
Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)

We've all read a Naruto fanfic at one time or another. Most are downright boring, predictable and riddled with plot holes... And this isn't like any of them...  An utterly pragmatic and selfish (bordering evil) MC has been reborn into an alternate reality... Not one of plot armors and Mary Sue characters... but of war, death, and cruelty. One where only the strong survive. And our protagonist is certainly not planning to die again anytime soon... He plans on surviving, no matter what the cost...  Woe to whoever is foolish enough to stand in his way... ——————————————————————— Patreon~ for more chapters in advance and more stories like this. www.patreon.com/HolyJoker ——————————————————————— JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -Not for the faint of heart or those inclined to read clichéd wish-fulfillment SI...  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
233 Chs

The truths about war

Title: The Truth About War...


The puppeteer looks at me with a sadistic smirk only to get shocked by my calmness he thought I was some angry kid but I am not going to die for Shiro. He is after all only a dog...

I look at him and see the shield puppet he has in conntrol with one of his hands

and the other hand controls some puppet parts with blades covered in poison. This is going to be hard I only have around 35% of my chakra. Just as I was thinking that a guy comes out of the earth with a sword and cuts the puppeteers arm off.

"AHHHH." The puppeteer just screamed.

I look at him and he is a Konoha ninja and has jonin chakra amount.

"You Sand ninja sure are good ninja, to not be aware of your surroundings." The Konoha Jonin taunts the puppeteer. Then the Konoha Jonin stabs the sword on the ground, and easily weaves through handsigns...

[Fire Style Fire Missile]

The puppeteer puts the shield puppet in front and it gets destroyed but it gave him enough time to use Substitution.

I sense his chakra where he has Substituted so I use [Wind Style Great Breakthrough] in his direction the Jonin sees this and runs in that direction.

I go towards Shiro [Earth Style Earth Wall] put up an earth wall around us and give him the antidote that Tsunade made. He starts to get better, I then pull out the blade and start sewing his wound. I also make a [Shadow Clone] to use [Mystical Palm] to try to fix the internal damage this is the first time that I have tried this. And I keep lookout but... just then....


I hear a giant explosion and look towards it and see a giant tanuki about 3 km (1.8 miles) away and as soon as I see it. Its arm falls of as if its been cut.

Just then at the back edge of the battlefield where the Sand ninja are guarding their medical ninja and wounded.

A gigantic slug appears and and spits a giant blob of acid at them killing all the wounded, medical ninja and the ninja protecting them and then the slug halves in siza and spills out more smaller but still big slugs which go towards the konoha ninja in the battlefield and heals and helps them.

I see 5 puppets flying toward the Ichibi and after that the gigantic tanuki dissolved into sand completely and I see them carrying an old man out of the battlefield and the Sand ninja using a signal to retreat. After that the jounin who followed the puppeteer returns back to me with a severed head and a slug around his body. The severd head belongs to the puppeteer. He looks at me, then at the giant slug on the other side of the battlefield and says. "So the plan was a success."

When I heard that I was a little surprised but I should have thought of it konoha had a plan to cripple the Sand forces it was probably a plan only konown to the jounin.

The slug around his body slithers down and goes to my ninken Shiro and starts healing him. I nod at my clone to dispel and he does so it also teturns some of my chakra. Now my chakra reserves are at 15%. Ahhhh I am so tired. After that there is still some fighting done with the Sand ninja staying behind to buy some time for their comrades escape. But I stay close to the slug no way am I risking it. By the way my chakra sense seems to have gotten beter now I don't need to concentrate to keep it active I can feel 15 m (49'2") around me. If concentrate I feel around 30 m (98'4").


As we are returning to camp I stay in the middle of the group in case of a sneak attack and even have the slug wrapped around me while she is still healing Shiro. Even though it is unlikely for an attack to happen it is never good to let your gard guard down. After we get to the camp some genin calls me and says. " Hey you, excuse me a jounin is calling you to met him at the jounin tents."

I go there and see the jounin who helped me against the puppeteer. He waves over to me. Walks over and says. "Hey can I take some of your time. Of course I can I helped you after all. So anyway I am not going to be unfair to you. The ninja that we killed has a 10.000.000 yen bounty so I will give you 20% of the reward becouse I am in a good mood."

That should be 2.000.000 ryo as my cut of the money. I could buy a medium seized apartment in konoha with that. "I will give you my part of the money if you teach me some fire jutsu that you know."

The Jounin just looked at me with a little pity on his eyes and said. *sigh* " My name is Chaku kid and I will only take half of your reward. I will teach you all C rank fire jutsus I know and some wind jutsu, if you are able to impress me I might even put a B rank in there. By the way kid you are bad at haggling."

I wasn't even trying to haggle.

I don't really care about money, if it ensures my survival I will burn all off it.

He then gives me a check of 1.000.000 ryo to cash in when I go to konoha.He then smiles and says. "Well since I am in a good mood I will explain how things work around here."

He then starts explaining things such as battles like yesterday don't happen very often it only happens once in two or three months and now that the Sand suffered so many loses it might take even longer, most of the battles are skirmishes between scouts trying to cut supply lines. And if such a big attack force moves even if they are ninja we will notice them from spies, the summons placed around or even the scouts.

So most battles are fought between scouts wich are usually chunin or a jounin leading a chunin squad.

Genin usually only take part in the big battles as canon fodder, usually they do chores around the camp for D rank missions and around 1.000-5.000 ryo pay a chore. He even explained the bounties to me

5 million - 15 million ryo is jounin

15 million - 50 million ryo is elite jounin

50 million and higher is S class ninja.

Tsunade -sensei has a 57 mil ryo bounty which will probably be raised after the fight with Hanzo, her nickname is Slug Princess Tsunade. He even joked that he himself had a 13 milion ryo bounty and wished he could get that money. After the war he said he is going to cash in all the jonin he kills in this war and is planning on starting a family.

....Wow he sure talks a lot.


-Time Skip (One Month Later)-

After that first meeting with Chaku I meet with him almost every day for the last month I learned all of his C rank fire jutsu in 18 days with shadow clones and cut down almost all of their handsigns to two after all in battle speed is essential.

He even taught me his

Fire Style Fire Missile Jutsu becouse I impressing him. I also learned about 3 C rank wind ninjutsu from him I also cut down their handsigns to 1.

Shiro my ninken has healed and recovered nicely even though I didn't react when he was hurt he is still loyal to me obviously, after all a dog is always loyal and I did save him.

Anyway, right now I got a mesge from a genin I am being called to the jonin meting tent.

As I arrive there and see the big tent I get inside. I see about 35 jounin 10 had died at the battle and 5 died this month in the skirmishes. I see at the head of the group is Sakumo, Tsunade and another female jounin I didn't know about. She had a bored look in her eyes. Tsunade has a proud look in her eyes.

Then Sakumo opens a scroll and reads out loud. "By the order of the Hokage Yami Inuzuka genin of the village hidden in the leafs is here by promoted to chunin."

And then I am escorted out by Tsunade who has a smile in her face and says. "Well I am quite proud of you kid. You were supposed to be promoted after the battle but you had been a genin for only a week and a half so they postponed it. Ok now that you are a chunin I will give you something that you wish, within reason of course."

I at first wanted to ask for the Slug Summoning Contract... but there was only one Slug... and we were in a time of war with a lot of battles going on so I didn't ask. I then remembered that Mito Uzumaki is Tsunades grandmother. I then put on a fake exited smile and asked with a childish voice. "Ok then do you have a super duper strong explosive tag."

Tsunade thought for a bit pulled out a storage scroll and poofed out a single explosive tag and then looked at me and said. "This is a stronger explosive tag made by my grandmother the wife of the first hokage it is an instant explosive one which is activated when you put chakta in it and do a one handed tiger sign. Be very carful and far away when you use it."

Well time to act like a kid and try to become her favorite student so she will teach me her secret medical ninjutsu that she will develope later. I hug her and say. "Thank you Tsunade -sensei."

She smiles at me and pats my head.


-Time Skip- (1 month later)

This month I just keept training Shunshin technique untill I could get it battle ready. I think its going to be almost impossible to use it like Shisui after all I don't have the sharingan to see where I am going, but I did make it kinda battle ready I have my ninken smell a certain smell and then I follow the smell and Shunshin to my dog so I gues it is a good escape technique after all Substitution needs 1 second to be completed even withought handsigns but shunshin without handsigns is instantaneous. I am able to use it without handsigns but after doing the technique I get a bit disorientated about 2-3 seconds.


-Time Skip (1 month later)-

The past month I have been studying genjutsu to ease my curiosity a bit I learned a few and also was able to make my own version of [Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death] called [Demonic Illusion: Dog Binding] wich shows the illusion of dogs holding you in place with their bites just like Kakashi did Zabuza. The original genjutsu was B rank but I am not quite able to use that yet so I made my own C rank genjutsu even though it is not as strong as the original. I think it is the only inuzuka genjutsu.

Anyway now I have started going on my own scoutings and even have my original team and two onther chunin with me I didn't want to take them but Tsunade-sensei asked me to for them to get some experience they also heve become stronger Asutori chunin level and Asume low level chunin I have seen some suna chunin this month and I took care of them quite easily. The team has also started getting along better.


-Time Skip (1 month later)-

Tsunade -sensei has been called to the land of rain battlefield because we have suffered heafy losses there becouse of Hanzo the Salamander.

Anyway now I am going in a usual mission with my now usual team to get some supplies for the camp from a confidential merchant.

As soon as I get there the guy greets me. "Hey guys back for another haul."

I smile and nod and get close to him as soon as I do, I take a kunai and swipe at his throat and as he bleeds he transforms into a Sand ninja. He was supposed to say a code.

Just then I sense 23 chakra signatures appear in the trees in front of us.

They throw projectiles at us I grab Asutori and Asume who were closer to me from their shirts and jump back. The two other chunin get killed by the projectiles before they can react.

From their chakra signatures our enemies have 6 jounin and 17 chunin.

Sh*t.... this is BAD...


I was going to make 2 chapters out of this one but you know the ritual there must always be a cliffhanger.

This chapter was 2159 words.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts