Starts at the beginning of Naruto and features Tenjho Tenge characters as part of the Naruto universe. The main Characters are Uzumaki Naruto, Natsume Maya and Hyuga Hinata.
Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge
We're going to see a bit more interaction from Aya's classmates this chapter. Here's chapter 15:
Last time:
Meanwhile with Naruto …
He was naked…again. "Damn it boy; you're growing everywhere!" grumped Mura. "All my measurements on record are useless. Here's your new protective underwear and your new combat grade mesh; try them on." After she checked his underwear and afterwards his new mesh that was much higher quality (ANBU Combat grade) Mura spun and punched Naruto in the gut. Naruto really didn't budge. "Good, you're progressing nicely Uzumaki. You're growing evenly and your muscles are rock solid. I bet you'll turn out yet."
Naruto asked, "You almost seem…approving Mura. What's the deal? –And do I need bigger shirts and pants?"
Mura shrugged. "You can get by with the shirts and pants; they're designed to be nice and snug for easy movement and have plenty of stretch. As for my mood, everything is being charged to the Uchiha; what's not to like?"
"Did Sasuke piss you off or something?" asked Naruto.
"When we were fitting your class out, the brat strutted in here at the last possible second and insisted we address him as Uchiha-sama for starters." said Mura. "Then he insisted we sew the Uchiha fan crest on all his shirts and his flak jacket. I kicked the punk out on his ass and threw his clothes out on the street after him. The village may kiss his ass but Taro and I sure as hell don't. You're good to go Uzumaki. We'll credit your old mesh pants to your account for later. They would have started riding up in the crotch something terrible before long considering how you're growing."
Naruto blushed. "Well, ummm…thanks Mura."
Mura nodded. "No problem; now get out." said the short woman. "I have work to do."
Chapter 15
Konoha, ANBU Armory 5 P.M.
"IT COSTS HOW MUCH?! " shrieked Sasuke as Taro rang him up with a shit eating grin. Naruto and Hikari had already left and heard Sasuke screeching all the way down the block. Naruto almost felt guilty…almost.
"I had no idea Sasuke's voice could go that high." said Naruto with a chuckle. "I bet he could become a soprano singer if he ever quits being a ninja."
Hikari was stifling a fit of giggles. "That's cruel Naruto-sensei!"
'I guess a new set of mesh cost more than I realized…' thought Naruto absentmindedly.
Natsume Clan Home, 5 P.M.
Aya led her classmates back to the Natsume residence to meet Hanako and to do their D-ranked mission and introduced them. "Hanako Obaa-sama; this is Takayanagi Masastaka (Masataka bowed), Makihara Bob (Bob bowed to a lesser degree) and Nagi Souichiro (who just stood there)."
Hanako nodded. "So you three have been assigned to fix that damaged wall?"
"Yes Hanako-sama, just tell us what to do." said Masataka respectfully.
Bob nodded, "Yes ma'am; that's what we're here for."
"…" said Souichiro.
"Say something Nagi!" whispered Masataka.
Souichiro said, "Yo, how's it hangin' Granny?" The sound of a SSMMAACCKK! echoed across the Natsume estate as Souichiro's head went down to the ground.
"Let me show you three children your appointed task…" said Hanako with a bit of killer intent. "Head into the house Aya-chan; you have things to do. I'll watch over them."
Things went predictably downhill from there…
With Naruto and Hikari…
"You really should have been wearing your flak vest Naruto-sensei; it would have prevented the fire from doing so much damage. Are you sure that you are okay sensei?"
Naruto replied, "Yeah, I'm just fine. It's the first time I've gone without my vest. I've learned my lesson. Fire is bad."
She giggled slightly. "Well, as long as you are all right Naruto-sensei; that's the important thing."
"You don't have to call me sensei outside of class Hikari." said Naruto. "I'm not one for formalities anyway. Just call me Naruto when we're not in class. It makes me feel kind of old."
Hikari smirked. "Then I should call you Naruto-kun then since we're close to the same age?" she asked with a slight blush.
"That would be fine." said Naruto.
'Yes!' thought Hikari as she smiled happily, "So what do you like to eat Naruto-kun? I'm kind of hungry."
"Ramen! –especially from Ichiraku's." declared Naruto with passion. "It is the Food of the Gods! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Have you ever eaten there?"
"Well, no…I'm a big sushi fan myself." said Hikari. "But I'll be happy to try it if you like it so much. I've only had instant ramen and it's okay."
"Ah…." Naruto said sagely, "Then we have to get you some of the ambrosia known as seafood ramen for you at Ichiraku's, Hikari. I'll even pay since it's your first time eating the Food of the Gods. Don't be convinced by others like Anko-chan that dango is though. She's not a true believer."
Hikari looked a little shocked. "Anko-chan…? As in Mitarashi Anko from torture and interrogation?" 'Is he into older women?' she thought worriedly.
Naruto nodded. "Yep, that's her! Mitarashi Anko is my adopted nee-chan and we generally get along really well but she keeps trying to convert me to the evils of dango despite my efforts to lead her down the true path of ramen! It's absolutely blasphemous."
Feeling very relieved, Hikari said, "So she is your big sister huh? It sounds like you two have an interesting relationship…Let's go to this Ichiraku's Ramen you love so much!"
Hikari immensely enjoyed having an early dinner with Naruto…She had to admit the Seafood Ramen was pretty good too…
Natsume Clan Home, 10 P.M.
Naruto's room …
Naruto had been sound asleep for a couple of hours when one of his proximity seals woke him up. He quickly made a shadow clone; body switched with it and concealed himself in the darkness. Two ANBU appeared and pounced on the shadow clone only to be hit by a mass of shock tags that rendered the two of them unconscious. Naruto hit the emergency seal that silently locked down the house…
Hinata's room …
One ANBU was laying in the fetal position in the floor and another was badly cut up from Hinata's Hakutsume blades. He was breathing heavily as he looked over the unconscious Hinata. He got in a lucky shot and was able to knock her out with a blow to the head. He looked over at his partner and said quietly, "How bad is it man?"
"I've been stabbed in the intestines. I need a medic bad." said his partner. "I was told we were 'kidnapping' Academy students. She had those fucking kodachis out and was waiting for us."
"I wonder what tipped her off." said the first. "I'll body flicker us to the hospital along with the Hyūga heiress." he said as he picked up Hinata and placed a hand on his downed partner…and found he couldn't body flicker out…
Maya's room …
Maya was unconscious due to being knocked out against her wall by a brutal punch. An ANBU was kneeling on the floor holding her chest. Despite her flak vest she had more than a couple of broken ribs. The Natsume style of taijutsu was truly brutal. Her partner was pinned to the wall with the Reiki stabbed through his shoulder and was swearing up a storm to himself under his breath. "I can't believe this! A fucking little girl almost killed us! Commander Dragon is going to be pissed." His partner pulled the Reiki out of his arm and he gasped in pain. "What is Yūgao feeding these little savages? She was waiting for us! God damn it!"
They soon found out they couldn't body flicker out either…
Naruto's room …
Naruto had restraining seals and chakra seals on the two ANBU that tried to break in. They weren't going anywhere. He had his full combat gear on now and was planning to interrogate them once he finished checking the rest of the house. Naruto thought to himself that he needed to improve security measures. He had no idea why ANBU would be attacking but they could be enemy ANBU and Naruto would be damned before he let any of his precious people be hurt. He silently slipped down the hall to Hinata's room and listened through the door. He heard a muffled voice. "What do you mean we can't get out with a body flicker?! I'm going to bleed out at this rate and you're cut to ribbons! We have to get out!"
The blonde heard all he needed to hear and flung the door open with an immobilizing seal in his hand. Naruto slapped down the seal and then he saw Hinata-chan lying there limply on the floor with blood around her and feared the worst. The two ANBU froze in fear when the Kyubi container's eyes lit up red and slitted in the darkness. His Royal blades were out in an instant. The killing intent was crushing them. " I AM GOING TO KILL YOU TWO SLOWLY…" he hissed in a tone that chilled them to the marrow. Kurimuzo-kougou's edge was glowing red in the presence of spilled blood and Shippuuhime's edge was glowing blue due to chakra being fed to it. In the darkness he looked like a warrior straight out of hell itself…
Naruto heard Hanako's voice say in a commanding tone behind him. "Put your weapons away Naruto-kun. This is an exercise for your class. Hinata-chan is only unconscious. Stand down now ." Her voice was hard as iron and after a few seconds Naruto looked back at her and put his swords away after locking eyes with her.
Seeing Naruto was no longer going to slaughter the ANBU, Hanako asked, "Why are you two ANBU just sitting there looking like frightened rabbits?"
"W-we can't move Hanako-sama. We are anchored to the floor." said one of the frightened ANBU.
Hanako sighed and looked at Naruto. "Is this your doing Naruto-kun?" she asked tiredly. Naruto nodded and deactivated the immobilizer seal holding them to the floor so Hanako could enter the room. She flicked on the lights and walked in. "This simulation is over. Why didn't you two go to the hospital?" She asked looking at all the blood.
The less injured ANBU said, "We couldn't body flicker out Hanako-sama! The-"
"I locked the House down Hanako Obaa-chan." Naruto said angrily. "They won't be able to body flicker out until they physically get off the property."
"Please deactivate it Naruto-kun." said Hanako. "This one has a deep stomach wound and needs serious medical attention."
"Alright…." growled Naruto. He headed back towards his room and Hanako went to Maya's room to find they were also injured.
"Hanako-sama?" asked the one with the badly wounded shoulder.
Hanako shook her head and said, "Get up Maya-chan; I can tell you are conscious." Maya opened her eyes and rubbed her chest where she'd been punched before. "You two ANBU report to the hospital that your mission has failed as soon as the field drops that prevents you from body flickering out of here."
Soon the field was dropped and the ANBU in Maya and Hinata's rooms were gone leaving a banged-up Maya and Hinata. Naruto was still undoing the seals on the last two when ANBU Dragon arrived and knocked on the front door. Hanako was glowering at him when he arrived. "I see standards have fallen since my time Commander Dragon. Naruto-kun is unsealing the last two as we speak."
Soon the three kids were sitting in front of Dragon who looked rather sheepish under Hanako's glare. "The object of this exercise was to see how you twelve Academy students reacted to being abducted and put in an unfamiliar environment. Each of you had two ANBU to harmlessly 'kidnap' you and unfortunately there have been a lot of casualties. It was a cock up from the beginning I'm afraid and several people are in the hospital. Please report to class normally tomorrow and Yūgao will give you your grades." ANBU Dragon then vanished in a body flicker…
Yūgao and Hayate's Apartment 12 A.M.
Yūgao was looking over the incoming reports in disbelief:
Aburame Shino -Two ANBU agents captured due to swarms of kikaichū beetles attacking –now in recovery due to chakra exhaustion –student Shino unhurt –capture unsuccessful.
Akimichi Choji –Two ANBU agents were forced to abort their mission due to the interference of student Isuzu Emi –capture unsuccessful.
Haruno Sakura –Two ANBU agents successfully captured student Sakura with no injuries to any party –capture successful.
Hyūga Hinata –Two ANBU agents injured (one severely) due to sword wounds –currently being treated –student Hinata mildly injured and rendered unconscious –both agents captured due to intervention by student Uzumaki Naruto –capture unsuccessful.
Inuzuka Kiba –Two Anbu Agents mauled (one severely) by student and his ninken Akamaru –currently being treated –student Kiba in hospital with left arm broken –capture successful but student needed medical treatment.
Isuzu Emi –Two ANBU agents severely injured due to multiple kunai wounds –currently being treated –student Emi unhurt –capture unsuccessful.
Nara Shikamaru -Two ANBU agents successfully captured student Shikamaru with no injuries to any party –capture successful.
Natsume Maya –Two ANBU agents injured by taijutsu and one severely injured by sword wound –currently being treated –student Maya mildly injured and rendered temporarily unconscious –both agents captured due to intervention by student Uzumaki Naruto –capture unsuccessful.
Sai –Two ANBU agents unable to locate him, home only occupied by an ink clone -mission aborted after search –capture unsuccessful.
Uchiha Sasuke –Two ANBU agents suffered minor injuries by taijutsu –student Sasuke rendered unconscious –capture successful.
Uzumaki Naruto – Two ANBU agents captured due to complex seal arrays –minor injuries – student Naruto unhurt –capture unsuccessful.
Yamanaka Ino -Two ANBU agents successfully captured student Ino with no injuries to any party –capture successful.
"Gods, what a clusterfuck." groaned Yūgao. "I recommended against this idea because I was afraid my students might get hurt but it looks like the ANBU ended up on the short end of the stick. Kiba's going to be in the hospital. I'll have to visit him tomorrow. I'll go ahead and get the others sent home. Ino, Shikamaru, Sasuke and Sakura are hardly a big enough group to provide an accurate study. I have to wonder what Emi did to injure those two ANBU that bad; it must be a hidden technique."
The net result of all this was Naruto and his entire class were known by the name 'The ANBU Brats' from then on. For better or for worse they now had a reputation that stuck. They already had that as a nickname because of their uniforms but now it was said with some genuine respect/fear.
Konoha Ninja Academy, 4 A.M.
"Good morning class." said a rather subdued Yūgao. Her entire class was glaring at her and looked mutinous except for Sai that had his usual fake smile. Everyone was present but Kiba and Akamaru. "Let me start this day off by saying the plans to capture all of you last night was not my idea and I was against it. Kiba is currently in the hospital with his left forearm broken as a result of this disaster and several ANBU were seriously injured. I need after action reports from each of you, so we'll be spending the first couple of hours today doing that. Our normal class schedule will be a little off today as a result." She added. "For what it's worth I was very impressed with your performance in the unfavorable situations you were put in as only five of you were actually captured."
Shino raised his hand and Yūgao motioned him to speak. "Can you inform us of the actual point in this simulation sensei; I for one much wonder what the intent of it all was." The rest of the class murmured in agreement.
Yūgao sighed. "The intent of this operation was to capture you all unharmed and place you in an area where you would have to live off the land while you went back to Konoha. Obviously, it failed. I have the intention of setting you all up for a two- or three-day survival exercise but you would have all of your gear and wouldn't be attacked in your beds. As I said; the operation last night was ill-conceived. The ANBU that were sent to capture you were to use non-lethal techniques to abduct you without injuring you. The majority of you reacted with extreme violence –which is appropriate actually- at any rate your would-be captors were caught totally off guard and suffered many injuries as a result."
"Let's get those after-action reports done and then we will have some class discussion about it." said Yūgao as she passed out the papers. "This can still be a valuable learning experience even if it all went wrong."
Academy Cafeteria, 8 A.M.
As they were eating breakfast Sasuke came over to the table Naruto was eating at and said loudly, "So who was the hot babe you were with yesterday Uzumaki? I didn't know you had a girlfriend."
Everyone stopped eating and stared. Hinata, Maya and Emi all got tense (so did Ino as she had become interested of late)…and Naruto got a totally puzzled look on his face as if he was trying to remember something.
"…" said Naruto glaze eyed.
Sasuke was smirking, 'I'll have Maya yet!' he thought triumphantly. 'Not that I think Naruto's smart enough to be some kind of player. Kami only knows why some poor girl would be interested in a loser like him. Now that I think about it Hikari-san should be interested in me now that she knows who I am …I might just ask her out just to spite him. She is attractive enough to be a mistress later…'
Naruto suddenly got a look of realization on his face. "Are you talking about Tomoe Hikari? She's one of my students in my class and we both needed to stop by the armory together after class. She needed a new flak vest." Then Naruto got a gleam in his eye. "Don't tell me you were stalking me Sasuke-chan. You don't know how violated that makes me feel. I told you before I'm straight and don't want to be the object of your affections and fantasies."
Sasuke turned red and yelled "I am not stalking you damn it! "
"Pipe down and stop stirring up trouble Uchiha." growled Yūgao. "Sit back down at your table and eat unless you want to run laps the rest of breakfast." Sasuke cursed to himself mentally and returned to his place.
Yūgao thought to herself, 'Gazeru eh? Tomoe is a lot like I was; she started out really young and didn't have anyone she was close to. Come to think of it I fell in love with my sword teacher Hayate-kun. It's been a while since I sparred with her. Maybe we can chat a bit about Naruto.'
Somewhere in Konoha ANBU Gazeru sneezed. "…Somebody must be talking about me…" 'I hope it's Naruto-kun! I had a lot of fun yesterday.' she thought smiling behind her mask.
Academy Class 203
Souichiro, Bob and Masataka were talking before class started at nine. Well, it was more like they were groaning to each other in misery… "That old woman is positively evil! What a slave driver. My sore muscles have sore muscles!" said Souichiro.
Masataka sighed. He ached all over too. "It would have helped if you'd refrained from calling her Granny instead of Hanako-sama or at least Hanako-san."
"I can't believe she wanted that wall so perfect!" said Bob. "Of course, when Souichiro objected she smacked him on top of the head and he ate the dirt."
"That old hag hit hard!" said Souichiro. "It felt like I was being hit on the head with a frying pan!"
"…And she did it so effortlessly with just an open palm." added Masataka. "She must be a retired kunoichi. Aya-chan said Hanako-sama was teaching her and her older sister."
Bob nodded. "She hit me once man; that was enough to convince me to work hard. I can't believe you asked her for 'milk and cookies 'cause she's a Granny' when we were done Souichiro! When she smacked you that time it sent you flying into a flat spin! I thought you were dead!"
"Well, she certainly didn't appreciate it." groaned Masataka. "I couldn't believe she pointed to a drainage ditch out back and told us to get a drink of water there if we were that thirsty. I was ready to hang myself."
"The old bat was hardcore, that's for sure." said Souichiro. "My ears rang for hours after that last hit. I wonder just how strong she is? She didn't break a sweat smacking us around. How many times did she hit me anyway? It's all a blur now."
"Eight times." said Bob and Masataka in unison.
They heard Aya's melodic laughter as she listened to them. "You three should be glad Hanako Obaa-chan was just disciplining you instead of her being actually being upset with you. That was only her shadow clone anyway."
Masataka got wide eyed. "You mean we were only dealing with a clone? Just how strong is she?!"
"Actually, I don't know how strong Obaa-chan is." said Aya. "I saw her actually lose her temper with Naruto-kun once and he was bedridden for the rest of the day."
Souichiro asked, "Who is this Naruto character anyway? Sounds like a pussy to me losing that easily."
Aya got a cute frown. "Naruto-kun is one of the advanced genin class. He's the toughest person I've ever met when it comes to taking punishment."
Bob whistled. "He's in the advanced genin class? Damn."
"What's that?" asked Souichiro.
Masataka explained, "They're the ones called The ANBU Brats that all the rumors are floating around about."
"You know one of them?" Souichiro asked Aya with raised eyebrows.
Aya said smugly, "I know three of them. There's Uzumaki Naruto-kun who is called 'The Prankster King from Hell,' my nee-chan Natsume Maya and my adoptive nee-chan Hyūga Hinata who is Obaa-chan's actual blood granddaughter. When I watch them spar I always am amazed that no one's been killed. They are scary strong and they are only a couple of years older than us."
"THE 'Prankster King from Hell' Aya?" asked Souichiro with stars in his eyes.
"Um…Yes, I don't think there is another." said Aya with raised eyebrows.
Souichiro turned to Bob. "Bob, we've got to meet this guy! He's the orange wearing dude that set old man Kato's entire house's plumbing in reverse a few years back! Remember all the sewage coming out the top floor of his house?! It was genius and it cost that old bastard a fortune!"
"How could I forget?" groaned Bob. "I live downwind of Kato's place. I had to crash at your place it stank so bad. I heard they never proved it was that orange wearing blonde that did it though and he got off scot-free."
Aya giggled, "That does sound like something Naruto-kun would do and he did run around in an orange jumpsuit till recently."
"That sounds awful." said Masataka.
"Old man Kato is the nastiest, meanest old son of a bitch I've ever met." said Souichiro. "He owns the Fish Market and deserves every bit of pain he gets."
That's when Tsubaki overheard her student's discussion and entered their conversation. "While I don't approve of that kind of language in my classroom Souichiro; I can't help but share the sentiment."
Masataka raised his eyebrows. "Seriously Tsubaki-sensei? This Kato-san is that bad?"
Tsubaki nodded. "I'm afraid so Takayanagi. His business practices are reprehensible and the way he treats others is worse. If he didn't have a corner on the fish market he'd have been run out of business or murdered years ago."
"I guess that's why Naruto-kun dislikes him so much." said Aya thoughtfully. "There are very few people I think Naruto-kun truly hates; he's usually easygoing but he is a prankster."
"Are you talking about Uzumaki Naruto?" asked Tsubaki. "My boyfriend Iruka-kun used to be his sensei and he's told me some crazy stories of adventures chasing Uzumaki all over Konoha due to pranking sprees. Iruka-kun says in spite of all the trouble he causes that Uzumaki is a good person though."
"Naruto-kun IS a good person." said Aya. "He'll do anything to protect his precious people. He lives with us at the Natsume Clan Home. Hanako-Obaa-chan disciplined him in manners for quite awhile but he considers her his own Obaa-chan now." Aya smiled. "They kind of adopted each other I guess."
Konoha Ninja Academy, after classes
Aya was headed out with Souichiro, Bob and Masataka in tow and was surprised to see Maya and Hinata waiting for her. "Maya nee-chan; Hinata nee, were you waiting for me?"
Maya smiled at her sister. "Yep, we're just waiting on Naruto-kun and we can all head home together."
"Where is Naruto-kun? Doesn't he get out of class at the same time as you?" asked Aya.
"Naruto-kun's last class is at a different location." explained Hinata. "He should be along in a few minutes. Are these your friends?"
Aya nodded. "This is Takayanagi Masataka, Makihara Bob and Nagi Souichiro. They are my classmates."
"I recognize you three." said Maya with a grin. "Weren't you the ones that were being smacked around by Hanako Obaa-chan's clone while you were fixing the wall yesterday?"
Bob and Masataka had rainclouds over their heads 'This is what we are known for?' they thought sadly.
"She's not that tough!" said Souichiro defiantly.
"I think all those love taps she put on your head must have jumbled up your brain Nagi." laughed Maya. "You were stumbling around like a drunk when you left yesterday."
Hinata giggled. "Hanako Obaa-chan is very strict on proper decorum. You were probably being disrespectful to her weren't you Nagi-san?"
"Just call me Souichiro." he said. "I was just calling her Granny. What are you all doing in ANBU gear anyway?"
Bob shook his head. "ANBU Brats remember Souichiro?"
Hinata sighed. "That name really has stuck hasn't it Maya-chan?"
Maya shrugged. "I just hope it goes away once we graduate. I'd really rather not be referred to as a Brat out in the field."
Masataka asked, "So you're allowed to carry swords into class? That's really unusual."
Actually we are required to carry them. It's not an option." said Hinata. She activated her byakugan which made the three boys jump a bit. "Ah, here comes Naruto-kun now."
They soon saw Naruto coming around the corner from the direction of ANBU Headquarters. "Naruto-kun!" said Hinata as she waved.
Naruto smiled at them and jogged over. "Sorry, did you girls wait long?"
Maya shook her head. "No, not long. We were just talking with Aya-chan and her friends while we waited."
The group soon decided to go to the Akimichi Barbeque restaurant and have an early dinner…
Natsume Clan Home, meanwhile…
"Thank you for allowing me to serve here once again Hanako-sama." said Natsu bowing to Hanako repeatedly. "Providing me with those sealing scrolls made moving in incredibly easy and the room is very nice as well."
Hanako said. "You should be thanking Maya-sama for your comfortable room and Naruto-kun for making those scrolls for your use, not me. Know this Natsu-san; if you are here to convince Hanabi-chan that she should go back to the Hyūga Compound I will strike you down. I'm still not convinced this is simply a kind gesture on Hiashi's behalf."
Natsu was sweating. "I assure you I will earn your trust Hanako-sama."
"We shall see." said Hanako. "I do expect you to thank both Maya-sama and Naruto-kun though. His scrolls made it incredibly easy for all of us to move."
Natsu said, "Uzumaki-san actually made those scrolls? They weren't purchased?"
Hanako nodded. "You will find that young Naruto-kun is quite brilliant and is a very good person if you get over your bias against him. I think you'll find his fuinjutsu skills quite innovative. There is a reason this house is so clean."
The kunoichi/maid didn't quite follow but nodded anyway. "Hanako-sama; Hiashi-sama told me that anything of Hinata-sama or Hanabi-sama's belongings could be brought over. I will be happy to do so if you wish. They basically came over with the clothes on their backs and it seems improper given they each have very large wardrobes for all occasions at home. Would you like me to do so?"
"That is between you and the girls Natsu-san." said Hanako. "If they want their belongings then you may fetch them provided there are no objections from the Natsume sisters."
"Why would they object Hanako-sama?" asked Natsu.
Hanako frowned. "Perhaps because this is their house Natsu? We are guests here and we are not to take advantage of their hospitality. I would think being raised as a Hyūga main house member it would be obvious to you."
"Of course." said Natsu. "I apologize for my unseemly behavior."
"Just get your things unpacked." said the elder of the pair. "You will find things are quite different here than at the Hyūga Compound. Off with you now." said Hanako as she waved Natsu off.
Natsu bowed and headed towards her new room. 'It seems that Hanako-sama has very little faith in me or the Hyūga Clan in general. I will have to work hard to earn her trust just as Hiashi-sama told me. I wonder if Hinata-sama will ever forgive Kō-san. She seems like a different person since she left. She was a shy, stuttering girl and now she's almost like dealing with a younger version of Hanako-sama.' Natsu soon entered her new room in the Natsume Clan Home. It was slightly larger than her old one and had a warm, cozy feel. Of course, the first thing she noticed as an OCD maid was the fact the hardwood floors were spotless. So spotless in fact that Natsu couldn't help but look for scuff marks or dust. 'How is this possible?' she wondered. Ah, the magic of fuinjutsu…
5 P.M.
'Hinata-sama and the others haven't arrived home yet and Hanabi-sama is studying with Hanako-sama.' thought Natsu. Then she heard someone knocking at the front door and decided that even though she hadn't officially started yet as the house maid that she would answer the door. Answering it she recognized Uchiha Sasuke who was dressed rather formally with the Uchiha fan prominently displayed on his clothing. She'd never met the boy personally, but she definitely knew no one else would be wearing that particular crest. 'What would bring Uchiha Sasuke all the way out here?' "I bid you greetings Uchiha-san. May I help you in some way?"
Sasuke was impressed. 'The Natsume Clan employs a Hyūga maid? I'm surprised to even see a Hyūga outside of their compound.' Hello there Hyūga-san. Please inform Natsume Maya-sama that Uchiha Sasuke-sama is here to see her." he said in a congenial but somehow egotistical tone.
Natsu wondered exactly what he wanted and wasn't that fond of the Uchiha anyway due to old clan rivalries. "I regret to inform you that Maya-sama is not home Uchiha-san. Would you like me to pass a message to her when she comes home?"
Sasuke wanted to growl at the intentional disrespect on the part of this maid. He would have to convince Maya to dismiss her later. "Can you tell me where Maya-sama might be then Hyūga?"
"I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say." said Natsu (truthfully all she knew was Hinata-sama and the others were going to be late and were having dinner out). "As I said I can pass along a message for you."
The Last Uchiha was officially steamed but didn't want to make a scene on the doorstep of the girl he was courting (not that Maya knew about it). "Please just tell her that Uchiha Sasuke-sama stopped by and I will see her in class tomorrow."
Natsu smiled rather smugly knowing he was fuming. "I will do so Uchiha-san. I bid you a good evening." With that she quietly closed the door and left the irritated Sasuke to trudge all the way back home.
Around an hour later Naruto and the girls got home having had an eventful dinner. Apparently in pranking circles (and among those the hated old man Kato); Uzumaki 'The Prankster King from Hell' Naruto was some kind of celebrity. He found it both flattering and totally bizarre at the same time (and admitted to absolutely nothing). At any rate; it seemed they had three new friends which was nice as Naruto was usually shunned by most people. Maya said the three were welcome to come over and train with them this weekend if they wanted and everyone agreed to start Saturday at eight in the morning.
Maya led the way in only to be greeted by Natsu. "Hinata-sama; Maya-sama, I welcome you all home. I have a message for you from the Uchiha, Maya-sama. He told me to tell you that Uchiha Sasuke-sama stopped by and will see you in class tomorrow. He was very arrogant about it."
"Sounds like typical Sasuke-chan." said Naruto. "I'm going to hit the shower and go to bed. I'm still tired from ANBU attacking us in our beds last night. Good night, everybody." With that Naruto went to his room.
Natsu's eyes widened a bit after Naruto left and was trying to keep from giggling. "D-did he just refer to the Uchiha as Sasuke-chan?"
Maya smiled. "Naruto-kun calls him that when the Uchiha is particularly annoying."
At that point Natsu lost control and burst into laughter. "It's so improper and so disrespectful!" she blurted out before she had another fit of giggles.
The equally exhausted Hinata and Maya also called it a night after bidding Hanako Obaa-chan a good evening.
That's when Natsu turned to Aya, "Aya-sama, did Uzumaki-san say something about ANBU attacking him in bed last night?"
Aya nodded. "Maya nee-chan, Hinata nee-chan and Naruto-kun were attacked last night while they slept as some kind test for their advanced genin class. It was pretty bloody. It's no wonder they are exhausted. Hanako Obba-chan was up though it all but I wasn't."
Natsu's eyes were big as saucers. "So what exactly happened Aya-sama?"
Aya explained, "Well, Naruto-kun captured the two ANBU that came after him without a whole lot of fuss but both Maya-nee-chan and Hinata nee-chan ended up knocked out after they ran their opponents through in sword duels. The ANBU's mission failed from what I understand. Hanako Obaa-chan said to head back to bed once things settled down so I never really got the play by play. I heard Naruto-kun was ready to kill two of the ANBU for hurting Hinata nee-chan. She was knocked out in a pool of one of the ANBU's blood and he was afraid they'd killed her. He was really upset."
'He was angry enough to kill for Hinata-sama's sake?' thought Natsu. "So Uzumaki-san cares for Hinata-sama?"
Aya's face got totally serious. "Naruto-kun would lay down his life to protect everyone in this house. He grew up all alone and he considers us all like family; especially Maya-nee and Hinata-nee. He would kill to protect their lives; make no mistake. He treats Hanabi-chan and I like his own little sisters and Hanako Obaa-chan like his real Obaa-chan."
9 P.M.
Hinata deactivated the seals and slipped into Naruto's room. "Naruto-kun, are you awake?" she asked quietly.
"The proximity seal woke me up Hinata-chan; is everything alright?" asked Naruto as he sat up in the low light.
"I just wanted to talk a few minutes; Obaa-chan told me you were going to kill those ANBU when you thought they had hurt me." said Hinata fidgeting as she sat down on the bed.
Naruto looked down, "I was so horrified Hinata-chan. I've never been so angry in my life. When I saw you lying there and all the blood I was terrified that I'd lost you. If Obaa-chan hadn't interfered I would have killed them and the other ANBU in a heartbeat." He sounded a bit shaken.
Hinata gently placed her hand on Naruto's cheeks to give him a gentle kiss to thank him. When their lips touched Hinata's passion turned fiery and before long she slid her tongue in his mouth which he reciprocated. He soon gripped her yukata covered body and pulled her flush against his chest. The kisses turned hotter and hotter until they were absolutely soul searing.
Hinata was straddling Naruto in the sitting position and she was desperately grinding her body into his. She felt her panties get completely soaked as she moaned and ground against his fully erect member. They both ran their hands over each other's bodies in an effort to get closer to each other. She started to pull his t-shirt up when they had to stop for air. Naruto and Hinata were both panting and staring into each other's lust filled eyes. The fire was unquenchable…
That's when they heard a gentle knock on the door and both of them gasped. They heard Hanako say gently, "Hinata-chan; it's time for you to get some sleep. Say good night to Naruto-kun and go to bed."
Hinata swallowed hard and said, "Y-yes Obaa-chan." She turned back to Naruto and said, "G-goodnight Naruto-kun. I love you and Maya-chan does too. We will always be here for you." She planted a kiss on his forehead because she knew she'd get carried away in she kissed his lips again.
"Hinata-chan…" whispered Naruto.
Hinata hopped off the bed and said, "Goodnight Naruto-kun, sweet dreams." She then quickly retreated out into the hall. Hinata expected to see Hanako waiting for her to scold her but after activating her byakugan she saw Hanako was quietly reading in her bedroom. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth; Hinata went back to her own room and laid down to sleep thinking about how wonderful Naruto-kun's body felt against hers…
Naruto was no better. He would be dreaming about Hinata's amazing body and how she felt against him all night…
With Hanako…
She activated her byakugan briefly and saw Hinata was in her own bed. 'It seems my granddaughter is a wild child just as badly as I was at that age and Maya is no better. At least I caught them before they got completely naked. I'll have to have a Motherly talk with those two. It's only natural but at the same time I don't want the girls to end up pregnant. I wonder if Naruto has any idea what he's in for…' With that Hanako decided to call it a night…
Well, the special guest appearance by the ANBU kind of backfired. Let me emphasize that the ANBU were expecting sleeping children in their beds; not ambushes. Had they known what they were walking into the ANBU wouldn't have been injured at all. Alas, they weren't prepared. We also got to see Naruto using Kyubi's chakra for the first time. Also, Sasuke seems to be stepping up his game to win Maya (and possibly Hikari) and that will probably lead to some further conflict between him and Naruto. See you next time. Blue out. 6/11/22