
Chapter 93 Desert Wind

-Land of Wind-

Two figures were making their way through the hot desert both wearing large brim hats to help keep the sun off them. It had been a long trip and not an easy one as crossing a desert was a grueling and dangerous experience if you weren't prepared.

"Hot...hot...hot...hot," Naruto kept muttering as he walked with Jiraiya.

"It's a desert of course it's hot," Jiraiya spoke up getting a little annoyed, he never liked the desert and listening to him go on about how hot it was kept him from trying to take his mind off the heat.

"Well how much longer?" Naruto asked wiping the sweat from his brow.

"You can see those mountains in front of us?" He asked his student.


"Well that's Suna and that's where we're going."

Naruto looked at it, it was still a bit far but at least it was within sight. "So why are we here?"

"You need work on your wind jutsu skills and Suna is one of the best places to find someone who could teach you a few things." Jiraiya also didn't say that Suna was a fortress as well. They could safely be here for awhile leaving them plenty of training time and also he could get some work done.

Naruto thought about it, he never could get the wind armor working properly plus he could learn something really cool. He thought about it and if he remembered Gaara's big sister had wind jutsu skills.

"I think there might be someone I can ask for help or at least she can point us in the direction of someone that can."

Jiraiya figured since Naruto had done well with a sword teacher and had survived that training then maybe he would give Naruto a chance with this.

It was still an hour before they found themselves at the entrance to Suna, the giant split in the rock walls were huge and they could see many Sand Ninja guarding the entrance. Jiraiya knew that although there was a renewed peace agreement there would still be some hurt feelings on both sides. When people fought, people died and it was the living that had the resentment in their hearts towards those that caused the loss of someone important in their lives.

One of the ninja called for them to halt as they did, one of the ninja came out of the shadow towards them.

"State your business." He told them.

Jiraiya stepped forward and pulled off the hat and even pulled out a Leaf forehead protector. He kept it on him even though he never wore the thing anymore simply because sometimes you just needed something to identify which village you belonged to. Plus not everyone knew him on sight.

"Konoha Leaf ninja Jiraiya and his student." He proclaimed and seeing the man flinch he knew that his name and reputation preceded him.

"O-oh of course sir," He looked over his shoulder and made a hand signal to stand down. "I still need to ask your business, even though we are allies."

"Of course, we're here to see..." He paused to look at Naruto.

"We came to see Gaara." Naruto offered.

That got an even bigger reaction from the man, "Y-you actually wanted to see him?"

Naruto didn't like the way the guy said it but remembered that Gaara hadn't been the most...stable of people. He kind of hoped the guy was doing better, he seemed to be doing better the last time they talked so who knew?

"Well you heard the kid," Jiraiya said to the man with a smile. "The kids are friends so we were in the area and he just wanted to see him."

"Friends?" The man asked not sure he heard him right.

"Yep." Naruto said simply at least he got that impression from Gaara the last time they talked.

The man looked confused as he excused himself so Naruto and Jiraiya were left to wait, at least they were allowed to wait in the shade of the mountain path. It felt good to get out of that hot sun after walking in it for so long. After some time he came back and told them to follow him as he led them through the path.

Naruto had never seen Suna before so he wasn't sure what to expect but his eyes widened as he saw that the entire village was surrounded by the mountains, it was like someone had hollowed out mountain. The entire village was built in these round shaped buildings, Naruto looked around taking it all in.

He didn't have much time to look around as a few familiar faces came walking up to them. Up in front was Gaara with his siblings behind him and their jonin instructor as well.

"Hey Gaara!" Naruto waved to him and he actually saw Gaara seemed to relax a little he didn't smile but he did seem a bit more 'open' was the best Naruto could describe it.

"It's...good to see you," Gaara said almost unsure of the actual correct response it seemed.

His siblings shared a look between them, slowly they had been noticing little changes in Gaara since they left Konoha but this was the first time their little brother actually said something like that to anyone. He did greet them both now but he never said that it was 'good to see you', usually it was just a simple hello with him.

"Yeah same here." Naruto grinned at him.

Baki the team's sensei cleared his throat as he looked to Jiraiya. "Although we do accept our allies here I am left wondering, what is if that brought you here."

"I'm taking Naruto here training and I need someone to help him with his wind chakra." Jiraiya explained. "He said that there was someone here that might help with that."

"Who would that be? We do have plenty of wind users here after all." Baki looked to the boy.

"Well I was hoping she could help," Naruto pointed to Temari as everyone looked to her.

"Wait...me!?" Temari blinked a few times, why on earth was he picking her then it hit her. "Is this because I'm the only person you know here that can use wind chakra?"

Naruto tried not to show on his face that was the reason but he was never really good at hiding his emotions. He fidgeted a little on the spot as he noticed everyone looking at him very closely. "Well, I also know that you're really good and I figured you would help."

Temari raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms, "And why would you think that?"

"Uh..." He tried to think of something. "Because we're allies and you'd want to help promote ties with Konoha?"

Temari thought about that, but she needed a bit more.

"Because I'm asking you to," Gaara suddenly said surprising everyone. Temari looked at her little brother as she had to pause at that. Gaara never asked anything from anyone as far as she could remember and he didn't ask in a threatening manner. Like 'do this or die' like he used to, this was an honest request from him.

Temari sighed as she couldn't really refuse that, Gaara had been making small steps toward being more social and if she just denied his first request of her she knew it might set him back a little. Plus she was his sister and she couldn't really go against family.

"Fine, but what about our missions?" Temari looked to Baki. "We can't just hang out for however long this will take."

"She's right," Kankuro nodded. "Our village lost a lot of people and we all have to pull it together to help keep up the image of our strength of one of the other villages might start to think that the Sand could be taken down."

"They make good points," Baki spoke up thinking about it.

"Well would one month be okay?" Jiraiya asked. "Maybe less if he really needs it, I can help out in the area for a short time and it's not like we can spend too much time in one place anyway."

Baki thought about it, at the moment they didn't have any missions and they could have Jiraiya replace Temari for a short time, hell the kinds of mission he could pull off would be a very big help to the Sand not to mention it would also help improve their alliance again. If he brought this up to the council he was sure they would take it, they weren't exactly desperate for help but any help would be needed.

"I think we can work something out." Baki nodded.


Sitting at a cafe was Anko with both Shizune and Kurenai, the two of them started to bring Shizune into their little group slowly when she first arrived and now she was hanging out with the two friends. They liked her, she was a little quiet but she was fun. Plus Anko found out that when you get a few drinks into Shizune she started to loosen up a bit for some fun. But now she wasn't enjoying herself, in fact for the past couple of months she had been deep in thought.

"Anko!" Kurenai shouted bringing the purple haired woman out of her thoughts.

"What?" She asked.

"You've been lost in thought a lot lately and I've been trying to get your attention." Kurenai looked at Anko with some concern.

"Is there something bothering you?" Shizune asked next.

Anko sighed she hadn't told them anything yet on Kakashi's offer for her to move in with him. She had been thinking about it all this time, he hadn't asked her about it since, hadn't pressured her, he was giving her plenty of room and time to come to a decision and part of her kind of wished he would push so it would at least give her a direction to either go with or against. She felt like she was cast adrift unsure of where to go.

"Okay look here's the thing, Kakashi asked me to move in with him." Anko sighed just getting it out there hoping it might help to unload on them.

Shizune's mouth dropped open as Kurenai's eyes widened.

"Seriously?" Kurenai asked seeing Anko nod. "Well that was bold of him, so what are you thinking?"

"Honestly I'm just not sure," the purpled haired ninja frowned. "I like my independence, my own space so if I move into his place I would lose all that."

Both of the other women took a look at each other before Kurenai spoke up first. "Well I take it you're still thinking about it though."

Anko grunted and slouched in her chair, she was still thinking about it because honestly a part of her liked the idea. She pretty much had a lot of her stuff over at his place, not to mention he had some of his stuff at hers. They were pretty much almost living together already most of the time. It was just hard for someone as independent as her to think of giving it up.

Shizune cleared her throat looking a little nervous. "I know I don't know you as much as Kurenai does but I think you just have to think what would make you happier."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," Anko sighed.

"Well if I have to say I would like to have something that you have," Shizune sighed looking down at her tea. "Being on the road all this time with Tsunade has been great for a lot of experiences but it didn't really leave much in the way of getting to know anyone that well. We were always moving never staying in the same town all that long."

"Ever since we've returned home this is the longest we've ever stayed in one place. I actually feel envious that both of you have such good relationships."

Kurenai felt for the other woman, it wouldn't have been easy being on the road all these years. She had Asuma and Anko had Kakashi but so far Shizune hadn't been able to find anyone lately. In fact looking back at the few times they all went out together Shizune seemed a bit uncomfortable at times in social circles.

Anko mulled it over, it hadn't been that long ago when she was considering ending things when Kakashi might have died because she was too scared of feeling the pain of losing someone close to her. So was this just her going through it again? Maybe so but it wasn't easy for her to accept change, hell she hated change sometimes.

"I just get why things got to change," she sighed voicing her thoughts to them slumping forward. "I like how things are, they are going good so why does he feel the need to change it?"

"Maybe he just wants to make you a bigger part of his life?" Shizune asked with a shrug.

Anko thought that over that was kind of a nice sentiment.

"I think it's nice," Kurenai told her friend. "But if you're not ready for it then just tell him that but are you sure you want your relationship to just stand still?"

Anko made a face, "Well maybe not forever...man this sucks. I have no idea what to do with this, hell this is my first damn relationship I don't know what the rules are. We've been barely seeing each other for a year now, don't you normally wait longer for that?"

"I have no idea," Shizune shrugged.

"I'm with her, Asuma and I, well that's the first really major relationship I've had in my life. Although I know that if he asked me right now...I might actually say yes to it." Kurenai paused thinking it over as she felt a nice warm feeling inside of her at the thought of it. Truth was she was starting to think that Asuma was 'the one' for her. She couldn't see her life with anyone else at the moment and she didn't want to.

"Great so that's two to one," Anko muttered as she really thought about it. "If I do this it's going to change everything, we'll have to move my stuff to his place and we'll have to figure out what goes where and what stays and what we might have to get rid of. And I'm telling you right now I am not getting rid of that tea table of mine, that thing is rare and I love it like it was my child."

Both women giggled at her antics as Kurenai thought of something that might help. "You know you could think of this as something else."

"Like what?"

"Well you keep thinking of it as his place but have you ever thought about it being your place, as in the place for the both of you?"

Anko blinked as she thought about it, she had only been thinking of it as his place and her losing her place but she never once thought of it as their place. Strangely that kind of appealed to her sense of independence a bit more.

"Huh...you know I think you might have given me something to think about." Anko would have to lay some ground rules if she did agree to this with Kakashi but she was strangely starting to warm up to it a bit more.


Naruto rolled out of the way as a razor sharp wind as it nearly cut him.

"Hey that was too close!" Naruto yelled out at the blonde haired girl. They were currently in a wide open training area which was more like a sand pit with high walls inside of the village.

"It's motivation to keep you moving a wind user is generally quick and their attacks can be quicker. You never know how they might attack." Temari told him her fan was only showing the single mark as she wasn't using the full power, at least not yet.

"You seem to be quicker but you need to learn to be more agile as well," she continued. "Wind chakra is hard to use but once you learn it, it's very deadly."

"Yeah no kidding," He muttered to himself he was glad for all that training at the beach earlier. Not to mention those sword lessons as well, both were being put to good use against Temari since he might have been seriously hurt otherwise. Why was it that it seemed all his teachers lately were trying to kill him?

"So how exactly is this going to help me?" Naruto asked her.

"You have to understand how it's used so I'm going to show you first hand. Plus I need to see how you use it yourself in combat conditions to know how well you can use it under pressure." Temari explained. "Now I want you to try and hit me with a wind based attack while I attack you."

"Alright," Naruto got his sword ready as he gathered the chakra into it and sent out his wind slash right at her. Although what he expected her to do was to get out of the way, when she didn't that's when he started to get worried.

Temari swing her fan as her own wind attack collided with Naruto's as there was a large gush of wind like a mini-wind storm for a brief moment. Sand blew all over the place as Naruto had to cover his eyes. When it all died down and he took a look there was a circular pattern between them.

"That was your best?" Temari asked a little disappointed.

"Hey! I don't go a lot of people who can train me in that plus it's kind of hard for me," Naruto had been told that wind techniques required a lot of finesse and that was something he always struggled with. All his chakra was hard to mould just right.

Temari tapped her foot as she thought about it. This was going to require some intense training to get his control up before they could start looking into new techniques.

"Alright, well if we're going to do this you're going to have to train pretty hard, that is if you can handle it."

"Do your worst." Naruto challenged.

She only grinned like a predator at that, she was going to make him regret those words.

It was late afternoon before the two of them got back to Temari's home where they were all staying. Or in Naruto's case he was dragging himself there, his clothing was all messy and cut up in some areas and if you looked close enough even some of his hair had been cut off.

The home was a bit larger than the others given that their father had been the leader of the village for many years. Temari wasn't worried about losing the place with their father gone, they more than made up for upkeep of the home with the money from their missions given that Gaara was sent out to a lot of dangerous missions.

As Temari walked through the front door she could see the living room was already occupied by Jiraiya and Baki.

"How did it go with the council?" Temari asked the adults.

"They agreed to the deal," Baki told her. "We were just going through the finer points together."

"So where's my student?" Jiraiya asked curious as to where Naruto was. He saw Temari smirk as she just stepped aside to allow Naruto to drag himself into the house. The old ninja had to stifle a laugh at how ragged Naruto looked. Although that didn't stop him from having the largest grin on his face.

Naruto noticed it and glared at the man, "What?"

Jiraiya thought back to Naruto's little prank with that Haku kid. "Just enjoying karma in action."

Naruto grumbled something under his breath as Temari led him to a guest room he would be sharing with Jiraiya.

"I didn't think you guys would have a guest room." Naruto spoke out loud before he could stop himself.

"It wasn't originally," Temari told him not telling him that this was their uncle's room when he lived with them originally. That is, until he had tried to murder Gaara, the room after that was left unused unless Baki was staying over with them some nights. Still they hadn't really done anything with the room other than throw out some of the more personal stuff, Gaara pretty much stayed away from the room for obvious memories it most likely brought back.

"Man I feel like I could sleep for a week." Naruto walked into the decent room and flopped onto the large bed.

"Well don't fall asleep because we're going to eat in an hour and I'm not waking you up for that." She crossed her arms. "Plus we'll have an early day tomorrow."

Naruto moaned into the pillow as he pushed his tired and aching body up. "Might as well shower then."

"Forgot where you were?" Temari asked him as she saw his questioning look and smirked as she told him to follow her. She led him to the bathroom and when it opened Naruto paused at it.

There was the toilet and a small sink but there was no bathtub or shower, instead there was this little raised square with a drain and a single faucet. Naruto wasn't sure what to make of this and looked to the older girl next to him.

"I don't get it." He told her.

"We live in the desert remember, water is kind of a rare thing around here even though we're build on top of a natural spring under us we conserve as much water as possible." She explained pulling a small bucket out of a cabinet and a wash cloth. "You put the water in this bucket and use this to wash yourself down giving yourself a sponge bath."

"What, really?" He looked at the items and then at the faucet. "How come there isn't two knobs?"

"You mean hot and cold?" She asked as he saw him nod. "No hot water."


"Again, we're in the desert," Temari said flatly. "You spend all day in the heat and you want to put hot water on yourself on top of it?"

"Oh...okay that makes sense," Naruto thought about it, sure hot water would feel great on his aching muscles but he had been baking in the sun all day and cool water would feel nice.

"I'll leave you to it," Temari handed him the items walking out but stopped. "Just so you know I lock the door when I'm in here."

"I wouldn't peek I already got a girlfriend!" Naruto told her.

"Good to know," She told him closing the door leaving Naruto alone.

He looked down at the bucket and clothing and sighed as he started to strip down, he might as well get this over with.


Anko set down the box as she stretched out her back. "You know you never know just how much crap you acquire in life until you actually start to pack it all up."

"Well you didn't have to say 'yes' you know," Kakashi said wrapping up another box in Anko's apartment.

"Hey, you offered and you might as well help me with all of this since this is going to your place." She told him as they had just starting packing things up at her apartment. She had taken some time to think about it and had finally made a decision to move in with him.

"So what are you going to do with the furniture?" He asked her.

She looked around, "I think my couch would look better at your place."

"I have a couch."

"Mine's better plus it goes well with your place better than yours."

Kakashi blinked and looked at her couch, "Really?"

"Trust me."

"You're not trying to start systematically replacing all my stuff with yours are you?"

"No just the couch, for now at least," She thought about it. "If this is going to be our place I want at least some of my stuff there. The rest we can get rid of, maybe give it away or something."

Kakashi thought about it and it did make sense that she would want some of her stuff at his place. He had some room but not everything could stay. "As long as we talk about it together what stays and what goes."

"Of course," she picked up a box and set it down to a pile off to the side.

Kakashi worked for a bit before stopping, "I thought you liked my couch?"

"It's okay but it's got that stupid depression in it hurts my lower back if I'm lying on it for awhile. Plus the color really doesn't go with your living room." She explained.

Kakashi had to admit that one of the cushion was a bit bad but he wasn't sure on the color part, at least he thought it looked good but then again he would admit style wasn't his best talent in life. Still it looked like he was headed for a small battle on how their place was going to look from now on.

He mentally shrugged, it was a battle he would enjoy since it meant she would always be there at least.

Next up Chapter 31: Home Coming