The first thing that Kakashi noticed was that he wasn't alone in his bed. He was on his back and felt the warmth of a body pressed up against his and looked down and he couldn't help but smile. There was Anko sleeping snuggled up to him and using his shoulder to sleep on. He remembered last night and couldn't stop his smile getting larger. Last night had been the best night he had in a long time, the date had been very nice and then last night's 'activities' was more enjoyable then he thought.
He looked to see her hair was down for once and how it framed her face, she looked a lot better with her hair down like this. With his free hand he drew it up and slowly moved aside a strand of hair in her face. She looked so much peaceful asleep and he didn't want to wake her, so he just looked at her memorizing her face at this moment. She sighed as she tried to snuggle closer to him making him smirk; she was totally different in this moment.
She seemed too soft and open like this, there were no masks put in place. He felt like he could see the real her and he liked what he saw. Eventually he realized they would need to get up, in fact he really needed to pee at this moment and gently shook her shoulder.
"Anko, time to wake up." He said.
"Mmmmm, five more minutes," she muttered.
"Come on we need to get up, we can't spend all day in bed," he told her.
"Why not?"
He had to think of an answer as besides his bathroom need, he would rather spend the day in bed like this. "Naruto will be up soon and when he sees us, I'd rather not come looking for me to find us like this."
Although the mental scaring of this image would be pretty funny in Anko's opinion, she knew that he had a point. She slowly pushed herself up and stretched out yawning. She noticed Kakashi staring at her and she smirked at him going into a more sensual pose. "Like what you see?"
Kakashi really could see this being a scene from one of his favourite books, hell Anko could be a star in a movie about them. Although on second thought, he liked the idea of having her and her naked glory all to his own. "Well can't say I can see anything to complain about."
"You got that right!" Anko smiled at him and then she got a more serious face on. "Say...about last night. It wasn't a one time thing was it?"
Kakashi blinked in confusion, did this mean that she was changing her mind about this? He thought that they wouldn't have any regrets about last night but then again there was a bit of drinking but nothing too bad. He was surprised at himself how the thought of her wanting nothing more than just maybe friendship made him feel. The truth was he was actually looking forward to this, he couldn't remember ever feeling like that with another woman before.
Anko was a little nervous when Kakashi didn't say anything she wasn't looking at him and felt the bed shift. Then she felt those strong arms wrap around her body and his head nestled into her shoulder. It felt nice being held like this, in fact she never remembered anyone actually just holding her.
"To tell you the truth I don't want it to be just a one time thing," He told her. "I...well I want to try things out with you that is if you want to."
Anko gave herself a small smile as she twisted around and planted a soft kiss on his lips for her answer.
Naruto wasn't sure where he was, it was night and he looked around as he seemed to be in a wooded area but he didn't know it. He wasn't sure how long he had been walking but he just walked on. Then he heard the water and went towards it hoping to find something. By the time the forest opened up he saw a large lake.
There wasn't anything special about the area but then there was a lot of bubbling from the center of the lake. He got himself ready into a fight stance and waited but what rose up only confused the genin. He thought it was going to be some ninja or maybe a lake monster or something. Instead it looked like a large bowl of ramen with a cap on the top. Naruto blinked in confusion wondering what was going on, then the top of it opened up.
He was greeted to the sight of warm ramen in very large quantities but what he really noticed was that on a piece of naruto (the ramen), sat Hinata. Only she was sitting on it with her legs under her in a sexy like pose. He also noticed that instead of her usual clothing all she had on was her large baggy coat.
"H-hinata-chan!?" Naruto finally spoke out blushing.
"Hello, Naruto-kun," Hinata said without her stutter and in a seductive voice. He never knew that Hinata could sound so hot. She giggled at him as she gave him a heated look, "So would you like a bite to eat, Nar-u-to?"
"Uh...I'm..." Naruto's brain pretty much shut down at how she playfully said his name.
"Or would you like something else?" Hinata giggled again as her hand went to her zipper and started to slowly pull it down. Naruto couldn't stop watching as it seemed to take forever for it to go down. It was opened up and her hands went to the edges of the opening.
Then a suddenly loud noise of his alarm clock went off not only scaring him out of the dream but causing him to hit the floor.
"God dammit!" Naruto muttered into his floor. The best dream in his life and his stupid alarm clock woke him up just before the good part. He glared at the offending machine wondering how destroy the evil machine. Naruto eventually got up and turned it off feeling groggy as usual when he woke up.
He left his room to go to the bathroom but he heard his dad in the kitchen and he could smell breakfast. Seeing all that ramen had made him hungry so he went to eat first then bathroom later. He was still feeling sleepy as he walked into the kitchen and sit into his usual chair.
"Morning," he said absently.
"Hey there," Anko said cooking some eggs. "You want some eggs today?"
"Yeah sure, thanks Aunty Anko," Naruto said rubbing his eyes slowly.
Anko grinned knowing that it took Naruto a bit to fully wake up. She decided not to hide her new relationship with Kakashi from him but this was proving to be a very fun way of him finding out. She mentally counted down in her mind as she waited for his brain to process things.
Naruto froze in mid movement when he suddenly realized that Anko was there. And not only was she there, her hair was down and she was wearing only a very large shirt, one of his dad's shirts actually. She looked like she had slept here in fact.
"What the hell!?" Naruto shouted out pointing at her. "W-what are you doing here so early and dressed like that?"
"Doing here early?" Anko asked him like she didn't understand. "I've been here since last night."
" stayed the night on the couch?" Naruto hoped he was right because there was only one answer for that.
"Morning," Kakashi said in a pair of pants with a towel over his shoulders. He had just gotten out of the shower and noticed the scene in the kitchen. He sighed, he had seen this coming and knowing Anko she was going to yank Naruto's chain as much as she could.
"Morning Kashi-kun," Anko winked at him.
Kakashi blinked at the pet name and then noticed Naruto looking at him with shock. He scratched the back of his head knowing what was going on in his son's mind. So he decided to join in on the fun, mainly since Naruto not once called him sensei and all the other trouble he had caused that he never got back at him for.
"Morning Anko-chan," Kakashi went over and kissed her on the cheek. "Smells good."
"Hey I can cook too you know," she sent a mock glare at him.
"So said I was talking about the food," he said in a more seductive tone as Anko felt a kiss on her neck. She grinned at just how evil he could be and she wished she could see Naruto's face for the moment.
"What the hell is going on!?" Naruto screamed out. "When did this happen, how long was I asleep!?"
Both Anko and Kakashi gave a small laugh as Kakashi sat down with his son to explain things to him.
"Naruto last night I went on a first date with Anko and we liked it. We also like each other and we decided to try things out. So as of now, Anko and myself are dating and I really want you to be okay with this."
Naruto thought about this, he was used to his dad being single but he knew it wasn't fair of him to want him not to date. He also knew it wouldn't be right since he just started to date Hinata and he goes and tells his dad that he doesn't want him to date? He also thought about Anko, to him she was the closest thing to an aunt that he had but what would happen if she was now his dad's girlfriend?
He didn't want things to get weird but then again he couldn't really think of anyone he would be more comfortable with his dad either. Anko was fun to have around at times and she did pretty much help to raise him with his dad over the years. In a strange way his 'family' was staying the same it was just getting a new twist to it.
He looked up at his dad with a smile, "Yeah I'm okay with it."
Kakashi chuckled as he messed up his son's hair. The three of them sat down to breakfast as Anko pressed him for details on his own first date. She had to admit it was fun watching him blush when he talked about Hinata. Meanwhile Kakashi was sitting back at the site, the two of them talking over breakfast like it was the most common thing in the world. He smiled to himself at how it felt, it felt right in some strange way and he was wondering why he never tried this before.
At any rate, Naruto managed to get first dips on the bathroom, much to Anko's annoyance especially since he said she would take forever in there. He would have to patch up the hole in the wall from the cup she threw at him later for that remark.
When Naruto came back Anko and Kakashi were still at the table talking and laughing about something. He gave a small smile at the scene, they really did look good together and he couldn't remember the last time he had seen them both happy.
"Well I'm going to go see if Sasuke wants to train," Naruto said as he went to the door.
"Alright then," Kakashi said to him.
"See ya shorty," Anko said to him knowing he hated the mention of his lack of height.
Naruto got an evil grin as he waited for Anko to take another sip of her coffee. "See you later Tou-san...Kaa-san!"
Anko chocked on her coffee at being called 'mom' by Naruto. "Baka! Don't call me that yet, we've only starting dating!" Anko yelled at Naruto's laughing form. She turned to glare at Kakashi who was chuckling to himself on her reaction.
Sasuke – Naruto
The sounds of metal on metal rang through the open area of the Uchiha compound. There in an area set aside for clan training were Naruto and Sasuke training in with their swords. Sasuke was determined to become the better swordsman, but Naruto had years worth of training on him by Kakashi. But that didn't stop him from trying, in fact he was gaining in skill from theses little sparring sessions against Naruto.
Sasuke learned something new from every match and he was slowly getting used to Naruto's style. Although it was hard to totally get used to it, Naruto liked to improvise and usually came up with either unique moves, or moves that were suicidal but he pulled them off anyway. At times he wasn't sure if his friend either didn't care if he got hurt or had a death wish.
It was another thing that Sasuke had come to realize was that Naruto was his friend, his only true friend actually. Sure he thought the masked blonde as annoying and at times an idiot. But no one else pushed him like Naruto did and he had come to have something close to respect for his skills. In fact Sasuke started to look forward to their spars, Naruto was the only real challenge and ever time he beat him it felt like he had accomplished something.
But not today, even though Sasuke's katana was longer than Naruto's sword, Naruto was good and keeping out of Sasuke's reach and yet getting in closer for counter attacks. But Naruto was slow to react today, in fact he was sure that Naruto's mind wasn't even on the spar and this annoyed him. When Sasuke's blade came too close to cutting Naruto, Sasuke stepped back and lowered his sword as a way to say that the spar was over.
Naruto blinked in confusion, "Hey, what's the deal?"
"We're done."
"What!? I was just getting into it."
Sasuke gave a small grunt and turned and walked to the near by bench. "You're distracted. I nearly cut you with that last move and it's not the first time. You're too slow and if you're mind isn't on this then you'll make a mistake that will either injure yourself or me."
Naruto remembered all the lessons that his dad put him through and the first lesson was 'never lose your focus'. If he had so much had wavered his dad would give him a good hit on the head with their wooden swords to get his mind back into it. Naruto still felt he had lost a few good brain cells from that, but his father had refused to let him train with metal weapons until he could show focus.
Naruto now felt like a kid again, he knew that his mind wasn't on the fight. He didn't mean for it to happen, but after everything that was going on with his life he just couldn't help it.
Naruto sighed and walked over to Sasuke as both boys went about cleaning their blades and checking them over for any damage. Both were silent for a moment before Naruto decided to speak up.
"Sorry." He simply said and Sasuke just nodded. "A lot's been on my mind today."
Sasuke gave a small grunt of a laugh, "That's new, what is it? Is Konoha suffering from a ramen shortage?"
"Don't ever joke about that!" Naruto said horrified. That had actually happened once when he had been ten. A merchant group headed to the village had been attacked and many goods had been lost. Naruto had gone without ramen for a week before the replacements could arrive. That had been the most horrible and longest week of his life and he never wanted to go through that again.
"It's just that…well," Naruto said blushing under his mask. "I went out on a date with Hinata-chan yesterday."
"So you finally did it," Sasuke said and then seemed to be thinking on something. "Damn it, you couldn't have waited another week?"
"What do you mean by that?"
Sasuke sighed, "I had a bet placed for next week as you would finally get together."
"What the hell!? Did everyone know about her liking me but me?" Naruto shouted at him. "And how come you betted, I thought you wouldn't be into it?"
Sasuke shrugged, "I figured being on your team would give me a good idea of when it would happen. As for the first question, I think there are people in Suna who know about you and Hinata."
Naruto's head fell at that, did everyone really had known that Hinata had liked him? Plus why didn't anyone tell him that? He already felt like an idiot as he had been looking back at his life and the signs had all been there. Naruto had just thought that was how Hinata was, some best friend he was.
"Well at any rate it's about time," Sasuke said looking at his sword. "That girl has been crushing on you since I saw you two together at the Academy."
Naruto winced again at yet another reminder of his blindness. "Yeah…I think I should make it up to her. I mean, I want to show her a really good time. Hey do you have any advice for dating a girl?"
Sasuke gave him a level look, "Why would I know anything about dating?"
Naruto blinked in confusion, "But when we first met Fuzzy-brows, Neji and Tenten, Sakura-chan said that you two were dating."
Sasuke gave Naruto a look that said 'what are you a moron', before he realized who he was talking to. The Uchiha sighed, he just couldn't understand how Naruto was smart in some things and yet totally clueless with others. He explained how Sakura had asked him for a favour as she didn't want to hurt Lee's feelings at the time with a rejection. He then told him about the deal that Sakura would stop asking for dates. So far she had done just that, it wasn't that Sasuke didn't like her, it was just that he liked her better when she wasn't annoying him every day for a date.
At least she was focusing on her ninja training like a real ninja and he did consider her a friend but that had only been recently. She had proved to him after Wave that she could be a good ninja one day. But as an Uchiha he needed someone that would be good for his clan.
Naruto took all this in and frowned a bit, he had thought that Sakura had picked Sasuke over him. Although he was glad he hadn't lost, if that hadn't had happened then he would most likely be still thinking of Sakura as more than a friend. But he was dating Hinata now because of how things turned out and he was happy with it. He felt bad for Sakura though, he knew that she must still like Sasuke but to agree to that deal must have killed her inside.
"So you don't like Sakura-chan because she's not strong enough?" Naruto asked the dark haired boy.
"I just prefer more mature women," Sasuke told him. "I want someone that is sure of themselves, a strong woman, and above all someone I can respect. Sakura was just another of those damn 'fan girls' for too many years. She's grown but unless she grows up I can't see myself with her."
Naruto thought about it and grunted in frustration, he wanted to help Sakura but if she wasn't to his taste it couldn't be helped. "Then what kind of girl do you like? I mean I haven't seen you even look at a girl seriously. How do you plan to revive your clan then?"
Sasuke gave him a sharp look as he wasn't sure it was any business of Naruto's but after a few seconds he figure he might as well. Knowing him, the masked boy wouldn't give up.
"I prefer girls like that Tenten girl," Sasuke said to him. "Or at last she's the only one that is interesting. She takes the life of a ninja seriously and keeps training herself to be stronger, she's confident and also doesn't turn into a fan girl around me."
Naruto guessed he could see that although he knew something else. "You do know that I think Neji has a thing for her right?"
"He hasn't made a move so it's fair game," Sasuke said bluntly. Plus there was a little perverse pleasure in beating the Hyuga prodigy. The Uchiha and Hyuga had been bitter rivals ever since the Hyuga joined the village after the Uchiha had helped form it with the Senju clan. He saw Neji as a rival and he was determined to show that the Uchiha clan was still better by beating him.
They continued on as they moved to sharpening the blade and after ten minutes Naruto had to tell someone else what he had found out that morning.
"I also found out my dad is dating."
"Seriously?" Sasuke asked wondering who would date Kakashi Hatake. The guy had those perverted books, was never on time and was lazy. How such a legendary status he had no idea. He was wondering how much it was thanks to the eye, that Obito Uchiha had given him.
Naruto nodded his head. "Yeah…they had sex last night too."
Naruto was thankful the rooms had thick walls, he wasn't close to his dad's room and that he slept like a rock. The last thing he needed to know was if his 'Aunt' was a moaner or a screamer. The thought of them naked just sent shivers through his body, even if Anko was pretty she was still 'family' to him. Dating he could handle but no kid wants to know when one of his parents gets laid.
Sasuke wasn't sure to laugh at his misfortune or cringe in sympathy.
"It gets better too," Naruto sighed. "Remember my Aunt Anko?"
"That crazy purple haired woman?" He asked Naruto who nodded. "Yeah what about her?"
"She's the one who my dad is dating."
Sasuke blinked a few times, he remembered Anko from her training Sakura in the use of her tonfas and the woman was a bit scary. He looked at Naruto and considered what that would mean for him.
"I feel sorry for your future."
"Gee, thanks you bastard," Naruto glared at him.
"Anytime, idiot." Sasuke said with a ghost of a smirk on his face.
Anko was smiling to herself as she walked down the streets of the village. After showering at Kakashi's place she went home to change into her clothing. Apparently she also had found a summons at her place to show up to the Hokage tower when she could. The meeting hadn't been what she expected as she was now slatted to oversee the second part of the chunin exams. She had forgotten about those exams, but at least she was being given a fun part.
She really didn't want to run the first part of the exam and the last was just being a referee, which was boring. At least with the survival trail she could see some more interesting things. She would have to look over the Forest of Death soon to make sure it was ready.
Although there wasn't much to look over but you never knew what you'd find. Sometimes teams would leave traps just laying around, although that was perfectly legal it wouldn't do for them to just lay around. Plus there had been that one year one of the wild life had chewed through the gate and a bunch of genins had nearly been eaten before they got to their gate.
But that was something else to worry about, right now she was happy and she wanted to stay that way. She sighed as she thought about things, Anko could never remember feeling this happy. She stopped as the looked at her reflection in a window and thought of how Kakashi said he liked how she looked with her hair down.
'I wonder, would it be a good idea to change my hair?' Anko thought about it. Although it meant less time on her hair she liked having it up as it was more practical. Pulling on hair was a very dirty and well used trick in fighting. 'Maybe for when I'm off work then.'
It felt a little strange, her changing a little something like her hair just to please someone else. She remembered that if she ever seriously considered dating someone she wouldn't change at all. She shook her head at that, but at least Kakashi wasn't asking to her to change who she was. If he had then she would give him holy hell for it, but she had a feeling he would never do anything like that. When she first met him, she thought him an odd one but over the years she learned to really respect him. He took in a child at such a young age and raised him as best he could. Plus his skills were amazing in the field and despite his oddities he was a pretty decent guy.
'He's also gorgeous under that mask,' Anko smirked to herself. Oh yes, she had seen up close and personal the mysterious Kakashi face, and it was all hers now.
"Anko, there you are."
Anko turned surprised to see Kurenai walking towards her. Then she remembered that she was to tell Kurenai everything on her date last night. It was too late to fake not hearing her and sneaking off plus she had been stupid enough to make eye contact. It wasn't that she was embarrassed, she just wasn't into the girly stuff like Kurenai was.
"Oh hey there," Anko said as her best friend got close enough. "What's up?"
"Nothing much," Kurenai said giving Anko a bit of hope she wasn't going to ask. "So how was last night?"
'Damn. Stupid hope.' Anko thought darkly.
"Oh it was good, you know the usual stuff," Anko said to her.
Kurenai gave her a level look, after all the time she had spent listening to Anko go on and on about Kakashi, borrowing her stuff for that date and she knew that Anko had manipulated events at that lake with Asuma. Anko was not getting off with just a simple explanation. This resulted in Kurenai literally dragging her away to Anko's favourite dango shop. If there was anything that would loosen her tongue, Kurenai knew it was Anko's sweet tooth with a bribe of free dango and her own persuasive means.
If Anko knew that Kurenai could be such a manipulative women, she would have asked her to join the Interrogation and Torture department. So after about ten minutes of prying it out of her, Anko finally gave in. It wasn't that she was embarrassed she was just kind of a private person at times. She was comfortable with this and she didn't want it to turn into a big deal.
So Anko told Kurenai about the date.
"Well it seems like you have a good time," Kurenai said sipping some tea she had ordered. "I'm amazed he kept the mask on even during dinner."
"Tell me about it, I'm not sure what I spent more time on. Trying to catch him eating or talking," Anko smiled. She knew that it was just a little 'game' of Kakashi's to make people try and catch him without the mask. He had been wearing it for so long she knew that only a handful of people must know what he looked like.
"It was also fun giving Naruto a little scare in the morning," Anko chuckled.
"In the morning?" Kurenai asked. Anko had ended her story just before they got back to his place so she had no way of knowing what Anko was talking about. This gave the purple haired ninja a grin on the inside as a way of having her own little fun.
"Yeah, he walked in on me with just my panties and a shirt," Anko said with a shrug like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Why did he walk in on you like that?" Kurenai asked shocked.
"Well I did spend the night," Anko rolled her eyes like it had been a dumb question.
Kurenai's eyes widened at that, she had no idea that things had gone that far. "You mean that you and Kakashi..."
"Horizontal tango? The beast with two backs? Getting hot and heavy? Rolling in the hay?"
"Anko!" Kurenai said blushing a bit.
"Oh come on, you have to lighten up it's just sex. You are an adult right?" Anko asked the older woman. She never understood how Kurenai could be so prude when it came to sex at times. Her friend needed to loosen up at some point, especially if Kurenai ever expected to get anywhere with Asuma with an attitude like that. At this rate it would take years for them to get together if neither of them started to grow a spine and just ask the other out.
"It's just I'm not comfortable with thinking of Kakashi like that," Kurenai said to Anko. Kakashi was a friend and she really wasn't that interested in the sex lives of her friends.
"Oh really?" Anko grinned leaning forward. "You'd be amazed at what's under all that ninja gear. If you think he had a good body in a swim suit you should see what he's got under it."
Kurenai blushed even more at the lewd insinuation. "A-Anko!"
"You know I wonder if Asuma can measure up, I mean damn last night was amazing. But I doubt anyone is as good as Kakashi-kun," Anko sighed happily while noticing the growing look on Kurenai's face. It was subtle but knowing her so well she could see the other woman fighting to keep her emotions off her face. Anko had just basically insulted Asuma and now Kurenai was wrestling with defending him or not.
Anko decided to push it just a bit more. "But then again, I've seen Asuma's body and there isn't anything special that I can see."
Now Kurenai was getting angry.
"I'll have you know that I think he has a great body," Kurenai said with her anger tightly controlled.
"Whose body is great?"
Kurenai froze as she paled at that voice. She slowly turned to see none other then Asuma right behind her looking at her curiously. A snicker from Anko and Kurenai turned angrily over to her friend.
Anko had seen Asuma walking close by and thought this was the perfect opportunity to have some really good fun. Kurenai's face when she heard Asuma's voice was priceless, oh how she wished she had a camera at that point. Maybe today was going to be a good day after all as she watched Kurenai trying to talk herself out of what she had just said out loud. Anko sat back eating on her dango watching a blushing Kurenai and a confused Asuma.
'Ah dinner and a show,' Anko chuckled to herself. 'Too bad Kakashi isn't here, he would love this just as much.'
Next up Chapter 45: The Chunin Exams
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