
Naruto:Another isekai


clockworks_120 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Ahem my fellow readers, good day. This is your author Clockworks. I am sure some of you might be thinking why only one chapter without any update yet. This is due to a certain reason. I am in dee thinking whether to introduce a new donut, ahem dojutsu Or a bloodline. Of course they might be already used ideas, but i want to keep the uniqueness in a different way. please do a poll in comments for :


->Blood Line

And also I am thinking of adding romance element (may or may not harem) to keep plot refreshing. Not as much as simping. I am sure many readers will like it. If you have any liking , comment here. Based on majority , I will pick the female.

Well then, Clockworks signing out!!!~~