
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
522 Chs

Chapter 8

{Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for full chapters of volume 2 and Vol 3}


Title: Creating Living Beings


With the creation of concepts done and the formation of the tribunal, I ordered. "Gaia, Aurora, this is your turn to shine. This will be my most perfect creation yet."

Looking at the looks on their faces, I said. "Don't give me that look. You all are my creations but unlike you, these beings will have a lifespan."

The looks on their faces eased up a little except the Seraphims who had the same compassionate look as earlier.

"The reason why they're important is that their existence gives you all a reason to exist. With time you will all understand."

"Now, I'm going to create them in my own image and likeness. You all have my image too, you just have to understand what you are more." I said.

"But before that, I'll create the animals and other lifeforms.

With an intention of my will, every kind of beast I knew of, both domestic and wild, magical, or spiritual. Beast from animes, novels and past life were created in pairs of man and woman.

With another intention of my will, plant life sprouted out from the ground. Various combinations, future combinations and Mutant variation were added to the plants as they sprouted all over the planet.

Gaia and Aurora looked with fascination as all this happened.

"Soon it'll be you two doing this. Pay close attention." I said once more as I began creating spirits.

This were beings of law. I got this idea from Veldanava. Although in Veldanava's case, the spirits had a higher role, mine would have to make do with being under a law.

In any case, Eternity and Infinity could be said to be spirits of time and space.

With that done. I looked at them all and said. "You all would experience various cycles in your time existing. Life, death, chaos order, joy, sadness, and many more."

"Now I'm going to create the system you all would follow and after that, I will create my greatest creation ever." I said as I began drawing lines.

"These lines are the language of this world, whether you can understand this is up to you. To you it's useless but to the Living Beings of this world, it will be priceless as it would be a means to access your respective domains of power." I said as I continued writing seals.

By World System, I meant to create the basic laws that would govern the entire universe and Multiverse at large.

First and foremost, the basic lifespan for all Human Mortal would be 150.

The Levels of power would have to do with the Seven Chakras. Every human would have seven Chakras to open before they're able to access the energy of the world and absorb them.

After opening these Chakras, they're eligible to follow any of three paths.

First would be the Spiritual energy system, second, the Essence Energy system and finally the Soul energy system.

The end point of all human would be to create their own world which will layer evolve into a universe.

The Energy levels would be as such: Chakra Opening. Chakra Condensing. Chakra Core. Chakra Soul. Chakra Spirit. Chakra integration. Chakra Transformation. Chakra Sea. Chakra Saint.

This will be the stages I plan on having every human pass through before they reach the level of Chakra King of the Shinobi universe.

Above Chakra Saint would be: Divine Body, Divine Soul, Divine Lord, Divine King, Divine Emperor.

Above that would then be: True God. Ancient God. God King.

These levels are also available to all living beings, be they plant, stone, animal, weapon or even pill.

In the Chakra Saint Realm, one would have a thousand years of life but at the Divine Body, one would have ten thousand years of life.

In the Divine Body realm, their Chakra sea would begin sprouting landa and with each elevation, other things would be added. With every elevation, ten thousand years would be added to their lifespan.

At Divine Lord, living beings begin forming from their excess energy but once they're brought out, they'd dissipate.

At Divine King, human and animals begin taking form and in Divine Emperor, their world would remain even after death, Futher expanding the number of planets in the universe.

In this realm, the laws they are efficient in would determine the type of world and living beings in the world.

In True God realm, their world would go through a cataclysm and transform into a universe. Their foundation as Divine Emperors would determine how large and strong their universe would turn out to be.

This way, even without doing anything, I would still get universes being created in my universe, forming a Multiverse.

In the Ancient God realm, one would have already created their own Law and in the Godking realm, one would become one with their law, putting them on the same level as Gaia, Aurora and the others.

They'd still be below the angels and demon though. The angels and Demons are the protectors of my universe hence their necessary strength.

Their work is basically to help destroy civilizations and help save civilization respectively.

I've not known the direction this world would follow as I don't plan on actively being here so whether it goes through the Faith system or cultivation system, I don't know, but one thing's for sure.

I'd receive a purer form of energy after its recycled and sent into reincarnation.

Hmm... I wonder if anyone would be able to hide Thier memories after their death and reincarnate. I'm looking forward to it truly.

With that done, I began working on the perfect human body while referencing mine.

In next to no time, two figures appeared before me one man and one woman.

I had already written down everything they needed to know both good and bad. I wouldn't deprive them of their freedom for no reason.

Whether they decide to be good or bad was their choice. After everything was done, I breathed life into them and in the next instant, their heartbeat resounded in the area.

"Good. Good. Gaia, Aurora, did you learn something from this?" I asked the Dragon and Phoenix.

The both nodded seriously which I knew was true. "Good. Then from this day, your mission will be to populate the Myraid galaxy with all the living Beings of this Cardinal World. Understood?"

"Yes Father..." Gaia answered but I could detect a question coming.

"Yes? Feel free to let me know your thoughts." I said.

"Yes Father." She bowed and said before looking at me and asking. "Since you're leaving this work to us, will you be going somewhere?"

"Quite perceptive of you little Gaia, and yes, I'm leaving. My Will will remain though, I will visit on certain intervals so there's no need to worry." I said. With the successful creation of the first Humans, my next course of action was to create a body and then return to the Shinobi world.

I could feel they were saddened hearing that so I said. "You Seraphims Archfiends will follow me to the Heavenly palace where I'll leave my final instructions, the rest will do as they wish."

After saying that, I, alomg with the Fourteen Feathered Servants disappeared.

Appearing in a place void of anything living I clapped my hands together and said. "God Tree: Yggdrasil"

A vast amount of energy permanently left my being as I could feel my Omnipresence disappear and with me as the center, a tree began forming.

The roots pierced through space and hit the membrane I set cover my universe before piercing through it too. In next to no time, the roots were connected.

The branches spread and formed Ten branches which also pierced through space formed Numerous leaves that seemed to hold galaxies in them.

I then turned to the Angels and Demons and said. "I'll be leaving you a mission. Every Ten Thousand years every planet is to experience a calamity. Every Hundred Thousand years, every galaxy is to experience a world ending calamity and finally, every million years, the entire univers is to experience a world ending calamity."

The angels looked at me with Shock before turning into one of obeisance, the Demons however looked at me with intrigue.

"Father, why is that so?" An angel asked.

"Good question child. The world needs disaster to thrive. Remember every single word I've said since you gained consciousness. With every disaster, the humans I created would seek for a means for survival and that's where you seven come in," I said as I looked at the seven angels.

Looking at the Demons I continued. "Your mission is to facilitate these calamities however you see fit, but never make it personal. No matter who they are, be they your followers or enemies, make them experience it likewise, should they survive, it'll be their fortune, if they don't, it'll be Thier luck."

I then said. "The Tenth Branch is the only branch of the Universe tree without a galaxy on it, that will be the location of the Heavenly palace. The three branches at the lower end of the three would be the Demons domain and place of existence."

"That will be the place of the dead and all that is evil. The Cardinal World is in the mid levels and it'll remain so. Bear this in mind, I created the people of that planet so there should be no intervention from any one of you and the others, understood?" I said sternly.

This was the humans I create after all. Obviously the ones Gaia and Aurora would be creating would be a notch lower in quality, so I want to see how far the humans of my creation would go.

"Yes, Father." They all answered.

"Well, if they do summon you or call on you the you're free to do as you see fit." I said as I knew it was not impossible for such to happen and I'd rather them appearing one or two times.

"Alright my Will will remain behind you all can go about you own business. You Demons can do with the realms below as you see fit while you angels do the same." I said and disappeared.

This has taken a portion of my time already.

The reason for the calamities was to have a continued source of energy to regain my peak but as I can't do that without setting a guideline for myself.

This way, I'd have a good source of energy while also developing my universe into a Multiverse.