
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

Chapter 85, Miko Miroku  

Sasuke's body had long been transformed into the physique of the Outer Path Demon Statue, giving him an extremely powerful sealing ability.


A black vortex appeared in front of him, and the black tendrils flying out of it bound the smoky figure, pulling it into the vortex bit by bit.


"Well, interesting," Sasuke remarked after absorbing the smoke. He had awakened the ability of dark chakra, and his mental power had also improved significantly.


These dark chakras were similar to natural energy, more advanced than ordinary chakras and had a higher utilization rate.


Although it increased his strength, Sasuke still didn't think much of it. After all, the smoke didn't even have the qualifications to stand up against him.


The only thing that could excite Sasuke was becoming a perfect Ten-Tails Jinchūriki. He wanted to erase the will of all the tailed beasts, leaving them with only pure energy.


After absorbing Mōryō into his body, Sasuke began to look for Miroku's presence. Since it was a life-sacrificing seal, he believed he would find her essence in a corner of the seal altar.


Relying on the power of the Samsara Eye, Sasuke quickly locked onto a faint soul breath.


"System, how many exchange points are needed to revive this woman? If it's too expensive, just pretend I didn't say anything."


If it took too many exchange points to revive Miroku, Sasuke would not be willing to do it, as he had not yet achieved the freedom of exchange points.


"One thousand exchange points," the helpless voice of the system replied in his mind, knowing Sasuke's character too well.


"You are quite good at dealing with things," Sasuke commented. A burst of golden light enveloped the entire cave, and Sasuke suddenly saw a curvy woman being reborn.


"That... that's mom," Shion exclaimed as she reunited with her daughter in front of Sasuke and hugged her. But Sasuke's focus was not on them.


He discovered a very important thing, Miroku's breasts were bigger than Tsunade's. Even if he were an expert swimmer, he could easily be bound and drained if he accidentally fell into them.


Miroku learned from Sasuke that it was he who saved her, and her eyes were full of gratitude. "Thank you, Sasuke-kun. It is truly a blessing for Shion to meet you."


Sasuke held Miroku's jade-like hand, squeezed it, and secretly noted how smooth it was.


He said, "Madam, you are too polite. This is what I should do. I will definitely make you happy. You are Shion's mother, don't be polite with me."


Every word Sasuke said was sincere. After all, Miroku had a figure that was perfect for childbirth, which was important for the future of the Uchiha clan.


Miroku thought she had misheard and didn't care, but Sasuke's next action confirmed her ears were working just fine. Sasuke actually set his sights on her.


In the following days, Miroku was very troubled because Sasuke kept harassing her. "Madam, if I were a little sheep, could you give me grass?" he teased.


"Don't be afraid, beauty, I will protect you." When Shion went out, Sasuke asked, "Madam, can you play the whistle for me?"


As night deepened, the cleaner moonlight seemed to cover the forest with a layer of silver. In the cave, Sasuke and Miroku sat by the fire.


As for Shion, Sasuke had sent her out to keep watch with Naruto and the others. This was the third day after Miroku's resurrection. Sasuke looked at her frightened face and liked her more and more.


Miroku smiled bitterly and said, "There is a big age difference between us. A forced sex will not be sweet."


Miroku didn't realize that young women were fatal to all men. Especially such a beautiful young woman as her, who was rare in the world.


Sasuke took a sip of wine and said, "Madam, it's getting late. Don't waste this beautiful time."


Miroku sighed and leaned on Sasuke's shoulder obediently. The people who were keeping watch outside the cave heard strange noises coming from inside, and their reactions were different.


Shion and Sakura blushed, but their hearts were moved.


"Damn, you are so beautiful... The upright Naruto doesn't care about you."Naruto was pounding a tree stump vigorously.


Neji and Lee didn't care much about men and women. What they cared about at this time was Sasuke's strength.


Neji didn't expect Sasuke to solve the troublesome monster Mōryō by himself, which made him very frustrated.


Originally, he thought that he could suppress his peers by being promoted to Jonin in advance, but he didn't expect the gap between him and Sasuke to be so big.


Sasuke, who was refreshed, stayed with Miroku and her daughter for a few days, and then took them back to the original world.


During Sasuke's absence, the forces of various countries began to notice the movements of the Akatsuki organization.


Among them, Onoki, who had contact with the Akatsuki organization, was the most cautious.


In the Hidden Rock Village, Onoki summoned the village's senior backbones to discuss how to deal with the Akatsuki organization. Onoki sat steadily in the main seat, with a solemn expression, occasionally glancing at the people present.


"Everyone, the recent actions of the Akatsuki organization all indicate one direction, they are capturing the Jinchūriki. The Jinchūriki is the backbone of every village, the power that shocks other countries, and its importance is self-evident. I asked you to come here to hear what you think."


Seeing that no one spoke, Onoki's son, Kurotsuchi, spoke up. "Lord Tsuchikage, I heard that Uchiha Sasuke, who betrayed Konoha a few years ago, also joined Akatsuki. We can communicate with Konoha and listen to their opinions."


Onoki agreed with Kurotsuchi's words and felt relieved. He was worthy of being his son.


Although Kurotsuchi looked kind and honest, his character and strength were both excellent. He was definitely the best candidate for the next generation of Tsuchikage.


When thinking of the position of Tsuchikage, Onoki remembered the lively boy with yellow hair who liked to play pranks in the village.


As a direct disciple of the third Tsuchikage, Deidara had a bright future and was expected to take over the position of Tsuchikage in the future.


Onoki even thought of marrying his granddaughter Kurotsuchi to him to consolidate his position.


It's a pity that Deidara only liked to play with clay and had no interest in these things, otherwise, he would not have gone astray.


Onoki collected his thoughts and continued to listen to his subordinates' speeches.


"It is said that Uchiha Sasuke is very powerful. If we want to deal with him, we will definitely hurt the enemy by a thousand and lose eight hundred. It's not worth it."


"Can't we find the enemy's weakness?" another senior Iwagakure member suggested.


"Ahem, I heard that Sasuke's sword does not distinguish between the beautiful females, and it only takes 500 females to defeat Uchiha Sasuke alive," a senior Iwagakure member said proudly.


The people around him looked at him in shock, as if they had discovered a new world. "No, buddy, you are not a fool hired by the Akatsuki organization, you can think of such a crazy method."


Even if you say you can select 500 beauties and send them to Uchiha Sasuke to kill him, it is more reliable than this.