
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

Chapter 17: Don't Move, You Will Die If You Move  

The Chunin Examination was founded by the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama. It is an important system for promotion from genin to chunin. It is also an important occasion for allied countries to observe national power.


The Third Hokage attaches great importance to this exam because now Konoha needs excellent juniors to show those who are spying in secret that Konoha is not allowed to decline and will become more prosperous under his leadership.


"Let me tell you, Hokage-sama, we have made arrangements outside the examination venue in advance."


"Well, well done."


The Third Hokage's eyes looked tired. Although he had already checked the Chunin Exam arrangements and found no suspicious signs, the uneasiness in his heart did not lessen.


"It's such an eventful time, Danzo, I hope you can stay calm! If you dare to tamper with the Chunin Exam, you won't have anything left to lose in your old age."


Danzo, who had been staying at the Root headquarters, was dealing with matters, unaware that he was in trouble again.


Orochimaru, pretending to cooperate with the Kazekage, had joined forces to bring Konoha to collapse. People from Sunagakure had already infiltrated Konoha and were preparing to cause destruction.


Among them, Gaara, who is a war machine, is also secretly waiting as a candidate for the Chunin Examination, ready to release the Shukaku when the time is right to destroy Konoha.


What Gaara and the others don't know is that their Kazekage has been assassinated, and they are now completely following Orochimaru's orders.


A man can conquer the formidable power of a small country, he can do whatever it takes to get what he wants, and he can give it his own color.


The most perverted of perverts, Sasuke didn't need him.


It is true that Orochimaru is ruthless, but he is indeed a famous teacher.


Sasuke has no shortage of practical experience, but there are many things he needs to learn. Following a strong man with profound knowledge, he can see many things he has never seen before.


Orochimaru, in particular, is dedicated to studying science and exploring the secrets of the world.


Bloodline limits, Sharingan, Wood Release, Hashirama cells, all kinds of things related to the human body—only you can't name them; there's nothing he hasn't studied.


"Orochimaru, when will you come? If you forget me, I can only put a knife to your neck and make you worship me as your disciple."


Sasuke stood on the roof, looking at Konoha in the distance.


In the original story, Orochimaru noticed Sasuke because of his outstanding performance in the Chunin Exam. The main purpose of his trip was to come to Konoha to pay respect to his teacher.


It was time for the Chunin Exam, and Sasuke glanced at the house behind him.


"I have to leave, and I don't know when I will be able to come back again."


"Dad, I'm leaving. Next time I will bring my brother's body back for you to see."


Something didn't seem right. What he said made it sound like he wanted to kill him on purpose.


Forget it, if there is a chance, he will bring this unfilial son back and let him repent in front of the old man.


Sasuke grinned and walked away.


The arrival of the Chunin Exam had made Konoha unusually lively. As Sasuke walked on the street, he felt unspeakable emotions in his heart.


Unhappy! Very unhappy, which also made Sasuke's face become colder and colder.



"Hahaha, I will definitely become a chunin."


"Can it really be done?"


Naruto was a little frustrated. If all the guys he encountered were monsters like Sasuke, it would be impossible for him to defeat them. It would only hold Sasuke back.


"Fortunately, I have Sakura."


Naruto breathed a sigh of relief when he thought that Sakura was weaker than him.


"Huh? Is this kid causing trouble?"


Konohamaru accidentally bumped into Kankuro, who then held him up by the collar, his arms and legs dangling.


"Let me go."


"Let you go? You hurt me. My fragile body was almost broken by you, little kid!" Kankuro looked at Konohamaru with a horrified expression.


Konohamaru is not even a ninja; how could he hurt him? Kankuro just hates naughty kids.


Of course, he wouldn't find something to do for himself in a situation like this, but it would definitely be okay to bully a naughty kid. Maybe this kid could be the grandson of the Hokage.


"Hey, let go of Konohamaru."


Naruto saw that Konohamaru had been caught, and recognizing these people as from other villages, he rushed over.


"Are you from Sunagakure? If you cause trouble in Konoha, you will not be able to bear the consequences."


Konohamaru looked at Naruto with a pale face, "Naruto, boss, you are finally here."


Naruto stretched out his hand to signal him to stop talking and leave the rest to himself.


"How's it going? Weird man." Naruto stared at Kankuro, ready to take action at any time.


Kankuro looked down at this stunted guy and smiled instead of getting angry. It was true that all kinds of cats and dogs could dance in front of him.


Just when Kankuro was about to teach Naruto a lesson, Gaara spoke from behind him.




"But..." Kankuro felt it was very embarrassing to stop like this, so he tried to retort.


"Shut up, or I'll kill you."


Gaara's murderous tone made Kankuro shrink his neck and he didn't dare to talk back.


He suddenly noticed another person beside Gaara, looking at him coldly.


"Huh, idiot, you just noticed now."


Gaara's face lost its calm because he hadn't noticed the person next to him in time. He saw it from Temari's expression.


In other words, this man had approached him silently.


The sense of danger cultivated through years of fighting made Gaara's body tremble.


Very strong, this man's strength could kill him.


Gaara's face began to distort, and as his emotions fluctuated, the sand in the large gourd behind him snaked in the air in a linear shape.


Kankuro and Temari knew that when Gaara showed this face, it meant someone could die at any moment in the next second.


Even if they were Gaara's relatives, they wouldn't dare to stop him.


Sasuke's hand rested on Gaara's shoulder, and his three-tomoe Sharingan looked at him. Gaara, who was trembling just moments ago, instantly calmed down and lowered his head.


"Gaara, right? Don't move! Otherwise, you will die." Sasuke's playful voice sounded in Gaara's ears.


Temari looked at Gaara in surprise. He actually obeyed and stayed where he was. How could this happen?


Only then did she carefully observe the man in front of her. He was handsome, cold, and arrogant, and had the power to suppress Gaara. Is this the monster of Konoha?


"Kill you."


"Kill you."


A voice in Gaara's heart echoed with a crazy killing intent, but his body couldn't move, as if it was locked by a massive weight.


"Genjutsu - Art of Shackles."


Gaara is very strong, and most jonin would likely surrender if they encountered him, but Sasuke's current genjutsu skills were not something that everyone could resist.


Sasuke used this move to punish Orochimaru, which indirectly caused the snake to develop a morbid obsession with the Uchiha body.

