
Chapter 27 First c Class mission

It had been a busy couple of weeks, every day team 7 usually had at least one or two D ranked mission and then trained after it. They had mastered tree walking and were learning more taijutsu skills lately as well, they were also getting used to the weights that Kakashi had put on them, he made them wear then the entire day even during the missions until they got used to them. The three genin were usually very tired at the end of the day because of it but Naruto usually was the one the bounce back first thanks to his little 'guest' in his stomach healing him.

They all had been working hard and Kakashi was proud of how they were doing, of course there were the little bumps along the way such as Naruto and Sasuke kept getting in each other's faces, Sakura usually played peace keeper but at times also had to rein in Naruto as well. It reminded him a lot of his own team when he was their age. Sasuke reminded him so much of himself at that age, Sakura was a lot like Rin, and Naruto was like Obito only he wasn't late like he was all the time. It seemed that fate had played some sort of joke on Kakashi but damn it if he could see the punch line to it.

They had just finished catching that cat Tora for the third time, the cat seemed to be okay in Sakura's hands although Naruto was covered in scratches again. It happened all the time and some animals didn't like Naruto most likely because of what was inside of him most likely made them uneasy. They were currently standing in front of the Hokage waiting for what he had to say. He noticed that Naruto was a bit tense for some reason and he could already sense him about to blow up about something. He thought of how he could prevent it but then again it was hard to prevent Naruto from doing what he wanted.

"Now then that's at least fourteen missions you've done and I do have a few others here that you could do as well," the Hokage said looking over the team's file, "There are a few more D Ranked missions here as well that you could do for the rest of the week..."

"No way!" Naruto shouted out finally losing his patience, "We've been doing these chores for two weeks and I want to put all the training to the tests. We're ninjas shouldn't be on actual missions or something? I mean I'll never get to be Hokage if all we do are these crappy things."

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted out at him giving him a small glare she just didn't understand why he couldn't just act respectful to others he mouthed off to everyone even the Hokage of all people. She sighed seeing that he calmed down but still had that determined look in his eyes.

"Although I hate to agree with the masked shorty I think he makes a point," Sasuke said.

Naruto was torn between thanking him and shouted back at him for the short joke, it wasn't his fault he was the shortest in his glass he just hadn't hit his growth spurt yet. He noticed his dad sigh with his hands in his pocket.

"Kakashi what do you think after all you did request this team for a certain reasons if I remember," the Hokage smiled at him.

Kakashi winced knowing what the Hokage was referring to he had made the claim of the kind of team that he was making so he now figured that he was now being called upon to prove some results. He was wondering if this was the Hokage's way of testing the team or it might be pressure from certain members about how far the last of the Uchiha was progressing. On the one hand he wanted to keep the kids safe until they were trained a bit more but he couldn't keep them from danger forever.

There was also the fact that both the boys were eager for action and there was something else that he had been thinking about. Most of the so called 'accidents' had stopped since Naruto became a genin, after all the death of a shinobi of the village would be looked into by ABNU after all but still maybe a mission out of the village for a time would do them a world of good. Naruto had never been outside of the village and he wasn't sure about the other two either.

"What exactly do you have in mind Hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked him.

"Well there is a Rank C mission, mainly it's border patrol along the Northern border as we've been keeping reports of a bandit raiders. It's a small group from the sounds of it but last week they attacked a pay convoy of the Fire Lord and so he would like them taken care of before the next convoy goes out." The Hokage said to them.

"All right that sounds like an awesome mission we're on it!" Naruto shouted in joy at his first real mission.

"Naruto you don't get to say what missions we take," Sakura said exasperated with him.

Kakashi sighed knowing that if he didn't accept this Naruto would be impossible to live with until they get another mission like this. Plus it was fairly simple so maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all these types of missions you just went out and patrolled and maybe even the bandits had moved on. They could go out, maybe see nothing he could get them some training on the side and come back and at the worst they would just run into some bandits and he was fairly sure they could handle a rag tag group like that.

"Alright we'll take the mission," Kakashi said with a shrug, which of course Naruto was delighted to hear.

It took a few hours but they had to gather up supplies, Naruto kept asking his dad what he thought he should bring as the boy was excited it was his first real mission and he was leaving the area of the village for the first time in his life. He had heard and read all about other countries and what the Fire country was like so this would be great for him to see it in person. He finally managed to pack his backpack with the necessities that he would need for a week in the field. He took a few extra supplies just in case they were going to spend more time out there as well.

"Come on dad I want to go and you're not making us late!" Naruto said literally dragging his father out the door.

"Calm down kid and why do you assume we're going to be late?" He asked in that 'innocent' voice as he got a glare from Naruto making him sweat drop a bit. "Never mind."

They made it to the main gate on time for once which was a surprise to the other team members although with Naruto making sure his dad was still there with him and hauled him along made sure of that. Naruto smiled as they greeted and left the main gates, he couldn't believe that he was actually on a real mission for once and it was outside of the village. He couldn't wait to see some of the sights and to see how he would do in actual combat.

It was going to be awesome and he couldn't wait to get back and tell all his friends about it as well. He was walking with his two teammates with his dad in the back reading his book as they made their way to the boarder.

"Hey dad do you think we can get some training in while we're on this mission," Naruto asked him.

"Hmmm...Maybe if we got time for it," Kakashi said thinking about it.

"Can you teach us some new moves I mean the taijutsu stuff so far has been cool and yeah you keep having us tree climb and stuff but how about something cool? I mean I got shadow clones but I don't got anything much else and Sasuke has all those fire moves and what about Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked him.

Kakashi had been thinking on that for a bit and although he had been giving his students in the basics and getting their stamina, speed, strength and chakra up he had also been working on their fighting styles. Sasuke of course used his Intercepting Fist style of his clan but he had lots of holes in his style because no one could teach him. He guessed the young Uchiha was using old scrolls of his family to learn the style. Kakashi was familiar with the style and was helping him to develop it and give the boy pointers.

Naruto he had trained all his life in several styles to find what worked best for him, so far with the training with him, Gai and Anko gave him and even Asuma had taught him how to use knifes the boy was developing his own style. It wasn't complete or had a name to it but it fit his styles as it used speed, agility and had a few powerful hits to them but its major strength was that it was unpredictable like his son.

Sakura however needed the most work, the girl had some power in her hits as Naruto could attest when she really wanted to. But she only had basic style from the academy although she had picked up a few things over the years from her group of friends but he really needed to work on her. Her chakra control was nothing short of amazing but her reserves were way too low in his opinion. Which was why he had her do tree climbing daily to get those reserves up.

"So what kind of things will you be teaching up Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked the masked man. She was starting to get a little eager with what to learn plus she had finally gotten used to the damn weights on her ankles and wrists as well. Climbing those trees was something she was sick of doing and she was worried that she would be left behind she had no jutsus of her own other than academy stuff and she didn't want to be the weak link of the team.

"Yeah come on dad what's up?" Naruto asked eagerly.

Sasuke gave a small grunt, "We should be getting stronger and most of what we've done has been useless at least to me."

"Aw shut it you always say things like that but you didn't know tree walking did you and that's important skill to have," Naruto said with his arms behind his head.

Sasuke gave a small grunt that meant that he gave that to him but didn't have to say it out loud as his pride wouldn't let him. "All I'm saying is that we need more training how are we supposed to become strong if we just stick with things like this?"

"There are different ways to be strong Sasuke," Kakashi told him as the three genin looked back at him, "you can be strong in character, will, spirit, heart or just plain brute force. There are many ways and in a fight it's not always who has the best jutsus or skills sometimes it comes down to luck or something basic. Every battle is different and so it's best not to focus on mainly one point."

"Take the three of you each of you has strengths and weaknesses but none of you have the same weaknesses. That's why you're put into a team you help make each other stronger than you are as a whole."

Naruto and Sakura both nodded but Sasuke wasn't that impressed, he needed to kill Itachi himself to avenge his clan when he found his brother he would need to be able to fight him one on one and already he knew that he had a lot of catching up to do. His brother was already a jonin by this time while he was just still a genin. He needed to get stronger a lot more quickly than he had up to this point so whatever training he could get he would take. On missions he would do his best with his team but he was an avenger and he needed to remember Itachi's words, he needed to hate and use that to motivate himself to new heights.

Eventually when they got far enough Kakashi decided to take to the trees, it would help build them up plus with being able to climb up trees with chakra would make it easy enough. Plus it allowed him to see how they did physically as well, Naruto he knew had inhuman stamina so he wouldn't have to worry too much, Sasuke was above average of course he was looking at Sakura the most to see how she was doing. With all the tree climbing and running and other things he was trying to make her into a better ninja physically if she wasn't then teaching her any techniques would be pointless since she wouldn't have the stamina to use most.

He did however have a few items on him for training but he would have to see how they did by nightfall to see how they had progressed. So he watched as he put them through their paces they traveled up north through a few forests he noticed that Naruto was disappointed in not seeing anything other than trees making comments such as that they had trees back home. Sakura was trying to strike up conversations with Sasuke who mainly ignored her, that caused Naruto to argue with him about ignoring a friend.

It wasn't lost that he liked the girl too although since the girl wasn't sure which boy was better he had seen this happen before. The two would argue and Sakura was trying to be peacemaker between them both. Kakashi sighed as he remembered his own childhood as Obito and him were just the same and poor Rin was in Sakura's role. When they finally reached the boarder he had them start their patrol after a small lunch break. When they had a few hours of day light left he decided break for camp, Naruto with his shadow clones set up the tents, while Sakura made a fire pit and Sasuke went for fire wood.

By the end of everything he had to admit everyone had done well so he guessed he could at least try and give in some training. He smiled as he thought of something that could help test/train them and give him a few hours to enjoy his book.

"Alright good job for you three and as promised I'm giving you three something new to study," he heard a groan from Naruto but ignored that. He pulled out three scrolls and tossed one to each of them. "Sakura I think you'll be perfect for Genjustu so this scroll contains a few of them that you should be able to do with some practice."

"But how will I practice it?" she asked them.

Kakashi smiled at her, "Well that's what you got team mates for isn't it?"

The other boys looked slightly nervous well Naruto did as he was horrible with genjustu and was always worried he might never get out of them. Sasuke didn't show it but he didn't like the idea of being used as a lab rat. Sasuke opened up his scroll to see two new fire justus and her smirked fire was something he was good with so this would help. Naruto looked at his and found something called air armor and wind slash. He couldn't wait to start practicing them right away as thoughts of him using kick ass wind moves. He remembered how Hinata said he had wind affinity and it was a good thing his dad gave him this.

He frowned remembering that night with the scroll and that one wind technique that he found, unfortunately he couldn't remember the name or much about it by now he had so much to do he mentally cursed himself for that. He remembered a bit and maybe after he mastered this he could ask his dad if he knew that move and he could learn it from what he remembered it was something about having a condensed power of air in your hand. He also remembered because it was wind it had a tendency to shred up a hand of someone that didn't learn it properly.

"There is one more thing I would like you three to try," Kakashi said as he pulled out a scroll and unsealed the contents. From it a bunch of small hand held balloons appeared as he tossed one to each of them.

"What's up with this dad?" Naruto asked.

"Easy it's a little training exercise that my sensei made me pass in order to master a move of his, this led for me to learn my own original move as well as learn it so I wanted to see how you three handle it. The objective is to pop the balloon," Kakashi then saw Naruto going for a kunai in his equipment pouch on his leg.

"Not like that!" Kakashi said quickly as Naruto froze just about to take out the weapon. Kakashi sighed and sometimes wondered what his son was thinking at times. "You have to break it with your chakra like this."

Kakashi held up one of the balloons and they watched as within a second it exploded from the inside. Everyone looked at theirs and started to concentrate on using their chakra to get it to pop. Kakashi chuckled as he saw their frustrated looks, so he sat back against a tree and read his book as they worked hard on it. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to get them to try shape manipulation with chakra but it would keep them busy for awhile besides it would help them in the future.

After about an hour of no one getting it he told them to stop for the moment and start studying their scrolls he didn't want them to spend the entire time on just one thing.

Meanwhile across the forest hidden behind a genjustu a lone ninja was watching them, she was a young female of about in her early twenties looking at them through a spyglass. She was covered in clothing of a dark green robe with long sleeves, her long dark hair went down her back and she had on a large straw traveling hat that hid her face. She was looking at the ninja group and was trying to see which village they were from although given that she was in Fire Country it was a good bet that they were Leaf Ninja but she was just trying to make sure. She watched them before the tall one had the kids go to their tents while he took first watch.

She closed down her spy glass as she figured she would wait until the shift change and then make a move, that way she ran a risk of not being seen just in case.

-Bandit Camp-

The bandits were currently in their camp for the night they never stayed in the same area twice as it was a way they stayed ahead of anyone on their trails. The men were mostly just basic bandits that had been gathered by their leader and his lieutenants who were actually ninjas. Well they were actually ex-ninjas from the way they didn't have any symbols of where they were from but they had ninja gear and the skills. It was common to see ninjas that had either ran away from their village going rogue or maybe had even been kicked out.

They had no idea what village they were from although there were rumours and of course the few bets. Good money was on the Mist Village as they had a high number of ninjas that went rogue for good reasons. Some said Rock, others Cloud and a few Suna but no one knew for sure. Even their leader never used his real name which made them think that he was a missing nin trying to hide from hunter nins looking for his head for whatever bounty was on it. They only knew him as Scar from the scars on his face and the missing eye he had as well.

The camp held a few fire pits as the men gathered around them drinking and having a good time with their successes. They were a rag tag group, their clothing slightly tattered from overuse and slightly scruffy from long term living in the wilds of the forests but they were strong and in good health. They all carried various weapons and the camp had set up tents all around the area as well as a few carts to hold their supplies and whatever they had stolen up to that point.

So far they were looking for a place to have as a base so they could have somewhere to put everything safely.

In the main tent we fine the leader Scar looking at a map on the dirt ground with his lieutenants although they called him Scar his real name had once been Akira of the Cloud Village. But that was years ago before his shame. It all went wrong on that damn mission to the Leaf Village when he had tried to steal that Hyuga girl things had been going so well up to that point when HE showed up. It had looked like a boy but he knew that it wasn't a boy but a demon in a boy's clothing. The red chakra and the evil that came off it he knew what the thing had been. He still had the injuries from that night like the scars on his face and still he ached when it rained in certain areas.

That demon boy had been his downfall, when he had been taken back to the village they asked him over and over again who had done this to him and every time he told them the truth. He wanted to warn his village that the Leaf ninjas had a new ace up their sleeve only it wasn't the famed Yellow Flash but a new weapon to use against them. He told them about the boy and said that they should kill it before it got too old to be used against them. But they didn't listen no one believed his story and many thought that he had lost his mind. As he healed he knew that his reputation was over that no one would hire him and his village would see him as an embarrassment. Then of course he heard about their own demon girl, and things started to make sense. The girl was older but she had to be like the boy and that made her a danger to the village.

So he gathered up a few ninja that thought the same way and had tried to ride their village of her but they had failed the girl had lived and they had to go on the run as missing nins. He never used his real name anymore and his lieutenants had chosen new names for themselves as well. He never did understand how things had gone this way, if they had their own demon girl then why hadn't they believed him about the boy? Why did they keep the girl didn't they know she was a danger to them all?

There were many theories maybe they hadn't believed that the Leave village would go so far to create a weapon like they had with the girl, maybe they were going to use the boy to test their own weapon one day. Maybe they thought that just because it had been a young boy not even a genin that he claimed defeated him that none took his words seriously. In the end he came up with only one answer and that was that none of it mattered. It was the past and none of that mattered all that mattered was the future.

The flat to his tent opened and one of his trusted lieutenants came in, he was a large man with a shaved head and wore plate mail like samurai armor who had a huge war hammer on his back. The man went by the name of Bear now which was just how many saw him.

"Anything new to report?" Scar asked him.

"Sparrow has found a group of ninja in the area," Bear reported to him, "Reports so far is that it's a team from Konoha."


"Three genins and a jonin by the looks of it."

Scar nodded his head the jonin might be trouble but a few genin wouldn't be very difficult. They could swarm the jonin and let the bandits handle the kids. Although when he asked who the jonin was Bear said that Sparrow didn't get a good look at them as she had used a spy glass to see them and not to be noticed. It was too bad about that but he figured this would happen sooner or later so it was best to take out this team and then move on. Maybe go into Grass Country or maybe Rice although he had heard rumours of that new village in that area but they couldn't be that much trouble if they were new.

"Prepare the others we'll attack as soon as we figure out where they are headed and get an ambush," he ordered and Bear nodded his head to get the others ready.

Scar looked at his map as he started to think about where to go next because as soon as this team was dealt with they would send another team only this time would be most likely chunin and above. They could handle this group but something like that would give them a lot of trouble and they couldn't move because that genin team might actually keep track of them and if they were going to move they couldn't leave a trail or let anyone know where they were headed. So they would have to take them out and then leave before the team was listed as missing.

Next Up Chapter 28: First Blood

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