
Naruto: Evil Within

Naruto, the beacon of light, the child of prophecy. What happens when all the hatred he has accumulated burst out one day when his soul is erased and replaced with an orphan. The orphan originally named, Mark Goldbridge, a notorious killer back on earth, his infamy spread across the world, they called him “Doomsday”. Now he has been reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki, another orphan, inheriting his memories he realised the hatred inside Naruto that even Naruto hadn’t realised. “Don’t worry kid, I Uzumaki Naruto will exact revenge on the Konoha, I will be their demise, rest well”. ——- Author note- I’ve read evil Naruto fan-fics but they aren’t truly evil they still protect the konoha, what I plan to create is a truly evil Naruto, one that has nothing but konoha’s demise on his brain.

RadicalAM · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

10. There’s No Need for a Hero

'There's no need for a hero', Naruto battled with himself as he walked back home.

The events of the nightmare still haunted him, 'what have they done for me? They've failed me, abandoned me when I needed them that night at the park. I'll forge my own path, one that requires no hero'.

Inside, a deep hatred blossomed, although it was shackled for a year, due to that nightmare, roses of death started permeating the air.

'I watched other being swooped by heroes, their lives transformed, by acts of selfless kindness. But me, I was abandoned, neglected, invisible. Heroism is lie, Naruto, they didn't deserve you're selflessness, they abandoned you just like they abandoned me'.

'Abusive adoptive parents, unspeakable pain, I cried… cried out for a hero, but no one showed up'.

'In the absences of said hero's, only darkness comforted me, every night I slept it felt as if my true mother had comforted me'.

'Darkness…when there's no light, there still remains darkness'.

Arriving back home, Naruto was lost in his mind, taking off his training gear muscles beautifully proportioned were visible, looking into the mirror Naruto saw his weights however they felt light.

"I'll change them after a shower", walking into his small bathroom, Naruto took a shower, every droplet that hit him reminded him of his reason to continue. Getting out of the shower Naruto took of the weights as he put on a fresh new set.

'Damn, this is heavy' Naruto's arms felt unbelievably heavy, checking the weight Naruto realised he had put on the wrong one, but he decided against taking it off, he wanted a challenge.

Walking awkwardly towards the kitchen, he made expire noodles once again, the only thing that he enjoyed was drinking the orange juice from the local store.

After eating Naruto went to bed, 'tomorrow is school, I should be learning Genjutsu' Naruto thought as he drifted off to bed.

Waking up in the morning, Naruto headed to school, arriving there he sat down. As the role call was made, he made his way towards maths.

After maths, he arrived at geography as he further learned about the maps of the Naruto, he especially focused on this class, so he could plan out his future. After geography, it was history after finishing up he headed straight to his Genjutsu class as it was the first time being held.

"Hello class" the teacher said as they all greeted her back, after the greeting the teacher went straight to the topic.

"Genjutsu meaning illusionary is jutsu which uses chakra, unlike Ninjutsu, Genjutsu is only sensory illusions experienced by those who fall victim to it".

After explaining it the teacher then explained the process.

"A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses".

"This is frequently used to create false images along with tricking the body into believing its has experienced physical sensations such as pain". This shocked the kids as they listened intently.

"Now I'd like you lot to determine if you are trapped in a Genjutsu or not" the teacher smiled, this alerted the kids as they looked around, Naruto also looked around.

He already knew the moment they entered the classroom, they were already in a Genjutsu, Naruto not wanting to stand out didnt break it so he went along with it.

"Hey are we in a illusion", kid-1 asked.

"Nah, looked touch me" kid-2 said with kid-1 complying.

"You feel real so there's no possible way this is a Genjutsu".

"Miss! We aren't in a Genjutsu, I just touched him and his cheek hurt!", the teacher smiled even more, "are you sure?".

"Yes!" The whole clasroom replied.

"We'll you're all wrong!" The teacher laughed as she dispelled it, it seemed like she was one of those who enjoyed messing around with kids brains.

Looking around they realised the teacher was sitting at the back and no one was teaching.

"Omg! Teacher please teach us how to do it!" The kid shouted excitedly.

"Now now, you'll learn it within time".

As the class continued, the teacher dived in fully as to how Genjutsu worked and Naruto listened as he felt it would be very useful, in fights, he didn't like the way the previous Naruto fought.

It didn't suit his battle style, so he wanted to change it to fit him, and Genjutsu's were one of the ways he could.

Walking out of his class, Naruto headed home, before he could walk out the gate Ino stopped him.

"Hey you! Why did you beat up Sasuke-kun like that?", ignoring her he walked away, but it seemed as if Ino wasn't done as she grabbed his collar pulling him back.

The other kids watching gasped, Shikamaru, Sakura and Choji were watching, however it seemed as if Choji couldn't stop eating.

"I-is it fine to do this Sakura?" He panicked as he stuffed more food into his mouth, Shikamaru was whispering under his breath that it was drag, however Sakura had forced them to come along.

"Hmph, this is nothing compared to what Naruto done to my dear Sasuke!" Sakura crossed her arms as she pouted, Naruto being stopped made his eyes flash in a dark glint but he soon calmed down.

Turning around he looked dead into Ino's eyes, seeing his emotionless eyes, Ino's spine felt tingly, she was about to berate him but stopped as her voice went timid.

"Y-you shouldn't have done that to Sasuke-kun, although he can be annoying he didn't deserve that", as she spoke her voice became nonexistent.

Naruto not replying looked at where Sakura was standing, he then approached her and Shikamaru.

"If you have a problem with my fight against Sasuke, I'm right here do something" Naruto then spread his arms as he nonchalantly looked at them.

Sakura witnessing this had flames coming out of her eyes, she then rolled up her sleeve as he strode over to him, she then shouted "this is for my Sasuke chaaa!".

Naruto didn't discriminate against women, even they could catch some hands, so he dodged as he swiped her off of the floor an sent a ruthless slap to her face.

He then disappeared as he arrived right next to Choji and Shikamaru, "wha-" before Shikamaru could comprehend Naruto punched him in the guts whilst also kicking Choji.

However kicking Choji felt like he was kicking a bouncing gym ball as he repulsed back slightly.

'Maybe his too fat' Naruto thought. "Stop fighting Youth!", hearing this Naruto realised this situation would blow out of proportion.

Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga walked infront as they surrounded Naruto, "why have you beaten them up?" Neji asked.

"It was all their fault, they blocked my path to complain about me beating up their friend in a spar", hearing this Neji eye'd Ino as she nodded timidly.

"Hmph, weaklings deserve no rights to complain" Neji said ruthlessly, Hinata hearing this squeezed through the crowd as she called his name.

"N-Neji-niisan, please don't be mean" her voice sounded as if it was replaced with a rabbits, Neji turned to her as hatred filled his eyes, his face full of contempt further frightened and agitated Hinata as she backed away.

Naruto seeing that he was in the clear walked away, however Rock Lee tried to stop him, with Naruto ignoring him as he walked out of the gate.

'Hahaha, Neji Hyuga, you have but no choice to fulfill you're mission that I'll prepare for you in the future'.