
Naruto: Aizen Template System (rewrite soon)

Uehara Naraku, traveled to the world of Naruto as a member of the Uchiha clan. With the Uchiha incident near, he awakened the Template System. [Template System activated, Character: Aizen Sōsuke] Naruku must navigate the complexities of the Naruto universe, facing challenges, forming alliances, and ultimately reshaping his destiny amidst the chaos of ninja warfare.

EvilBlueCrystal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

Chapter 2

In The Uchiha Clan

Inside a shabby hut within the Uchiha clan compound, a voice echoed with resignation.

"It's finally this day..." the voice murmured, as if the speaker had long foreseen the inevitability of this moment.

The young boy, with his jet-black hair and piercing black eyes, stood with an air of quiet determination, his features illuminated by the faint glow of the moon filtering through the cracks in the hut's walls.

Clad in simple, dark clothing befitting his role as a shinobi of the Uchiha clan, he exuded an aura of silent strength and resilience.

He was Uchiha Naraku, his name whispered with reverence among the ranks of the Uchiha Guard Units, under the command of none other than Uchiha Fugaku himself.

Despite his tender age of only 16 years, Naraku had already ascended to a level of skill and prowess that rivaled that of seasoned Jōnin, making him a valuable member of the clan.

However, despite his remarkable talent and dedication, Naraku's abilities paled in comparison to the legendary prowess of individuals like Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, who were widely revered as true geniuses within the Uchiha clan.

However, what Naraku lacked in natural talent, he more than made up for with unwavering loyalty and steadfast dedication to his clan's cause.

Uchiha Fugaku, recognizing Naraku's unwavering commitment to the Uchiha clan, valued him not only as a skilled shinobi but also as a caretaker of sorts within the clan ranks.

Naraku was entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing various tasks and looking out for the well-being of his fellow clan members, a role he embraced with diligence and humility.

It was this trait—the selfless dedication and concern he showed for his clanmates—that endeared Naraku to Fugaku and the Uchiha clan as a whole, earning him a place of respect and admiration among his peers despite his comparatively modest abilities.

As he stood on the threshold of the impending turmoil that loomed over the Uchiha clan, Naraku's resolve remained unshaken, fueled by his steadfast determination to fulfill his duties as a guardian of the Uchiha legacy.

Uchiha Fugaku, had recognized Naraku's potential and viewed him as a promising young man worthy of his attention.

In Fugaku's eyes, Naraku possessed the qualities necessary to become a formidable asset, perhaps even a trusted confidant and right-hand man to his eldest son, Itachi—a role that held both honor and responsibility within the clan's hierarchy.

In contrast, Uchiha Shisui, despite his undeniable talent and skill, had found himself at odds with the clan before his untimely demise.

His rebellious spirit and unorthodox methods had drawn the ire of some within the clan, casting a shadow of suspicion upon him even in death.


Naraku stood in his hut, the sense of foreboding settling like a heavy cloak upon his shoulders.

The atmosphere outside seemed to mirror his apprehension; the moon, usually a beacon of serenity, cast an eerie crimson glow upon the landscape.

Naraku's body now housed a soul from Earth, thrust into the tumultuous world of 'Naruto' at a critical juncture.

Upon his arrival, he found himself immersed in the chilling reality of the impending massacre orchestrated by Uchiha Itachi and high-ranking Konoha officials—a plan that spelled doom for his own clan.

At first fear gripped Naraku's heart as he faced the his own inadequacy, knowing that his current strength was insufficient to survive the impending onslaught.

However, amidst the suffocating despair, a glimmer of hope flickered to life within Naraku's mind—a realization of the unique advantage granted to him by the traversal between worlds.

[Template System, Character: Aizen Sōsuke, Progress: 12%]

This template was Naraku's beacon of amidst the darkness of uncertainty, his key to survival in this unforgiving world of ninjas and shinobi.

In this world, in order to survive, he had trained diligently without much rest.

Over the next twelve months after his transmigration, Naraku had dedicated himself tirelessly to honing his abilities.

Whenever he had free time, he would begin to train harder, knowing that he had to survive the genocide night no matter what.

Countless hours were spent in rigorous training, pushing himself beyond the limits of his endurance as he sought to master the techniques associated with the Shikai of Kyōka Suigetsu—the Zanpakutō that manifested at his waist.

Finally, after months of relentless effort, Naraku achieved a breakthrough, successfully manifesting the Zanpakutō and unleashing its powers in the form of the Shikai.

Yet, despite his progress, he remained acutely aware of the vast gap between his current abilities and the formidable might of the template character.

His power, though formidable in its own right, remained a mere fraction of the template's full potential, barely reaching 12% of its true magnitude. 

Naraku knew all too well that he was not yet ready to confront the formidable adversaries that loomed within the walls of Konoha Village—especially not the legendary Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito, also known as Uchiha Madara to some.

Through the heightened perception granted by his Reiatsu, Naraku could feel the palpable tension in the air as the tragic event unfolded within the confines of the Uchiha clan compound.

The life force of his fellow clan members ebbed away with alarming swiftness, their breaths growing fainter with each passing moment—a merciless hand of death that now gripped their once-proud clan.

With a heavy heart and a sense of mounting dread, Naraku couldn't shake the feeling that it was none other than Uchiha Itachi who stood at the heart of this unfolding tragedy, orchestrating the massacre with a cold and calculated precision.

"For the sake of the village, personally you bury your own people, is this your path to peace?" Naraku's thoughts echoed with a bitter mixture of disbelief and indignation, his words laden with a complexity of emotions that mirrored the turmoil within his soul.

Faced with the stark reality of his limitations, and recognizing the risk posed by remaining in Konoha Village, Naraku made a the decision to leave, and embark on a journey beyond the borders of the village.

With a resolute spirit, Naraku stepped outside his hut.

Navigating the familiar paths of the Uchiha clan compound, he made his way towards the outskirts of the compound.

Naraku's senses remained keenly attuned to the somber reality that surrounded him.

Along the way, Naraku could smell the stench of blood, indicating that it was too late to step out of the Uchiha clan.

The eerie silence of the night was occasionally punctuated by the distant echoes of chaos and destruction, unfolding within the heart of the Uchiha clan.


In a dimly lit path, Naraku halted in his tracks, his senses sharpening as he detected the subtle sound of footsteps approaching.

The darkness seemed to converge around him, poised for whatever—or whoever—might emerge from the shadows.

His hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his blade, ready to defend himself if need be.

The figure drew closer, Naraku's senses sharpened further, analyzing every detail with a keen intensity.

He could sense the weight of their presence, the subtle shift in the air as they moved closer. 

Then Shinnosuke materialized before Naraku.

Flanked by five silent Anbu ninjas, cloaked in masks that concealed their identities, Shinnosuke exuded an aura of power and authority. 

Naraku's gaze shifted from Shinnosuke to the Anbu ninjas, their masked visages inscrutable yet emanating an unmistakable air of menace.

Naraku's eyes narrowed in response to Shinnosuke's icy gaze, a silent challenge passing between them as they locked eyes in a battle of wills.

Shinnosuke's voice cut through the stillness, cold and commanding, as he interrogated Naraku with a steely determination. "Are you an Uchiha?" he demanded, his words laced with suspicion. "Where are you going?"

Naraku replied flatly, "I've a bit insomnia, yeah- I want to go out and take a walk."

Shinnosuke's demeanor remained rigid, his tone was cold as he issued his decree. "You must return. You are not permitted to leave."

"I am Uchiha Naraku," he affirmed, his voice tinged with a hint of contempt. "And I'll go where I please."

Naraku's lips curled into a sneer, his resolve unyielding. "And who are you to tell me whether to walk or not?" he retorted, his tone laced with scorn.

"Last I checked, Konoha was a village of Shinobi, not a prison controlled by the whims of Anbu."

Ignoring Naraku's question, Shinnosuke reminded himself of the kill order issued by his father, a directive he couldn't afford to ignore.

Naraku stood alone on the cobblestone pavement beneath the flickering streetlight, the dim illumination casting a pale glow on his plain expression.

The four Anbu ninjas flanking him moved, their swords unsheathed in a swift, synchronized motion, the glint of steel reflected imminent death.

With a fluid motion, Naraku drew his own sword, the steel gleaming in the dim light.

Naraku's sword, pointed downward in a defensive stance, suddenly slipped from his grasp, falling to the ground with a resounding 'Ting'.

The blade embedded itself into the cobblestones, quivering slightly as if echoing the shock that rippled through the alley.

The Anbu ninjas, exchanged puzzled glances, as they struggled to make sense of Naraku's seemingly bizarre decision.

Was he giving up already? Had he surrendered to their superior numbers and skill?

But as they watched Naraku closely, they could detect no hint of defeat in his demeanor, instead, there was a plain look his eyes.

Then with a calm voice, Naraku addressed his adversaries, "I seek no quarrel with you or your clan. I am not your enemy," he declared.

The alley was shrouded in silence, the only sound the faint rustle of fabric as the wind whispered through the night.

The Anbu ninjas exchanged wary glances, a silent agreement passed between them.

They were trained to follow orders without question, to carry out their missions with unwavering dedication. 

Despite Naraku's deceleration, they knew that their duty was clear—to eliminate the target at all costs.

However, before they could attack, Naraku smiled.

He had activated his Demonic Illusion: Mirage jutsu using the previous sound as a trigger.

The alley shimmered and twisted as the illusion took hold, distorting reality in a haze of confusion.

"Shatter! Kyōka Suigetsu!" Naraku's voice echoed, as he invoked the abilities of his sword, causing a ripple of confusion among the Anbu ranks.

His ghostly tone added an eerie aura to his words, further unsettling his opponents.

The perception of the Anbu ninjas shattered like glass, leaving them momentarily disoriented and vulnerable.

Their movements became sluggish and uncertain as they struggled to make sense of the distorted reality around them.

Then they saw Naraku, who seized the opportunity to strike, as he moved with lightning speed, appearing next to them in an instant.

The suddenness of his movement caught the Anbu off guard, leaving them surprised and bewildered.

In their confusion, they reflexively swung their swords in various directions.

The sound of metal meeting flesh filled the air, blood spurted from the wounds of the injured Anbu ninjas, unwittingly striking each other instead of their intended target.

Their cries of pain echoed through the alley.

Amidst the chaos, Shinnosuke managed to evade the onslaught, his sharp instincts saving him from harm.

However, his companions were not as fortunate, left severely injured by their own misguided attacks.