
Chapter 24

"Why can't you explain about the other two weapons Arturia? I want to know!" Exclaimed Naruto because he is curious about the other weapons.

" If I dump all the information on your head how can you understand what I am trying to say? If you want I can explain but, it will be hard for you guys to understand. Still, do you want to know?" Arturia asked the others.

" Don't worry Arturia. we can somehow manage it. just explain to us the other weapons." Asked Sasuke.

Others were also stubborn in knowing her weapons. For this Saber only shake her head with a small smile seeing their curiosity. She looks over Shirou and Rin for approval. They nod in affirmative to their request.

" Very well, then I will explain." She dispels the Excalibur present in her hand and replaced it with another sword which slightly resembles the previous one.

" This is called Caliburn - Golden Sword of the Victorious. to use its power, one must be selected by this sword. That is why this sword has another name which is called the Sword of Selection. This sword is comparatively weak to that of my previous weapon but does not have any seals to reduce its effectiveness. This sword selected me hence only I could use it to my fullest potential." Saber quickly explained the Caliburn and dismissed it. then she materialized her final weapon. It was a sphere that looked like made up of light. and the sphere is covered with another layer of spiraled light that revolves around it. ( Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) stage 3 lance )

" This sword is called Rhongomyniad - The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World. this weapon is comparable to that of the Excalibur. this sphere also has the same 13 seals present in it and unlike Excalibur, this lance will show its true power only when 7 of these seals are released. else, it will only show a part of its power." Saber gave a short explanation

" Looks like those seals are very important. what are those seals, I would like to know them because they can change the entire battle if what you said was true." Asked Kakashi.

" These seals could be also called 13 restraints. they are

1. The enemy must be more powerful than oneself.

2. The battle must be one-on-one

3. The enemy must not be an elemental, here elemental means something like a ghost or a sprit

4. The battle must be one against evil

5. The battle must not involve personal gain

6. The battle must not be against Humanity

7. The battle must not be inhumane

8. The battle must be for truth

9. The battle must be to live

10. One's comrades-in-arms must be courageous

11. The battle must not be against one pure of heart

12. The battle must be an honorable one

13. The battle must be to save the world" Saber said the 13 restraints to them to which they gave a 'What the ****?' Kind of look to her.

" With this much restraints, how can you use it in a normal battle? you could not use these weapons in a normal fight. 2nd condition says one should fight one on one and 10th condition says about your comrades, the people who fight together with you. these statements are contradicting to each other. then how it shows its full power?" Asked Kakashi.

" comrade means not only the person who if fighting whit you but also your teammates who are rooting for you to win, the person who you keep in your mind as a comrade. If at least 1 of my teammate if not courageous, then the condition will fail." explained saber.

" So basically there should not be a dead weight in our team to release the seal." Sasuke murmured under his breath while none noticed it.

" you said something like a ghost, didn't you? ghost don't exist right?" Naruto asked while slightly severing.

" I don't know about that but this is also a condition." Saber replied.

" 6th condition says that the battle must not against humans. one condition says not to fight against a human another says not to fight against a ghost. then who are you going to fight? " Asked Sakura.

" It is humanity not human. If a person loses all his rationality or is engulfed by madness then this fulfilled." Saber again replied.

" Basically this weapon is suited against someone like Itachi" Sasuke again murmured which was noticed by Shirou who gave him a sad look.

" Come on is it really believable. the weapons you have are looking like decorative weapons which can be easily broken in a single fight. How can you believe what you are saying is true?" Sakura doesn't believe it.

" It is your wish whether you believe or not" Rin replied to her.

" That aside, who gave you these weapons? If what you said is true then another war might start for having you at their side." Yamato asked to which Saber turned to the nearest person to get help for answering that. Others saw that interaction between Shirou and Saber and immediately remembered that Shirou is the most successful blacksmith in the village which means that he might be the one to build it. They thought that Shirou wanted to keed it as secret and wanted to help him. so Kakashi distracts it. But they don't know that they started a very big misunderstanding which brought the trio a lot of trouble.

" How did that weapon suddenly appeared in your hand and disappeared again? " Kakashi asked a good question.

" These weapons have the ability to appear and disappear at the will of the user." Saber answered.

" OK, now it is my turn." Rin started her explanation.

" I can use all the 5 elements perfectly, now researching about kekkei genkai. I have created many jutsu which I will share afterward because there are so many that I forget them. Before 10 days I was training to be a ninjutsu - user type ninja but after that, I got this weapon." Rin stretches her hand to her side where a big golden bow appeared,

" Its name is Heavenly Boat Maanna or maanna in short. I have not yet mastered this weapon because I got it recently. this weapon does not need us to use it with hands. I can give it commands with my mind and it follows it. that means this weapons itself acts as another unit to help me fight a battle but I need to master parallel thinking and also get used to the aim form the perspective of this bow while I am fighting simultaneously. after a stage, I can even fly without any help because of maanna. Oh, I forget to mention that I also use jewel as a medium to cast my jutsus so buy me new jewels Kakashi!" Rin explained her weapons

hi guys

my first time writing with my phone. so sorry if I make any mistakes. my father had banded me form using my lap today because I over used it?.

Anyways thanks for reading.

I had cut short this chapter because I can't type in phone anymore so sorry.

ArcherEMIYAcreators' thoughts