
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

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40 Chs

Harem Master Jutsu

By : EroticaAuthor69XXX


It wasn't until late morning that Banto woke up. Unlike the other day Banto wasn't woken up by a bird giving him a mission from Lady Hokage. With having the actual day off Banto was free to sleep in later. Banto slowly rose up out of bed since he was still drowsy from his sleep. Taking a quick moment to listen for movement in the house, Banto confirmed what he suspected. It was late enough in the morning that Sakura would have already left for training, and the lack of movement in the house confirmed it.

 Banto was slightly disappointed he had missed Sakura before she left. He would have liked to spend time with his sister before she left for training considering Sakura had taken to wearing lingerie while around the house. Sakura's new choice in attire was thanks to Banto's new and perfected Genjutsu, the Harem Master Jutsu. The Harem Master Jutsu was a powerful jutsu that put the target in a trance. While in the trance the user would be able to give suggestions to the target and these suggestions. These suggestions would then take root in the target's mind and change them permanently to match the given suggestion. What made this jutsu so powerful was the fact the changes were permanent.

 Banto had been working on the Harem Master Jutsu for a long time, it was the tool he would use to fulfil his deepest desires. His deepest desire was to have his little sister become his personal slut, willing to please him wherever and whenever he wished. With the Harem Master Jutsu Banto is now able to twist and corrupt his little sister so that she lusts after him. With the jutsu he had already made serval changes to Sakura. The changes involved making Sakura sexually attracted to him while giving her a massive brother and sister incest fetish. In addition Banto had given the suggestion that Sakura walk around the house in her underwear in order to turn him on.

 Sakura's corruption had gone according to plan. Already she had fallen to the point where she constantly fantasized about her brother fucking her like an animal. Every time that Sakura played with herself, she did so to the image of her older brother fucking her while she screamed her name. Sakura knew the feelings she is having is wrong but no matter how hard she tries she cannot help but lust after Banto. Now Sakura walks around the house in lingerie and gets aroused and excited when she sees her brother having an erection because of her.

 Banto had to be patient with corrupting Sakura. The nature of the Harem Master Jutsu demanded that he corrupt her step by step. If Banto attempted too big of a change within Sakura then the jutsu would fail, thus he couldn't from the beginning tell her to be his personal fuck toy. He had to step by step corrupt Sakura until he reached his final end goal with her. While the waiting for something he so desperately wanted was frustrating, Banto found that he enjoyed the slow corruption of his little sister.

 Having the entire day off Banto thought for a moment about how he should spend it. Banto intended to use the Harem Master Jutsu on Sakura again in order to further corrupt her, but he would have to wait till the evening when she came back home after training. Banto had serval hours to kill before Sakura would come home. Usually Banto had little time off, being a skilled Jonin meant he was often sent on mission after mission for the village.

He was given a whole week off so he could be in top form for when Naruto came back to the village. Banto along with his sister and Kakashi would form a new team seven with Naruto. Lady Hokage had made Banto the second in command for the new team seven, serving under Kakashi. After the conversation with Kakashi, Banto now knew that this new team would be in for a lot of trouble. Considering all of this Lady Hokage thought it best to give Banto a week to ensure he was ready. Banto was ready to take advantage of this time off with plenty of rest and relaxation. He would also use this time to use the Harem Master Jutsu to corrupt Sakura until she was begging him to fuck her.

Thinking for another moment on what until Sakura got back home Banto decided on what to do with his day. First, he thought it might be good to do a bit of light training in order to keep his skills sharp. The training wouldn't be anything to much, certainly nothing to drain his chakra since the Harem Master Jutsu requires a lot of it. A bit of Taijutsu training however should be a good way to get a workout in and kill some time. Then after training Banto would have a late lunch at a BBQ joint he enjoyed.

 Banto was currently walking the streets of the Leaf Village after finishing up with his light training for the day. The training had gone well he thought, he was able to break a sweat without overdoing it. Looking forward to his lunch as he approached a BBQ joint, he liked, Banto continued on his way towards his destination. It wasn't too much longer until Banto arrived at his destination, he walked in looking forward to enjoying some good BBQ. He walked up to the hostess and asked for a table for one, but he was interrupted by a hand placing itself on his shoulder.

 "Funny running into you here Banto, what's going on its been a while" asked the person standing behind Banto.

 "You know it's not really smart to try and sneak up on a ninja, right? What if you triggered my honed killing instincts and I reacted by attacking you without confirming who you are" asked Banto in a playful tone.

 "Yah like a fellow Jonin would make a rookie mistake like that" spoke the person standing behind Banto.

 "Still not smart to risk it Asuma" responded Banto while turning around to face Asuma.

 "Well guess I'll just count myself lucky then that you didn't attack me. So you here for some lunch then" asked Asuma.

 "Yah I just finished some training and thought some BBQ would be a nice reward. If you're here I take it that you are treating team ten to BBQ again" asked Banto knowing that Asuma and his team also frequent this place. It wasn't the first time Banto ran into team ten this way and he was sure it wouldn't be the last.

 "Yah you got it; they should be here soon. How about you join us, the more the merrier" asked Asuma.

 "Alright guess its better then eating alone, but I'm not paying for Choji. I don't think I could finically recover from doing that" joked Banto as he and Asuma were led to their table. It didn't take too much longer until the rest of team ten arrived and took a seat at the table. Both Shikamaru and Choji took a seat next to Asuma, while Ino took a seat next to Banto.

 "Banto! It's good to see you, how are you" asked Ino in a chipper manner while scooting closer to him. As long as Banto could remember Ino had a sort of crush on him, to the horror of Sakura. Looking back it was funny to see his sisters horrified reaction whenever Ino would blatantly flirt with him in front of her. Back then Sakura would disagree with Ino when she remarked her brother was hot, but now Banto knew Sakura would definitely agree with her.

 "I'm alright Ino, its good to see you also. Shikamaru and Choji the same goes to you" stated Banto. He received small greeting from both Shikamaru and Choji and response.

 "I didn't hear you had come back into the village; how come you didn't let me know handsome" Ino flirted at Banto. This flirting from Ino caused the rest of team ten to sigh in annoyance at her forwardness.

 "Needed the time to rest. How's everyone's training going" asked Banto to team ten. Team ten all responded that their training had been going well enough. Asuma had wasted no time in praising his team at this moment, being the proud sensei he was. The rest of the meal between the five went by. Not much happened besides Ino continuing to flirt with Banto and Choji eating Asuma into the poor house.

 Banto took a moment to look at Ino, she was attractive he thought. He had never made any indication he thought so however, he didn't want Sakura to be grossed out about him thinking her best friend was good looking. Truth was Banto could admit that Ino like Sakura had grown into a very sexy woman. She would definitely be a target for the Harem Master Jutsu after he was finished with Sakura. The image of both a naked Sakura and Ino making out with his cock between their lips flashed through his head. He would make it a reality soon he thought, all in due time.

 Once everyone had eaten their fill, everyone said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways. If Banto took the scenic route home, he should get back just a little after Sakura would. Excited to get home and implement the next step in his plan to turn his little sister into a brother fucking slut he began making his way home. While he was walking thought the village however, he noticed that Asuma had started to walk along beside him.

 "What do you want Asuma" asked Banto wondering what Asuma wanted since this direction was out of his way.

 "What I can't walk in this direction" asked Asuma in a joking manner.

 "You can it just doesn't make sense. Its starting to get late soon and this isn't the direction of your home. It also isn't the direction of a certain someone's either" responded Banto. He had said the last part with a smirk on his face.

 "Hey, come on not so loud! Where trying to keep things on the down low for the time being" responded a flustered Asuma.

 "Well you might want to try doing a better job than with that" joked Banto.

 "Noted. I wanted to talk about things. What do you think about the state of the village right now" asked Asuma.

 "Well things are relatively peaceful on the surface but being Jonin you and I both know things aren't that simple" responded Banto.

 "You mean the threat of the Akatsuki right" asked Asuma.

 "Yah, the new team I have been assigned to has a strong possibility of encountering the group. In fact its almost guaranteed" responded Banto as he continued to walk the streets of the Leaf Village with Asuma beside him.

 "That means you are on Naruto's team right" asked Asuma.

 "Yup, I am the second to Kakashi for the new team seven. Once Naruto gets back he and Sakura will be a part of the team" responded Banto.

 "Well I that sounds like a solid team to me, just be careful. The guys coming after Naruto are no joke" responded Asuma in a serious tone.

 "Yah I know. I've stared death in the eyes many times and cut down many worthy opponents but people like Itachi make me worry" responded Banto.

 "I remember that guy, he took down Kakashi three years ago like it was nothing" responded Asuma.

 "I haven't had the misfortune of fighting the guy like you. We have all gotten stronger since that day, so I hope it's enough" responded Banto.

 "Just follow Kakashi's lead on that. If I know Kakashi he wont fall so easily to the same person more than once" stated Asuma.

 "Yah that's the plan. I'm hoping my own expertise in Genjutsu give me a fighting chance against him, but I guess time will tell" responded Banto.

 "Well that's really all I wanted to talk about, ill let you go now. I'm running late anyways and should get going" stated Asuma as he turned around and begin walking in the other direction.

 "Say hi to Kurenai for me" teased Banto. This caused Asuma to halt for a moment before resuming his walk. Banto continued on his way towards home and where Sakura should be. After taking another few moments he arrived home and walked through the front door.

Once he walked through the front door, he was greeted with a Sakura dressed in a lacey red bra and panties. She was holding a small basket for him, the basket was for him to put his cloths in. Sakura was so far gone that she needed Banto to strip down to his boxers the moment he got home so she can ogle his erection tenting his boxers. Her pussy was already dripping as she watched her older brother strip in front of her. His erection look so enticing to her, she wished that cock was balls deep in her pussy but sadly that would only happen in her fantasies.

 "Hehe I was going to ask you what you thought of my outfit today, but I guess I have my answer" stated Sakura as she stared at her brothers tenting erection in his boxers.

 "Well can't help it, you look really fucking hot in that Sakura" responded Banto as he openly stared at his barely clothed little sister.

 "Aww yours so sweet to say that. I'm glad you like it so much" responded Sakura as a blush crept across her face. She was glad that her brother so clearly liked her outfit. Her brother got an erection because of her and she was thrilled.

 "Turn around for me really quick. Let me get a look at that fantastic ass of yours" teased Banto knowing talking in this manner would arouse Sakura.

 "Okay, please look as much as you want" responded Sakura as she gladly turned around so her brother could check out her barely clothed ass. After a short moment that Banto spent staring at Sakura's ass he then slapped her ass. The sounding smack echoed across the inside of the house. In addition Sakura let out a long moan of pleasure at the feeling of her older brother slapping her ass.

 "Damn I can't get enough of this ass, it's just so damn fuckable. Hearing you moan like a whore while a slap it is hot also" teased Banto as he continued to stare at Sakura's ass. Sakura allowed Banto to stare for another few moments before she turned back around and resumed speaking to Banto.

 "Well I guess I just like the feeling of a strong hand slapping my ass. I'm glad you think my ass is that good, it makes me feel good knowing that I am that attractive to a man" responded Sakura who wanted to express her gratitude without letting Banto know her true twisted desires.

 "So changing the subject how was your day? Did your training with Lady Hokage go well today" asked Banto as he walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Sakura followed Banto into the living room and sat down on the sofa beside Banto.

 "My day was alright just exhausting. Lady Hokage never eases up even for a moment" sighed Sakura showing that she was indeed tired from a long day of intense training.

 "Well that's good to hear. All that training would be for nothing if it was easy. Lady Hokage being so hard on you means that you are getting that much stronger' responded Banto.

 "Yah that's true, I just hope it is going to be enough" responded Sakura who showed worry on her face. She hoped that her training would be for something and that she wouldn't be a burden on her team anymore.

 "I wouldn't worry about that Sakura. You aren't the same little girl you where three years ago. You have decided you don't want to be the team member that always needs saving and have worked hard to get strong. Looking at all you have accomplished so far I am proud of you" responded Banto who spoke the truth.

 "Your right, thank you for those kind words. So how was your day? Did you enjoy your day off" asked Sakura.

 "It was relaxing. I spent some of it training myself, and once I was done with that I went and got some lunch at that BBQ joint I enjoy. While I was there, I happened to run into Asuma, and his team and we all ended up having lunch together" responded Banto.

 "Oh so you ate with Ino and her team. I bet Ino was all over you with her flirting" responded Sakura in a playful manner.

 "Yah she sat really close to me and wouldn't stop with the compliments. I know that you think Ino liking your big brother is gross so sorry for bringing it up" responded Banto.

 "Hehe its fine I don't mind anymore" responded Sakura as a blush crept on her face. Normally she would react with annoyance with hearing Ino flirting with her older brother. In the past Sakura asked Ino numerous times to stop, that Banto was her brother, and it was gross her best friend was flirting with her older brother. Now however Sakura completely understood what Ino saw in her brother. Banto was so damn sexy so really, she couldn't blame Ino for flirting with him.

 "That's a different reaction from the usual. Don't you always think it weird that your best friend has a crush on your brother" asked Banto who already knew the answer but wanted to hear what Sakura had to say in response.

 "W-well I guess I just realized that she can't really help it I guess" responded Sakura whose face was covered with a crimson red blush.

 "What do you mean she can't help it" teased Banto who wanted to see how far he could push Sakura.

 "W-well you are a really good looking man and a splendid shinobi so its only natural that you would attract admirers like Ino" responded Sakura who was slightly embarrassed she had to openly admit that she though Banto was attractive.

 "Aww you think I'm attractive, that's nice of you to say" teased Banto liking how embarrassed Sakura was.

 "I guess I do think your attractive. I can certainly see why other women like you" responded Sakura. Sakura was so consumed with the current conversation and her own embarrassment that she failed to notice Banto pull out a small bell in order to activate the Harem Master Jutsu. A small bell chimed across the room and Sakura fell into a trance, awaiting suggestions from Banto.

 Jutsu success. Heh don't worry Sakura I know how you truly feel about me. Up until now you have been filled with lust towards me but still unable to actually begin to act on those feelings. You are turned on by the thought of doing lewd things with your older brother but still think it's wrong to act and that is preventing you from doing so. Let's begin to change that shall we?

 "Sakura can you hear me" asked Banto

 "Yes, I can hear you Banto" responded Sakura with a blank stare.

 "Listen carefully to the words I am about to say Sakura. When you wake up you will remember nothing of this conversation or the fact, I placed you under a Genjutsu, do you understand" asked Banto

 "Yes, I understand" responded Sakura

 "Sakura your feelings towards me are reaching even greater heights. You now desire me so much that the thought of being with any other man disgust you. In your mind no man can compare to your sexy older brother. You have however noticed a problem, simply masturbating to these incestuous fantasies isn't satisfying you anymore. You need something more or else you won't get the release you need. You've decided your finally going to act out on some of these fantasies" spoke Banto as he channeled chakra with each word he uttered. Each word taking root in Sakura's mind and changing it.

 "While you know that fucking your brother or blowing him is going too far and its wrong, you think that maybe giving him a hand job is okay. In fact you feel bad that Banto is walking around with such a hard erection because of you. You don't think such a sexy man deserves to jerk off his cock alone, he deserves to have a sexy slut jerk him off. Sakura that sexy slut is going to be you, starting today you are going to jerk off your own older brother whenever you get the chance. Doing so will give you great pleasure, in fact every time you jerk him off to climax you will experience a powerful climax of your own" spoke Banto as he continued to lace his words with charka so they would change Sakura to match the suggestions.

 Well that should do it for now. I wish I could just tell her to let me fuck her already but that would be going too fast. Still I can't wait for Sakura to finally touch my cock and jerk it off. Soon this slut will be begging to jerk off her older brother like a good little sister should.

 After thinking this Banto ended the Harem Master Jutsu. He sighed as he felt a drain of energy with the large amount of chakra he had just used. He turned his attention back to Sakura who was just starting to come back to herself, having come out of the trance he had put her in. Banto was excited for what would soon come next, finally his hot little sister will commit lewd acts with him. Once Sakura came out of the trance, she couldn't take her eyes off her older brothers tenting erection, this didn't go unnoticed by Banto.

 "Hey Sakura, is something wrong? You spaced out for a moment there" asked Banto knowing that his sister was now seriously considering jerking him off.

 "W-what? Yah I guess I just dozed off for a second there" responded Sakura as she continued to stare at her brother's tenting erection. The thoughts running through her mind at the moment was causing her to battle with herself. One part of herself thought bad that her brother had such a painfully hard erection because of her and wanted to be a good sister and help him out with it. Another part of her told her jerking off her own brother was wrong, but this part was far weaker than the first part. In the end Sakura decided a hand job wouldn't be crossing any major lines. Besides she really wanted to jerk off her brother until he blew his load right in front of her, maybe if she was lucky, she could convince him to aim his cock at her while he came. The thought of being blasted with her older brother's cum caused her pussy to become soaking wet.

 "Jeez Sakura I know it's big, but do you have to keep staring at my erection? If it is really bothering, you I could go into my room and take care of it really quick" teased Banto knowing that Sakura wouldn't allow him to jerk off his cock alone, she would need to do it herself.

 "No! I mean it doesn't bother me at all. It's just it looks painfully hard' responded Sakura who was trying to think how she should tell her brother she wanted to jerk him off. She hoped he wouldn't be disgusted with her for wanting to such a thing.

 "Yah it is a little painful, I guess. Having you so close looking like that makes it this hard. If I don't take care of it soon, I think I'm going to go crazy" spoke Banto with a perverted smile.

 That should be a good enough opening for you Sakura. Go ahead and tell me you want to jerk off your own older brother.

 "I had no idea I was causing you such discomfort. What if I help you out with it to make up for causing you pain" asked Sakura whose pussy was soaking her panties. Her heart was beating in her ears. This was the moment that would either her fantasies come true or her worst nightmare depending on her brother's response.

 "Wait Sakura are you saying you want to jerk off my cock for me" asked Banto.

 "Y-yes it's the least I could do. It's my fault that you're like that so it's only right I help. Besides I think it would be really hot to watch you cum" responded Sakura who looked at Banto with wide eyes.

 "Damn Sakura you just continue to surprise me. Who knew my sister was such a fucking slut. You really want to jerk off your older brother" teased Banto who loved making Sakura suffer before he gave her what they both wanted.

 "I-I know it's wrong but it's just a hand job. It's not like I'm letting you fuck me or anything" reasoned Sakura who wished Banto would see things her way.

 "Well I have to admit that the thought of you jerking me off is fucking hot. Alright Sakura let's do it. Jerk off your older brother slut" commanded Banto as he stood up and took off his boxers right in front of Sakura. Banto was standing in front of Sakura who was still seated on the living room sofa. His cock was standing tall, inches away from her face. Sakura was staring wide eyed at right, her eyes filled with admiration and lust.

 "It's so big" stated Sakura as she continued to stare at her older brother's ten inch cock. She couldn't believe what was about to happen. Sakura was about to jerk off her older brother and she had never been more excited in her entire life.

 "Hey slut are you going to stare at all day or are you going to get to work" teased Banto knowing Sakura got off on him calling her a slut.

 "Oh right sorry I was just caught off guard is all. I'll get started now, please just enjoy it" responded Sakura whose pussy throbbed at her brother calling her a slut. She was just about to show him how good of a little slut she was. Sakura reached out her hand and wrapped it around Banto's cock. She was shocked at how big it was, her hand barely fit around it. She briefly wondered how good it would feel deep in her pussy.

 Sakura began to slowly move her hand up and down her brothers cock. Her body was on fire, she was touching his cock it was a dream come true. She continued to slowly jerk off her brother at her slow place, not wanting to have it over too quickly. While she was jerking off Banto she found it hard to ignore the throbbing between her legs. Her pussy begged for attention with how turned on she was with jerking off Banto.

 "Does that feel good" asked Sakura hoping that she was doing a good job.

 "It feels fucking great. If you don't mind, could you make it better by taking off your bra" asked Banto wanting to see his little sisters naked tits.

 "You want to see my breast" asked Sakura who continued to slowly jerk off Banto.

 "Yah you bet. Being able to look at those tits of yours will make this a whole lot better. So how about it" asked Banto.

 "Okay I don't mind showing you, my breast. In fact I would love to" stated Sakura as she reached around with the hand that wasn't jerking off her brother and unclasped her bra. The bra fell to the ground, showing her bare tits to her older brother. Sakura didn't show any shame as her brother now was able to see her naked tits. She continued to jerk off Banto at her slow pace.

 "Fuck Sakura. You look so hot right now. Jerking off my cock while your tits are in front of me is making me so damn horny" stated Banto as he enjoyed his sister jerking him off while he openly stared at her tits. Sakura's nipples were painfully erect, showing him that she was enjoying this just as much as he was.

 "D-do you want to touch them" asked Sakura while she continued jerking him off. She hoped he would say yes.

 "Fuck yes I do" responded Banto loving the fact it was Sakura who had escalated things. Banto reached out with his hand and groped Sakura's left breast. He squeezed and fondled it, enjoying the feel of his sister's breast.

 "Fuck! That feels good" responded Sakura who was unable resist moaning like a bitch in heat as her brother felt her up.

 Faster bitch, stop it with this slow pace. Really get into it slut, jerk that fucking cock like your life depended on it" commanded Banto as he twisted Sakura's nipple. This caused Sakura to scream in pleasure at the rough treatment she was receiving.

 "FUCK that feels so good" screamed Sakura loving the rough way Banto was handling her breast. Banto lifted his hand from her breast in order to get her attention.

 "Hey slut did you not hear me? I told you to go faster" commanded Banto knowing that Sakura loved being treated like a slut.

 "Sorry I just really enjoyed you touching me like that. Don't worry I'll go faster now" responded Sakura who began to speed up her movements.

 Not wanting to disappoint her brother Sakura started to move her hand faster up and down his cock. She started to twist her hand while she quickly stroked her older brother's rock hard cock. Putting all her effort into jerking him off now, Sakura wanted to have him cum soon. With the direction his cock was currently pointing, he would cum all over her face. Sakura continued to quickly jerk off Banto, wanting to get an incestuous facial from him as soon as possible.

 "Fuck if you keep that up, I'm not going to last much longer" stated Banto as he enjoyed the faster pace. The sight of his sister so desperately jerking him off while she was topless sent him near the edge of release.

 "I'm so glad were doing this. This is so fucking hot; your cock is so damn sexy" stated Sakura who continued to jerk off her brother as fast as she could.

 "I'm glad too Sakura, this feels so damn good. I'm going to cum soon, where do you want" Banto started to ask before he was interrupted by Sakura.

 "MY FACE! I want it on my face" stated Sakura wanting to receive her first incestuous facial. She needed to know how it felt to have her older brother's cum on her face.

 "Damn are you sure Sakura" asked Banto.

 "YES! PLEASE CUM ON MY FACE" screamed Sakura in response.

 "Fuck Sakura that so fucking hot" stated Banto who was very close to cumming at this point.

 "Please cum for me!! I want you to blast me with your fucking cum! Please cum for your little sister" begged Sakura as she continued to desperately jerk of her older brother.

 "Fuck that did it, here it cums. Fucking take it slut" exclaimed Banto as he started to cum. Rope after rope of his cum landed on Sakura face. The first rope hit her in the left eyes causing it to close shut. Serval more ropes of hot sticky cum landed all across her face, painting it white. Finally for good measure Banto pointed his cock at her tits so they received a few ropes of cum as well.

 Sakura came immediately upon feeling her brothers hot sticky cum hit her face. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she came while Banto painted her face with his cum. The feeling of her brother's cum on her face was amazing. At this moment she knew that she would become addicted to this feeling, the feeling of being covered in her brother's cum. Sakura continued to orgasm as her brother finished cumming on her tits.

 "FUCK YES!!!! I'M CUMMING!!!! Screamed Sakura not caring what she looked like to Banto. After what seemed like forever to her, she finally calmed down from her powerful orgasm. Once Sakura had calmed down, she looked back up at Banto whose cock had gone soft for the time being. She hoped that it would be hard again soon so she could do this all over again.

 "Damn Sakura that felt fucking great. Here take a look at you right now in the mirror, you look so damn hot" stated Banto while he directed Sakura to the living room mirror. Sakura stood in front of the mirror and loved what she saw.

 When Sakura looked in the mirror, she saw a fucking whore starting back at her. The whore staring at her was covered in cum, her left eye was plastered shut. Her tits were covered in cum, showing everyone just how much of a fucking whore she was. Sakura was that whore and she loved it; she was her older brothers fucking whore.

 "Damn your right I look fucking hot" stated Sakura in wonder.

 "Your damn right you do. It's a good look for you, we'll have to make sure to do this often" stated Banto as he stood beside Sakura. Sakura turned to face him before speaking.

 "You really mean it?! We can do this again" asked Sakura who was overjoyed this wasn't going to be a onetime thing.

 "Of course we can. How can I go back to jerking off by myself when I have you? From now on when I need to jerk off, I'm going to come straight to you" stated Banto while looking straight at his cum covered little sister.

 "YES! Please use me as much as you want! I'll jerk you off whenever you want so all you need to do is ask" responded Sakura eagerly.

 "Well damn Sakura I love the eagerness. Although I shouldn't be too surprised since you came like a fucking whore while a blasted you" teased Banto.

 "I couldn't help it. I loved the feeling of you cumming all over me. The feeling of your cum is just so fucking hot. I hope you don't think less of me because of it" stated Sakura hoping her depravity turned off her brother.

 "Well it's just makes it hotter that you enjoy it so much" responded Banto.

 After Banto stated this the two decided to it was almost time for dinner. Banto agreed to cook while Sakura reluctantly washes the cum off of her face. She wanted it to remain on her face longer, but she was hungry and needed to eat. The two enjoyed dinner together and soon after both went to their separate bedroom. Sakura unable to resist fucked herself silly with a dido she had recently purchased while replaying her brother cumming on her face in her mind. While Sakura was fucking herself to sleep Banto was laying in his bed thinking on how well things were going for him.

 That was fucking great. The sight of Sakura covered in my cum like a common whore was so damn hot. Now I have my little sister on demand, whenever I want, she will gladly jerk me off. Soon though she is going to be doing a lot more than jerking me off. She is soon going to be my perfect little slut.


"Fuck that feels great! You're getting good at this slut" stated Banto as he enjoyed the hand job Sakura was currently giving him. He had just woken up and walked into the kitchen in order to get something to eat. When he entered the kitchen in just his boxers, he noticed Sakura standing in the kitchen wearing only a pair of lacey black panties. She had decided that Banto had already seen and fondled her breast so there was no point in hiding them anymore, she wanted her older brother to see her naked tits.

 Once Banto saw his sister standing in the kitchen with just a pair of panties on his cock started to stand at attention. Sakura had clearly been waiting for her older brother to walk into the kitchen and see her because as soon as he did, she closed the distance between the two. Without ever taking her eyes off her older brothers tenting erection she got down on her knees and removed his boxers. Banto's erection sprang free and slapped her in the forehead, this caused a playful gasp from Sakura. She was aroused that her brother had such an erection because of her and she was going to fulfill her sisterly duty and jerk him off.

 Without ever waiting to hear a confirmation from Banto, Sakura immediately wrapped her hand around her brother's cock and got to work. Her hand worked its way up and down Banto's cock. The entire time Sakura was jerking off her brother she was staring at his cock like it was the single greatest thing she had ever seen. Sakura wished she could do so much more than just jerk off her older brother, but she knew that would be taking things too far. Little did she know that Banto had plans to change that thinking but for now he was content to have his little sister jerk him off.

 "Fuck! How much of a fucking slut are you anyway? You couldn't even wait to ask me if you could jerk me off" teased Banto as he enjoyed the feeling of his little sister's hand jerking him off. With how corrupted Sakura was being called a slut by her older brother only turned her more on. Her pussy was dripping wet with arousal as she sped up her stroking.

 "I guess I can't help it. When I see your nice and hard cock, I just want to be a good little sister and take care of it. Afterall it's my fault you're this hard so it's only right I take responsibility" responded Sakura as she continued to jerk off her older brother.

 "Nice choice by the way to not wear a top, I love seeing those fucking tits of yours" stated Banto as he openly stared at Sakura's bare breast.

 "I'm glad you like them. I loved it when you touched them last night" responded Sakura who was elated her older brother was saying such lewd things about her body.

 "In that case maybe if you do a good enough job jerking me off, I'll suck on them for a bit" teased Banto.

 "Really you mean it" asked Sakura as her pussy throbbed in response. The idea of her older brother sucking on her breast sent her arousal into overdrive.

 "Sure but you have to make me cum in the next thirty seconds. Do you think you can manage that slut" asked Banto knowing that Sakura would gladly take the challenge.

 "Hah thirty seconds is easy. I know what my older brother likes, I'll have you cumming in no time at all. Just make sure you cum a lot all over my face" stated Sakura determined to finish her brother in the next thirty seconds. At this moment Sakura sped up her actions and started to jerk off Banto with all the speed she couldn't manage. Knowing that he responded well last time to her begging him to cum she started to speak as she continued to quickly jerk him off.

 "Please fucking cum for me! Cum for your little slut! Your little sister needs her big brother's cum covering her face" begged Sakura knowing that her brother responded well to be reminded that it was his little sister jerking him off. The positive response Banto gave to the incestuous remarks gave Sakura hope that maybe one day he would be balls deep in her pussy.

 "FUCK! You're such a fucking slut" stated Banto in ecstasy as he was getting close to cumming.

 "YES! I'm such a fucking slut! I'm a slut who needs her brother's cum all over my whore face" screamed Sakura wanting to push her brother over the edge.

 "FUCK! That did it! Here it comes you slut" stated Banto as he started to cum all over Sakura. Rope after rope of her big brother's cum landed all over Sakura's eager face. The moment his cum landed on her skin she experienced her own powerful orgasm. To Sakura everything was right in the world at this moment. She was on her knees as her brother painted her face white with his cum. Sakura loved the feeling of her brothers cum on her face. It marked her as his slut, and she loved every moment of it.

 "FUCK! I'm cumming too" screamed Sakura as she came violently as her brother finished cumming all over her face. It took a while before Sakura was able to come back into the world of the living. Once Sakura had become capable of conscious thoughts again, she stood up. Banto wanting to give his sister what she earned latched himself onto her right breast and began sucking.

 "Ohh that feels so good" moaned Sakura enjoying the feeling of her brother sucking on her breast. Sakura began to drip again wit arousal, already building up to another orgasm despite recently experiencing one. However before Sakura and Banto could further enjoy their time together the clock chimed, singling it was time for Sakura to leave for training. Banto reluctantly took his mouth off of Sakura's breast and stepped a few steps back.

 "Well I guess that means its time for you to head out for your training" stated Banto as he put his boxers back on.

 "Yah I guess it does, although I wished we had more time' responded Sakura in a sad tone. She already missed the feeling of her brother sucking her breast.

 "Don't be sad. We can have more fun later when you get back" responded Banto.

 "Yah your right! Well then, I'm going to wash up really quick. I certainly can't go see Lady Hokage while I'm wearing your cum all over my face" responded Sakura in a playful tone as she went to quickly wash up. After a few moments Sakura descended the stairs dressed fully and ready for another long day of training.

 "Well then I'm off for the day" stated Sakura as she walked out of the house and headed towards the cent er of the village.

 Banto being left alone now had to consider what he was going to do for the day. He decided he needed to do a bit of training himself so his skills would stay sharp. If he correctly remembered Guy's team should have gotten back to the village late last night. This meant that Guy and Lee were almost guaranteed to be in their usual training grounds hard at work. Banto liked from time to time to train with the two since he was always guaranteed to get a good session in with such eager sparing partners.

 Well I guess I took it easy yesterday so I would do me good to get a good workout in and those two always deliver on that front.

 With this in mind Banto got dressed and headed out of the house. He began to walk towards the training grounds where he knew Guy and Lee would likely be. This arrangement of training with the two had started about two years ago as it benefitted all parties greatly. Banto got a good workout in fighting such high level Taijutsu experts which was kind of a weakness for him. It wasn't that Banto was bad at close range combat it was just it wasn't his preferred way of doing things. He was used to placing the enemy under a Genjutsu and then striking when they were defenseless. On the rare occasion he faced someone who could resist his Genjutsu he would have a difficult time walking away without any damage.

 On the other hand both Lee and Guy benefitted from fighting Banto. Guy was always trying to think of new ways to make Lee stronger. One thing that Guy thought Lee could improve on is his defense in Genjutsu. While it was true Lee had no talent at all for anything other than Genjutsu, it still meant he had to know how to defend against it. So with all of that the agreement was that the three would have multiple sparing matches whenever they trained together.

The first sparing match would consist of just Taijutsu so Banto could get close combat training in against an opponent that was better than him at Taijutsu. The second sparring match would be when Banto would attack Lee with Genjutsu so Lee could get more experience with combating Genjutsu users. Finally the last sparring match would just be a straight all or nothing fight and see how the two fared against the other. In the past whenever the two got to the final sparing match, Banto always won. Lee was a great ninja it was just with Genjutsu on his side Banto was always able to get the win. Still both benefitted greatly from this arrangement and Lee was determined one day to best him in the final sparring match.

 After a short walk Banto arrived at his destination. Approaching the training ground Banto called out to Guy and Lee who were already there. It appeared as if the two had been here for a while training. Knowing the two of them Banto would not be surprised if the two were here before the sun rose. Serval craters already dotted the training field, a good indication that the two like usual were not taking it easy.

 "Man do you guys ever take a break? Didn't you just get back from a mission late last night" asked Banto letting his presence known to the two. Both Guy and Lee paused in their training and turned towards Banto in order to speak with him.

 "Of course we don't take a break! If we want o be splendid ninja, then we have to take hold of our youth while we can! Isn't that right Guy Sensei" stated Lee in response.

 "That's right Lee. We are all burning with the fiery hot embers of youth" responded Guy matching Lees high level of enthusiasm.

 Geez these two never let up for a second. I feel sorry for Neji and Tenten. I don't think these two know any other level other than 11.

 "Right sorry I asked" responded Banto awkwardly. He never quite got their intensity with everything but then again it must work well if Guy can be one of the few to go toe to toe with Kakashi.

 "So Banto what brings you here to our training field" asked Guy while he struck one of his weird poses.

 "Well I heard you guys were back in the village and figured its been a while since Lee and I had some sparing practice" responded Banto.

 "Oh I see. What do you think Lee, you want to go a few rounds with Banto" asked Guy.

 "Of course! I am always ready for any challenge that comes my way" stated Lee with confidence.

 "Great let's get started then" responded Banto.

 Both Banto and Lee got into position facing one another. Both respectively bowed to the other to demonstrate that the match was all in good fun. Banto and Lee both took a few steps back from the other and got into their defensive stances and awaited Guy to start the first sparing match.

 "Okay you all know the rules for the first sparring match. This is a Taijutsu only spar so that means no fancy tricks from Banto. I will end the bout once a hit is landed and assign a point to the victor. Once someone reaches three points the match will be over" stated Guy to the two who were ready to start. After a moment to confirm the two understood the rules Guy spoke again.

 "Alright then you may begin" stated Guy.

 Once Guy had given permission to start the two raced towards one another. A flurry of fist and kicks were exchanged between the two, both not able to land a hit on the other yet. Banto was keeping careful track of Lee's movements. While Banto's Taijutsu skills were certainly at the Jonin level the reality was that both Lee and Guy's Taijutsu was far above the Jonin level. Seeing Lee attempting to deliver a right hook, Banto blocked it with his right arm. This however turned out to be a distraction as once Banto's attention was on the right hook, Lee delivered a powerful forward kick to Banto's chest. Banto stumbled back a bit, appreciative that Lee didn't put too much power behind the hit or else he could have had the wind knocked out of him.

 "First point goes to Lee! Alright get back into your stances and begin" stated Guy.

 The rest of the matches went be relatively quickly. Banto was able to score two points against Lee but in the end, Lee won in the final bout. Banto wasn't too disappointed with the loss. He was facing a Taijutsu specialist in a match that said Taijutsu specialist the advantage. Besides losing here didn't mean his Taijutsu skills were bad, just not good enough against someone who dedicated every waking to perfecting their Taijutsu.

 "Good match Lee, you earned that victory" stated Banto.

 "Thank you, you were a most worthy opponent" responded Lee eager to show Guy sensei the results of his training.

 "Alight you two let's move on the next sparring match" stated Guy. As Guy stated this Banto noticed that a little bit of Lee's confidence from winning the first match went away. He could understand why since this next match was never really something he could really win. The next match involved Banto placing Lee under a Genjutsu and seeing how long it took him to break out. The point of this match was for Lee to improve his best time, but even his best time would prove deadly if it was a life or death battle.

 "Alright then, are you ready Lee" asked Banto.

 "Yes! I am ready! Give me your worst" stated Lee determined to beat his best time.

 "Okay then here it goes" responded Banto as he quickly formed hand signs casting the Genjutsu. The Genjutsu Banto casted was a paralytic Genjutsu, meant to hold Lee in place. This sort of Genjutsu was effective in battle since it left the target standing still in battle while they battled with the bindings in the Genjutsu. Usually if the target was alone and spent any longer than a couple seconds trapped in the Genjutsu they would be slain by Banto.

 Once Lee was trapped within the Genjutsu, Guy pulled out a stopwatch and began to mark how long it would take for Lee to break free. Banto and Guy decided to pass the time with small talk. Banto asked about the last mission Guy and his team went on, which Guy responded that it had gone off without a hitch. Banto then answered Guys question, telling him that his own mission had gone well. After talking a bit more about other things like the weather the two were interrupted when Lee suddenly was able move again.

 "There I'm free! What was my time" asked Lee eager to see if he had improved on his personal best.

 "Two minutes and eighteen seconds" stated Guy.

 "Woohoo! Personal best! I am getting better everyday Guy Sensei" stated Lee. Both Lee and Guy embraced at this moment with Guy stating how proud he was of Lee. Banto cleared his throat and the two stopped their praising of one another.

 "Good job Lee I didn't make that one easy for you. Still remember that if this were real, I would have killed you if you took longer than ten seconds" stated Banto.

 "Yes, I know but don't worry. Soon I will be able to break out of Genjutsu in less than five seconds" responded Lee.

 "Well that's a good goal to have but remember if you ever come across an enemy who can cast Genjutsu on the same level as I can to not face them alone. When facing Genjutsu experts it would be suicide to face them alone. If you have a comrade to back, you up then they could cover you while your helpless and help break you out" responded Banto wanting to make sure Lee wouldn't make any stupid mistakes in the future.

 "Yes, I understand, thank you for the advice" responded Lee.

 "Get ready for the last match you two, and begin" stated Guy.

 Once Guy had started the last match Banto quickly threw a smoke bomb at his feet in order to hide himself from Lee's line of sight. Banto then quickly rushed out of the smoke cloud and engaged Lee in hand to hand combat.

 "Nice try but you stand no change against me in close range combat" stated Lee as he easily dodged a kick from Banto. Lee then performed the Leaf Hurricane technique and nailed Banto with a roundhouse to the face. Once Lee contacted Banto, Banto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

 "A shadow clone?! But when did he" Lee started to say as he realized Banto must have made a shadow clone when he was concealed in the smoke cloud. Knowing now that Banto must have been hiding somewhere Lee started to look around for sings of him. While Lee was looking around for Banto he noticed a pleasant aroma in the air.

 "Huh what's that smell? It smells like vanilla" stated Lee taking a sniff of the air to try and discern what the smell was. It didn't take long for Lee to realize his mistake because once he took a big sniff of the aroma the world around him morphed. Roots shot out form the ground and wrapped around Lee, binding him in place. Lee was barely able to comprehend he was trapped in a Genjutsu before it ended, and he was brought back to reality. When Lee was brought back to reality, he noticed Banto behind him and he had a Kunai held to his throat to show that he had won the match.

 "Sorry Lee looks like I win again" stated Banto as he stepped back from Lee and put away his Kunai.

 "Shoot I didn't even put up any real fight, it was so easy to you" responded Lee who was disappointed with how easily he was defeated.

 "Don't feel bad Lee. Remember what I said about facing a Genjutsu expert alone. The advantage was all on my side. All I needed to do was distract you for a moment so I could cast my Genjutsu. Once you noticed it was already too late" responded Banto wanting to make Lee feel somewhat better.

 "Hes right Lee. You shouldn't feel bad about this. You tried your best despite the circumstances" stated Guy.

 After spending a while longer running through various exercises with the two, Banto decided that he had trained enough for one day. The day was already turning into the evening once Banto said goodbye and started to walk home. Banto wasn't at all surprised to see that Lee and Guy had no intention of stopping their training anytime soon. While he was on his way home Banto couldn't help but get excited for what was waiting for him. His sister Sakura should be home now, and he betted that she would be eager to have more incestuous fun with him.

 After a short relaxing walk Banto arrived home and walked inside. Once Banto was inside he was greeted by Sakura who hugged him to welcome him home. Sakura was dressed in just a lacey pink pair of panties and nothing else. As Sakura was hugging Banto, he decided to reach his hands and grope her ass. Sakura responded with a long moan as her older brother groped her barely clothed ass.

 "Damn Sakura liking the outfit" stated Banto as he continued to grope Sakura's ass. After another moment Sakura disengaged from the hug. As much as she missed Banto's hands on her ass she wanted to hopefully get to more fun things, like stroking her big brothers big cock.

 "Hehe I'm glad you like it. Now please relax and take of your clothes" stated Sakura who didn't even attempt to hide wanting to see her older brother in just his boxers with an obvious erection. Banto wanting to get to the fun stuff quickly stripped down to his boxers in front of Sakura, he was already fully erect with the sight before him.

 "Geez your already hard? Guess I have to just take of it for you" stated Sakura in a playful exhausted tone but they both knew she was just playing. The truth was that Sakura was dripping wet at the thought of being able to jerk off her brother until he cums all over her whore face. Sakura led Banto into the living room and knelt down in front of him, ready to take off his boxers and get to work. Just as Sakura was about to take off Banto's boxers a bell chimed across the room and placed Sakura under the effects of the Harem Master Jutsu.

 Jutsu Success. Now Sakura you are going to a lot more this time then just jerk me off.

 "Sakura can you hear me" asked Banto

 "Yes, I can hear you Banto" responded Sakura with a blank stare.

 "Listen carefully to the words I am about to say Sakura. When you wake up you will remember nothing of this conversation or the fact, I placed you under a Genjutsu, do you understand" asked Banto

 "Yes, I understand" responded Sakura

 "Sakura you love the fun you have been having with your brother Banto. The feeling of jerking off your older brother until he cums all over is one of the greatest feelings in the world. In fact you are finding that you are becoming addicted to the feeling of having your brother's cum all over your face. However you are beginning to wonder, if simply jerking off your brother feels this good then how good would it be if you did more. You know doing these things with your brother is wrong, but you are starting to care less about the morality of it all. The taboo of incest with your older brother arouses you enough to override any sense of right or wrong about your actions" stated Banto as he made sure each word was placed within Sakura's mind.

 "Thinking how you can better please your brother, you are thinking that you should start sucking your brother's cock instead of simply jerking it off. The thought of blowing your older brother is to enticing to resist anymore. You want to have your brothers cock in your mouth, you want to please him. Sakura from now on whenever Banto wants you are going to suck his cock like the eager little slut you are. The moment you taste his cum you are going to become instantly addicted to it, thinking it is the best thing you have ever tasted. Thinking more on the subject you also think it would be hot if one day Banto was rough with you and skull fucked you, not caring at all about your comfort. The idea of being nothing more than an oral fuck toy to your older brother is incredibly arousing for you" stated Banto as each word placed itself deep within Sakura's mind, changing it forever.

 That should do it. Now Sakura will be an oral addict for her older brother's cock. This is going to be good, I'm sure she will not disappoint. This is the final step before taking the big plunge. The next step promises so many possibilities, soon she will be begging me to fuck her. While that is in the near future, I should just focus on the fact that my little sister is about to blow me.

 After Banto ended the jutsu, Sakura slowly became conscious again. Once Sakura became conscious, she resumed her course of action and took of her brother's boxers, causing his cock to spring free. Sakura squealed with delight upon seeing Banto's ten ich cock and wasted no time in wrapping her hand around it. She started to slowly jerk off Banto as she stared lovingly at her big brothers cock.

 "I love this cock so much, its so big" stated Sakura as she continued jerking off Banto. After Sakura said this a sinful thought entered her mind. Sakura wondered that maybe she wasn't doing enough to pleasure her older brother. The thought of sucking his cock crossed her mind like it had so many times before but now something was different. Before Sakura thought of doing such a thing but it was ever only to indulge in a fantasy, now she was seriously considering doing it. As Sakura was considering if she should cross the line and blow her older brother, she stopped her jerking.

 "Hey Sakura, is something wrong? You stopped jerking me off, do you want to stop" teased Banto knowing exactly what Sakura was thinking at the moment.

 "NO! I mean I don't want to stop its just I was thinking" responded Sakura shyly thinking that her brother would be disgusted with her wanted to suck him off.

 "What were you thinking Sakura" asked Banto.

 "Well it's just you seem to enjoy me jerking you off and I enjoy it also. I was thinking that since we both are enjoying our fun together that maybe we can go a step further" responded Sakura, her heart pounding out of her chest.

 "What are you trying to say Sakura? What do you mean going a step further" teased Banto wanting Sakura to ask him if she can suck his cock.

 "W-well I was thinking that it would feel good for both of us if I sucked your cock" responded Sakura shyly not knowing how Banto would react.

 "You want to suck my cock" asked Banto.

 "Y-yes I do" responded Sakura.

 "Hehe well damn Sakura I thought you would never ask. While I certainly enjoy you jerking me off like a slut, I was hoping that you would offer something more" responded Banto. The response from Banto led to an eager reaction from Sakura, she had just received permission to suck off her older brother and she couldn't be happier.

 "Really you mean it?! You want me to suck your cock" asked Sakura needed confirmation that she didn't hear things.

 "You bet; I've wanted you to suck me off for a while now. So how about you stop talking and put that mouth of yours to good use slut" commanded Banto

 "Yes, right away, thank you so much! I promise you will love it" stated Sakura before she quickly got to work.

 True to her work Sakura quickly got to work on sucking her older brother's cock. Sakura lifted Banto's cock so she could lick along the entire base of the shaft. Once her tongue started to lick Banto's cock she realized the taste of it was amazing. She wondered that if simply licking her older brother's cock was this good then putting it in her mouth would be divine. Sakura turned he attention to the tip of Banto's cock, giving it tender and sloppy kisses.

 The entire time Sakura was doing this she was maintaining eye contact with Banto, she wanted to look her older brother in the eye as she sucked his cock for the first time. Taking another moment to lick the tip of her brother's cock, Sakura decided it was time for the main event. She opened her mouth wide and started to put her older brother's cock in her mouth. She was only able to put the first two inches in her mouth before she experienced a powerful orgasm. The knowledge that her older brother's cock was in her mouth caused her to cum violently. She screamed around Banto's cock as she rode out wave after wave of pleasure. After a little while she had calmed down enough to be aware again.

 "Damn Sakura. You put my cock in your mouth and you instantly cum like a fucking whore. That is so hot. Now get to sucking you cock sucking bitch" Command Banto wanting Sakura to start blowing him.

 Not needed any more of an invitation Sakura began to slowly move her head up and down her brother's cock. She made to sure to apply a good amount of suction as she moved her head along Banto's cock, all the while looking straight into his eyes. Sakura was only able to fit five inches of her brother's cock into her mouth but that didn't stop her from trying to fit more. The portion of Banto's cock that wasn't in her mouth she began to stroke with her hand. At one point Bant being lost to the pleasure of his little sister sucking him off, he threw his head back and closed his eyes.

 Once Banto closed his eyes he received a light slap on his thigh from Sakura in order to get his attention. When Banto opened his eyes, he saw an intense look from her. The look told him that she needed him to watch her as she suck his cock. Banto was more than happy to honor his little sisters request and rested his hand on her head while looking straight at her. The sight of his little sister in just a lacey pair of pink panties on her knees and sucking his cock was the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

 "Fuck your mouth feels so fucking great Sakura. Go faster slut" commanded Banto who was starting to reach his limit with the lewd sight in front of him.

 Sakura immediately followed her brothers command and sped up her actions. Her head started to move with more eagerness along the length of her brother's cock, now able to fit seven inches into her mouth. His cock was hitting the back of her throat and despite trying she couldn't get deepthroat him yet. Her hand was also quickly moving across the remainder of her brother's cock wanting to bring him to climax soon.

 "Fuck that's how you do it, that feels great. It's a shame you can't deepthroat me though. We will work on that slut" stated Banto enjoying the feeling of his sister eagerly suck his cock. Sakura for a moment took his cock out of her mouth, a loud pop sounded across the living room. She continued to stroke his cock as she spoke out loud.

 "I hope you're not too disappointed that I can't get it all in. I promise that I will try harder next time" responded Sakura wanting to ensure Banto that she wanted this to be a regular thing between the two.

 "Your damn right you will try harder next time. Starting from today you are going to be my cock sucking slut, got it" stated Banto.

 "YES! I would love to be your dirty cock sucking slut! I'll suck your cock whenever you want so, please use my mouth a lot" stated Sakura passionately as she continued to jerk off her brother as she spoke.

 "I'm going to cum soon slut, where do you want it" asked Banto.

 "In my mouth!!! Please cum inside my mouth! I want to taste your cum" begged Sakura.

 "Damn what a fucking slut, wanting to taste your older brother's cum. Okay then slut get back on that cock so I can cum down that whore throat of yours" commanded Banto.

 Sakura wanting badly for her brother to cum inside her mouth quickly inhaled Banto's cock back into her mouth. She started moving her head at a fast pace along with her hand in order to bring Banto to an orgasm quickly. Sakura practically fucked her face on the seven inches in her mouth wanting to have her brother cum down her throat as quickly as possible. It didn't take long for Banto to approach his limit. The sight of his little sister so eagerly fucking her face on his cock with a look that begged him to cum down her throat proved to be too much for him.

 "FUCK! You fucking slut! Here it cums! Make sure you shallow it bitch" commanded Banto as he started to cum down his sisters throat. His cock erupted, sending shot after shot of cum into Sakura's mouth. The instant her brother's cum hit her mouth Sakura realized that she would need more of it. Sakura now knew that her brother's cum was the best thing in the world, it was her drug that she is hopelessly addicted to. She would now do anything for her brother if it meant she could get to taste more of his amazing cum.

 Wanting to finish off the blowjob with a facial, Banto quickly pulled out of Sakura's mouth and erupted the last three strings of cum all over her face. Sakura squealed in delight as she received a shower of her older brother's cum. After Banto was finished cumming he noticed Sakura open her mouth to show it full of his cum. Maintaining full eye contact Sakura closed her mouth and shallowed. She then opened her mouth to show Banto she had shallowed everything in her mouth. She decided to keep the cum on her face since it marked her as his brother's slut, and she loved it.

 "Was I good, did you like it" asked Sakura wanting to her praise from her brother about her blowjob.

 "I just came what felt like a gallon down your whore throat. Your damn right I like it. You are such a good little sister Sakura" responded Banto.

 "Hehe I'm glad you liked it. I promise to continue being the best sister ever so please use my mouth whenever you want" responded Sakura as she stood up finally. After this Sakura and Banto enjoyed a pleasant dinner together before both heading to bed. Sakura was overjoyed with how the day turned out; she was finally able to suck her brother's cock. She would need to do it again soon, the taste of his cum quickly became an addiction for her. Banto was lying down on his bed smiling to himself. His plans were going perfectly and soon his sister would be begging him to fuck her.