
Naruto: Cool Shinobi

Cool Shinobi doing cool shit. This is the story of a shinobi who stays true to himself and no matter the peril becomes a cool shinobi. Its a medium paced story and if you like a smart and strong, but not socially awkward MC, then this if your fic.

lbj_169 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Training with Peers

Nobita was watching Team 8 practicing their combat skills. It was a 1v3, with Kurenai facing off against Kiba, Hinata, and Shino. He watched them use different jutsu and was able to identify the level at which each shinobi was at.

Watching Kurenai use her Genjutsu was like a watching a masterclass, as she skillfully toyed with her students. She then finished them off with her skillful Taijutsu. She was the very definition of a strong kunoichi, as people regarded her as a prodigious Genjutsu user.

"I am sure I could learn a lot just by sparring with her, since I've never fought a Genjutsu user. Well I'm pretty inexperienced and green, so I haven't really fought too many people lol."

Kurenai: "You guys did well, but your teamwork needs to improve. Shino communicate with your teammates better, Kiba try to use Akamaru more stealthily, Hinata be more confident in your attacks. Well overall, you guys need to be able to use your strengths to compliment each other, instead of trying to do your own thing."

As Kurenai was giving feedback to her team, Nobita entered their training ground and made his way to where Team 8 was.

Nobita: "Hi guys, I'm Nobita. That was a very impressive Genjutsu Kurenai-sensei, I was amazed by how powerful a jutsu it is."

Kurenai: "Nobita?Uh..."

Kiba: "I know him, he was in our class. I believe you joined the Genin corps, correct?"

Nobita: "Haha yeah. I wasn't able to pass the test with my team, so I'm on my own."

Kurenai: "Now I remember where I heard that name! There was recently a team that completed an A-rank mission without any Jonin to help, you were on that team.

Nobita: "Yup, I was a part of that team. However, we did have other very skilled members on our team, which made the job much easier."

Shino: "But still, its very impressive you were able to complete an A-rank mission as a Genin. We haven't even done a B-rank mission yet."

Nobita: "Haha thank you. By the way, would it be possible to join the training for a bit."

Kurenai: "Sure, we're about to practice breaking out of a Genjutsu, which involves disrupting your flow of chakra. Is that fine with you?"

Nobita nodded, and a few minutes later, the 4 Genin got prepared to face Kurenai's jutsu.

Kurenai used her Tree Binding Illusion. Nobita felt as if he were trapped by a tree, and despite knowing it was an illusion, he did feel quite uncomfortable.

He calmed himself down and disrupted the flow of chakra, by temporarily stopping chakra transmission in his body, since he had high chakra control. In fact it was his best stat, and he was able to immediately break out of the Genjutsu.

Kurenai was shocked, as her eyes went wide. The other Genin were still trapped in the Genjutsu, struggling to break out.

Kurenai: "You....you broke out of the Genjutsu in mere seconds! Even experienced elite jonin take time break out of my illlusions, and you broke out of my best illusion so quickly and easily!"

Nobita: "Well I do have good Chakra control, so disrupting the flow of Chakra is pretty easy."

Soon after, the other Genin were also able to break out of the Genjutsu, but when they heard of how quickly Nobita had done it, they were amazed. Even Hinata gave a "Wow."

Nobita: "Kurenai-sensei if you don't mind, can we spar for a bit if you are not tired. I would relish the opportunity to spar with a skilled Jonin such as yourself."

Kurenai: "Sure, I am a teacher. Lets restrict ourselves to Taijutsu and non-fatal jutsu, so that there are no major injuries."

Nobita: "Agreed."

After getting a brief rest and drinking some water, Nobita and Kurenai got ready to spar. All three of the Genin students were watching intently to see how strong Nobita really was.

Nobita attacked first, using his Arhat fist technique. He used rock attack, which was a very strong punch using the technique. Kurenai was suprised with his speed, but was a Jonin and was able to counter with her Taijutsu. It was turning into a lightning fast series of strikes and one mistake could lead to losing the sparring match.

Nobita feinted a crumbling palm, only to throw a thrusting shoulder followed by a rising knee. However, Kurenai was experienced and at the last moment, withdrew from the exchange.

She started preparing some hand seals, probably to release some Genjutsu.

However, Nobita did not give her time and rushed to deliver a pressure palm. Kurenai then suddenly stopped the hand seals, and then used the body replacement jutsu. She appeared behind Nobita and it appeared she would be able to deliver a critical strike.

Just as Kurenai threw a powerful punch, Nobita evaded it with his sheer speed and reaction time, and was able to deliver his own attack.

Kurenai again evaded the punch due to her extreme speed, but as she retreated, she felt the sensation of something on her head.

It was a mini-Nobita clone, and it delivered a pressure palm to Kurenai's neck with extreme speed! She immediately fell unconscious due to the attack, and it was a clear win for Nobita, well as least in this sparring match.

The other Genin were spellbounded, shocked, and aghast, at how a mere Genin had beated a Jonin. It was simply too unbelievable!

They rushed at him, and started asking him how he was able to do it, and how he created that mini-clone.

Kurenai soon woke up and asked: "How...how did you do that?! A mini-clone, that simply ingenious!"

Nobita: "Haha I have been practicing fundamental jutsus for a while, and had an idea to make a smaller version of a clone. It was a practical idea, since it does not take much chakra to execute and it can latch on to my opponent's body. When I threw that punch, I knew that there was a strong chance you might dodge it, so I prepared a backup plan, which was to throw my mini-clone on to your head, and let him finish the job."

Kurenai gulped, "That's incredible! In all my years, I haven't seen the clone jutsu be used like that! But you also had great agility and strength, I mean you were able to counter each of a Jonin's moves, that's amazing. How are you on the Genin corps?"

Nobita: "Well thanks to being on the Genin corps, I have had much time to train myself and become stronger. Traditional education is not my way of doing things, it all has to be self-led and motivated."

The four shinobi then went to a restaraunt post practice and talked about how Nobita had improved so significantly in the past few months. Nobita was also able to get tips on how to use his strength better whether it be when using his Taijutsu or other basic jutsu. Kurenai told him he was welcome to join their practice whenever.