
The Caged Bird

Hyuga Hiashi was a man of a build of a swimming athlete and while he is the older one of the two he looked young.

"Hiashi" HIzashi said as both had the staredown of their life.

"Kuroko and you, come to the 2 floors of the house in the right room to the stairs, it's time for the seal of the clan".


seriously dude, what with the nineties kinda talking. anyway as me and my dad follow Hiashi and come to the said room, I see a couple of old dudes and that's kinda it.

I go and sit on the most open futon.

I seriously have no idea why all of a sudden the elders were staring at me and my dad looking at me with a smirk on his face. What's with all these looks huh, not like I was supposed to bow to them or anything...

well shit, I kinda had to, or on second thought I could care less about the bowing, let them think whatever they want to.

"Haven't you taught manners to this kid Hizashi," one of the elders in a red kimono said.

"he is but a child lord Ushayama, please forgive him"

"hmmph, whatever, as I did ever get angry at the remark of a slave'"

Did this just guy just call me a slave, how dare he a mere elder call ME a slave, so I did the best thing anybody would do in this situation, one word, "Amaterasu" and the elder died. Hiashi had the look of panic on his face and my dad just looked truly confused.


or so I thought while I stared at the futon, after all, I can't exactly kill an elder of the Hyuga clan....yet.


"lie down Kuroko," said Hiashi and then the caged bird seal ceremony started.

Hiashi took a brush and painted on my forehead and it kind of tickled, it took around five seconds and then there was a small itching sensation and that was it, of course, it wasn't activated yet.

then me and my dad just kinda went home, my dad looked like somebody killed his favourite puppy or something and well, to be honest, and I might have said this too many times but I could care less about this caged bird, as the moment I went out of the range of the byakugan users of the Hyuga clan, I Amaterasu'd my brain and well the fuinjutsu seals which had engraved themself on the nerves of my brain just vanished....right now I only got green paint on my forehead, and to be honest, the design ain't all that bad. ( now I know this sounds too easy but hey, it is not like everything is supposed to be tough, Amaterasu is just a big cheat)

my next goal- becoming stronger.


(1-year time skip) MC age- 6

Another year has passed and I have really started to enjoy this world more, I have eaten different foods here, tried different clothes so I could check which one suits me the best.

My dad has gotten over the fact that I had a seal engraved too and while he is sad, He has me so c'mon, he couldn't exactly be sad forever.

he is still kinda guilty about it even though it's not his fault but sigh what can I do about that.

my training though had gotten up by a notch, heck notch is an understatement to be honest.

I had very good talent in the taijutsu section, now, the keyword is 'good', not prodigious, I didn't have talent in it like Neji but hey, something is better than nothing, I have learned the sixteen trigrams eight palms of the gentle fist.

the thing about gentle fist is, it's not just the special attacks that make the gentle fist, those attacks just make gentle fist more potent, what makes the gentle fist so good is its principle of redirecting opponents' move and closing their chakra nodes, a normal taijutsu user can never win against gentle fist as the attacks are redirected before they could reach the opponent.

I also noticed my body is way stronger than people my age and so did Hizashi, I mean not by a big range, my strength could only be said to be around a person of age 7 or something, but what the unique thing was, one night of sleep was enough to take care of my fatigue and my stamina was way above what people could imagine.

my chakra had also grown during this time, and I have learned tree walking and water walking. ( Now I know his talents sounds too outrageous, so just so you know, he has an adult's mind so comprehending taijutsu moves is easier and the logia body helps with the stamina and strength, plus learning water walking took a lot of time).

my shuriken jutsu also improved. I can now hit 10 shurikens with both hands at once but there is not a 100 per cent hit rate yet...but not anything i can't improve.


<author- I know the chapter sounds short, but next chap- NINJA ACADEMY>

also should i decrease the pacing or is this fine?????