
Naruto and NANO

This fanfiction is about naruto walking around with an AI in his body. How far he is going to achieve with the help of an AI. In the canon, naruto was a living legend and he is great and all, but he didn’t achieve his full potential. Naruto will be OP here and there will be some bashings. If you have read the wuxia novel called Nano Machine or watched the movie Bloodshot (2020), you would have a better idea. Even if you haven't read the story or seen the movie no problem, my fanfic is simple, basic, and easily understandable. This is for entertainment, if you don’t like OP characters, please move on to other stories. Any comments and reviews on the storyline are always welcome, I will try to improvise and add your ideas. Smart/OP-Naruto Each chapter will have 2k> words. Status - 17k words ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To blast your ideas, comments, and .....criticism Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Wa7xddcRqR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OC's.

DarkPreacher001 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

CHAPTER - 7 : A Different Standpoint

Sorry for the delay guys. Here is the new chapter. I will be posting another chapter soon to keep up with the schedule.


Naruto carefully watched Shikaku entering the house in a 3D layout (Just picture how Daredevil - Matt Murdock sees the world through radar sense. The 3D view, just imagine how a hologram works).

Naruto was sitting in Shikamaru's room, which contained lots and lots of books, scrolls and papers scattered around the room. He was looking through a philosophy book that was on the self. Well more like flipping through the pages while nano recorded the contents and him watching Shikamaru's dad in the display.

That was when it happened. The room that Shikamaru's dad and his mom entered turned completely dark. All he could see was an opaque box. Black screen. A giant cube of black shadow was there, where just a second before Shikaku and his wife were present. Naruto rotated the hologram to different sides to look from different perspectives, but the room remained dark despite whatever he did.

'Nano what happened, that room completely went dark'

[Analyzing the situation….]

It took some time for nano to compile a few theories and form an answer.

[It appears, Shikaku used a jutsu that nullifies all the sounds from entering the room and leaving the room. It is either that or something technology related to how some rooms in Hokage tower is]

When Naruto was scouting the whole of Konoha using echolocation, there were some places he couldn't form a 3D view or find anything inside the room. It was like a giant thick wall with nothing but concrete or metal filled inside the room. Since they couldn't find anything through the echolocation technique, they concluded there must be some technology that can restrict sound from entering and leaving.

That was why nano had urged Naruto to train in becoming a sensor sooner.

With nothing to know what they were discussing, Naruto returned to focusing fully and devouring as much as books he could.

Shikamaru watched Naruto turning the pages rapidly and choosing the next book to do the same.

"Troublesome...What are you doing Naruto?"

"I am just searching for any eye-catching words in these books. Don't mind me"

"If you are searching for jutsu you would find nothing here. There are no jutsu techniques in these scrolls or in the books present here...There are some books regarding chakra and chakra control over there if you need"

"Okay" Naruto replied but continued doing what he was doing before.

Shikamaru soon got bored of watching Naruto and started doing his work...sleeping, while Choji was doing his homework.

It has been half an hour since nano could not sense Shikaku and Yoshino in its echolocation range. By that time Naruto had already gone through nearly 10 books and started doing his homework too.

Halfway through his assignment, he saw two dots suddenly appearing on the map again and the 3D display bounced back into his view.

'It appears their meeting is over. But…..why use that kind of technique inside your own house?' Naruto questioned Nano.

[Shikaku must have discussed something regarding the village with his wife. Most probably their discussion must be about you. With Nara Shikaku being in a high position in the leaf village, there is a high possibility that he might be being spied upon. Just like you. You are also a high-value target guarded by ANBU. Whatever they are discussing, they didn't want to be overheard by your guards, spies or any other listeners]

'Didn't you say the ANBU stopped at the compound entrance'

[There are many other ways to spy on a private conversation. Just like us, the Inuzaka clan also have an enhanced hearing and smelling capability. Shikaku might be considering every possibility of others overhearing their conversation]

Naruto's conversation with nano was interrupted by Shikamaru's mother.

"Shikamaru, come have dinner, bring Choji and Naruto too"


Shikaku and Yoshino were already sitting at the dining table when all three children arrived in the dining hall. The dining table was not like the one Naruto had in his home, it was a traditional style table. Short-legged, height ranged between 20 -25 cm.

"Naruto this is my father. Dad this is Naruto" Shikamaru introduced both of them.

Naruto talked with his jolly self, "Hello Shikamaru's father. Good evening"

Naruto had seen Shikaku before. Shikaku used to pick up Shikamaru and Choji from the academy during their first year. The elder Nara's scars looked very intimidating. So he never tried to talk to Shikamaru's father during those times.

Shikaku observed Naruto for a second and spoke. "You can call me Shikaku or uncle Shikaku. Whatever suits you"

"Then I will call you uncle Shikaku"

The dinner was a peaceful affair except for the father and son duo talking about the academy and Shikamaru mostly answering. Naruto also answered some, well it was nano's scripted replies.

"Burrp….this tastes so good auntie. I never tasted food like this before"

The food tasted pretty good for Naruto. While he could cook food tastier than this. But this was the first time, he tried any food that was not Ichiraku ramen or academy canteen food.

"Look at you both, you never appreciated my cooking. And you both have been eating it daily for years" Yoshino huffed turning towards the father and son duo and asked.

"Naruto's food also tasted good Aunty. He brings his own lunch nowadays" Choji added his piece of information.

"Really, you can cook? That is very impressive Naruto. Maybe I should also teach Shikamaru some cooking. That should help in breaking out his lazy nature" Yoshino was astonished and asked Naruto.

"Uh…huh...I live alone so I have to cook my own food. I learned it pretty easily too" Naruto blushed. He was experiencing the concept of being appreciated for the first time by anyone other than his Jiji.

Meanwhile Shikamaru 'What a drag…maybe I shouldn't have brought Naruto here. Now I have to cook too...Maybe I can stop going to the academy and start to learn cooking'

Soon after the dinner both Choji and Naruto wanted to return to their home. Shikaku arranged for a Nara clan member to escort both of them to their home.

"It is no problem for me uncle Shikaku. I can go back on my own. The market district will still be crowded at this point of time"

Naruto lived in the market district. Not in the wealthy part of the district. The market district is between shinobi clans and the civilians. The civilians were present at the edge of the village near the border walls, where the village entry gate is present. Uchiha clan was the only clan present near the entry borders. While the Nara compound was present on the one end clan district (on the sides of the village). Beyond them are only the Inuzaka clan and some training grounds.

"You can come here to train anytime you want Naruto-kun. The training ground is always empty here. Maybe my son will learn something with you coming here daily" Yoshino said while Naruto was leaving the house. She also planned to start training for Shikamaru soon.

Naruto nodded his head and left with Choji.


In the Nara clan head room.

With Shikamaru and Shikaku.

"What was the real reason you brought him here" Shikaku asked while moving a piece on the shogi board.

"I can't bring a friend to my house"

"You can. But last year, I clearly said that Naruto is off-limits, which it appears you did not understand"

Shikamaru thought for a few seconds, and made his move on the board, "He appeared dull for the last few weeks. Not overly enthusiastic, cherry, not being his usual self. So I wanted to him a….boost" Shikamaru continued while there was no reply.

"Will there be problems from your higher-ups" Still, Shikaku did not reply.

"Look dad Naruto may be boisterous, unorthodox and unruly, but he is very observant. Those pranks do you really think he does it for his amusement. He particularly targeted them because they wronged him sometime before. He notices things that we don't notice it usually. And now he has become sharp as well. My shogi matches with him are becoming harder little by little. He would become an amazing shinobi with little help and effort. All these things aside, he has been downcast for the past 2 to 3 months. If we help him now, he would be grateful towards us"

Shikamaru was helping Naruto out of his friendship. But his father's lessons were etched into his mind deeper. So he had to make up some plot for his reason for helping Naruto.

Shikaku has seen through his son's real motive even before the explanation. His son was still a little bit naive to think he didn't notice it. But how much can one expect from a eight-year-old kid who has never been to a battlefield. Shikamaru is more mature for his age which is more than enough for Shikaku.

"You don't need to worry about the consequences of you spending time with your friend. You can also bring him here whenever you want" he spoke and finished the match in the next move.

Then stood up and left the study room leaving Shikamaru.


Naruto never considered his visit to the Nara compound would result in this fashion. He imagined Shikamaru's father to lash out at him or at least frown at him. But nothing ever happened like that. He came to know that there are more people out there that don't care about him being related to the Kyuubi. It is just, he hasn't met them or they haven't made an effort to know him.

But he and nano believed that there is still a conspiracy going on around him other than the Kyuubi issue.


Two months later. August 15, year 72.

Naruto's days went back to usual. Usual in the sense, he was doing planning and recon for the academy archive break-in. He would be seen wandering in the hallways in his free time or when the teachers dismissed him from their classes, while nano recorded everything to the last detail. Rooms, buildings, blueprints, sentries posted, their smell, voice, face, rank, patrol details.

He had also noticed his second minders (root) coming and going from the academy at times. He only noted two of those ninjas in those two months. Since nano had recorded their profile while they were tailing him sometimes before, it was able to identify them easily. These people never acted like ANBU, they were much more secretive than ANBU shadowing him. Nano believed that they belong to another secret corps of the leaf village.

The third Hokage had visited him twice after his first Nara compound visit but never questioned him about it. So he continued to visit Shikamaru's house on weekends.

They also trained for a little bit after his first visit. Training in chakra control exercise, shurikenjutsu training, and kunai throwing training.

Their batch was not given any shuriken and kunai during this academic year. Kunai and shuriken training only starts in their fifth academic year. But clan children were given training by their parents at a younger age than civilian kids.

Since Naruto had been going to the Nara compound frequently, he was also included in Shikamaru's training. And he learned whatever was taught there, learned it very easily too. Even without nano's help in predicting the trajectory, he was able to hit the bull's eye every time on the tenth day of the training. Because of him Shikamaru's and Choji's training also became harsh.

Two months of recon. He did his best to note down everything that came and went to the academy.

Today was going to be his first test run in breaking in into the academy archives. As of tomorrow, it will be the summer holidays for the academic year. Fewer people in the academy, fewer sentries and no patrol. If his test run was successful, then he was going to continue until his task was achieved.

'Finding any info that is related to his parents'