The tales that he would hear from the Jinchuuriki were the stuff you'd tell your children at night. Knights saving princesses, heroes slaying terrible beasts, and, his personal favorite, when the boy got the girl. That was a toned down version of course. You couldn't tell your child someone their age was killing and slaughtering his enemies in mass, or how that same child was performing things that could make even grown men sick.
And he never really 'got' the girl; he'd just sometimes receive a thankful peck on the cheek or forehead. But Jiraiya digressed.
"I sent him to Mizu no Kuni." Hiruzen replied. "I'm having him deal with the little problem over there."
"And by 'little problem,' you mean the civil war, don't you?" Jiraiya asked. "So nothing too different then; save a country and kill off a repressive tyrant that's gone mad with power." His deadpan was barely concealed. "That sounds just peachy…"
Hiruzen nodded. "Indeed. I'm glad you understand." Jiraiya sighed. He really missed his godson.
Nezumi now understood why the prison was called Black Harbor.
The walls that encased the prison were made of some sort of black material that could withstand several high-ranking ninjutsu, or so Mei would have him believe. Yagura made sure that his prisoners of war had no hope of escape. Take away a person's hope and they might as well be dead. Walking husks of the people they used to be was not a life worth living.
The black material was the reason why the prison was so hard to break into. And this so called impossible feat was what Nezumi was tasked with completing. He first needed to break down the almost unbreakable walls, storm the prison, free the prisoners, and then find and escort this Ao-san back to the base. It was either that or sneak in and do everything covertly, but Nezumi decided to send a message to the Mizukage.
We're coming for you. Signed, your friendly Konoha ten year old.
Taking a moment to pull in the natural energy around him, the change of his eyes from blue to gold marked his entering Sage Mode. At first, Ero-sennin was astounded that he could enter the enhanced state so quickly, it only took him ten seconds now.
Jiraiya had explained what it was like for him to draw in the world's power. For him, it was like he had to open a door, and then actively pull the chakra in. Nezumi then explained that it felt somewhat similar for him. It was like he had to open the door, but instead of having to consciously pull the energy in, it would instead feel like the natural energy rushed through the door, excited to be reunited with him again.
He inspected the structure for a moment, and then decided to just hit it with one of his more powerful techniques and hope for the best. He was almost positive the walls would fall; nothing should be able to withstand his Sage Dust Techniques.
Raising both of his hands into the air, he began to shape natural energy into a tangible form. He was sure that the prison guards knew he was there now if the high pitched alarms that started going off were anything to go by. It mattered not; he was going to complete his mission.
The energy took the shape of a giant golden-shaped warrior that formed around the blond. He didn't know it at the time, but he was in a way recreating a very rare and powerful Uchiha technique. However, instead of invoking the fabled Susanoo, he called forth something much more befitting a person of his… mindset.
"Bishamon." Nezumi whispered, his voice only heard by the wind. "Come forth, so that I may bring about justice to those who would deny the laws of our freedom." With those words said, the spectral, molten gold warrior fully materialized, his full body armor and famed spear present, depicting a much more savage and terrifying visage of the God of war and justice.
The spear was held in its left hand, Nezumi needed his right for what he was about to do. Bishamon was topped off with a fiery gold halo, which oddly enough only appeared every other time he summoned the guardian.
It briefly passed through his head that he was waking up now. Naruto was who he was at this moment, so he took his mask off – even though both Inu-taicho and Hokage-jiji kept telling him to stop that bad habit – and gave the world a smile in greeting. Uzumaki Naruto, the monster, was awake.
He let his arms fall to his sides, he didn't need them anymore; Bishamon did what his mind commanded. He took another second to take in a deep breath, basking in the salt smelling air. Then, he released his might upon Black Harbor.
"Senpo: Kami no Migi Te (Sage Art: The Right Hand of God)!" He shouted, and within the span of five seconds, he rushed the prison walls, let loose the devastating technique, and the black barrier came crumbling down like it was a house of cards. The image of Bishamon smashing his right fist into anything brought a happy smile to Naruto's face, which in this case didn't matter, because he was already smiling at the world.
He could hear the terrifying screams of disbelief within his target, and they only excited him more.
Dropping the golden warrior, Naruto became incredibly faster, nothing but a yellow and grey blur to the men and women that made up the prison detail. His kunai met many throats in one go, and he was happy that there was so much more left.
He unsheathed his tanto, intent on cutting down the three men who were preparing a Suiton technique. Before they could reach the last hand-seal, he was at their backs, the thin blade piercing flesh. With a single slash, all three men fell, gone from this world. While in Sage Mode, his awareness was heightened to such a degree he practically had eyes in the back of his head. This awareness was to thank when he dove to his right, an absolutely enormous fireball smashing down on his previous location soon after.
He took a look at the woman who had tried to turn him into ash and smiled. So she wanted to play with fire did she? He sheathed the tanto he wore on his back, and held his hands in the tiger sign. He was going to fight fire with fire then. "Katon: Goryuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)!" He bellowed, and brought forth a giant dragon-headed fireball that raced at the woman with intent to kill. Her screams were all the confirmation he needed.
He repeated the fury with his kunai, ending the lives of ten more guards, their crimson blood staining his bare face with its warm feeling. He didn't quite like the feeling so much as it was just a reminder that he was doing what he was born to do.
He stopped, already done with the set of seals required for the technique he had in mind for the seven shinobi blocking his path into the prison itself. "Futon: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)!" This particular jutsu was only a C-rank, but with the amount of chakra that Naruto pumped through it, it could easily be an A-rank. As proven when the seven shinobi stupid enough to block his entrance were cut down with the hurricane force winds that were forced upon them.
He was now inside the bleak prison, time to find the control room. Four minutes and several well timed Rasengan later – he really needed to thank Jiraiya-sensei for teaching him the Lord Fourth's personal jutsu again, it was one of his favorites now – and he made it to the room he could free the prisoners from.
He was disappointed. The enemy was far from satisfying.