

Why do we exist? It seems like such a simple question but if that were the case then why can't anyone give us a definite answer? Maybe the answer is something we can only find out ourselves maybe the purpose of our existence is to find out why we exist. I am not sure what it is and if I am being honest I don't give a shit! I couldn't care less about life or more specifically my life. I lost my ability to feel any form of satisfaction or pleasure a long time ago. My will to live shriveled up and died long and you know what's sad I am only 19! My life has been an unending stream of mind-numbing monotony so tedious that every time I step outside I pray I am struck by lightning or hit by a goddamn car! Don't get me wrong my life isn't bad per se. I have two loving parents and a nice home and I have even made plans to enter college but it is just...how can I put it. Have you ever just felt tired and didn't know why like there was this growing sense of lethargy consuming your mind making you feel like complete shit and nothing you do matters and it leaves you wondering why the fuck do I keep on going? Why do I feel so terrible inside even though nothing is wrong? Maybe I Should Just Kill Myself!? But I digress...you don't want to hear me ramble on and on about philosophical bullshit, you just want to know what this novel is about. If you must know it's about a young man being reborn in a fantasy world and just trying to find a purpose to live in a world of violence and power where only strength matters.

Preston_Shaw · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5

The empty city streets of the capital never seemed more empty with the arrival of the two men.

Their mere presence incited fear in all those present with all but the young boy still remaining, unconscious on the ground.

The crowd of children who he had arrived with having long since ran away, the king's knights included, as no one wanted to get caught up in the conflict between these two men.

The two men both annoyed with the other's presence, simply floated in the air staring at each other with a ferocious gleam in their eyes.

"You shattered boneheads! Why are you here? Don't you know this is green perish turf?" questioned the annoyed antenna-wearing man.

"What?! How dare you speak to me in such a way and stop bullshitting me! You and I both know this is neutral territory!" shouted the giant man in black robes.

The giant man in black robes was enormous, standing at a height of nearly eight feet tall with a body full of rippling muscle.

His skin which had been thoroughly tanned by the sun looked almost metallic in nature, giving his skin the appearance of bronze.

He had a savage look on his face like that of a feral beast with long wild black hair which covered most of his face and back.

The giant man looked just as young as the other man with antennae, appearing no older than twenty years old.

"As a proud member of the shattering bone clan, I will not let you take yet another seedling from this mortal kingdom!" commanded the giant man.

The antenna-wearing man who took great offense to him ordering him around suddenly began shouting in a screeching voice.

"Finder's keeper's ass wipe! I got here first so he is mine, go find your own!"

"What did you say you antenna-wearing piece of shit?! Do you wanna go let's go!" roared the giant man who looked inches away from punching him in the face.

Thankfully before these two could attack each other two more men arrived stopping them from doing anything stupid.

"Stop this childish behavior at once!" said the two men simultaneously.

The giant and the bug man froze immediately upon seeing their familiar faces.

"Elders!" said the two surprised men.

The two elders approached their respective clan members both looking very pissed off.

"What do you think you are doing Zachariah!" shouted the green perish elder.

"You to Donald what do you think you're doing!" shouted the shattering bone elder.

Both elders were fuming in rage because of their descendant's foolish actions.

They clearly didn't realize their fighting could spark a war between their clans.

"But elder I was simply collecting a valuable seed from this mortal kingdom, this was for the clan!" said the antenna-wearing man named Zachariah.

"Elder I was trying to get us a valuable seed from those green perish assholes! Remember they took the last one from this kingdom so naturally, this one should be ours!" said the giant man named Donald defensively.

"We don't want to hear it!" shouted the two elders.

Their furious voices caused both of the men to shrink away and shut their mouths.

"Elder shattering bone I apologize for my clan member's actions. As per the agreement since we claimed the last seed from this land this new one now belongs to you," said the green perish elder in a respective tone.

"Thank you but just so you know we won't be taking the boy," said the shattering bone elder.

His words shocked all of them, especially Donald.

"What why?!" cried the confused Donald.

"Shut it child remember the agreement made to the savage All-killing clan after they defeated us, we must hand over the boy to them!" shouted the elder in an infuriated voice.

Donald was stunned by the way the elder berated him but he knew when to keep quiet when he needed to and he felt like this was one of those times.

The green perish elder was also stunned by the other elder's action since normally no one would give away a seedling like that.

However, he had heard of their fight with the All-killing clan and how they were easily crushed and nearly wiped out so he understood it was something they had no choice in.

The elder was aware of the All-killing clan and their ferocious reputation of showing no mercy and leaving none of their enemies alive.

Hell if not for the shattering bone patriarch teaming up with three other clans they wouldn't have survived.

Even then all they could do was sign a temporary peace agreement which was heavily disadvantaging to them and involved them giving away almost everything of value to that clan of savages.

"let's go Zachariah!" ordered the elder before vanishing not having any reason to stay.

Zachariah who was still mad at Donald reluctantly left with the elder but not before giving Donald the finger.

'That bitch!!!' thought Donald upon seeing his foe fleeing while giving him the finger.

"Enough you fool get the boy he doesn't look too good we need to heal him before handing him over to the All-killing clan and hurry!" barked the impatient elder at the distracted Donald.

Donald groaned in annoyance before picking up the boy's broken body and flying away with the elder.

God only knew what terrible fate now awaited the young boy.
