Starts at the beginning of Naruto and features Tenjho Tenge characters as part of the Naruto universe. The main Characters are Uzumaki Naruto, Natsume Maya and Hyuga Hinata.
Blanket disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Tenjho Tenge
This time we get to see Natsu in action. Here's chapter 16:
Last time:
…That's when they heard a gentle knock on the door and both of them gasped. They heard Hanako say gently, "Hinata-chan; it's time for you to get some sleep. Say good night to Naruto-kun and go to bed."
Hinata swallowed and said, "Y-yes Obaa-chan." She turned back to Naruto and said, "G-goodnight Naruto-kun. I love you and Maya-chan does too. We will always be here for you." She planted a kiss on his forehead because she knew she'd get carried away in she kissed his lips again.
"Hinata-chan…" whispered Naruto.
Hinata hopped off the bed and said, "Goodnight Naruto-kun; sweet dreams." She then quickly retreated out into the hall. Hinata expected to see Hanako waiting for her to scold her but after activating her byakugan she saw Hanako was quietly reading in her bedroom. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth; Hinata went back to her own room and laid down to sleep thinking about how wonderful Naruto-kun's body felt against hers…
Naruto was no better. He would be dreaming about Hinata's amazing body and how she felt against him all night…
With Hanako …
She activated her byakugan briefly and saw Hinata was in her own bed. 'It seems my granddaughter is a wild child just as badly as I was at that age and Maya is no better. At least I caught them before they got completely naked. I'll have to have a Motherly talk with those two. It's only natural but at the same time I don't want the girls to end up pregnant. I wonder if Naruto has any idea what he's in for…' With that Hanako decided to call it a night…
Chapter 16
Konoha, Senju Compound
Numerous genin teams were at work cleaning the Senju compound under Tsunade and Jiraiya's watchful eyes. Tsunade was inside the compound proper and Jiraiya was outside supervising the yard work. Shizune was doing her best to keep Mito-chan out of the way so the genins could do their jobs and finally decided to take the girl for a walk. "But I wanted to help Shizune nee-chan!" pouted Mito.
Shizune sighed. "I understand Mito-chan but those genins are being paid to do their jobs, so they need to earn their money; not have you do it for them. Besides, you and I are underfoot. Let's get out for a walk and look around."
One of the genin teams there was Hyūga Neji's team under Gai Maito. Rock Lee and Tenten noticed Neji had paused and was looking out the window with his byakugan. "What is it, Neji?" asked Tenten as she put down the boxes she was moving. "Is there a threat of some kind?" She noticed he was focusing on something intently.
Neji shook his head. "No, I just realized we are very close to the Natsume Clan Home where my Obaa-sama and my two cousins are living. It looks like Hanako Obaa-sama and Hanabi-sama are out for a walk this morning."
That's when Gai put his hand on Neji's shoulder. "I am glad that you seem at peace with your Grandmother Hanako-sama again. She is an amazing person and a legendary kunoichi. I saw her fight once when I was an Academy student and it left a huge impression on me to this day. My own Father pointed her out as being one of the greatest practitioners of the juken arts ever. I assume you are training under her again in secret, yes?"
Neji got a deer in the headlights look and Gai smiled supportively and said, "Your secret is safe with us Neji-kun. You should be proud to be her grandson."
Neji said, "I am proud to be her grandson. She has opened my eyes about many things." 'Like my cousins fate…I wish I could live there with them.'
Gai nodded and said, "Perhaps we should pay her a youthful visit as a team once our mission here is done. I for one would love to talk with her." With that he got back to work.
Noticing Neji looked a little gray at Gai-sensei's idea of visiting his Grandmother as a team; Tenten said, "Don't worry Neji; if Gai sensei respects her that much I bet he will be a little more reserved than normal. He doesn't always scream about the Flames of Youth." Seeing a rather disbelieving stare from Neji; Tenten said, "On the other hand maybe you're right."
Neji nodded and looked with his byakugan one last time before getting back to work. He saw Hanako and Hanabi looking back with their byakugans at him and waving gently. Giving a small wave in return Neji smiled ever so slightly and started moving boxes again.
Amaguriama Sweets Shop, Tea Avenue
Later that morning Hanabi was with her Grandmother Hanako and was savoring a banana split (bananas were her favorite food). It was unusual for Hanako to go for sweets but she wanted to just enjoy some time with her youngest grandchild and give her a little reward for having worked hard practicing her juken all morning. Anyway, the weather was nice to be out and about in and Hanako was amused seeing how excited Hanabi was about her food.
"What is she eating Shizune nee-chan? It looks so yummy!" said Mito pointing straight at Hanabi.
"Mito-chan! Don't point; it's rude!" scolded Shizune. "Forgive us Hyūga-san." said Shizune bowing to Hanako and Hanabi.
"Is that you Shizune-chan?" said Hanako with a look of recognition on her face. "It is you! My how you've grown. I always thought you were a cute child but you've matured into a lovely young woman. If you're here, then you must be with Tsunade. I trust you still have better manners than her?"
Shizune's eyes widened a bit. There was only one person she knew who always, always criticized Tsunade-sama's lack of decorum without the slightest fear. "Hanako-sama, is that you? You've hardly aged a day since I saw you last."
Hanako smiled. "As always you are too kind Shizune-chan. Who is this little one with you? She looks and acts awfully familiar."
Shizune smiled. She'd always admired Hanako-sama. She turned to Mito and said, "Mito-chan, this is Hyūga Hanako-sama; she is a great kunoichi. Please give your introductions."
Mito bowed and said, "I'm Senju Mito! I'm pleased to meet you Hanako-sama. What is that she's eating?" said Mito pointing at Hanabi again. Shizune sighed at Mito's usual bluntness she inherited from her Mother Tsunade-sama.
Hanabi said. "I am Hyūga Hanabi and Hanako-sama is my Obaa-chan. I'm eating a banana split."
"It looks delicious!" said Mito with wide, hungry amber eyes.
Hanako said to Shizune, "Why don't you two get something to eat and join us? Hanabi-chan doesn't have that many children around her own age to talk to."
It wasn't long before Hanabi and Mito discovered they were both seven years old and planned to go to the Ninja Academy next year. They both seemed happy they were neighbors as well since the Natsume Clan grounds bordered on the Senju ones. They agreed they should play together when they weren't studying.
"…So Tsunade settled down with Jiraiya after all these years and they had Mito-chan." said Hanako chatting with Shizune. "That is quite a combination. I bet it's been hard on you raising three children Shizune-chan." said Hanako with a slight smile.
Shizune laughed. "It has seemed that way at times. Mito-chan is a good girl but she can be quite a handful as well."
Hanako nodded. 'Good god…this little girl Mito-chan could turn out to be a super strong, hard drinking, gambling addicted pervert that writes erotic novels! Heaven help us all…I'll say a prayer for Shizune-chan's sake tonight.' "Well, perhaps Hanabi-chan and Mito-chan can play together since we're next-door neighbors."
"I meant to ask Hanako-sama, why are you living on the Natsume grounds?" asked Shizune.
"Another time Shizune-chan." Hanako hand signed [not in public] and Shizune nodded.
After their visit, Hanabi and Hanako bid farewell for now and headed back to the Natsume Clan Home…
Konoha Ninja Academy
Naruto had been spaced out most of the day and had Hinata-chan starring in his thoughts. 'I love you and Maya-chan does too. We will always be here for you.' The words echoed through his head and made him feel amazingly happy. He wanted to talk to the girls privately and the opportunity simply hadn't come up. He'd done nothing but think about it all day.
Aside of that the day had been fairly normal for the advanced genin class (well as normal as it got for them anyway). Kiba was back and everyone but Sasuke and Sai seemed genuinely concerned about him and his health. Aside of not being able to spar he was pretty much participating normally. Everyone seemed to be getting along better except Sasuke (who was a prick) and no one knew what to think a Sai. Unlike everyone else, Sai didn't have an annoying nickname for Naruto and was always very respectful to him. Naruto couldn't help but feel that something was 'off' about Sai though. It wasn't that Naruto really disliked him; it was just on an instinctual level Sai didn't seem quite right to the blonde prankster.
Natsume Clan Home
Natsu was busy polishing the hardwood floor in the front room of the Natsume Clan home when she heard Hanako-sama and Hanabi-sama return. She quickly greeted them as they took off their sandals in the entryway. "Hanako-sama; Hanabi-sama, welcome home." she said with a bow.
Hanako looked at Natsu and said, "Whatever have you been doing Natsu-san? Your uniform is rather dirty."
Natsu bowed again, "My deepest apologies Hanako-sama but thoroughly cleaning the floors can be dirty work. I can change if we are expecting guests however."
"Just how many rooms have you done Natsu?" asked Hanabi. Natsu was obviously a bit worn out.
"Well, I did the kitchen, all the showers and the hallways." said Natsu counting things off on her fingers. "Now I'm doing the front room."
Hanabi had a puzzled look on her face. "Why didn't you just channel some chakra into the cleaning seals?"
Natsu answered with an intelligent, very eloquent, "Huh?"
Hanako shook her head and said, "Come over here by the light switch Natsu-san." Just to the left of the light switch was a small, diamond shaped design. "Channel some of your chakra into the diamond shaped seal." said Hanako.
Natsu didn't follow but said, "Yes Hanako-sama." When Natsu channeled in her chakra a flowing, script like pattern went up and down the walls, down across the floor and overhead across the ceiling. They glowed for a minute or so leaving everything they were on spotless. Natsu's byakugan eyes got big as saucers as she saw the room's surfaces cleaned to perfection. "H-how?" she asked staring at Hanako with a look of utter astonishment on her face.
"Naruto-kun painted this entire house top to bottom with cleaning seals Natsu-san." said Hanako. "The furniture needs to be dusted but there's certainly no need to clean the floors. Didn't Maya-chan tell you to just dust the furniture?"
"Maya-sama certainly did but I felt that cleaning the floors was a must." said the stunned kunoichi maid as she examined the floor with her byakugan looking for dust and finding none.
"Naruto-kun's seals have made cleaning really easy." said Hanabi. "After I dust my bedroom furniture, I use the seal by my light switch and 'poof' it's clean like magic!"
Natsu said, "You're saying Uzumaki-san added seals to this whole house that I could have used instead of doing all that back breaking work all day long?"
"Yes." nodded Grandmother and granddaughter in unison with identical looks on their faces.
"He did it all by himself? " asked Natsu.
"Yes, he invented the seals Natsu-san." explained Hanako. "Every room in this house has a cleaning seal by the light switch so if you want to clean the room just put some chakra into it."
Natsu started giggling rather unnaturally and pumped chakra through the seal again just to watch it work. Her giggling soon was sounding more and more like a manic cackle as if she'd entered some kind of drug induced nirvana.
Hanako took Hanabi's hand and led her out of the room where Natsu was having an episode. "Come Hanabi-chan; let us leave Natsu alone so she can have her nervous breakdown in peace." Hanabi just nodded with a bewildered look on her face as Natsu's insane laughter rang through the Natsume household. Looking at her Grandmother she heard Hanako say, "Natsu-san will be fine in a few hours." in a reassuring tone.
Sure enough, after a couple of hours of hysterics Natsu had calmed back down and decided to take a nap on Hanako-sama's advice.
The seven-year-old Hanabi just tried to block the whole incident out as she studied her mathematics under her Obaa-chan…
ANBU Headquarters, 3 P.M.
Naruto wandered into his class to teach fuinjutsu that afternoon and saw most of them looked very exhausted. He said, "Good afternoon class. Is there a particular reason many of you look half dead?"
Mouse said, "ANBU Commander Dragon has severely upped our physical and combat training. He says that 'recent events' have shown we are not up to the standards ANBU should be at."
Tortoise griped, "All those 'recent events' seem to center around your class of ANBU Brats sensei. You captured six of us with your damn seals."
"And those same damn seals are what I'm intending to teach you Tortoise." growled Naruto. "If you want to piss and moan, get the hell out of my class. I'm happy to help anyone in here who needs it but I'm not your babysitter. Dragon's office is down the hall so report to him you've failed if you don't feel you can cut it." When the class (and Tortoise in particular) went silent Naruto said, "Let's get on with today's lesson. Spread out so there's an empty chair between each of you so I can sit beside you. We're going to try a little one on one training and see if it benefits the class. Aside of that pass your homework forward so I can look it over."
The class all shuffled around at Naruto's odd order and spread out after Naruto collected their homework. "While I look these over get out a fresh scroll and wait for me to sit down with you. Shadow clone jutsu!" Eleven Narutos appeared, picked up a homework scroll each and sat with the student whose scroll they had. The collective thought of the class was 'What the fuck? How can he make so many without dying of chakra exhaustion?' but when several of them asked the shadow clones told them it was irrelevant but their homework wasn't.
While Naruto's class was being taught by shadow clones Naruto himself was taking notes on the fuinjutsu textbooks he had. A few had some good points but most of them were very lacking. 'I really have my own ideas down solid but I need a writer to collaborate with that knows basic seals. These writers don't know squat! I need to make it all accessible to my students but I've never written a book damn it!'
The clones soon found that the individual training actually was a big plus. Many of the repeated little mistakes in his student's kanji could be ironed out so he could get them practicing stuff they were really having problems with as opposed to repeating all of their kanji endlessly. The students also seemed to respond positively to the individual attention. Even the ever-whining Tortoise was making progress and several comments such as "I understand now!" and "Oh, now I get it!" seemed to be going through the classroom.
Konoha Ninja Academy
While Naruto was teaching his class Maya was being accosted by Sasuke. Maya wanted to talk to Hinata-chan about what happened last night but now she had to deal with the biggest ego in her class instead. "Maya-chan, I've been meaning to talk to you." said Sasuke with a warm smile.
Maya turned to him and said, "What do you want Uchiha? I'm busy."
Sasuke chuckled. "I was just curious if that Hyūga maid of yours passed along my message. I'm surprised one of the high and mighty Hyūgas would serve in another household than their own. I guess she sees you as a Lady of true caliber at the top. I couldn't agree more."
Maya's eyes narrowed. "She mentioned that you stopped by while I was out having dinner with friends. She also said you were very arrogant."
"A mere maid has no place to pass judgment on an Uchiha." said Sasuke. "Besides, I could have taken you to any of the finest restaurants in town. Unlike other unmentionables I have plenty of money. I came out last night to ask you to join me for dinner. What do you say? It will get you away from that two-timer Uzumaki. I saw him take his so called 'student' out to dinner after they left the armory. Why settle for that kind of trash when you could have a nobleman like me that could provide you with everything your heart could possibly desire?"
Maya changed tactics. "You really are stalking Naruto-kun aren't you?! I thought Naruto-kun was joking when he said it, but you actually are following him around!"
Sasuke's eyes got wide. "I am not stalking him! I simply passed by them there and he and that purple haired girl seemed to be having a wonderful time together when he should have been paying attention to you. It breaks my heart to see someone as noble as yourself on the road to heartache because of a clown like him! Come with me Maya-chan." he said as he gently grasped her wrist.
Maya's eyes flashed in anger as she ripped her arm from his grasp. "Don't touch me Uchiha! -or I'll cut you down where you stand!" The look in Maya's blue eyes and the killing intent she was throwing off made Sasuke recoil a bit. He'd never admit it but Maya had him seriously frightened.
Sasuke shook his head and said, "I'll be waiting for you when you change your mind. Know that my feelings are true unlike Uzumaki's." Then he stalked off.
After he left; Hinata (of all people) said, "You really should have just kicked his ass Maya-chan. That would have shut his arrogant mouth." Realizing what she just said; Hinata blushed bright red and said, "Eeep! I apologize everyone; that was terribly improper of me." Emi, Kiba and Choji all cracked up into laughter at Hinata's brutally honest comment.
"So who is this mysterious purple haired chick that Naruto took out on a date?" asked Ino suspiciously.
Maya said, "When we went out to dinner last night Naruto explained that one of his students hadn't ever experienced the wonders of Ichiraku's Ramen so he took her there for a bowl. He takes all his friends there for a bowl if he finds out they've never been so he can convert them to the faith."
"That's true." said Kiba. "I know he's taken me, Shikamaru and Choji. I'm sure he's already taken Hinata and Maya as well."
"He took me too." said Emi. "That place is awesome!"
"I wonder why he's never taken me then?" asked Ino.
Emi said, "I don't think you ever showed interest in being his friend Ino. No offense but until recently you and Sakura where fawning over the Uchiha. I guess Sasuke acting like such a total asshole opened you two's eyes a bit."
Ino said, "I'd be his friend if he asked me!" in self defense.
Maya was about to say something really cutting about Ino being interested since she found out Naruto was a prince but Hinata placed her hand on Maya's shoulder and shook her head 'no.' Maya decided that Hinata-chan was right and just stayed silent instead of getting into a pointless argument…
ANBU Headquarters
Naruto's fuinjutsu class actually lost track of time and ran a half hour late much to everyone's shock. Usually they were all watching the clock on the wall and were ready to bolt at 4 P.M. sharp. Naruto asked his class before he dismissed them, "Do you think this works better? All in favor of the one-on-one teaching please raise your hands." Seeing every student raise their hands Naruto nodded. "Then we'll continue this way and see how it pays off." After that he dismissed the class and sent a shadow clone to meet the girls with a message that he would be late and needed to talk to the Hokage. Naruto really wanted to see Hinata-chan and Maya-chan but seeing Hokage-Jiji at the moment was very important.
Naruto visited with Hikari for a few minutes after class and then rocketed off to the Hokage Tower. He saw the window to the Hokage's office was open and decided to not mess with the secretary and showed himself in. Hiruzen was taking a small break from his paperwork and was enjoying a little Icha Icha quality reading that his student Jiraiya gave him before it came out to press. He also had a picture of Hanako-chan in a striped bikini when she was young that Jiraiya slipped in there that he was using as a bookmark. Hiruzen really didn't know what to think of that little gift or how Jiraiya even obtained it. Part of him wanted to thank the stars for this little trinket but another part of him wanted to hide it in a safe for fear of Hanako-chan finding out.
"Damn; what a babe she was." thought Hiruzen aloud as he admired the black and white photo of Hanako once again and giggled perversely.
"What a babe who was Jiji?" asked Naruto from over Hiruzen's shoulder. The Hokage nearly jumped out of his skin and Naruto reached out and nimbly snatched the picture out of Hiruzen's hand before the old man could hide it away. Naruto laughed and jumped out of the old man's grasp before he Hiruzen could catch him. Naruto read the back aloud. "Hyūga Hanako, age seventeen at the beach in Moon Country." Naruto looked at the strong resemblance between Hanako and her two granddaughters. Hinata was built just like Hanako but Hanabi seemed to have inherited Hanako's facial features. Hinata had taken more after her mother Himawari facially. To Naruto; Hinata-chan was even more beautiful (not that Hanako hadn't been a total knockout –she still was a very striking woman).
Naruto grinned mischievously. "Hmmm…Who'd have thought Hanako Obaa-sama was such a hottie when she was young? No wonder Hinata-chan is so beautiful! More importantly; who would have thought that our honorable Hokage-sama would be in here getting full timber for her in his office? (chuckle) Oh, the blackmail material is priceless…I guess she wore her hair up in a ponytail back then too –not that you were looking there. So tell me Jiji; how much will you give me for my silence?" asked Naruto with an evil smile.
Hiruzen said. "You're being absolutely cruel Naruto! How could you deny a poor old man some of the simple pleasures in his life?"
Naruto laughed. "Flattery about my cruelty will get you nowhere with me Jiji! But I did need something from you and I reckon this little tidbit will give me all the leverage I need."
Seeing his 'poor old man' routine was having no effect on Naruto; Hiruzen decided to bite the bullet and said, "Fine Naruto-kun. What is your price for silence and for returning my picture to me?"
Naruto sat down and relaxed. "I need help writing a book Jiji. All the textbooks on introductory fuinjutsu out there suck! I've gone through thirty-six of them and I've decided that in order to teach my class right I have to write my own. I need a co-writer that knows basic seals to make it accessible to beginners. I have an outline, but I haven't got a clue how to write a textbook. Can you help me Jiji?"
Hiruzen was a bit stunned. 'He'd go this far to teach his students properly?' "You have a very admirable goal there Naruto-kun and I believe I know just who can help you. He was one of my own students; Jiraiya of the sannin. He's wanted to meet you for a long time now anyway."
"Why would one of the sannin want to meet me?" asked Naruto curiously.
"He has personal reasons." explained the Hokage. "He was your Father's sensei and due to his duties outside the village he couldn't be part of your life like he wanted to. He's also a seal master and a prolific writer. I believe once you get to know him, he would be happy to teach you a lot. I'll make arrangements for you two to meet. If anyone could help you with this project, I'd say he can. What do you say Naruto-kun?"
Naruto's instincts told him there was more to it but he really needed help with this book. "Alright Jiji; we have an accord." Naruto handed the picture of Hanako back to the Hokage who quickly stashed it away faster than Naruto's eyes could follow. "Well, I'd better get going Jiji…If you really do like Hanako-Obaa-chan maybe you should ask her out. You two might get along really well. I mean, the worst thing that could happen is she'd say 'no.' On the other hand of course, you could end up dead in a ditch beside the road somewhere too…probably in a foreign country where your body would never be found."
"You really do know how to bolster my confidence Naruto-kun." said Hiruzen in a very flat tone.
Naruto gave him a vulpine smile. "Hey, you know I'm all about moral support –ttebayo! I'll show myself out." said the prankster as he let himself out through the still open window.
"ANBU Brat indeed." Hiruzen shook his head and looked at an empty wall after Naruto left. "Well, what do you think of your Godson now that you've seen him up close Jiraiya?"
Jiraiya became visible and said, "It's hard to believe a sixteen-year-old boy wants to write a fuinjutsu textbook. He is right though, everything in print on the market is garbage." Jiraiya then said, "He's definitely Kushina's son though. He has that gleam in his eye that shows he's always up to or thinking about something. Minato and Kushina would be proud of him for being that dedicated to teaching others. I notice he has Kushina's verbal tic too." chuckled the toad sannin. "It must be genetic." With that Jiraiya body flickered home.
Uchiha Clan District
Uchiha Sasuke was looking at a picture of Maya they had taken when the Advanced Genin Class was announced by Iruka. She was wearing her colorful red and blue that she was known for before they became known as the ANBU Brats. Of course, she would look best in a suitable high collared kimono with the Uchiha Fan on the back. Sasuke certainly had plans for Natsume Maya but she was far too fiery as things stood. Nevertheless, Sasuke was confident he could tame her given a little time. 'What does she see in that fool Uzumaki?!' Sasuke thought to himself for the thousandth time.
Then there was Tomoe Hikari…Sasuke couldn't have her as the matriarch of his clan but she was an exquisite piece of work. All he really knew about the beautiful girl was she was in ANBU so she had to be strong. She wasn't in the same league as Maya of course but she could certainly help Sasuke rebuild the Uchiha Clan. She would be in a place of high standing as Uchiha Sasuke-sama's mistress. None of her children could succeed him as clan head or for all that matter would be as strong or pure blooded as his children with Maya but still he had a clan to populate and would need strong kunoichi to bear his children…What disgusted Sasuke was Hikari seemed to have an interest in Uzumaki Naruto as well. There was also the fact she called him Naruto-sensei. Sasuke overheard the conversation about Naruto teaching others how to play pranks…What else was Naruto good for?
Sasuke figured he could manipulate Naruto into spilling the beans about whatever his supposed 'class' was about. Uzumaki was a natural braggart (always had been) so it shouldn't be too difficult to convince him to tell whatever he was teaching. It was a fact that whatever Uzumaki Naruto could do that Uchiha Sasuke could utterly dominate him. If only Sasuke could figure out whatever spell Naruto had over Maya…
Senju Clan Compound
The Senju family was sitting down to dinner now that Jiraiya was home. Tsunade smiled in approval as Mito told them about her day. "It sounds like you've made a new friend here in Konoha Mito-chan; I'm glad. Hanabi-chan sounds like a nice girl. I'm planning to go over to pay a visit to Hanako-sama soon anyway. I have some business I need to discuss with her so maybe you can play with Hanabi-chan in the meantime."
"Can we invite them over here Kaa-chan?" asked Mito. "I want to show Hanabi-chan my room."
Jiraiya ruffled Mito's hair. "We need to finish renovating the Senju Clan Compound before we can start entertaining guests Mito-chan. Your room isn't even painted yet. You can invite your friend Hanabi-chan over here when it's all done."
Does that mean more genin squads are going to be here tou-san?" asked Mito pouting.
"Yes Mito-chan." said Tsunade. "Most of the place is cleaned up but there's still a lot to do. No one has lived here or maintained the place since I left with Shizune a long time ago."
"Don't worry Mito-chan." said Shizune in a reassuring tone. "Soon enough everything will be done and you can invite your friend Hanabi-chan over. For now, you just have to be patient."
Natsume Clan Home
Naruto got home from blackmailing the Hokage and picking up some new blank scrolls to work on. He'd been seriously studying the caged bird seal and if things went as planned this evening he would finally have it. Of course, He also wanted to sit down in private with Hinata-chan and Maya-chan. 'So much to do; so little time…the girls take precedence. I'll get the finishing touches on that counterseal tomorrow.' That decided, our unsuspecting hero headed into the house and announced, "I'm home!"
In the study…
Hanako had both Hinata and Maya sitting in front of her as she addressed them. "I know you girls are going to legally be considered adults soon and both of you are showing all the signs that you're more than eager to engage in sexual activities with Naruto-kun." Hanako held up her hand to forestall any arguments from the two blushing girls. "It's only natural and I was the same way when I was your age. I lost my virginity younger than I'd care to admit and I suspect you both will too. That being said I want you to both make sure your first time is special and not some spur of the moment thing where you lose yourself to passion."
"Last night you would have been in bed with Naruto-kun all night and possibly ended up pregnant if I hadn't intervened Hinata-chan." said Hanako. "You're a healthy young woman and Naruto-kun is a healthy young man. I'm not trying to embarrass you and I wasn't spying on you. I could hear the two of you moaning out in the hallway. For future reference get Naruto-kun to put up some silencing seals for everyone's sake. Heaven knows what Hanabi-chan would have thought if she heard all that noise and activated her byakugan." Hinata was blushing so red she thought she was going to pass out and Maya's brain was spinning with all kinds of scenarios. She and Hinata-chan were discussing exactly what had happened between Hinata and Naruto-kun just before Obaa-chan called them in…
Seeing the girl's brains were off in outer space Hanako said to them, "Pay attention!" in a commanding tone. Maya and Hinata both snapped to attention at her words. "There's a jutsu I'm going to teach you that is used for seduction missions. It will prevent you from getting pregnant no matter how heated the action gets. Frankly I don't know if they even teach it anymore but I used it as an effective means of birth control for decades. You two will learn it before you are going to be engaging in any sexual activities; do you understand? I'm teaching you this for your sake, so I want you to learn it to protect yourselves."
Both girls were blushing but answered, "Yes, Hanako Obaa-chan."
Hanako sighed. She remembered how embarrassed she had been when her own Mother forced her to learn this jutsu. It was a good thing too because she lost her virginity to her first boyfriend the very next night…'I was so out of control at their age. I hope they take it a little slower than I did.' she thought to herself. "Alright girls; here are the hand signs…"
Back at the front door…
"I'm home!" was all Naruto got out before an impassioned pair of lips crashed into his own and he was tackled to the floor.
He tasted sake on those cold, wet lips as he heard Natsu's voice moan out in passion. "Oh Uzumaki-san, you are every young maid's dream man. I lloovvee you and your magnificent cleaning seals!"
Naruto screamed in terror as the drunken kunoichi maid attempted to have her way with him. By the time the rest of the household arrived (including a terrified Hinata and Maya at Naruto's scream) Natsu was unconscious on top of Naruto and limp as a rag doll…
Maya and Hinata looked at Natsu and then saw the horror in Naruto's eyes. He stuttered out, "I-I think she's d-dead…"
Hanako face palmed and pulled the seemingly dead maid off Naruto's quivering form with no gentleness at all. Rolling Natsu over on her back to check if the normally prim and proper maid was alive, she smelled a bit of sake on the younger woman's breath. "She's not dead Naruto; she's just dead drunk! Get up so you can carry her back to her bedroom. Stop shaking and follow me."
Naruto was blushing red as a tomato as he carried the kunoichi maid to her room and gently sat her on her bed. He saw Hanako looking at a bottle of sake that was three fourths empty. Hanako shook her head and said "Tsk! I had no idea Natsu-san was such a lightweight. This is all it took to make her pass out? A real Hyūga woman wouldn't even be tipsy at this pathetic amount!" Turning to Naruto; Hanako asked, "Did Natsu-san do or say anything before she passed out?"
Naruto said, "She jumped on me and kissed me full on the mouth and then I had to fight her off before she raped me! She slurred out something about loving me and my cleaning seals and then passed out. Is she insane?"
Hinata and Maya were both in the doorway and saw red hearing Naruto's confession. "I'll kill that harlot! " they said as one. The two were barely being held at bay by their panicking and confused younger sisters. Naruto was frightened at the girl's combined killing intent and hoped they wouldn't kill him as well (He figured Natsu was a goner and had already written her off).
Finally, Hanako had enough pandemonium and said in a voice of an ANBU Commander, "Everybody to the front room! Move!" The kids all scrambled out of Natsu's room leaving the unconscious young kunoichi maid to sleep off her drunkenness and Hanako locked the door behind them on the way out. 'Teenagers…Well, hopefully that will keep Hinata-chan and Maya-chan from murdering Natsu-san in her sleep.' In a house full of mostly hormonal children; Hanako Obaa-chan just couldn't seem to get a break this evening…
Well, another chapter in the books. It seems that Naruto and Sasuke are gearing up for a head on collision over certain ladies. Hanabi and Mito seem to be on their way to becoming friends. Naruto has yet to have a heart to heart with Hinata and Maya (Natsu wasn't much help there). On the other hand Natsu loves cleaning seals and is helpfully educating the younger members of the Natsume household about the evils of not drinking alcohol in moderation. See you next time. Blue out. 6/12/23