
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

Chapter 80, Konoha Squad  

There was once a group of people who almost destroyed the whole world with the help of the power of monsters.


Fortunately, the witch of the Land of Demons sealed the monster and prevented the catastrophe.


Kakashi read the book in his hand and talked to Naruto and Sakura, who looked at him with extreme boredom.


"Teacher Kakashi, you said that Lord Hokage asked us to come this time just for this so-called monster?" Naruto asked.


"Yes, that's it," Kakashi replied.


Faced with Naruto's question, Kakashi coughed twice and said, "But this mission is not simple. In order to express our sincerity to the Land of Demons, Lady Tsunade specially sent Neji to lead you."


Naruto rolled his eyes. "Neji came to lead us? It seems that this monster is not that powerful, otherwise, Granny Tsunade would have sent you and the other senior ninjas to fight."


"Uh..." Kakashi didn't know how to respond.


"Come on, Naruto, you are just a little Genin now. What qualifications do you have to laugh at Neji? By the way, Naruto, I forgot to tell you that Neji has been specially promoted to Jonin."


Naruto was not calm after hearing this. Neji had become a Jonin, but he was still a Genin. No, he must participate in the next Chunin exam.


No, he has to bring Sasuke back to participate together. The Sasuke in this world also defected, but now he is still training under Orochimaru, and his strength is not at the same level as Naruto's Sasuke.


"What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and gather at the gate," Tsunade came in from outside. Naruto didn't dare to play around anymore, and Sakura also became serious.


Tsunade bit Naruto very viciously. "You think the monster this time is simple? Yomi's ghost army has approached the border of the Land of Demons." Tsunade's eyebrows flashed with a trace of worry.


It is unknown how powerful Yomi is. He may not be invincible, but the ghost army born from his power is countless, and all of them are immortal.


If Yomi is completely resurrected, it will indeed be a big trouble.


At the gate of Konoha, Neji and Rock Lee had been waiting for a long time. Sakura and Naruto retreated in a row. Sakura didn't care because she was a girl, but Naruto was scolded by Neji.


"Tsk... This mission depends on Uncle Uzumaki Naruto. It's fine if you don't flatter me, but you have this attitude." Naruto expressed his dissatisfaction with a worried mouth.


Looking back, he found that the three were already far away and ignored him.


"Hey, too much, at least let me finish my words." Naruto chased after them in a rage.


A big event happened recently in the Land of Demons. The daimyo ordered a man named Sasuke to guard the priestess closely.


Many people, including the daimyo's close ministers, did not understand the meaning of the daimyo's actions.


Only Shion understood that the daimyo was under Sasuke's illusion.


"Sasuke, I had a dream these days. I dreamed that three men were pierced through the chest by monsters. One with yellow hair, one with white eyes, and one with a watermelon head," Shion said.


Although she did not know them, the kind-hearted Shion still felt sad.


Three? Listening to this description, Sasuke knew that these three people were Naruto, Neji, and Rock Lee, and Shion should have only dreamed of Naruto. It seems that the future has changed.


"Things seem to be getting interesting." Yomi is actually Sasuke's target. His ability is not weaker than that of the tailed beasts, and it is even more powerful in some aspects.


Hasn't Kimimaro always been afraid that his potential can't catch up with Kabuto? I'll just let him be a Jinchūriki.


"What are you thinking about, Sasuke?" Shion hugged Sasuke, her voice sweet.


"I'm thinking about your mother. If possible, I will help you revive her."


When Shion heard that Sasuke could revive people, she was surprised but did not doubt the truth, because she firmly believed that Sasuke would not lie to her.


"You are so nice, Sasuke."


Sasuke raised the corners of his mouth. "This is what I should do. Then you can reunite with your mother."


When Naruto first arrived in the Land of Demons, he heard the discussion about Sasuke among the civilians.


The uncle who was talking eloquently just now was immediately knocked against the wall and was at a loss.


The uncle struggled for few times and found that he couldn't break free at all. He begged for mercy: "Please let me go, and I will give you my son."


"Hey, uncle, I want to ask you, do you know what this Sasuke looks like?" Naruto asked anxiously.


The uncle was relieved to see that Naruto had no improper thoughts about him and motioned for Naruto to put him down first.


"Ahem, what does Lady Shion's guard look like? Of course, he is big and strong, with a devilish face. Otherwise, how can he stop Yomi's men?" The uncle said as a matter of course.


Naruto turned around disappointedly. "It seems that he just has the same name as Sasuke."


Neji frowned and reminded, "Naruto, don't forget that we still have a mission."


"Don't you still have our group of friends? Cheer up, Naruto." Rock Lee stood up to comfort Naruto.


Naruto regained his spirits and sighed. "I should have thought about how Sasuke could appear here. Let's go, let's go, I want to see what this fake Sasuke looks like."