
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
280 Chs

CH - 147 The Wandering Miko

After the Mist Village implemented a lockdown among the ninja villages, the Land of Rain, a region long marred by conflict, also announced a comprehensive lockdown throughout its territory.

Nevertheless, it raises questions regarding what emboldened Hanzō to take such a decisive step. The Land of Rain's geographical position is intricate, serving as a pivotal corridor for the three major nations and the three smaller nations, situated on the border of both categories.

Moreover, the Land of Rain had played a vital role as a battleground for the three major ninja villages. So, why would they choose to enforce a lockdown immediately after the war's conclusion? Weren't they concerned that the five major ninja villages might shift their focus and target them? With the war's end, these villages now had a larger pool of resources and manpower at their disposal.

As observers eagerly anticipated the responses from the Land of Grass and the Land of Rain regarding this development, Akihiko, upon perusing Hanzō's announcement, simply sighed and chose not to dwell on it further. It was all part of the plan he had meticulously crafted for the Land of Rain.

Akihiko was well aware of the reality. Even in the original timeline following the Third Great Ninja War, the five major ninja villages had settled into a period of relative in the aftermath of the Nine-Tails Attack, there were no large-scale wars, it was all about negotiations and compromises. Peace had been maintained, and even when Nagato employed the 'Rain Tiger at Will' technique to block access to the Land of Rain, none of the five major ninja villages opted for aggression.

It was evident that the toll of the war had left its mark on all parties, making it unlikely that they possessed the resources and energy for an immediate large-scale assault on the Land of Rain. Naturally, it was still essential to maintain adequate defenses. Akihiko stretched and muttered to himself, "It's time to embrace this era of peace."

He then glanced at the stack of documents before him, heaving a frustrated sigh. It appeared he would have to search for an assistant.

Simultaneously, in line with Akihiko's suspicions, the five major ninja villages grappled with their own apprehensions. The combined might of the Grass Village and the Rain Village was a force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, the leaders of both villages were formidable figures in the ninja world.

While it was plausible for the five major ninja villages to collaborate, they couldn't rush into declaring war at this juncture. The question loomed, Do they still desire peace? If the answer was affirmative, then initiating a war was not a viable option.

This was particularly relevant in Konoha's case, as the village had finally embraced peace after enduring an arduous struggle. Initiating a war was simply out of the question for them.

At this moment, in a concealed underground location within Konoha, Danzo, who had returned to his massive stone chair after a long absence, wore a deeply contemplative expression as he gazed ahead.

While Konoha as a whole leaned towards avoiding conflict, Danzo harbored a fervent desire to declare war against the Grass Village and the Rain Village. He saw this as a golden opportunity, believing that a Konoha-led declaration of war could entice the other four major ninja villages into action.

In his vision, if the five major ninja villages unleashed their full might, victory for the Grass Village and the Rain Village seemed improbable. He even envisioned himself stepping onto the Land of Grass's soil, where he would confront the captured leader of the Land of Grass, mirroring his own past captivity. In this fantasy, he would taunt the leader, proclaiming, "I told you, You are no match for me. I've always had only one true opponent!"

The prospect of turning this fantasy into reality excited him. However, his aspirations had been thwarted by Hiruzen. Hiruzen firmly believed that, at this juncture, Konoha needed respite more than another war. He was of the opinion that perpetuating the conflict would lead to an endless cycle.

This obstinate individual failed to recognize the potential inherent in the situation, Danzo silently cursed as he recollected their exchange. In his heart, he firmly believed that the leader of the Grass Village, whose wisdom was on par with his own, would seize this opportunity if it slipped away. The Grass Village could rise and, perhaps, even evolve into the sixth major ninja village.

Regrettably, despite presenting his most compelling arguments, his appeals had been repeatedly rebuffed. Yet, even in the face of this conviction, Hiruzen remained hesitant and persisted in his refusal. As a final retort, when Hiruzen's patience waned, he declared, "Danzo, do not forget that I am the Hokage!" To which, Danzo could only retort, "You will come to regret this, Hiruzen!" before departing in frustration.

It was this very frustration that now consumed Danzo. After all, if Konoha failed to take action, why would the other ninja villages readily step in? With the Grass Village and the Rain Village aligning forces, a prolonged stalemate could lead other villages to assume that Konoha was merely biding its time, waiting for them to make the first move before capitalizing on the situation.

Recalling the time when he had boldly proclaimed that his wisdom and strength would undoubtedly conquer the Grass Village and capture its leader, Danzo found himself in a stark contrast. Now, he struggled even to convince his own village to initiate an attack. In the darkness, a mutter escaped his lips, "Hiruzen, you fool. You've grown old." His countenance alternated between anger and disappointment.

Before long, he raised his head, let out a deep sigh, and whispered to himself, "I suppose I lack the strength."

If he possessed the kind of strength akin to the leader of the Land of Grass, perhaps even surpassing Hiruzen, he could have propelled Konoha to unprecedented heights if he were the Hokage.

Deep in thought, he touched the bandage concealing his right eye, his expression bearing a trace of indecision, as if recollecting something. The power of the Nine-Tails, feared even by the First Hokage, the awe-inspiring Wood Release that had sent shockwaves throughout the ninja world, and the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan.

No, it shouldn't be referred to as as a legendary power anymore, considering that someone from the Uchiha clan had once again attained the Mangekyo Sharingan.

In the dim underground location, as Danzo wrestled with his thoughts and emotions, a Root ninja entered and knelt before him, saying, "Danzo-sama, The Wandering Miko has arrived."

Danzo's expression shifted once more, and he regarded his subordinate with an impassive gaze, instructing, "Let her in."

"Understood," the Root ninja acknowledged before making way for the Wandering Miko. Soon, a golden-haired female ninja wearing a mask entered. She respectfully bowed her head and addressed Danzo, saying, "Danzo-sama."

"Hmm," Danzo murmured. "I've heard that you've been diligently pursuing funding for the orphanage lately."

The Wandering Miko appeared surprised but promptly replied, "Yes."

"But you were unsuccessful," Danzo continued, inquiring further.

"Yes," The Wandering Miko didn't dare to deceive and promptly confessed to the truth.

"It's regrettable, but you are aware of the village's current predicament. We recently suffered an unexpected loss of 150 million Ryo," Danzo raised an eyebrow and went on, "With the war concluded, we must channel our resources into rebuilding the village. There's no surplus for unnecessary expenses."

"But..." 'The Wandering Miko' grew nervous upon hearing Danzo's words, raising her head quickly, her anxiety palpable, "The orphanage..."

"I don't want to discuss that," Danzo interrupted, maintaining his emotionless demeanor. "However, there's an opportunity now. If you complete this task, I will allocate the necessary funds."

"Opportunity? What task?" She felt a mixture of confusion and hope upon Danzo's words.

"There is an important mission for you to undertake." Before she could respond, Danzo pulled out a document from his robes and handed it to her, saying, "Take a look at this."

The Wandering Miko took the document and gazed at it for a moment, her expression momentarily blank. The document bore the title 'Land of Grass Talent Recruitment Plan,' causing her lips to twitch as she wondered, 'What on earth is this?'

A few days later, Akihiko, completely unaware of Danzo's scheme to dispatch talent and spies to the Land of Grass, glanced up and spotted the slowly approaching green train. He couldn't suppress a sigh and remarked, "Is it finally in operation?"

1413 Words (Excluding A/N).

Kaiszercreators' thoughts