
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
519 Chs

Chapter 6

{Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for full chapters of volume 2 and Vol 3}


Title: Creating a Universe


Location: Heavenly Star Palace

Shun POV

I had spent the last couple of day analysing the energy formed from the fight between me and Veldanava and I must say, it was quite unique.

It had properties of my divine chakra and Veldanava's star Magicles.

After some time with it, I managed to make it completely mine and found that it was more advanced than both my chakra and Veldanava's star Magicles.

It basically took the good parts from both our energies while discarding the unnecessary part and evolved itself, but I didn't fuse it with my already unique divine chakra.

I decided to call it Astral Energy as it had a starry appearance from Veldanava star Magicles and had my life force.

Anyways, as it was a higher form of energy I decided against fusing with it as it would destabilise my already unique chakra, instead, I had the idea of using it to create the membrane that would protect my universe inside of me.

Kinda like the vast chaos at the outer layer of every universe in Xianxia novels.

With my preparation done, I asked Velda to let me have a quick look at his world system as a reference to which he allowed.

As I wanted to create a universe, I also wanted to create a governing body like the Voice of The World Veldanava created or the Heavenly Dao.

After a quick look, I found that this was similar to creating an AI which had merits and demerits.

Merits as it would work according to its given instructions to a T, demerits as it would work exactly as instructed.

Yes. The fact that it would take its given instructions as its work guide was both a good and a bad thing as it wasn't flexible.

Voice of the World and Micheal plotted against the whole world just to get their Veldanava back since they deemed a Veldanava that loved one of his creations more than the others as defective.

They even plotted his death, erased his memory and sent him into the reincarnation cycle.

That wasn't what I'm going to be signing up for, at least, compared to the Heavenly Dao they were mild.

In the case of an Heavenly Dao, as soon as it develops an ego, it would plot against its master, quite typical.

Coming out of my thoughts after making a decision, I said my farewells to Veldanava and the angels who had stopped fearing me as compared to before, Ramiris, Luminous and Twilight.

Ramiris pouted and followed me around as I went to say my farewells, Luminous remained neutral but I felt a slight fluctuation from her before it went back to neutral.

Typical Luminous.

Twilight on the other hand froze before frowning and then gave a fake smile.

I had approached the guy to see how he goes about creating new species as I needed a reference for my own creations.

We haggled on the prize of seeing his research and I have him a sliver ofy chakra in exchange, he wasn't going to gain anything from that anyways, that, I am sure of.

After my farewells, I met Velda once again at the edge of his multiverse.

"You sure you don't want me around to give you some ideas?" He asked with a smile.

"Nah... I got this. Don't forget, I've live for quite sometime and I've seen creatures of different kinds. This wouldn't be a problem." I replied.

"Well, if you say so, don't forget to visit when you have time. Don't forget your brother here when you get interesting creatures to observe." He spoke once again.

"Yeah right, like I'm as geeky as you." I said and looked at the handsome young man before me for a moment.

I knew how this world would progress and I knew he would lose his memories after his death.

I had planned on telling him about his lack of failsafe in the world system but thought against it as it would distort the timeline.

Looking at the direction of the Archangels or in particular, Dino, whom I knew would be a good double agent, I opened my Third eye and cast a seal on him without anyone noticing.

This seal was placed into Dino's soul corridor, connected to Veldanava and would gradually flow into Velda's soul with time.

I choose Dino because, despite his lazy personality, he was quite shrewd and wouldn't say or do anything that doesn't directly concern or threaten him.

The purpose of this seal was similar to that of the one he placed on Indra and Ashura.

After a period of time, it would release and return all necessary memory back to its owner.

"I'm off. Take care." I smiled and waved my hand creating a space into the vast, grey void.

Veldanava smiled and muttered, "You could've asked and I would gently opened a door for you, why tear it?"

I headed him but just waved my hands as the space tear mended itself.

"Sate. Sate. Time for the big bang, I guess." I said and closed my eyes and sank my consciousness into my sea of energy.

3rd POV

What looked like a ball of light could be seen floating inside a starry gaseous mist in a blank space.

The figure of Shun appeared and looked at the ball of light before nodded approvingly.

With a squeeze of his hand the ball of light exploded while still in the Starry mist.

Similarly, Shun's body floating in the void expanded and gradually took the form of a round gigantic white ball as big as a star.

Inside the white ball, something phenomenal was happening. At the edges of the ball, the Astral energy gradually condensed and took the form of a semi-solid membrane with chaotic energy ravaging it's insides.

Shun was in the midst of this vast chaos that was his universe in its most early stage.

The universe was gray, bleak and empty like the void. Just Chaos

"So this is my universe? The scene is rather… bleak," Shun mumbled.

Then, with a single thought, he swung his hand into an arc in the air.

The endless chaos was instantly pushed away, and chaotic energy scattered into all directions, revealing a boundless space. Inside it was countless light particles, which formed the galaxy.

His very first galaxy.

Among the endless chaos was a line of scintillating stars, which represented the galaxy that he opened up with a single swing.

He named it the Milky Way.

As he gazed upon the stars in the Milky Way, he suddenly felt a wave of awe.

He had created the galaxy, the Milky Way, with a single swing!

Such power of creation surpassed his wildest imagination. True, he had known this would happen, but this was beyond the norms.

Beings, like Veldanava, The Presence, and One Above All were all beings form from Wills and became Multiversal level beings.

He on the other hand started from nothing, just a lost child on his way to see the world of fictions.

With that, he continued swinging his hand and with each swings, new galaxies were born.

Looking at the Milky way galaxy, he thought. "The galaxy has been created, but it feels like it's lacking something."

He stared at the stars and thought about it for a while. Then, he realized what was missing.

"Life! How could a galaxy not have its own life form!"


The whole Milky Way trembled all of a sudden. Even the chaos beyond the Milky Way rumbled.

Shun felt something. "I can create life with my current strength level? Then what about the environment for life to sustain? And beings to govern this life."

Countless thoughts appeared in his mind.

Then, he flew to a lifeless planet to inspect its surroundings.

"Life needs light and heat," Shun muttered before looking into the sky.

Right after his thought subsided, a spark ignited in the Milky Way.

The spark was the size of an egg, but it rapidly grew. Before he knew it, it had grown into a size bigger than the planet that he was currently on.

It was the birth of the sun!

The sun's light and heat shone over the barren land.

"One thought, and I created the sun. Okay, let's continue. Other than light and heat, I need water," he said.

Thunder clouds started to cover the sky, and moments later, it rained like cats and dogs.

"It's a little too slow. Can I speed up the time here? Of course I can." A thought appeared in Shun's mind.

After that, the entire planet started to spin rapidly. The sun rose and set as time flew by in the blink of an eye.

To him, it was just moments, but to the planet that he was standing on, it had gone through ages.

The endless rain formed the ocean.


His one thought stopped the sky from raining.

He glanced over the planet covered in water with a frown. "I think it rained a little too much."

Then, he looked at the sun. He drew a spark from its flare and transformed it into a meteor show that would rain down on the planet.

The meteors created countless craters on the planet, causing a large amount of water to evaporate. Due to the impact of the meteor shower, the terrain started to change drastically.

The mixture of water and fire baked the land into different kinds of fertile soil and formed different kinds of terrain.

At the same time, the evaporated steam flew into the sky and enveloped the entire planet.

"I already have the four out of five elements that would create a universe: earth, lightning, water, and fire. All I need now is wind." Just one thought and wind came from the other end of the galaxy.

The wind blew the steam, creating a strong air current. Some rose to the stratosphere and became the atmosphere, while some sank lower and became clouds.

"Earth, wind, fire, water and Lightning. I've got everything now," Shun said in delight.

Creating a universe from his own hands felt new, and the process allowed him to understand something mystical, but he could not put the feeling into words.

However, he knew that it would be the biggest Opportunity of Fortune in his life