Usually, ANBU were supposed to kill themselves upon capture, but thanks to Anko's quick thinking they had subdued the man perfectly. He was unconscious and had two Chakra Suppression Seals on him before he even knew that he was being attacked. In her mind, she had a hand in ending the man's life so horribly.
That was not the end of her first encounter with a true monster. What came next would change her life forever.
The nezumi-masked boy turned to the special jonin, looking her over. She involuntarily gulped in fear that she had somehow offended him in some way. She didn't think he would hurt a fellow loyal Konoha-nin, but she remembered that a few people still didn't trust her for being a traitor's student and was praying that he was not one of them.
"Is this the kunoichi you spoke of, Neko?" He asked, getting an affirmative from his purple-haired teammate.
"Yes, sir. She's the one with the curse mark." Nezumi was not pleased that one of his comrades was forced to live in pain and constant reminder of her previous sensei's sins. When Neko had explained the Snake woman's problem he had been more than willing to see if he could help.
When it came to seals, like a curse mark, Nezumi was an amazing person to know. He was by no means a fuinjutsu specialist, but he had the capability of removing them. It was actually quite simple for the blond.
With his ability to transfer chakra, he had the opposite of the ability as well. That was something the Uzumaki had learned early in his shinobi career, with every one of his talents, there was a positive and negative way of using it. Not negative as in it harmed him in some way, but as in an opposite, or inverted way of using it.
Seals were powered by the user's chakra. If you took that chakra away, the seal would no longer be able to stabilize itself. It took someone with both incredible precision and the actual ability to extract the chakra for this method to work, and fortunately for Anko, Nezumi had both.
"Mitarashi Anko." the Hokage began. "Kneel before your leader." He demanded. Anko was a little surprised but complied nonetheless. The Hokage had spoken, and she could do nothing but obey.
She felt it before she heard it. Her tan trench coat was pulled to the side by small hands, followed by the mesh armor around her shoulder. She flinched at the blond's straightforwardness. She had no idea what he was doing, but decided to trust her fellow shinobi and Hokage.
Nezumi gave a genuine small smile under his mask. He could help this girl.
The boy laid his right hand on the woman's shoulder, right above the bane of her existence. He looked to his leader for permission, never doing anything without it. Receiving a nod from the aging man, he began the process of changing someone's life.
It was time to free her from the traitorous bastard for good.
He shut his eyes in concentration, feeling for the exact amount of foreign influence he needed to extract from the girl. If he pulled recklessly he could harm the kunoichi, which was something he did not want to do.
He focused his breathing, sending miniscule bursts of his own chakra into her to act like radar. While this method could be used for the extraction of chakra, it also had another purpose. He could feel the emotions of everyone around him already, but like this he could feel the single person entirely. Their likes, dislikes, wants, needs, everything. He had only done this with the Hokage, the man wanting him to be able to understand the way he lead the village. Now, with Anko, he had felt something that he had long since lost the need to feel.
There, Nezumi had found the foreign pieces that needed to be eliminated. Taking his hand from the woman's neck, he ripped the disgusting chakra from her. With his hand, a substance that looked similar to his Sage Dust, only it was a sinister purple instead of majestic gold, came with it.
Even under her mask, Nezumi could feel Neko's eyes widen, as well as Saru's. For the Hokage, the opposite was happening. The Lord Third narrowed his eyes, already noticing the shape the repugnant chakra was taking.
A transparent, sickly Orochimaru was now being held by the neck with the Kamikage's hand. Nezumi had guessed that the thing was a piece of the man's soul, secured in the curse mark in the case of his death. All it would take was for one of his followers to resurrect the man from the seal. By the look of the thing, Orochimaru was still, unfortunately, alive.
The ghostly form of Orochimaru could do nothing but groan out unintelligently within the firm grasp of the Bringer of Hope. Nezumi brought the soul shard to eye level before pumping the thing full of his own natural energy.
The sinister purple was being swallowed up by noble gold at an astonishing rate. The groans became screams of agony, announcing its end. With one last wave of pure natural energy, the piece of Orochimaru's soul that was held within Anko for safekeeping was destroyed, shattering like glass. With the display of light signaled the end to the kunoichi's suffering.
The curse mark was gone.
The extraction was painful and exhausting for Anko, and as a result she was close to losing consciousness. Before she could leave though, Nezumi had one last thing to do.
He bent down so that he could speak and only the woman would hear him. That's when he whispered something he used to wish someone, anyone, would tell him.
"There," he began, "I've saved you."
And with that, Anko lost consciousness, taking with her the words she'd been waiting to hear for years.
She had met her knight in shining armor.
****End Flashback****
After Anko had her curse mark removed she had begged and pleaded to meet Nezumi again. Both the Hokage and Yugao had refused to say anything though. The Hokage straight out told her that it wasn't going to happen. Nezumi was a secret operative, and hadn't the time to waste with any more girls. It was apparently a problem with the blond ANBU agent, the female species seemed to be attracted to him like bees to honey.
Yugao had said that she didn't really know her superior all that much, stating that Ro-Han was a big team and she was usually in charge of an entire sub-cell herself. She also said that her captain didn't need another older woman to throw herself at him.
Anko didn't know what they had thought she was going to do to the kid. It wasn't like she had decided to fuck his brains out or anything; she just wanted to properly thank him for what he had done for her. He had set her free, and brought her hope and happiness.
So when Yugao came in with her very hero, saying that he was her little brother, she was a little ticked off. "I thought you said you two weren't close!" She yelled, getting weird looks from the other customers.
"I had to say that, Anko-chan." Yugao said calmly. "Hokage-sama ordered me to."
"You could have hinted at me or something!" Anko shouted. "I thought we were friends." Yugao's eyes widened a little after that was said. She knew that her friend really wanted to meet her kid brother, but she honestly didn't think that it was this important to her. She was actually really upset with her.
Before Yugao could say anything else, Anko grabbed Naruto by the wrist and dragged him out of Shushuya's, a surprised look on his face.
"Come on, we need to talk!" She yelled as she pulled him away from the others.
Naruto sighed. This was going to be a little awkward, and he just got back from a long and taxing mission. All he wanted to do was sit down and share a meal with his nee-chan. But with all of the emotions he could feel coming from the kunoichi, he knew that wasn't going to be happening any time soon.
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