
Chapter 22: Danzo’s Ambition.

Author Note: Nothing of importance, just enjoy the chapter, and if you have any questions, make sure to comment!

And like always, remember if you want to read up to 12 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I'm currently updating the novel 2-8 chapters a day in patreeeeon. On chapter 33 so far, though by the end of today it will be chapter 36-37.

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Enjoy you sexy bastards.






These were the only things running through the heart of Konoha.


The Nine Tails, a massive beast of pure destruction, rampaged through Konoha without stopping. Buildings crumbled under the force of its tails, each swing sending debris—and sometimes bodies—flying. The ground shook with every step it took, the sheer weight of its chakra creating fissures in the earth. The tailed beast roared in anger, drowning out the screams of the citizens.


People screamed and ran, trying to flee from the monstrous fox that seemed unstoppable. The once calm streets, filled with life, were now filled with cries of terror, corpses, and the sounds of shattering wood and stone. Flames erupted from buildings struck by the beast, casting an eerie glow over the devastation.


Those capable of fighting tried their best to defend their home, attempting to halt the advance of the Nine Tails. They unleashed their jutsus, hoping to slow the beast down. But their efforts were ultimately in vain. The fox's roar drowned out their battle cries, unleashing a devastating blast of chakra that obliterated everything in its path. All that was left was a cloud of smoke and a pair of crimson orbs shining through it, filled with nothing but hatred and rage.


With each second the beast was free, more blood and bodies were added to the count, eating away at the hope of everyone around.


In the distance, Takeshi watched in horror from relative safety. Even from afar, the sheer scale of the destruction was overwhelming. Anger, fear, and uncertainty swirled within him. How could he not feel this way? The village he'd known his entire life—his home—was being torn apart, and all he could do was watch, hoping for the best.




As civilians ran for their lives, faces masked with fear and desperation, and ninja scrambled to form defensive lines to protect their homes, their families, and their people, masked figures moved with cold precision throughout the destruction, ignoring the screams of the civilians and their fellow shinobi.


Root operatives—shinobi indoctrinated to follow their orders without fail, trained to suppress all emotions and do only what their mission entailed, no matter the cost. Today, their mission wasn't helping the village deal with the Nine Tails.


The lead operative of this mission, a woman with eyes as cold as ice named Uragi, observed the destruction with detached indifference as she moved through the destroyed streets of Konoha. Her mission was simple: eliminate two targets within the hour, using the Nine Tails attack as cover to avoid anything that happened today being tracked back to Root.


Her first target was Arata Mai, age 29, mother of Arata Takeshi, wife of Arata Yoshiro, Shinobi Rank Chunin. The target was currently assisting civilians in their evacuation. Her lack of combat and field experience would make her an easy target.


On the other side of the village, another operative, tall and imposing, named Rimono, under Uragi's command, closed in on the second target: Arata Yoshiro, age 35, father of Arata Takeshi, husband of Arata Mai, Shinobi Rank Jonin. The target was currently rescuing civilians and fellow shinobi from beneath the rubble and collapsed buildings, using his earth release to move debris. Unlike the first target, this one had a lot of field experience and could prove to be a problem if not handled properly. Caution was advised when dealing with him.


"Target confirmed?" Uragi inquired in a monotone voice through their comms.


The second operative, Rimono, replied as he unsheathed his blade. "Arata Yoshiro. Confirmed."


Uragi paused briefly before adding, "Lord Danzo's orders were clear: we have to make it look like it was an accident under the Nine Tails. There's no room for mistakes."


"Understood," Rimono replied, his grip firm on the hilt of his blade. "Once the mission is completed, rendezvous at the designated point."


"Affirmative," Uragi replied, cutting their communications.


With mechanical precision, the operatives vanished into the ongoing chaos, each one going for their designated target, their figures merging with the shadows. Their mission was one of cold-blooded assassination, driven by the iron will of a leader who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it meant sacrificing his own people. Danzo's goal was simple: drive Takeshi into Root.





[Arata Mai - POV]


Scared, I pushed through the chaos, helping everyone I could evacuate their homes as the Nine Tails continued its rampage through the village, praying that my son wasn't caught in the fire. The ground trembled beneath my feet, and the air was thick with smoke, blood, and fear. Every time the beast roared, my heart skipped a beat, but I couldn't afford to let my fear show. I had to keep moving, keep helping.


I might be just a desk shinobi, as some would say, but I was still a shinobi of Konoha, and I would do my best to help my people.


"Stay together!" I shouted, guiding a group of children toward the safety of one of the many safe houses around the village, places built exactly for this type of situation. Their faces were pale with terror, but they followed my lead, clutching at each other for support.


Every moment I was out here, I worried about my son and husband. Takeshi had always been strong, smart, too mature for his age, but he was still just a boy—my boy. And my husband... I could only hope he was safe. If anyone had to be okay, it was him. My man was strong and capable. I had to trust that they would be alright.


As I turned to guide another family, an ANBU with a snake mask appeared in front of me, making me smile as relief washed over me.


There were still many houses to evacuate, and there was only so much terrain I could cover.


"Thank goodness you a-" I began, but found myself unable to continue, as a sudden, overwhelming paralysis struck me. My limbs refused to obey me, my body frozen in place. Confusion soon turned into panic as I realized what was happening. I was trapped in a paralyzing genjutsu, an illusion cast by the one in front of me.


The ANBU's eyes, visible through his mask, were cold and unfeeling.


"Release!" I tried releasing the illusion, I tried screaming, but no sound escaped my lips. No matter how much I flared my chakra, I could only watch helplessly as the ANBU stepped back, his figure fading into the chaos.


Realizing what this was—an assassination—I struggled against the genjutsu with all my might, tears rolling down my face, but it was no use. My body remained rigid, my senses acutely aware of the danger around me. The ground shook violently as the Nine Tails roared again, and I saw the building next to me begin to crumble.


Desperation filled me as the structure gave way, collapsing in slow motion. The roof caved in first, followed by the walls, a cascade of wood and stone, all coming my way. I wanted to move, to run, to do anything, but I was powerless.


Time seemed to slow as the debris fell toward me. In those final moments, my thoughts were consumed by my family. Takeshi, my brave boy. My husband, always strong. I hoped they would be alright, that they would survive this nightmare.


The last thing I saw was the building collapsing over me, burying me alive. The weight of the rubble pressed down, darkness enveloping me. And then, there was nothing.