
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs

Chapter 3: Family

(That's izaku, yes indra utsutsuki but with dark hair and white skin sasuke like and dark eyes)


Little bro? what does he mean by that? if i had a brother, why no one told me that i have one?

"Wait, who are you?" The presumed blood brother made an heart broken expression with the pose.

"Ow, that's hurt you know? didn't your parents tell you that you have a brother?"

I hade an skeptical face while thinking he must be some drunken... 13 years old kid? wait is it some prank?

"Jeez, am not here to kidnap you y'know? no need to be that silente," with that the older kid swung his right arm around his neck as an one handed huge, "come, we're goin' to see your parents, been a while didn't see them."

Wearing an huge grin, happy to the idea to see his parents, while the little one was a bit confused, but followed him at what seem to be his way to his house, he know's to not follow an stranger, but this kid seem to be somewhat pleasant to be with, checking his facial feature, he had brown missy hair with white face, green eyes, and wearing normal kimono, my guess is that his hair is like my father, while the eyes my mother. (he look exactly like shisui but with brown hair and green eyes, yeah that's it)

Arriving at my... well our house, he knocked at the door, even if i knew it is our house, but i guess he just want to surprise them.

"Am coming, just a minute." it was my mother, a bit in a hurry at the tone of her voice, but i dismissed it.

We waited a bit longer than a minute, well i guess it was something important, anyway, i saw the door opening with my mother wearing a kind smile with... messy hair?

"Izaku? why did you knock at the do..." she froze when she saw the older kid behind me waiting with a huge grin.

"Hello Okaa-san, am home" well i guess that is my answer for my questions.

I turned to see my mother face, but while she wore an kind expression little minute ago, now she seem to be surprised, happy and at what i guess filled with relief.

She run to grab the kid with a bone crushing hug, i know what type of hug she can do because i experienced all of them, "Izuku! you don't know how happy am i to see you! i was worried when you stopped sending letters for one year, i really missed you." with some tears and cry, i entered my house letting their little reunion be made, not i don't care, but sometimes situation need avoided.

At my way to the house, (the house is like boruto's one, so yeah) i saw my father waiting at the table, with an smile sad smile, i got to the table as well, sat in the chair, "Why didn't you tell me i had an brother? i am not mad but it is something of a right to know my family." i said with an rised earbrow, and an tired expression.

My father looked at me, the sad smile replaced with an small chuckle, he said "Well we talk about that later, we have all the time after all, but you seem rather... bored why the situation, aren't you happy with the situation?"

"Well, today was an exhausting day, i was reading an book about chakra control, and it is said that at least you need to be 4years old to get your chakra unlocked, and the whole time i was trying to use it, i can't seem to even sensing it in my guts like you said when you unlock your chakra," at that moment i saw my father turned to an smug face, looking at me with amusement "you knew that right? why you didn't tell me about it when i was trying to get it unlocked." i said with an deadpanned face, it is truly an exhausting day.

"Why would i make your prodigy life any easier, life is not easy after all, you always say this phrase when your mother beg you to play with the kids like normal kids, even if you are some kami send prodigy, with wisdom of an grown man, i didn't forget the time your mother nearly killed me when you said your first word, right?" he said with an victorious smile, oh go-kami, i want to smack him , but then froze when i remembered he said 'some kami send prodigy' did he knew? if so is it really okay to accept that? when your child had been replaced with an grown man?

"Well, we'll talk about that later, let's celebrate your brother arrival".

The two reunited mother and son entered the kitchen, my father immediately changed his facial expression to bore an happy face, welcoming his son i guess, the night was a bit goofy for my like, while i liked this vibe, too much is not good for my liking, so i told my parents to sleep, they said yes but otherwise they knew they couldn't obligate me to fly my 'sleeping schedule', mumbling about something like 'why other kids hate sleeping but mine no, is he some nara?' well they are right, but while in my past life i hated sleeping as a kid, i regretted it because i was the smallest in the class for nearly 9 years because of sleep deprivation as well as not eating much in fear of being fat and mocked at, well i regretted that because i was an idiot who could have an great body with enough sleeping and work out.

Anyway, i've gone to my bedroom, waiting to finish their little feast while reading a book about chakra control, after a while of what seems to be one or two hours, i got up and i walked to the place where i sensed my father in the garden.

I walked to him when i heard him saying "beautiful night isn't it?" damn cliché of goofy father, anyway he continued " i guess you wanted to know why i didn't tell you why you had an brother?" he looked at me from his back, i nodded.

"Well you know that some of the families her have the potential to be a spy, well your brother was one at 9 years old." my eyes widened an looked at my father in disgust, why would an father send a KID to be a spy, wouldn't it be dangerous? being a spy is no joke, ninja or not it is not acceptable.

"Why would you send a KID to be a spy? why your SON at that?"

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, he sighed and looked back to the moon, " you know, sometimes as a leader, you need to do things to appease you people, even if it cost you your son."

"That doesn't explain why a kid." I said with an angered tone, he didn't look aside from the moon when he continued.

naruto shippuden ost saika colourful mist: started

"Some matters need to be done, and these matters you can't know, but i know you are not a kid, well in your brain at least, so what i am going to tell you is secret clan matters, okay? even if there are only 93 peoples at the clan, some of the matters are kept secret to others, well you know that the rule of obligated spy service right?" i nodded, i wanted to repeat my word of why a kid, but i let it go to continue listening.

"Well the spy service is reserved to only capable one, with actual spy skills, and other who can't be a spy, we managed to find a job for them, hunter, patroler, builder, blacksmith, farmer and etc." i could see the pattern of his thinking, but managed to not utter a word.

"Well unfortunately, your brother was a prodigy as well, well better than some spy, and all of that because of me, i trained him everyday for him to become my successor, and taught him how to manage a clan, how to speak like an heir, even if i let him enjoy his child life at the start, i always regretted training him." a moment of silence dropped at the two, then i spoke "that's not the only reason isn't it? sending a heir in the enemy territory is not the best idea, so why?"

He then looked at the ground and said "well you know that being a spy can take some risk right? well i don't need to explain that some operation... turn out to be a disaster, and ending in some... casualties, and in the end some kinsmen saddened, and later on developed hatred, i tried to resonate with them but, after they found out about my son's potentials, they pressured me to make him a spy, a kid to be a spy, and after that, even my son was eager to be a spy, then i managed to send him in a hidden village where refugees can be accepted rather easily, even if they have rotten ground in them, but at least it is safer here, and that's partially why i didn't want you to be strong, and didn't train you, but i see that even i can't stop a prodigy being a prodigy."

When he finished talking, a heavy silence entered the atmosphere, even if they have hatred in them, why would they send a kid? a kid is not a soldier, why would they send one being a spy, there is really no logic in this world, i think i start to know a bit more why madara done all of this.

While izaku pondered the response given by his paternal, Takahisa was observing his son facial expression, looking rather frustrated and saddened at the same time, while he knew that his son was wise and sometimes cold, he was relieved that some things can pierce this shield of composed thought.

Staying like that for a while, izaku thinking about this whole situation, and his father enjoying the chilliness of the night, izaku decided to broke the silence " I will try to render my training as secretive as possible, i think i must sleep, it's past my schedule, thank you for you response father, i appreciate it, it cleared some things in my mind, good night." he stand up and walked to the door of the house, but before he entered the house, he heard his father say.

"No problem son, and i think i can arrange training with your brother, tomorrow you will start some light exercises for you body to develop and better contain chakra in the future."

I looked back to my father, rather happy to get my training started, but confused at why would he actually start it, isn't my father against training me? and "am i not a little small and young to start training with my body? i am 2 years old father, i think training will take my potential away rather than help me become stronger, so why?"

His father seems to be thinking at what would he respond at his son's question, but he found one rather rapidly "Well not only it could get you know your brother, but his training is quit good and creative, after all, he started training at the same age as you, near 3 years old, and," he looked at the ground a moment and said "prepare you for, some expected... situations... good night son"

I stared for a while my father's back, thinking what would it be this "expected situation", then dismissed it and decided to think for it tomorrow, i had to sleep.

"Good night father, and if you will be staying like that, you need to be covered, it's cold out there, be carful"

With that izaku gone to his bedroom, oblivious that someone was watching them from the corner of the garden, "Well, i think i will have a bit of a work tomorrow, you seem rather smarter than even i when i was his age, right Oto-san?"

Izuku looked at his father's back who looked rather sad at the development of the situation, "Right..."

naruto shippuden ost saika colourful mist: ended


Well well well... not 2800 word, but at least not 800 word chapter, 2049 word, anyway, this is his family pic,

Takahisa Utsukame, (yes he look like grisha yeager, oh well fuck it)

Akiko Utsukame (is eren's mother but with green eyes,)

anyway, thx for reading this chapter, please leave a fav, to get it known y'now, anyway, see you then.

Pics in wattpad, let me know if there is a probleme.