
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
280 Chs

CH - 166 Where is Black Zetsu?

In the concealed shadows, Black Zetsu wore a bewildered expression as he witnessed the turn of events. His desire to unleash a torrent of curses was palpable, yet his silent existence restrained him.

His meticulously crafted plan had hinged on Uchiha Madara finding a suitable substitute, allowing Black Zetsu to emerge as the will of Madara. This was to guide the substitute along the path of the Infinite Tsukuyomi until Madara's eventual resurrection.

However, the current situation was throwing a wrench into Black Zetsu's well-laid plans. Uchiha Madara seemed to have forgotten about leaving a 'will.' Frustration coursed through Black Zetsu as questions flooded his mind. How was the substitute supposed to be guided now? How could they follow the carefully designed path?

Amidst Madara's demise, Black Zetsu grappled with his own existential crisis. If he were to emerge from Madara's shadow and claim to be the will born just before Madara's death, would anyone believe him? The uncertainty of his own future loomed, leaving Black Zetsu in a state of perplexity.

Black Zetsu, hidden in the shadows, contemplated the intricate web of circumstances unfolding above. The potential consequences of Madara's unexpected demise weighed heavily on his mind, especially the uncertainty of reuniting with his mother.

His attention shifted to the individuals above, The figures of White Zetsu and Zetsu didn't pose much concern, since they were accomplices. Uchiha Obito, on the other hand, appeared gullible and easily swayed—a trait Black Zetsu was confident in exploiting. His understanding of the Uchiha clan was profound, almost akin to being an observer within the clan. Deceiving the Uchiha clan had always been a part of his expertise.

The primary challenge lay in the leader of the Grass Village. Deceiving this individual might prove trickier. His actions, from rebuilding the village to Fooling major ninja villages, suggested he wasn't someone who could be easily fooled. Akihiko's shrewdness and perceptive nature made him a formidable adversary.

He even had a suspicion that Akihiko might have known about the existence of White Zetsu even before their meeting, yet he maintained a facade of ignorance. Could it be that he has already discovered something about their 'plan'? The very thought that Akihiko could be aware of his existence or their plan kept Black Zetsu on edge.

In Black Zetsu's cautious perspective, the Grass Village leader had been included in their plans mainly out of concern. There was a worry that this guy might have uncovered something crucial. By having him monitored under the watchful eyes of Uchiha Madara and himself, any potential issues could be nipped in the bud.

However, the unexpected had unfolded. Uchiha Madara seemed to have veered off the meticulously designed plan. Moreover… Writing a book? Was he turning into some sort of philosopher in the ninja world?

This sudden turn of events with Uchiha Madara, left Black Zetsu in a difficult spot. He hesitated to reveal himself without complete certainty. After all, Any misstep could jeopardize his mother's release plan. In fact, he could wait and find some other opportunity to show himself.

However, a dire situation arose suddenly. And If he didn't intervene, it could jeopardize the whole scheme, impacting his mother's return because this damned guy… was thinking of 'Burning the corpse of Madara'. This was a turn of events he hadn't anticipated, and he had no choice but to intervene before it became a grave setback to their intricate schemes.

The audacious plan to cremate Uchiha Madara's remains threw Black Zetsu into a predicament. Therefore, Despite the risk, Black Zetsu realized he needed to step in. His appearance was necessary now, even if it jeopardized his own safety, to salvage the situation and ensure the plan's continuity. Finally, He shouted loudly, "I disagree!"

A few minutes earlier

Witnessing the heartfelt scene before him, Akihiko couldn't help but let a touch of sadness grace his expression. The emotional display from the three individuals moved him profoundly. As the leader of the Grass Village, he sensed the responsibility to step in and offer comforting words.

Sighing with a sense of understanding, Akihiko spoke, "Don't dwell too much on sorrow. Uchiha Madara lived a full life for over ninety years. Let's celebrate the richness of his journey!"

His words seemed to puzzle the grieving trio as they looked at Akihiko with dumfounded expressions, prompting him to clarify. "*ahem* What I mean is, Madara wouldn't want you to drown in sorrow. Now, let's organize a proper funeral for him. Let him depart in peace. Obito, especially you," Akihiko continued, patting Obito's shoulder with solemnity, "The academy is about to start, and you made a promise to Madara to study hard."

Obito, absorbing Akihiko's words, momentarily froze, then clutched the book tightly. Determination flickered in his eyes as he gazed at Akihiko. "You're right. We should let Madara-sensei rest peacefully. I'll organize the funeral as the one inheriting his will."

Uchiha Madara—a figure of legend or an alleged traitor? Regardless, this old man had saved Obito's life, mentored him earnestly, and, at the end of his journey, passed on his will. With a tear in his eye, Obito declared, "I, Uchiha Obito, will study diligently and carry on Madara-sensei's will!"

In this poignant moment, Obito seemed to have matured in an instant, displaying a newfound resolve as if he had undergone a profound life-altering experience.

Obito's momentary determination gave way to contemplation as he faced the task of organizing Madara-sensei's funeral. The realization struck him that he had only been on the receiving end of such arrangements and had little knowledge about how to handle it himself. Additionally, Madara-sensei had distanced himself from the Uchiha clan early on, leaving Obito uncertain about their involvement in the funeral proceedings.

Lost in thought, he wondered aloud, "How should we organize Madara-sensei's funeral?" The question lingered in the air as Obito grappled with the unfamiliar responsibility. Madara-sensei's departure marked the end of a unique journey—a life spent in the shadows, dedicated to understanding the path to peace in the ninja world.

Considering his mentor's isolated existence, Obito speculated that, apart from himself and the Grass Ninja leader, Zetsu and White Zetsu might be the only attendees. The Uchiha clan, having severed ties with Madara long ago, would likely not send representatives. It was a solemn affair, and Obito felt the weight of the responsibility to bid farewell to the old man who had entrusted him with his final wish.

Contemplating the responsibility of organizing Madara-sensei's funeral, Obito looked to Akihiko for guidance. After a moment of hesitation, he addressed the Grass Ninja leader, "Leader Akihiko..."

Understanding the weight of the situation, Akihiko offered a reassuring smile and nodded, "I understand. Let me consider it first." Taking a thoughtful pause, he murmured, "Madara devoted his life to seeking peace in the ninja world."

Observing the book in Obito's hands, Akihiko sighed, "His pursuit of peace was fueled by the harrowing wars he witnessed. He aimed to spare future generations from such experiences. His final wish was to witness a world at peace. So..."

Suddenly struck by an idea, his eyes brightened. "We'll cremate Madara's body and scatter his ashes," he coughed lightly, then continued, "spreading them across every corner of the ninja world. Perhaps, in time, he… may witness the world's transformation firsthand?"

As the words left Akihiko's mouth, Obito appeared surprised, while the two White Zetsus remained perplexed, their inner thoughts racing. What the hell was Akihiko planning to do by dispersing Madara's ashes? If Black Zetsu found out… how would he react? After all, Madara was a crucial part of unlocking Lord Kaguya's seal, But… now, due to an unforeseen circumstance, Black Zetsu hadn't even emerged yet. Then, Who will handle the situation now?

At that moment, Obito paused, gazing at Madara-sensei on the imposing stone chair, his eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and indecision. "Perhaps," he began slowly, "Madara-sensei, throughout his life, pursued the elusive dream of peace in the ninja world. Even in his final moments, he couldn't relinquish that longing in his heart. He entrusted his will to me before his departure." Letting out a sigh, he continued, "If that's the case, let's heed Leader Akihiko's suggestion. Allow Madara-sensei to witness the realization of peace in this ninja..."

Before Obito could conclude, the book in his grasp suddenly emitted a burst of darkness and vehemently declared, "I disagree!"

Startled, Obito searched for the source of this unexpected objection, bewildered as to where it originated. Meanwhile, Akihiko mused inwardly, 'Have you finally appeared?'

The sudden emergence of Black Zetsu left everyone in a state of bewilderment, casting perplexed glances at the all-black entity. However, Besides Obito, who wore a genuine expression of complete bewilderment, the others were merely pretending to be surprised.

"Who... who are you?" Obito stammered, his gaze fixed on the completely black figure before him. "How did you come out of the book?"

In response, Black Zetsu felt a twinge of nerves but remained composed. With the experience of a millennium, he had witnessed countless scenarios, this situation was but a minor unexpected incident.

With a calculated glance, he responded with a touch of emotion, "I am the manifestation of the will born from the writings of Lord Madara, crafted with all his efforts and chakra," With a calculated glance, Black Zetsu responded with a touch of emotion, his tone carrying a hint of solemnity. Pausing slightly, he directed his gaze towards the perplexed Obito. "My purpose is to uphold Lord Madara's will, oversee your education, and to ensure that you possess the ability to inherit Lord Madara's will."

'What the hell? The will of Madara-sensei?' The unexpected revelation about Black Zetsu being the manifestation of Madara's will and the mention of supervising Obito's studies left the young Uchiha utterly bewildered.

Having disclosed his identity, Black Zetsu adopted a cautious stance, avoiding any rash actions to prevent exposure. He subtly cast a glance at Akihiko, prepared to escape at the slightest hint of suspicion, intending to continue lurking and patiently biding his time. After all, he had waited for thousands of years for this opportunity and was not prepared to abandon it so easily. Therefore, Despite the risk, he had to take this approach.

However, In an unexpected turn of events, Akihiko looked at Black Zetsu with astonishment, expressing a mixture of disbelief and amazement.

"This kid... this kid..." Akihiko exclaimed, appearing shocked.

However, to Black Zetsu's surprise, Akihiko, instead of showing suspicion, extended his hand and warmly shook hands with him, exclaiming cheerfully, "You really look like Madara, you... must be the will of Madara."

Frozen in disbelief, Black Zetsu listened as Akihiko even nodded approvingly, scrutinizing him from head to toe, and asserted confidently, "There's absolutely no mistake!"





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1790 words (Excluding A/N)

Kaiszercreators' thoughts