
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

Chapter 27: Impure world Reincarnation  

Although Hashirama is usually gentle, once he gets serious, he can shock the enemy with his sharp eyes. Tobirama is often taught a lesson, so his reaction is extremely fast.


"Kid, do you know the consequences of betraying Konoha?" Tobirama ignored Sasuke and said.


"Consequences?" Sasuke stood up and looked at Tobirama with a blank expression. "Konoha is different now than before."


"Forget it, it's a waste of breath to tell you, because you are a sinister villain."


In Sasuke's heart, the short-sightedness of the second generation is far inferior to Hashirama. He doesn't have Hashirama's broad mind, the kind of awe-inspiring demeanor that makes the enemy stand in awe. That's why he indirectly contributed to the failure of the third generation, the most failed Hokage.


Orochimaru said impatiently, "I didn't summon you to reminisce about the past, relics of the old era."


Orochimaru flashed behind the two and put two special kunai into the bodies of Hashirama and Tobirama. After binding the souls of the two, Orochimaru clapped his hands, "Go, teach the third generation a lesson."


At this stage, the development of the instant earth reincarnation is not perfect enough, and the summoned ninjas are only one-tenth of their strength. The only advantage is that the user of the technique will hardly be counterattacked.


" Water Release: Water Bullet Technique"


Tobirama spit out a linear torrent from his mouth, which was extremely powerful, and the soil layer was cut open in an instant.


The third generation secretly probed, "Two ancestors, please forgive my rudeness in this emergency." That's what he said, but when it comes to life, the third generation will not be careless at all.


"Summoning technique."


The golden hoop transformed by the tired demon can be large or small, thick or thin, and the third generation wants it to be extremely flexible.


"Ah," the thick golden hoop came through and directly pierced through Tobirama's, smashing his head. However, the most difficult part of the instant earth reincarnation is the continuous resurrection. Only Yin-Yang and sealing techniques can be used to target them.


Hashirama put his hands together, " Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees"

A huge tree grew from the ground and covered the entire barrier in an instant.


The two then set up a siege against the third generation, and Orochimaru attacked from time to time. The third generation could not hold on for more than a few rounds; his physical strength was exhausted, and scars appeared on his body.


"Old man, if you can't hold on, just tell me so that I can increase the strength."


"Bang! Bang!"


This sound? Sasuke looked up and saw that the middle-aged uncle with white hair was using ninjutsu to attack the barrier with excellent power.


"Why did Jiraiya come? It seems that this barrier can't hold for long." He clearly saw that Tayuya and others sitting at the four corners were in difficulty.


"Orochimaru, if you don't hurry up, your plan will be ruined."


Once the barrier is broken, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and others will intervene, and he and Orochimaru will be forced to run away. It's not possible now. First, he hasn't killed the third generation yet, and second, Orochimaru's hands have not been disabled, which is not conducive to his next plan.


Sasuke rushed out of the barrier, intending to buy time for Orochimaru. "Jiraiya? I should be able to hold him for a while."


As for defeating him, Sasuke has no idea for the time being. Jiraiya is at full firepower and is definitely the top among the Kage level.


"It can't be broken, it's very strong!"


As Jiraiya spoke, his body suddenly dodged, and a cold light quickly approached him. The sword brushed Jiraiya's face and was only one millimeter away from drawing blood.


"Kid, what are you doing?"


Jiraiya looked at him in doubt. If he hadn't reacted quickly, his handsome face would have been disfigured.


Sasuke glanced at him. If it was only Jiraiya, then Kakashi and others were on the other side of the barrier. This was good, and his pressure was relieved a lot.


"Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, let's fight"


Sasuke dodged a few steps, put the sword back with one hand, and made a seal with the other hand, "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bomb."


Fire Dragon Flame Bomb is a powerful fire ninjutsu with extremely strong single-point explosive power. Jiraiya certainly didn't want to be hit by it a short distance.


"You are Uchiha Sasuke, right? It seems that you have already surrendered to Orochimaru. In this case, I will not show mercy."


The situation inside was a difficult, to I had to stop this kid and ask him about the situation first.


"Showing mercy is not a good habit, and such people will not live long. Also, don't get close to your enemies casually, especially enemies whose details you don't know."


Sasuke said, tilting the center of gravity of his body, and taking a sword-drawing posture, the action was completed within one second.


"Ninjutsu Needle Jizo."


"Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash."


At this distance, it was impossible to dodge. Sasuke moved, super-fast burst, golden thunder dragons surrounded the blade, emitting dazzling light, and lightning-like new attacks successfully hit Jiraiya.


Jiraiya's hair stretched and hardened rapidly, wrapping every part of his body, but Sasuke's sword still penetrated. Fortunately, he used defensive ninjutsu in advance to avoid the vital points; otherwise, this move would be enough to cause serious injuries.


Jiraiya still had a hole in his waist and abdomen, but what really made him uncomfortable was the lightning flowing freely in the wound.


"A slippery little brat." Jiraiya stopped the bleeding from his body and spoke.


Sasuke glanced at the sword that was falling apart because it couldn't withstand his power. It seemed that the special tool made of fine steel couldn't withstand his power either. It was time to change weapons.


Speed, strength, insight—at least the strength of an elite jonin, Jiraiya secretly estimated Sasuke. "It's not an exaggeration to say that he is a monster among monsters," Jiraiya sighed in his heart.


He still underestimated Sasuke. With all his trump cards revealed, Sasuke could definitely threaten his life.


"So calm. As expected of the three ninjas, a person's name is like a tree's shadow. But I just need to hold him back."


Sasuke rushed forward and fought with Jiraiya again.

