
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

Chapter 92, I'll Take Kurotsuchi   

"Hahaha, there's nothing I can do, this guy is not an ordinary person!"


Kimimaro said with a wry smile. He admitted that he was indeed not the opponent of the Four-Tails Jinchūriki.


Rōshi's ninjutsu and attack methods were too effective against him. His bloodline limit had not been fully developed, and his bones could not resist the erosion of magma.


The Four-Tails looked at the person in front of him and his body flashed back. Sasuke exuded a terrifying aura, which made him very uncomfortable.


"Tailed beast transformation state 2." Rōshi's four tails were all exposed, and he no longer resembled a human.


This state allowed him to use the chakra of the Four-Tails to the maximum extent, second only to complete tailed beast transformation.


Rōshi touched the ground, with lava flowing on his body surface. He appeared beside Sasuke in an instant and punched him in the lower abdomen.


Such a good opportunity Rōshi would not let go, his fists waved wildly, and countless blows fell on Sasuke.


"Careless, but you have no chance to regret it." Rōshi put his fists together and knocked Sasuke down with a heavy blow, leaving a big hole in the ground.


Looking at the dusty pit, Rōshi pressed his hands on the ground and made a beast-like sound from his mouth.


The Tailed Beast Ball, which was twice as big as the one used against Kimimaro, slowly condensed.


Bang! A huge pit of 100 meters appeared on the ground. Rōshi took a long breath. This Tailed Beast Ball consumed a lot of chakra.


Before Rōshi took the next step, a terrifying chakra rushed into the sky, and the blue chakra visible to the naked eye swayed like a substance.


Sasuke took a shoulder and flew out of the pit unscathed, throwing away the broken windbreaker.


"Not a bad attack. But if you want to knock me down, you still need a little bit more," Sasuke said, forming an empty barrier with his index finger and thumb.


"I just let you attack without fighting back, now it's my turn, right?" Sasuke pointed his big hand at Rōshi and smiled, " Chibaku Tensei."


The incomparable attraction of the Chibaku Tensei, even the lava stones released instantly by Rōshi, could not stop it.


Rōshi flew towards Sasuke uncontrollably, and a sharp wooden thorn drilled out from the ground and pierced Rōshi's body. Black chains ran out from behind Sasuke and wrapped around Rōshi like a poisonous snake.


"If you were not a Jinchūriki, you could still jump more in my hands. What a pity." Sasuke grabbed Rōshi's neck, and the chakra of the Four-Tails poured into his body like seawater.


Sasuke's body had been transformed long ago, and his binding ability was even stronger than that of the Outer Path Demon Statue. The tailed beasts didn't even have the qualifications to fight back in front of him.


"Ahem, Son Gokū, I didn't expect our ending would be like this," Rōshi smiled bitterly, blood dripping from his mouth, his internal organs broken, and he couldn't hold on for long.


He didn't expect to die here, he hadn't traveled around or visited every beautiful place in the ninja world.


Looking at this, the fate of the Four-Tails was not much better than his.


As all the chakra entered Sasuke's body, the last bit of will left by the Four-Tails suddenly dissipated, and Rōshi's head drooped weakly.


"One tail, four tails, three tails," feeling that the chakra in his body had increased again, Sasuke thought, it seems that the speed of collecting tailed beasts has to be accelerated.


Rōshi's body was gently placed on the ground by Sasuke. When he looked up, he saw Kabuto rushing over, and Sasuke said, "It seems that the Five-Tails is not in the village.


"My luck is so bad. I thought I could collect at least two tailed beasts this time."


"Although I didn't find the Five-Tails, I found something more interesting. I wonder if Sasuke-kun is interested in taking a look," Kabuto said as he straightened his robe.


"Bring it up." Two ninjas, who were revived by Edo Tensei, pressed down the granddaughter of the Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi.


Kurotsuchi looked dissatisfied, and her long legs struggled hard. She said in a delicate voice, "Let me go, my grandfather is the Tsuchikage."


"He won't let you go."


Oh! Sasuke looked at Kurotsuchi with interest. She had short black hair and black pupils. She wore a vest with the mark of Iwagakure and black fishnet pants on her legs.


Her white and slender thighs were exposed to the air. "Don't be afraid, beauty. With Uchiha Sasuke here, no one can hurt you."


Sasuke pushed away the laughing Kabuto. This guy really knows me too well. He actually tied up Kurotsuchi alone.


Sasuke couldn't help but sigh as he rubbed Kurotsuchi's smooth skin with his big hands. "Such smooth skin. I didn't expect that there would be a beautiful woman like you in such a harsh environment like Iwagakure."


"Miss Kurotsuchi, come with me. I will protect you."


"Don't touch me." Kurotsuchi looked at Sasuke with evil eyes, wishing she could eat his flesh and drink his blood. It was this bad guy who destroyed the village like this.


"Uchiha Sasuke, you'd better kill me now, otherwise, I won't let you go. Even if I can't deal with you, can't I deal with your child?" Dealing with my child, is Kurotsuchi hinting that she wants to bear a child for me? What a bold woman.


It seems that I will have to start a tiring life of pile driving again. "I just don't know how long this pair of white and tender long legs can last."


"Hahaha, Kabuto, you did a good job. I just happened to develop a set of sage techniques of my own recently. I will teach you later."


It can be seen that Sasuke is in a very good mood. Faced with such a good thing, Kabuto naturally agreed with ecstasy.


Kabuto thought to himself that it was right to use beautiful women to please Sasuke, especially a woman of extraordinary status like Kurotsuchi.


Sasuke held Kurotsuchi and flew away from Hidden Rock Village first. As for Kabuto and Kimimaro, they were still fighting in the abandoned city.


Kimimaro was furious. Kabuto was really a sinister villain. He didn't even guard against him.


"Kimimaro, didn't you say that the most important thing was kidnapping women?" Kimimaro asked coldly.


"Tsk, who are you blaming? Kimimaro, you've been wasting your time these years. Don't you understand? If you don't show your value, Sasuke-kun won't spend resources and energy to train you."


Kabuto actually saw through this a long time ago. "Or do you think you can get by doing nothing? Humph, Sasuke-kun is not a broad-minded person.


This split operation is actually a test. The assessment content is to catch the Jinchūriki.


Unfortunately, you didn't seize the opportunity." Kabuto went to search in another direction and found no trace of the Five-Tails, so he would use another way to make up for it. Pleasing the boss is sometimes a way to show your value, which is called giving him what he likes."


"Let's go, there are so many Jinchūriki, aren't they enough for you to catch?"


Kabuto put his hand on Kimimaro's shoulder and said, "The premise is that you have enough strength. Kimimaro, you didn't even get rid of the Four-Tails this time."


Kimimaro moved his lips and chose to keep the curse in his stomach. He would need to rely on Kabuto to help him improve his body after he returned, so he had to bear it.


The battle gradually came to an end. The survivors slowly walked out of the shelter, looking at the messy village and the miserable compatriots around them, and couldn't help crying.


Hidden Rock Village was destroyed by the Akatsuki organization overnight. The head of the criminal clan was Uchiha Sasuke, the judge of Konoha. Once the news spread, it was out of control.


The major ninja villages got to know the Akatsuki organization again. After all, Hidden Rock Village is an old ninja village, and Ōnoki is even known as the "strongest Tsuchikage."


Now his life and death are unpredictable.