
Naruto: Corrupting my Naruto

*advance chapters free until 31st October 2024 on p*treon: SolaveViolet Reincarnating in Naruto was less than an ideal condition. Being an orphan was a major setback. And not being able to use chakra, that was fatal. I was not someone who could work restlessly like Guy and Lee, nor was I interested in putting my life at risk for making money. I could as well become a shopkeeper and become rich with all the knowledge of the modern world I had, but I was sure to die if a rock fell on me. So I looked at the lonely blonde boy with whiskers, and then at myself being mocked by other little shits for not being able to use chakra. So I decided. Naruto needs a friend, and I need a savior. I will make my Naruto the strongest, and I will support him throughout his life in return of protecting me. I will corrupt him be not being able to live without me.

SolaceViolet · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs


(Itachi's PoV)

"Nii-san, teach me taijutsu! I always get one-shotted by Naruto!"

"Another time, Sasuke."

"But-! Fine! Go away!"

I could only watch as Sasuke turned his back and ran away from the training ground in frustration.

Sigh... I am sorry Sasuke, about what I am going to do.

"You have a rather adorable little brother, Itachi."

I recognised this voice immediately.

"Madara. Don't dare touch Sasuke."

"Yeah yeah. I have no interest in an untalented kid. I just want revenge on the Uchiha clan. Buy, are you really upto it? If you want, I can do this alone-"

"I will do it. You take care of the police force."

"...Alright. I will be waiting for your signal in a week."

In a swirl, Madara disappeared.

Madara Uchiha is a threat, and can't be trusted. But Space-Time Ninjutsu is very difficult to deal with.

If I want to defeat him, I will have to first catch him in Tsukuyomi to prevent him from using his Mangekyo Sharingan, then using the limited time frame to use Amaterasu.

But it is highly possible that Tsukuyomi won't work as it should because he has Mangekyo Sharingan.

And Amaterasu is very slow. I need something that can kill him with just a touch.

Will Shiori's predictions give me a hint about his jutsus weakness?

...No. I shouldn't put her in danger of Madara this way. It's best that I don't go near her for any prediction.


The week has almost passed. Tomorrow is Sasuke's seventh birthday, which has given the excuse for the whole clan to be inside the village.

A perfect guise for coup.

"WHAT!? I thought that it was 500,000 for all the seven!"

Hmm, so Izumi is gifting Shiori's poster to Sasuke. They are way overpriced, but the village needs to buy everything because of possible future predictions.

"Izumi-san, I have been selling at this rate for more than a year now. Is it my fault that you didn't let me complete my sentence and ran off?"

"You... You didn't have this signboard that day!"

"Because I was just opening my shop."

It seems like there is a big argument.

"Fine! Then I will just take one!"

"No. You need to take all. You ordered them, so if you don't take them, all my hard work will go to waste! Who will buy it then?"

Well, the village will... But Izumi doesn't know that.

"You! You scammer! Do you really think your drawings are worth that much!? The shop on the next street draws better than you, and charges way less!"

"Don't make excuses. And For your information, even if I just stick a banana on a paper, I can sell it too. I am not a scammer. Just a great businessgirl."

"I am not paying! You think you can scam me huh!?"

All the people in the surrounding started murmuring.

'An Uchiha causing trouble again huh.'

'They really disturb businesses.'

'Shouldn't they feel shameful for troubling a little girl?'

'Oh you don't know. I heard that they beat a vegetable selling old lady with a stick.'

'Those brutal guys...'

I should intervene.


"Oh, Itachi. I was just buying a present for Sasuke."

"Let me pay."

"Oh no no no! How could I let you do that!?"

Shiori scowled at us, and shouted.

"You lovebirds! Pay me my money and leave. You are causing problem for other customers!"

"L-lovebirds!? There is nothing like that! Ha ha?"

Ignoring Izumi, I decided to just get over with it, and take a look at the posters regarding Sasuke too.

"How much?"

"Three million for the six posters, and I was going to give one for free. But not anymore. She called me a scammer, so I will file a defamation-"

I handed her four million, and she went quiet. Then, she smiled at me.

"Thanks for your patronage! I forgive her, so no need to worry. I hope our business relationship wouldn't get ruined over such a trivial matter."

"Thank you."

Taking Izumi's hand, I left the market.




Izumi was still blushing, and avoiding my eyes.

"Can I take these to get them framed?"

"O-of course!"

"Thank you."

And sorry. I will have to kill you tomorrow.

I went to a safe place, and started looking at all the seven posters.

The first one was an adult Izumi consoling an adult Sasuke that his wife will give safe birth.

Sasuke looks nice. So will he marry? Who?

The second one was Izumi giving an eight-nine year old Sasuke a bento.

The third one was Izumi hugging me while crying. And I am wearing ANBU gear. Moreover, it feels like something that will happen tomorrow.



The fourth one had Jiraiya-sama, with one arm, dying by drowning in water. Smiling and thinking, 'I leave the second child of prophecy to you, Izumi-chan.'

What does he mean by child of prophecy? This can only be about Sasuke...

It seems Sasuke has a big role in the world. As expected.

...And Izumi will play a big role in his life.

What's in the rest of the posters?

The fifth one was a teenage Sasuke and adult Izumi standing in front of a grave. And it wasn't in Konoha. It looked somewhat like the Uchiha hideout.

This is about me....

The sixth one is Izumi of current age looking at my photo, while muttering, 'Why did you do it, Itachi?'

Does this mean that I erase her memories about the coup?

Thinking about it, if she has knowledge of the coup, Danzo wouldn't let her live.

The last one is a teen Sasuke and an adult Izumi facing Orochimaru.

'Orochimaru doesn't look like this... What are those horns? Is it because of senjutsu?'

Izumi is saying, "Cancel all the Edo Tenseis."

And Orochimaru is saying, "Kukukuku, I will take your body!"


It seems like Izumi shouldn't be killed. But not killing her will only keep Danzo on the edge, and he will most likely kill her, even if she doesn't have any memories of the coup.

He didn't trust Shisui, so he absolutely won't trust Izumi.

And Sasuke being 'second child of prophecy' will make him greedy.

There is also the danger of Orochimaru. Edo Tensei... I cannot have any dead body of the Uchiha clan for Orochimaru to take. And I also have to make preparations so that Orochimaru can't take over Izumi, or Sasuke's body.

Wait... How even will Orochimaru get DNAs for Edo Tenseis? He can sneak in, or...

If Sasuke and Izumi are still alive at that point, and somehow Danzo can't do it himself, what if Danzo is using Orochimaru to kill them?

That's... seems very possible...

No. I can't let them be in danger. I must get rid of both Danzo and Orochimaru. But how?

Oh. That should work.

Let's remove one poster, where Izumi is looking at my poster and asking 'Why did I do it?'. This will make Hokage-sama follow me.

And replace this one with another poster.

'Mangekyo Sharingan!'

I took out my pen, and got to work.