
Author Note: End of the Year.

Where to start.

This year has been... quite an eventful one, with more downs than ups. Not my best year, that's for sure.

And well, there's a few points I want to tackle on this note, after all... we can't ignore the elephant in the room. 

I know I have fallen from grace.

Heck, there's a few people calling me a liar. And I can't exactly blame them, I mean, if I say I am returning or posting a certain amount of chapters and I don't, even if the circumstances were the ones to blame, I ended up breaking my word. 

I know there's a lot of people angry at me, because I stopped writing Marvel, and DC. 

And well, I understand their feelings on the matter, I've for one have suffered when an author I like never ends their shit. Now, that being said... at the end of the day, this opinions are meaningless.

Most of the people angry with me, don't really see me as a person, I suppose. To them, I'm just... something that is there to entertain them, and because of that, my value as "person" is directly connected to how much entertainment I can give them.

Now, I completely get why this is. And I'm not angry with it.

Every author in this platform, nay, in the entire world knows what I'm talking about. From the smallest author to the best one out there, they know.

You might be asking yourself by now, if you don't care why bring it up?

A good question, and the answer is rather simple: Because things are changing.

What do I mean by that?

Well, once upon a time, as my previous note stated, I wanted to make everyone happy or at least the big majority of my readers. And that mentality alongside my stupidly unachievable goals and health problems, well... you know what happened.

I won't do that again.

I love writing, came close to hating it, sure, but I love writing. And that's something I want to keep.

And I enjoy making some extra cash with the Patreeeon sure, I mean, who doesn't love extra money? Not only that, I love interacting with the people in my community who love my stuff soooo much they treat me like a stripper by making it rain on me. (I'm sorry, I had to make a joke, I just couldn't help it.)

This being said, writing isn't my entire life. As hard as it is for some of ya to comprehend.

I work, 8 to 5. Monday to Friday. Outside writing.

I get sick.

I get sad.

I get angry.

Etc etc.

I'm your extremely handsome average guy, with a life full of up and downs.

Writing for me is more than just my creative outlet, but something I enjoy as much as someone would enjoy gaming, or playing a sport. And from now on, my entire focus will be keeping this feeling.

I will keep posting, here and on patreeeon. Other sites as well.

But, If I need a break from a project I will take it. 

And if I want to start a new project, I will. 

Hopefully, you will all join me for this ride.

If I had taken a small break before reaching the breaking point; when I was writing DC and Marvel, I would've probably finished those two by now. (Naruto: WOW and Overlord and the only novels I have truly dropped, because I hate what I wrote, is like I took a dump, recorded the sounds, and used google translator to transcribe it.)

So, yeah, there will be changes this coming year. 

What changes you might ask.

1.) I want to write bigger chapters.

One of the most tiring things, and quite possibly the worst of all things, is the fact Webnovel thrives in daily updates, which forces most authors to write extremely short content to keep up with the demand.

Sometimes, meeting this demand is easy. Especially when the novel is fresh out of the oven, and your head is brimming with creative power, but as time goes on, those 7 to 15 chapters you were writing a week... start to feel like 50 to 100 chapters.

Not only that, but sometimes you, as an author feel forced to lower the quality of your work or cut things you would've liked from the novel because you don't have time to write a single chapter of 5-10k words, because you still need write more for tomorrow.

So, yeah, I want to write bigger chapters. 

Between 3k to 6k words each chapter. (I know, they aren't as big as you imagined, but they have a great personality... I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.) Jokes aside, I know they aren't as big as you probably imagined, or I would've wanted, but years writing for webnovel have condition me to write short length content to robotic precision.

Like, honestly, I can start writing without word count, and finish, and always be within the 1.5k to 2k word mark, I have somehow trained my brain to create a line of events that start and end in that span of words.

So, that's one of the changes I have in mind. 

2-) Why do you want to write bigger chapters?


A bigger chapter, means I have more time to write, more time to write means, I have more time to edit things out or in. You guys have no idea how much chapters I have wrote and post it, that I ended up being like: "Ugh." And because of the daily schedule, I just couldn't do anything except roll with it.

Not only that, but the story will flow better with a longer format, allowing me to create a better pacing, better characters, better background, etc etc.

3-) Writing Schedule.

I want to start my future projects with a schedule that doesn't demand quantity over quality. Meaning, less chapters, but more content. 

Normally, I used to write between 10-15k words a week. This word count divided between 7 to 13 chapters.

Instead of writing that amount of chapters, I would rather focus on 2 to 3 chapters a week, each one between 5k to 6k words. Leaving the weekly word count around 10k to 18k.

4-) Interaction.

I miss the days you could have a conversation in the comments. Now, due to the constant flow of chapters, some chapters are like graveyards in terms of comments, so... a longer space between chapters, with longer chapters to be discussed, would reignite that community spark that for the most part is gone.

And it would give me a better idea of how well the project is doing with yall.

Andddd that's about it, leave your comments about my entire plan, and love yall.

P.D: I will continue the daily update on Naruto: Faint Smile, at least until chapter 105. After that, I MIGHT change to the longer format, so there's that.