
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs

Chapter 17: Fate

Three before the attack: 1102 PM

In the bunker of the 5th Forward Post, the clan head, the head of the CSA, and the general of the Samurai's were having a high-stakes meeting to review the plan and prepare for the imminent operation to end the conflict. As time progressed, they finalized their strategy and decided to proceed as follows:

First: Managing Civil Unrest Nezu, the head of the CSA, would return to the Compound to directly engage with the protestors. His mission was to explain the necessity of the war and the potentially dire consequences of inaction. His key objectives included:

Evacuating Non-Combatants: Prioritizing the safety of civilians, they would evacuate non-combatants to a secure location within the compound, away from the imminent conflict.

Reassurance: Nezu would address the population, emphasizing the readiness of their forces, the valuable support from the samurai reinforcements, and the strategic advantage of the forthcoming attack.

Tier 2 and 3 Personnel: These personnel, along with Nezu's assistance, would be responsible for managing and calming the unrest among the population within the compound while they patrol the compound.

Second: Countering the Mole The group recognized the presence of a mole within their ranks as a significant threat. To address this, they planned to conduct discreet investigations among their own. The strategy included:

Identification of Unusual Behavior: They would closely monitor the behavior of their personnel, looking for any unusual signs or actions that might indicate the identity of the mole.

Misinformation Campaign: As a countermeasure, they would feed the mole false information about the impending attack. This would involve spreading inaccurate details, such as a different target or timing, such as a false declaration of the attack at 12:00 PM. By doing so, they aimed to identify how this misinformation was spread or acted upon.

Third: Counterintelligence Recognizing the importance of intelligence, the plan included robust counterintelligence measures. Key elements of this phase involved:

Communication Monitoring: Vigilant monitoring of communication channels to detect any suspicious or unauthorized activities within the Forward Post. Restrictions on leaving the post without permission were enforced, coupled the ban of summoning animals.

Use of Skilled Shinobi with Sharingan: To gather precise intelligence on enemy positions, patrol routines, and alertness levels, trusted and highly skilled Shinobi with Sharingan and Chakra suppressing seals abilities would be deployed.

  Fourth: Diversionary Tactics To maintain the element of surprise and divert enemy attention, they planned to utilize half of the samurai and Shinobi personnel in diversionary tactics. This would involve making a deceptive attack on the enemy's flanks, creating the appearance of threats in other areas. The goal was to draw the enemy's focus away from the central line of attack.

Fifth: Breach the Line and Reach the Compound The final step of the operation would involve the spearhead of their forces breaching the enemy's defenses and making a direct push towards the compound. This would be the decisive strike aimed at reaching the enemy's leadership.

Given the potential mole problem, the decision to have a crisis management plan in case of setbacks was essential. Additionally, the establishment of a secure communication line between the diversionary task forces and the spearhead was crucial for coordination.

The group believed in victory that by executing this battle plan with precision, coordination, and stealth, they could exploit the enemy's lowered guard and work toward ending the war by targeting the enemy's leadership. 

As the tense planning session drew to a close, a member of the communication center staff entered the room, bearing an urgent message: a communication signal had been received from the Uzumaki clan, specifically from their clan head, who requested a conversation with Takahisa.

"Please protect our compound, Gokoku," Takahisa said with a sense of gravitas as he exited the room, the staff member accompanying him.

"I will..." Gokoku replied in a somber tone, his gaze fixed on the map before him, lost in deep contemplation.

Upon reaching the communication center, the staff member handed the communication device to Takahisa, who, with a stoic look, remarked, "I guess this is not a call for surrender, is it, Kei."

The voice on the other end of the line responded, filled with a melancholic undertone, "Takahisa, before it's too late, tell your men to retreat. Don't do this, Takahisa. In any case, you and I will die. What's the point of all of this? Who will win this? You and I will not survive, understand? If we, or I, see you in action, I won't show mercy. Just as you won't understand, it's better if you come to me as a guest. Retreat your men. Have pity for their families. Have pity for your comrades. Give the order to retreat." It was Kei Uzumaki, the head of the Uzumaki clan, speaking.

Takahisa's response was resolute and unwavering, delivered in a cold, unyielding tone: "I will not give that order."

"Takahisa, from the bottom of my heart, I hope that you survive, but you better leave," Kei replied, his words heavy with both sorrow and resignation.

"I don't have a choice. I have responsibilities, and I will uphold them under any circumstances," declared the clan head as he briskly exited the room. In his mind, he realized, 'There was indeed a mole in our camp. With this message, those bastards will believe that we won't attack now, all according to plan.'

As he walked through the compound, he contemplated his next steps. 'Now, all that remains is to convey that the attack is canceled while keeping our guard up. With this ruse, this might be our chance to secure victory.'

For four painstaking hours, the entire camp executed rapid preparations to reverse the earlier order to stand down. The forward posts, abandoned in haste, were now their primary concern. Restoration efforts surged with the fervor of a brigade tasked with reclaiming territory thought lost.

At precisely 1500 hours, an announcement echoed through the camp like a commander's call to arms. The order was clear: the attack was back on. Panic spread through the ranks faster than an enemy's advance. Plans were hastily undone and reassembled, much like redeploying forces to defend against an unforeseen blitz.

Obake, the clan heir and one of the spearhead captain, had absorbed the briefing from his father. In a shrewd move, he opted for a few hours of rest before the storm. As he ventured to gather his gear, his orders were clear: stay with the spearhead.

Emerging from his quarters, he observed the contingent assembling—likely the vanguard of the impending assault. As the clan heir and a spearhead captain, he joined his father's side in the bunker, awaiting the signal that would divert the Uzumaki clan's attention.

But the minutes stretched into an agonizing half-hour, then an hour, and unease settled over the room like a dense fog. An eerie silence had overtaken them, and a collective feeling of dread gnawed at their hearts. The ominous sensation hung over them like a storm cloud on the horizon, imminent yet unknowable.

Suddenly, the world erupted in chaos, detonations erupting like artillery fire, or in this world, more potent paper bombs. The explosive symphony of chaos shook them all to their core.

  "Satsuma, Satsuma stop! Fuck!"

"You attacking at the wrong person fuck! you need to fucking attack the Red heads!"

Their worst fears materialized before their very eyes. The Samurai, purported allies, had turned against them, bolstered by the Uzumaki clan's assistance. The battle lines had blurred, and the CSA personnel found themselves under an unexpected, relentless attack.

Takahisa, paralyzed by the shock of this betrayal, snapped to attention at the vehement shout from Washi. Amidst the pandemonium, Washi's voice pierced through the confusion like a rallying cry. "Takahisa-sama, you need to fucking think, we're all going to die here, this is not some bullshit, we need orders quickly!"

Breaking free from his stupor, Takahisa's mind raced. "Izuku! Contact HQ immediately! Inform them of our situation and issue a mandatory evacuation order for all civilian and Shinobi personnel!"

Izuku dashed towards the communication room, grabbing the device as it buzzed to life. Yet, before he could initiate the call, another transmission intruded. It was Gokoku.

"How are things going at the front?" Gokoku's voice crackled.

"Things are bad, really fucking Bad! We've been double-crossed by the Samurai, and the Uzumaki clan is collaborating with them!"

"5th forward post, we are sending in reinforcement, two 3rd Tier, four 2nd T-." Gokoku attempted to relay reinforcements, listing tier and unit details, but Izuku interjected with an urgency that matched the chaos outside. "They are useless here damn it! Everything is fucked up here, everything is falling, we've been blocked from all sides! Listen, your orders are to evacuate civilians immediately and seek refuge in the emergency bunker. No exceptions!"

Concluding the call, Izuku dashed from the room. 'Fuck! what are we going to do now, we need to get out of here and stall before we get destroyed.'

Emerging onto the chaotic surface, Izuku sensed an adversary approaching, their intent clear. It was a Samurai, charging like a cavalryman into battle. With lightning reflexes, Izuku dodged the attack and slashed his enemy's torso, toppling him.

But then, the fallen Samurai began to swell inexplicably, akin to a balloon inflating. 'What in f...'

"Izuku!" His father's voice rang out, and with a blink, his old man teleported to him and administered a swift kick.

As Izuku scrambled back to his feet, dust and mayhem shrouding him, he searched frantically for his father. "Father!" he called out.

He activated his Sharingan, and the world around him seemed to shift into slow motion, but then he locked to the massive chakra in place of his father. 'Don't tell me...'

And as the dust settled, there, before him, he beheld an ribcage like structure of blue chakra taking shape—a Susanoo. "The Susanoo! But how..." As he opened his eyes wide, the realization came down on him.

Before he could voice his questions, his father preempted him. "Listen, Izuku, I know you've got countless questions, but now isn't the time. We'll carve a path for you to aid in the evacuation."

Before he could voice his questions, his father preempted him. "Listen, Izuku, I know you've got questions, but now isn't the time. We'll carve a path for you to aid in the evacuation."

"But, Fath—" Izuku began to protest, only to be silenced by the unwavering, cold resolve in his father's eyes coupled with his bleeding left eye.

"No objections, Izuku," his father declared with finality, then turned to Washi. "Accompany him, Washi." 

In the face of the impending catastrophe, Takahisa's voice bore the weight of profound emotions as he whispered, "Take care of Izaku, and I am proud of you." His words lingered in the air, encapsulating the essence of a father's love and pride for his son amidst the chaos.

Amidst the chaos, the Uzumaki clan head arrived, a portrait of unwavering determination, chains whirling around him like a storm.

Izuku, his heart heavy with the grim reality unfolding before him, began to voice his concerns once more. However, before he could protest further, Washi's firm grip held him in check. With a heavy gaze, Washi implored, "Let's go, you can't alter the situation now. Our forces are scarce, and survival hinges on our escape. You must shoulder the responsibility for our clan, for Izaku."

Izaku, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and resignation, comprehended the dire circumstances. His gaze swept across the battlefield, capturing the image of his father, his fellow clansmen locked in combat, and the looming adversaries.

"Let's go," he echoed, resolved to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.


Hey, I am sorry in advance for this chapter if it feels rushed, as it was somehow difficult to finish it as I wanted to advance with the story already, because the majority of my ideas are after this ark.

Anyway please favor or review the Fanfic.