
Nara's Revenge?

WARNING!!: THIS BOOK IS RATED 18 Due to some mature content.... In "Nara's Revenge?," love turns into a wild ride of drama and revenge when Nara learns the jaw-dropping truth about her marriage to the man she thought was her soulmate. Totally head over heels for Nathan, Nara's whole world comes crashing down when she finds out that he only said "I do" because of her striking resemblance to his deceased ex-wife. Talk about a major plot twist! Furious but not about to let Nathan off the hook, Nara plans for payback. But as she gets deeper into her revenge scheme, she starts feeling all sorts of mixed emotions about Nathan. Is she still inlove with him or should she just forget about him and move on? With drama and excitement on every page, "Nara's Revenge" takes readers on a wild rollercoaster of love, betrayal, and redemption. As secrets come out and loyalties are tested, Nara has to decide whether to stick it out with Nathan or kick him to the curb for good. Trust me, you'll be hooked until the very end.

Favour_0574 · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Who paid Grandpa a visit today?

Nathan stood by the bedside, his heart heavy with grief as he stared at his grandfather's lifeless body.

Yes, his Grandfather was old, and yes, he was dying, but the doctors had assured him that he still had some time left, at least 5 years. But now he was dead, gone forever. It felt surreal, like he was just asleep and everyone was just being dramatic.

He sat on the bed next to him as he gently took his frail hands in his. They were cold and heavy. Another wave of sadness hit him, and he had to control himself so he wouldn't break down in front of his family members who were all present in the room.

But no matter how hard he tried to bottle his emotions, he just couldn't. His grandfather was his mentor, guardian, best friend who loved him so much and saw the best in him even when he didn't see it in himself.

Tears streamed down Nathan's face as he held onto his Grandfather.

Diana, Nathan's stepmother, watched him with a heavy heart, feeling helpless as she witnessed his pain. She knew Nathan's bond with his grandfather was strong, and she wanted to comfort him, but she felt it was best for Frederick, Nathan's father, to be the one to console him.

"Go to him," Diana whispered to Frederick, who nodded solemnly and approached Nathan, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Frederick understood Nathan's pain all too well, even though he didn't share the same close relationship with his father. Still, he respected the bond between Nathan and his grandfather and wanted to offer whatever support he could.

"It's going to be okay, son," Frederick murmured, his voice filled with compassion. "He's in a better place now."

Nathan took a deep breath, wiping away his tears with a handkerchief as he composed himself. Rising from the bed, he turned to address the rest of the family gathered in the room.

As the new head of the family, they expected him to say something like the plans for Grandfather Timothy's burial, but instead, Nathan's intense gaze slowly swept the room as he asked.

"Where is Grandpa's attending nurse?" Nathan's voice was devoid of emotion, sending a chill down the spines of those present. "I want to see her immediately." He demanded.

"She should be downstairs. I'll go get her," Diana, Nathan's stepmother, offered.

"No, don't worry, Mum. I'll go," Gwen volunteered to go instead, rushing out of the room in search of the nurse.

A long silence ensued for a long period. No one spoke a word; everyone just stood there waiting until Darren's voice broke the silence.

"What do you need a nurse for?" Darren sneered. "What we need to be doing now is to be planning for my Father's burial and not wasting time while he lays on that bed and rots."

"Darren!" Frederick cautioned. "Not today. Just not today. Father just died; there shouldn't be any conflict today. Please, Darren," Frederick pleaded with his brother, who scoffed.

"Then tell your son that every moment we waste, our Father is busy rotting away," Darren replied angrily.

Frederick only shook his head in disappointment. There was no reasoning with this man.

Meanwhile, Nathan didn't even bother with his uncle. He basically didn't exist in his mind.

And soon enough Gwen walked in with Grandfather Timothy's nurse. A middle-aged lady who wore a sad expression. She had taken care of Grandfather Timothy for more than eight years.

Nathan wasted no time in questioning her about the circumstances surrounding his grandfather's death, his voice a mix of anger and sadness.

"Were you with my Grandfather when he died?" Nathan asked, but before Mrs. Peters could answer, Nathan asked another question, "Didn't you notice any signs? Why didn't you inform anyone? We could have rushed him to the hospital," Nathan said, his voice filled with undisguised anger and sadness.

"Sir, I didn't notice anything off when I checked him this morning. His vitals were fine, and he seemed okay. After lunch, I came to check on him again, but he... he... was gone," the nurse explained, her voice trembling slightly.

Nathan's gaze swept across the room, his eyes piercing as he addressed his family members. "Did anyone pay Grandpa a visit today?" His question hung in the air, shocking everyone.

It was clear he was accusing them of murder.

"Have you lost your mind, boy?" Darren thundered. "How dare you accuse us of such a horrific thing?"

"I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I simply asked who paid Grandpa a visit today."

"I did," Nathan's stepmother answered as she stepped forward. "I brought him his morning tea like I've been doing for years," Diana explained her voice filled with sadness and sincerity.

"I also paid him a visit," Mason, Nathan's cousin, replied with a sneer. "And the old man did exactly what he always did: insult me and remind me how useless I am and how I should try to be like you," Mason added. "So are you saying I killed him?" He asked with a challenging sneer.

"Of course not, son. Your cousin is clearly losing it. My father was old, and that's what old people do. They die," Darren voiced as he glared at Nathan his tone defensive.

"Nathan, your Grandfather is dead, and it hurts us all. He was a tough man, and well, he could be difficult sometimes, but no one would ever, even dare, think of hurting him. We all loved him and all mourn him. But we must move forward from this," Frederick said to Nathan.

"Get out," Nathan snapped angrily, his jaws and fist clenched in frustration.

Everyone threw surprised glances at each other before Nathan thundered again. "I said get out!! All of you!! Fuck off now!!" He exclaimed, his icy tone leaving no room for argument

Confused, angry, sad, were the emotions of everyone as they slowly exited the room leaving Nathan to his grief.