
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
131 Chs

Chapter 100: Madam, Can We Spend a Good Night Together?  

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He's handsome, but Natsuhi is not in the mood to appreciate him. She has already labeled Sasuke as a bad guy in her heart and is ready to kill him.


"Don't be nervous, Miss Natsuhi, we should talk about passionate topics instead of playing with swords and guns," Sasuke said with a wicked smile, pointing his big hand at Natsuhi. "Bansho Ten'in."


Natsuhi, who had been prepared for it, struggled for only two seconds before being grabbed by neck.


Rubbing Natsuhi's white and tender neck, Sasuke had an urge to bite it. But he still tried his best to suppress the urge and act as gently as possible. "Miss Natsuhi... No, it should be called Madam."


"Madam Natsuhi, you don't want your son Ang to get into trouble, do you?" Sasuke buried his face in Natsuhi's soft hair and breathed it in to his heart's content, displaying greed and tyranny fully.


In the mountains in the early morning, layers of thick fog shrouded them, even spreading into the cave.


Sasuke was naked from the waist up, lighting a cigarette. His comfortable life needed no explanation.


Great, this long-lost feeling made Sasuke seem to have returned to the strange movements and passionate and unrestrained love when he first met Yuhi Kurenai.




"Natsuhi, don't pretend to sleep when you're awake," Sasuke slapped her hard. Natsuhi looked at Sasuke vaguely, complaining, "How many times have I told you, be gentle, do you want to kill me?"


Thinking of last night, Sasuke pulled his hand back awkwardly. He did go too far and almost broke Natsuhi's butt.


"What are you going to do? The current situation of the Star Ninja Village is very complicated. I'm really not in the mood to talk about these things."


Sasuke could see how clever Natsuhi is. She wanted to use his power to deal with the traitors such as Akahoshi and help the Star Ninja Village return to normal.


"You're not interested, but you're still shouting so loudly. You almost hurt me," Sasuke lifted Natsuhi's pretty face and blew a breath.


"Don't worry, the Star Ninja Village, as long as I want, can be wiped off the map in less than a minute."


Upon hearing this, Natsuhi grabbed Sasuke and said angrily: "Who told you to destroy the village? I meant for you to deal with Akahoshi and his minions."


"It depends on your performance, Natsuhi~ Madam," Sasuke called the word "Madam" with a particularly warm tone.


Natsuhi blushed, twisted her hands together, and was at a loss. This innocent young woman's attitude made Sasuke's body tremble inexplicably.


The two of them were affectionate for a day, and then Sasuke took Natsuhi away. Today is the deadline for the bet with Tenten, and Sasuke changed his mind to fulfill his promise.


"You are really a fool, actually betting with a little girl," Natsuhi gave Sasuke a coquettish look.


Sasuke actually felt dry in the mouth. Imagine a beautiful young lady with long straight black hair and reddish-brown eyes, who is top-notch in both figure and appearance, looking at you with love.


Luckily, Sasuke has extraordinary self-control, otherwise he would have died long ago if he were an ordinary person.


Sasuke walked into the village with Natsuhi in a swagger, holding the Kusanagi sword and slashing from the beginning to the end of the village.


The only thing that made Sasuke feel convenient about the Kusanagi sword was that it was not stained with blood, and he didn't have to waste energy wiping the blade. As for the sharpness, it didn't make much difference to Sasuke whether it was sharp or not.


"Sasuke, aren't we being too cruel?" Natsuhi couldn't bear it. After all, too many people died. These were the backbone of the Star Ninja Village. Hearing this, Sasuke's Kusanagi sword moved subconsciously, and he almost couldn't help but cut Natsuhi with it.


What he hated most was someone stopping him when he was cutting people. Last time, Kimimaro said something too much when he was cutting people, and his whole arm was cut off by Sasuke's subconscious reaction.


Since then, no one dared to interrupt him when he was cutting people. Even if Sasuke later changed this bad habit, no one dared to try.


"Natsuhi, I don't like pretentious people, not to mention that you are my woman. Since these guys obeyed Akahoshi's orders, they deserve to die. Except for the elderly and children, I will not show mercy to others."


Natsuhi said no more and followed Sasuke. His men were killed one by one, and even his confidants were killed.


Akahoshi had to stand up. Seeing Natsuhi standing obediently behind Sasuke, Akahoshi was furious.


That position should be his. Damn guy, do you really think that I dare not take action just because you are jealous of Zen?


"Natsuhi, you dare to collude with outsiders to deal with the village. Today, I, Akahoshi, will eliminate you as a blessing."


Sasuke watched Akahoshi's performance and couldn't help but applaud. What great acting skills. He hasn't seen such exaggerated acting in a long time.


"Interesting, Akahoshi, you please me, so I decided to let you die without a burial place." Sasuke turned to Natsuhi and said, "Natsuhi, watch. Don't you want to see my power?"


A dark ball condensed at Sasuke's fingertips, and the destructive pressure caused the surface to crack. Under Natsuhi's shocked eyes, a white light appeared. Everything in front disappeared. Only a huge deep pit was left.


"Is this your strength, Sasuke?" Natsuhi asked tremblingly.


She was a little afraid of Sasuke in her heart, afraid of his abyssal power. Sasuke noticed the subtle changes in Natsuhi, which was not a bad thing.


Although she was his woman, if she maintained a basic sense of awe, her future would be longer, which was also the effect Sasuke wanted.


Most of the ninjas in the Star Ninja Village were killed by Sasuke, and he walked all the way to the star. Neji and others joined forces with Ang, the new generation of ninjas, and sat cross-legged around, trying to break the barrier.


Neji's hair was messy, and his eyes were full of blood. He no longer had the calmness he had two days ago. Naruto and Rock Lee were hitting the barrier, but it did not move at all, not giving them any chance.


"Asshole, are you going to let that guy bully Tenten in there?" Rock Lee shouted.


Naruto worked hard, but he didn't agree with Rock Lee's words. Sasuke was his good friend in his heart. He was second only to himself in terms of teacher spirit.


Many girls wanted to throw themselves into his arms but had no chance. No matter what happened, Tenten would definitely not suffer. Of course, he didn't dare say this in front of Rock Lee and Neji.