ruined the moment you lil' piece of shit, i have now the sharingan, you're supposed to sheer me up to continue," he sighed then looked back at the water, "well, anyway, it was a good day bro, thank you anyway," he stood up with his brother supporting him, "2 Tomoe to go huh?"

Izuku grinned and said, "Well it seem like this as well, anyway, you need rest," they found them selves in the cliff where they usually go to relax, while before Izaku was sick of Sunshin no jutsu, now got used to it, not having the usual dizziness like he had, he relaxed near the cliff with the prepared bento of his mother, "1 hour and half before the throwing weapons training," i groaned, he continued "and the moment you perfected the shuriken and kunai throwing, if you want, i can get you someone who will get you good at noodles throwing."

Izaku sighed then waved his hand, "No need, shuriken and kunai is okay, i want to get in Kenjutsu right now."

"We are patient aren't we?" he chuckled "anyway, after the training, we need to tell our parents about your Sharingan, getting it at 4 is... special to say the least, even i got it at 6 years old when me and my father were attacked by bandits when we traveled to the nearest local, at the time, grandpa was alive, so yeah, anyway, finish your meal, i have some matter to do with my father."

The moment they finished, his brother Izuku got to his father, 1 hour later they got healed by Tenshi-chan then continued to train, shuriken and stuff.

So they finished the day, the lucky day by Izaku's word, then spook to his parents about the awakening of his Sharingan, while his mother happy and hugged him tightly, his father smiled kindly and patter his head.


Happy new year guy!

I didn't really plan to post this chapter, but well new year thing, so i started writing and finished it, anyway, thx for reading and don't forget to fav, or review the story if you are from Webnovel, anyway if there is a problem please don't hesitate to state it and i will try to fix it.

See y'a!

2663 words!