
Naruto - Blue Droplets (ENG) version

Death is not always an end. Sometimes it can provide you a second chance. Protagonist of this story got himself such chance and will do whatever it takes to create his own small piece of heaven. While we will accompany him on his path towards a dream. This fanfic will start during the end of Warring state era and foundation of Shinobi villages. PS. I don't own Naruto and arts used. P.S 2 - NOT HAREM. P.S 3 - chapters are quite large. Also please comment and provide opinion whether or not to close this translation.

Abi_Daulen · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

Chapter 8 – Old-New Friend-Foe

Chapter 8 – Old-New Friend-Foe

After my first successful combat, they started taking me with clearing and patrolling groups the area. For a couple of months, we killed all the bandits that we came across. This paid off, the criminals decided to move to quieter places, and we got a safe territory in which our healers could safely grow and collect the necessary medical plants and herbs. And when the healers reported on sufficient stocks of medicines and combat stimulants, grandfather decided to start an active phase of our expansion. Roughly speaking, we were given the go-ahead to fight with other clans

The first one to get under our steam roller was some small clan east of our base. The clan did not have any kekkai genkai, and it was clear that the clan was not particularly large. An excellent target for training clan youth. So one day we broke into their biggest stronghold and captured it. Thanks to this, we got an excellent defensive position and a fairly large stock of food and weapons. This facilitated our further work on the seizure of territory.

Gradually, we surrounded the enemy clan in their main castle. We offered them to surrender but received only threats and insults. The bastards even demanded a contribution from us. Apparently they went completely crazy or the reputation of our clan did not reach this places. So without further ado, we went on the assault. The enemy fight back by using weapons and jutsus , but thanks Doton and Futon jutsus, we were able to breakthrough. A couple of veterans transformed into the first form and rammed through the walls. While the enemy was distracted by them, the grandfather and a couple of experienced Shinobi turned into a second form of a shapeshifter bear and began to tear enemies apart in close combat.

And I, together with the young, under the supervision of the remaining adults, went in the third assault wave. But when we got through the breach , the enemy was trapped near the main building. So by the time we arrived, it was all over. The enemy clan was practically annihilated and those who survived were interrogated about resources and information.

While the youth was furious that they could not participate in the battle, the adults methodically started looking for caches and took out all the good. But everything changed dramatically when a sentry came running and said that a large group of shinobi was moving towards us . About 100 people and all in full combat readiness. So that's why they didn't give up, they were waiting for reinforcements from the allies. Grandfather abruptly gave the command to form a defensive line.

When the enemy arrived, we saw the symbols of several clans. Fortunately, there were no particularly outstanding or famous ones. Although one of the signs seemed familiar to me. But apparently the leader came forward, or the one they don't mind to use as a bait, I thought with a chuckle.

- Kuma ! Surrender, you bastards! Otherwise, don't expect mercy from us! – this idiot yells. Well, now I am just curious how the hell this moron got into leadership position? It is quite clear that he is not the most intelligent one, he just offended warrior clan's honour. Probably, this degenerate is used to threatening and insulting small clans, but if he had at least a drop of intelligence, he would think twice about his behaviour. Well, he dug his own grave.

- Listen here, you stupid monkey! When I cut out this gang of little scum that you brought here, I'll pour gold down your throat and send it back to the Sarutobi clan. – my grandfather answered with outright fury, and after looking closely, I realized that he really had the symbol of the Sarutobi clan on him. – Apparently this clan of mere merchants and hucksters thinks too high about themselves. Cut them all out except that talkative bastard. I have a lot of questions for him

Well, orders are given. Before the attack, all those who participated in the first and second waves of storming the castle took stimulants to replenish the chakra and energy. They will definitely get some nasty payback from those stimulators but in current situation we don't have much of a choice. Grandfather, without wasting much time, switched to the second form of a werewolf, which showed how serious the situation was in front of us.

With a loud roar, he led us into the attack. Though not without a couple of scratches, the first line of clan veterans reached the enemy and began a bloodbath. In just a few minutes, the Old Guard killed a couple of dozen. And when the rest of the forces pulled up, the massacre began. Only Sarutobi piling on teams could restrain experienced veterans, but that was all they could do. Seeing that everything was going in our favor, the youngsters were also let loose and with a mighty roar, a group of juvenile murderers attacked the enemies. Our enemies were real shinobis, but they were from small weak clans, so they did not pose much danger to us. The first shinobi I came across tried to break my head with his heavy club. But he moved so slowly compared to Masaru that I even shortened the distance without particularly dodging and kicked him with my knee in the groin. The enemy, who did not expect such speed, dropped his club, which I intercepted and broke his ribs with it. The enemy fell and coughed up blood, it was clear that he was no longer a fighter, but the rules required finishing off the enemy, so I finished him off with another blow to the head. Looking around, I saw that while I was finishing off the enemy, my clan killed almost everyone else. Only a few Sarutobi were still fighting back, and among them was that loud moron leader. Well, shaved gorilloid, I'm going after your soul! As quickly as possible, I closed the distance between us and rushed at him. Fortunately, the enemy hesitated when he saw my throw, which allowed me to get his neck in a lock and a knee strike made him fall. Wasting no time, I grabbed the scabbard and began to beat him with them, because the order was to take him alive. The first blows I broke his nose and knocked out a couple of teeth, the enemy completely unconscious that I even stopped beating him.

- Ha, he seemed so strong! - I blurted out as I looked at his swollen and bloody face. Having turned over the still living corpse, I began to tie his hands and the noose thrown around his neck so that any unnecessary movements with his hands will strangle him. Turning around, I saw that the surviving enemies began to surrender and they were also getting tied up. Lifting the wheezing body, I kicked him to grandfather. While we were walking, I saw that despite the numerical superiority, the enemy did not cause much of trouble, but when I approached the center, I saw several healers gathered around a teenager with a sword stuck in his stomach. Yeah, apparently everything is not so rosy. But according to the calm appearance of the healers and the small amount of blood under him, the guy will still survive. Although I feel that the guy will still get his ass whooped.

While I was walking slowly in the direction where I heard my grandfather's voice, for some reason a memory came to my mind about photographers in parks offering to take pictures with a monkey. Yeah, I would still have a hurdy-gurdy in my hands and the achievement of "The Organ Grinder and the Monkey" is mine. Giggling stupidly under the puzzled glances of my fellow clansmen, I approached my grandfather. This old troll apparently saw who I was leading, took out a coin and asked if my monkey could show any tricks. And this man taught me manners and brainwashed me about how a noble young man should behave!

Having finished laughing, the grandfather threw off the mask of a funny old man and sternly looked at Sarutobi. And then a tough field interrogation began. Apparently my hard beating bore fruit and Sarutobi spoke almost immediately. It turned out that the local clans, having seen one of them to be harshly pressed, first formed a temporary alliance and asked for Sarutobi's help to be on a safe side. The clan of merchants charged a hefty price, but the clans decided not to risk it and paid fully. Sarutobi decided that a dozen experienced shinobi would be enough to qualitatively strengthen the alliance's forces. After interrogating the surviving Sarutobi, we also learned that they were ordered to leave the clan alliance in case of danger under the pretext of deception. When the surviving members of the alliance found out about the hidden part of the contract, their faces were distorted with anger. All the members of my clan did not hide their disgust for Sarutobi. Well, my grandfather and I just grunted and nodded understandingly to each other, we understood that something like this could be expected from a clan of merchants.

Then the grandfather ordered to give the surviving Sarutobi to the members of the alliance. And the leader, as grandfather promised, after the interrogation, gold was poured down his throat and this gold was supposed to be Sarutobi's payment for helping the alliance of clans. After the execution was completed, we handed over his body to the surviving members of the alliance with instructions to hand him over to Sarutobi. Even though just a few hours ago we were fighting with each other and they had to pay a contribution, they gladly agreed to our request. I hope Sarutobi will think twice before crossing our road.

A few weeks later, the story of the noble bear and the treacherous monkey was going through the inns and taverns. We didn't even have to try very hard, a large number of the survivors was talking about betrayal and the corpse with gold poured down the throat added vivid details when it was dropped in front of Sarutobi's land.

This resulted in a couple of good contracts from the daimyo of the land of Fire, which allowed us to restore old connections after our forced departure. Everything went on as usual until some old fart in old worn armor with our caln symbol appeared near the gate of our new house.

Even the old veterans did not immediately recognize Elder Kaito as a guest. But one command roar was enough for them to immediately remember him and immediately let him inside. Grandfather immediately felt a familiar smell and almost broke through the wall when he ran to meet his brother. And I tried to calm my instincts, which seemed to have broken loose and shouted that a dangerous predator had come to the territory. Shaking my head , I put on armor on the move and rushed to my grandfather. And before my eyes it appeared as two old men after slowly bowing to each other grabbed in a tight embrace. And then the grandfather gave a long speech about the return of the elder and the fact that the clan expects the return of several more members.

After the speech, I abruptly rushed to my grandfather and at the same time scanned the guest. He had a pale face full of wrinkles and one eye crossed out an old scar. His long grey hair was braided into a bunch of braids decorated with bone rings. Despite his age, he had a strong figure without any sign of senile infirmity.

- Kaito this is my grandson Aki – my grandfather introduced me

But I didn't even have time to say the words of greeting as a powerful wave of Ki hit me. But the old man screwed up, it only provoked me and my inner beast strengthened my own Ki. Even though I was far from his level, it was enough to relieve the oppressive feeling. The old man was pleasantly surprised if judged by his satisfied smile.

- Good job Daiki, even at such a young age, it's not bad to withstand my weak wave of Ki. – said Kaito – well, little bear, I'm your great-uncle Kaito.

- Greetings, Elder Kaito, – I said, omitting the suffixes, - I am glad to see you back.

- Daiki !! Didn't you teach him manners at all! He's acting like a little barbarian! – clutching his head, then his heart, he attacked his brother with reproaches.

- Eh Kaito, this is my only failure in his training. I've spent many years but he still refuses to use suffixes in his speech. - grandfather answered with a sad sigh. Well, you're a traitor grandfather! You're going to pay for this.

- Nothing Daiki. A couple of months under my training and he will begin to behave as required by his status as a prince of the clan. – the local hypostasis of Garp said this, because while he was saying this, I saw how he began to rub his fists.

- Well, we'll see about that, you old fart ! Even if your brother has failed for so many years , then you definitely have no chance , so admit defeat now and preserve your sanity !- I replied with open mockery.

- Haha. You have a strong core, that's good. There will be something to break. But then I have important news and the clan should know about it as soon as possible,- Kaito said with a serious expression on his face.

- OK. The meeting will be in half an hour, I'll go prepare everything and you stay with Aki. I think you have things to tell each other. – said the grandfather and walked briskly to the assembly hall.

- Well, kid, while we're waiting, won't you offer me a cup of tea and I'll tell you about myself. - Kaito said with a sly grin.

- By your appearance, old man, I think that one tea will not be enough for you. So let me make you a refreshing alcoholic beverage. – said giving a sign to follow me.

- Aren't you too young to drink sake? - Kaito said

- That is, I can kill, but I can't drink? – I asked him with a contemptuous grin - don't worry, I stay away from alcohol until the formation of my body is over. But during the isolation, my grandfather began to grumble that he was tired of drinking the same sake, so I started mixing sake with different ingredients. That's how I created a couple of interesting drinks.

- Well, surprise me! - Kaito said with a wide smile and mischievous twinkles in his eyes